Channel: Pax on both houses
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The Need To Exterminate Jews As An Article Of Faith: Be Careful What Gods You Normalize

Pax on both houses: The Holocaust Was Legal. Slavery Was Legal ...
The article below makes the case that the decade we have embarked will be as decisive is the 1860s and the 1930s and the 1960s.
What is new is that very powerful people --including the Koch brothers and Donald Trump (whether consciously or unconsciously) -- are well on the way to normalizing a brutal plutocratic winner-take-all (and the rest be damned) political and economic philosophy set forth and rationalized by Nobel laureate James Buchanan.
For Buchanan, property was everything, to be aggregated and defended against all incursions, particularly any mollifying end modifying tendencies motivated by kindness surety and altruism.
Buchanan's motto was: There are only two kinds of people, "the riders" and the 'ridden."
Ayn Rand on steroids.


Fox News: The Most Intriguing Twist Of Fate You'll Hear About Today

"Now, With Hydroxychloroquine!"; "Fox News" is now warning viewers they could die from taking the thing they said was a cure for the disease they said was a hoax. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About The Pandemic And Trump's Grotesque Mismanagement"

History Repeats Itself: Coronavirus And The Spanish Flu Of 1918

"What's Next On The Coronavirus Timeline And What Happens If Trump Opens America Too Soon?"

"Chris Cuomo Interviews His Brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo"

"Compendium Of Pax Posts About Coronavirus: Trump's Denial, Ineptitude And Mismanagement"

Borowitz Report: "Trump Practicing Distancing From All His Prior Statements About Coronavirus"

"With Millions Of American Lives On The Line, Trump Finally Agrees With The Experts"

"Trump's Astonishing Coronavirus Quackery Culminating In A Rare Encounter With Truth"

"Coronavirus Capitalism: Same As It Ever Was"


"N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo Just Gave THE BEST POSSIBLE Coronavirus Press Conference"

"Bill Gates Predicted The Coronavirus In His 2015 TED Talk"

"I Don't Take Responsibility At All!" Verbatim Trump "Coronavirus Quote"


"According To Current Data, The Coronavirus Death Rate Is 60% Higher Than The Death Rate For The Spanish Flu Of 1918"

"Trump Sees The Coronavirus Crisis As Clearly As If His Eyes Were Open"

Trump's "Coronavirus Website" Is Non-Existent. He Just "Made It Up" For A Press Conference

"The Borowitz Report: Fox To Address Coronavirus Crisis With Three-Part Series On Hunter Biden"

Free, Online Documentary About The "Spanish" Flu Of 1918 (40 Minutes)

"Trump's Lies Are More Contagious Than..."

  Coronavirus Pandemic: Trump Does Not Intend To Save The U.S. Economy. He Intends To Save...

Coronavirus, Trump Cultists, And The "Intellectual Elites"

A List Of Trump's Dimwittedly Destructive Medical And Public Health Policies Since Taking Office

If You Had Bought Stocks At The Bottom Of Bush-Cheney's Great Recession, You Would Have Done Better Under Obama Than Trump.
And That's BEFORE The Coronavirus Collapse!

If People Had Taken Obama's Advice In 2009, We'd All Be Rich

Trump Could Use Coronavirus As Cover For War With Iran (White House Coup In The Works?)

An Audio Commentary On China And Trump's Response To Coronavirus - A Powerful Comparison

Dialogue With A Friend About A Coronavirus Conspiracy

Trump's Tomb

"When I Was In High School, I Wondered How The German People Could Have Gone Along..."

The Borowtiz Report: "Trump Fears Painting of Obama at White House Would Spy on Him"


US President Barack Obama speaks.

"Trump Fears Painting of Obama at White House Would Spy on Him"

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald Trump is terrified of hanging an official portrait of former President Barack Obama at the White House because he is convinced that the painting would spy on him, a White House source has confirmed.

According to the source, when Trump was informed that unveiling a portrait of his predecessor was a storied White House tradition, “he totally freaked out.”

“You know what will happen,” Trump reportedly said. “That painting will be able to see and hear everything I do.”

In an increasingly paranoid rant, Trump explained that the painting of Obama, having collected damaging information about him, would then be able to pass that information on to former Vice-President Joe Biden.

Suddenly afraid that the White House corridors were lined with potentially traitorous paintings, Trump demanded that the portraits of all former Presidents who might betray him be removed immediately.

“The only one who made the cut was Nixon,” the source said.

Trump's Vicious -- Even Sadistic - Cruetty

Pax on both houses: "Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's ...

Trump Cruelty

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

Christian Conservatives, The Republican Party, And Deliberate Cruelty As A Source Of Laughter

"The United States Of Barbaria": It Comes Down To Cruelty...

"The Cruelty Is the Point": Trump And Many Of His Followers Delight In The Suffering Of Enemies

In The End, We Choose Between Cruelty And Kindness

Trump's America Is A Deliberately Cruel Place And "Christian""Conservatives" Are The Cruelest

Tennessee Williams' Critique Of Cruelty Should Be Included In The World's Sacred Scripture

Best Pax Posts About Trump's Cruelty, Mendacity And Seduction Of "Conservative""Christians"

"Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's Policies And His White Christian Base

For Trump And Trumpistas Cruelty (AKA Hellish Torment) Is The Point

"Trump Administration Argues That Caged Migrant Kids Don't Deserve Toothpaste And Soap"

Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This: "Cruelty Is The Point"

Family Separation And The Deportation Of Parents Constitute Kidnapping And Human Trafficking

New England Journal Of Medicine Determines The Lethality Of Trump's Family Separation Policy

Trump's Cruelty Is Not A Marginal Aberration. Trump's Cruelty Is The Point

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Systematic American Cruelty

"When Hate Came To El Paso," Introduced By A Central American Civil Rights Worker

My Own Contact With Family Separation, And The Young Girl Who Died

(The Story Of UNC-CH Public Health Professor John Hatch)


The Perfect Paradigm For "The United States Of Barbaria"



I Love This Photo Of Friend Fred And Lady Laurie


Frog Hospital -- May 8, 2020
"Do You, Mr. Jones?"

“Do you know something is happening, Mr. Jones?," I said that to Clifford Jones, Retired Colonel Clifford Jones of the Zimbabwe National Army, currently residing on Plumtree Road one block from our house on Shottery Crescent. Jones I call him. Owens he calls me. His wife Audrey and my bride-to-be Precious are fast friends, apt to get loud and raucous after a few beers, turning up the music loud and trying to get us to join them, but Jones and I retreated to his backyard.
"I don't like all that noise," he said. "Those two are trouble. Why are you getting married anyway? You see my trouble here. Do you want that kind of life? If you marry Precious you will be chained. You will have to feed all of her family. Every single cousin will come and knock on your door. And be very humble. And sit on the couch in your living room. Until you feed them. So you feed them. But that's not enough. They want beer. Then they want a bed for the night unless you give them bus fare to go someplace else. This is what my life is like with my family, all these cousins.
"Go look in my refrigerator. It's empty. We have no food. All my relatives ate the food. None left for us. These days we only go out to eat at a restaurant. So my advice to you is that if you get married to Precious you move far away from her family. Otherwise they will take every penny. Believe me."
Jones stretched out his lanky frame in the lawn chair in his weed-full, unkempt rag-muffin of a backyard. "You're not inclined to smell the roses are you?"as I noticed the squalor of dead flowers and creeping weeds.
"No, I leave that to Audrey. She is my little pumpkin. She can fix the garden if she chooses, but she doesn't  choose to dabble in dirt."
"Jones, if she is happy, then what else matters. So, you must know that I came over here to ask you a favor. This is not what you expect. Not about money. What I need is for you to stand with me next Saturday when I get married. I will be making promises and I need somebody strong to stand with me. But, don't answer right away. Don't say "Yes, you will do it" until we have more time to talk."
Jones yawned and then gave a small cough. He did not seem a soldier, not all stiff and proper, or tough and corrosive in bearing. Jones was easy-going in posture and in principle. He smiled too easily. I didn't trust him. He sent men to their death during the Revolution against Rhodesia..... But I did trust him to stand as Best Man. I was not looking for a paragon of virtue.
Precious was inviting her family to the wedding, the fifty cousins. She had more cousins than friends, but friends were coming too. What about me? I was starting to feel like the loneliest white guy. I had no cousins, no comrades. If I could find just one man to stand with me, then we could face the black horde.
"You see, you're coloured. You're a coloured man, you know, mixed. Your father was Irish"
"No, he was Welsh. And my mother was Kalanga from Plumtree. They never married. The law would not allow it."
"So, do you feel mixed? Are you at odds with yourself or are you blended? Because you look like a mocha."
"A mocha?"
"Yes, light brown. You don't see too many coloured people in Bulawayo. Do you guys all know each other?"
"Sorry, bad joke."
"Ugly fucking American! ... I was there in your country years ago. What I could see is that all the American black people are not black. They are coloured,  like me. They are not African. The slave masters raped the African women and from that you get Muhamed Ali. He is not black. He is coloured like me."
"Yes, I see it in the bones of your face. But you are a little like me. I am white. You are part white. You can stand with me. Do you agree?"
"I do agree. Audrey and I will come to your house on Saturday for the wedding. I will be your Best Man."
"Good, because you can do it, and no one else can understand this," I said.

The Cake Stand. Meanwhile we were shopping for a wedding cake. In Zimbabwe they follow the British tradition of a dense fruit cake baked months ago and soaked in brandy. You buy the cake and they put the icing on. I should have taken a photo. The cake was beautiful and Precious and Fred Love Each Other, it said in the letters of pink frosting. 
"And we need a cake stand," she told me. "What is a cake stand?" I asked. "It holds up the cake for all to admire.""But we don't need such a cake stand. I have never seen one." Precious looked at me as if I knew nothing about weddings, which was true. And she had that quiet way about her, not being the talkative type. "Otherwise we need a cake stand." I quickly agreed to that purchase. "Of course we need a cake stand, " I shouted with joy. "A big beautiful expensive cake stand." That's why you can see that I wanted to get married. Because it was my pleasure to give her things that she wanted.  This is why Colonel Jones loved his wife Audrey and called her little pumpkin, even though she was far from little in size.
And a gown for her, rented, elaborate, traditional, that is European-style, white and lacey, very pretty.

And I bought a suit, black, too big and baggy, for $100, with a white shirt and a red tie.  

And a goat, to cook and serve to the fifty cousins. and two trays of anti-pasta from a downtown deli, which no one ate at the reception, no one but me. Everyone else wanted the goat and the sadza. 

And a truckload of beer, and a reservation to visit the Justice of the Peace, an Asian man who ran a travel agency and maintained judicial chambers of polished wood on the second floor of his building. This Asian man would preside as we made vows. 

And a rented car  to carry the wedding party. Precious would bring Mr. Mataka and Tanti, Aunt Janet's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jones would come in their own vehicle.
And wedding announcements to mail back to America.

Suddenly we were in a big hurry to get it done. As if someone was chasing us, and we better keep running.
Do You Need Me? People asked me why did you marry her? Did you love her? They should ask her too. It's patronizing to think hitching up with me was the best chance she would ever have, although she did have a smile on her face like she hit the jackpot. Precious, did you marry me because I am a rich white man who can take you to America? "Yes," she answered, "but there was more than that. I married you because we both like that Don Williams' song on the cassette. I married you because you showed me how to skip stones on a pond of water." Is that all? Any other reasons to stay with this guy until death do you part. "You're a white man, you won't beat me or have another girlfriend, and you're cute, kinda old, but cute."
But you Fred, why did you marry Precious? "I married her because I was lonely. My mother died and there was no one to look after me, My mother used to make me breakfast and iron my shirts, but she died, and there was no one to take her place. So I went to Africa and met Precious. You remember that first day when we were together in the rented room on Airport Road? She fixed my breakfast and ironed my shirts. So I wasn't lonely any more. I fell in love.  Plus she had a really great ass.
I'm skipping her faults. She had a full range of bad habits and a history of bad choices, equal to mine. Tales of moral depravity that you can find in any cheap novel. Her drinking habit, her assault conviction, her inability to tell the truth, her tenuous grasp of monogamy. her failure to understand delayed gratification when making financial decisions. It's a rich topic. My own pathetic needs -- ironing shirts? weird -- lack of responsibility closely allied with a lifelong sense of entitlement and privilege, my failure to plan and make long-term goals, my twisted understanding of what women want based on 16 years of Catholic education. I could continue.
Oh, we were a pair of mangy dogs all right and neither one of us as good as we might be, but it was my life, it was her life, and we decided to get married just because we could. Our favorite song was I Believe in Love by Don Williams, the American country singer. When she wanted to make love to me she said, "Do you need me?"
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Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller: What Happened After He Attempted Suicide

Alan: Thanks to friend Paul Schulte Ph.D. -- CDC and NIOSH epidemiologist -- for turning me on to Bucky Fuller.

Bucky had this to say after attempting suicide as a young man:

R. Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller
Alan: Just browse a while in this brief bio and be blown away!

Buckminster Fuller

"The Most Idealistic Is The Realistically Most Practical" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Bucky Fuller: "I Seem To Be A Verb"

50 Years Ago, The Great Bucky Fuller Prophesied The Future Of Work

Image result for buckminster fuller"
"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth"
Online PDF

Alan: Profuse thanks to lifelong friend Paul Schulte, NIOSH epidemiologist, for introducing me to Bucky.

"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth"

"Love Is A Metaphysical Gravity," Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller

Pax on both houses: Follow The Money: Trump Nemesis Adam Schiff ...
"The merely rich are not rich enough to rule the modern market. The things that change modern history, the big national and international loans, the big educational and philanthropic foundations, the purchase of numberless newspapers, the big prices paid for peerages, the big expenses often incurred in elections - these are getting too big for everybody except the misers; the men with the largest of earthly fortunes and the smallest of earthly aims. There are two other odd and rather important things to be said about them. The first is this: that with this aristocracy we do not have the chance of a lucky variety in types which belongs to larger and looser aristocracies. The moderately rich include all kinds of people even good people. Even priests are sometimes saints; and even soldiers are sometimes heroes. Some doctors have really grown wealthy by curing their patients and not by flattering them; some brewers have been known to sell beer. But among the Very Rich you will never find a really generous man, even by accident. They may give their money away, but they will never give themselves away; they are egoistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough to want it."   
G. K. Chesterton  

G.K. Chesterton: "The Anarchy of The Rich"

Chesterton: The Rich Are The Real Anarchists And Sully The World With Their Scum

G.K. Chesterton and Warren Buffett's Class War

Chesterton: Plenty Of Books Denounce Lust But What Of Those That Encourage Greed

Chesterton Considered The Rich "Oppressive""Scum" And "Failures"

Chesterton: Distributism Posits Need To Distribute Private Property Until Everyone Has Enough

G.K. Chesterton Quotations... And More

Chesterton - The Best Single Web Source

Bertrand Russell Would Like A Few Words With Donald Trump And His Fellow Plutocrats

Pax on both houses: Bertrand Russell On Capitalism And Liberty
Why White People Think They Are The Real Victims Of Racism

“I sit on a man's back   choking him and making him carry me,  and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him  and wish to lighten his load by all means possible.... except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, "What Then Must We Do?"  | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"You Have NO Choice," A New Frame For George Carlin's Classic Shtick "The American Dream"

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"

“I sit on a man's back   choking him and making him carry me,  and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him  and wish to lighten his load by all means possible.... except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, "What Then Must We Do?" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

In The End, We Choose Between Cruelty And Kindness

"To blame the poor for subsisting on welfare has no justice unless we are also willing to judge every rich member of society by how producti | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Victor Hugo: "It Is From The Hell Of The Poor..."

“I sit on a man's back  choking him and making him carry me,  and yet assure myself and others  that i am sorry for him  and wish to lighten his load  by all means possible.... except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, "What Then Must We Do?" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

A Billionaire, A Worker, A Poor Man And 1000 Cookies

“I sit on a man's back  choking him  and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others  that i am sorry for him  and wish to lighten his load  by all means possible.... except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, What Then Must We Do? | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"Park Avenue: Money, Power And The American Dream": Why 400 People Control Half The Wealth

Image result for "pax on both houses" pope francis

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"

Image result for pax on both houses, free lunch

Leave "The Undeserving" Alone. Instead, Follow The Money And Lambaste Plutocrats Relentlessly

Image result for "pax on both houses" the 1%

Everything Jesus (And The Apostles) Had To Say About Rich People And Poor People

"Why Do So Many Of The People Most Harmed By 'The System' Defend It Tooth And Nail?" | Why Do So Many Of The People Most Harmed By "The System" Defend It Tooth And Nail | image tagged in peasants for plutocracy,some people just itch to be masochists for sadists,trump was right the system is rigged | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Image result for "pax on both houses", follow the money

"Trump's Cruelty Is Not A Marginal Aberration. Trump's Cruelty Is The Point"

Beheaded Nazi Resister Sophie Scholl Leads To Wider Discussion Of Populism/Fascism

"Now, With Hydroxychloroquine!"; "Fox News" is now warning viewers they could die from taking the thing they said was a cure for the disease they said was a hoax. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Dear Arthur,

Thanks for your email.

I knew you had played professional basketball in Germany but knew none of the particulars. Thanks for filling me in. 

How wonderful that you still have a good friend from those times!

Following up on Sophie Scholl, here's Wikipedia's review of the 2005 movie about her and the White Rose Nazi resistance movement. In addition to being nominated for Best Foreign Language Oscar "Last Days" gets high marks from IMDb - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0426578/ - and also from Rotten Tomatoes - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/sophie_scholl_die_letzten_tage

Wikipedia: In February 2005, a film about Scholl's last days, Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage (Sophie Scholl – The Final Days), featuring Julia Jentsch in the title role, was released. Drawing on interviews with survivors and transcripts that had remained hidden in East German archives until 1990, it was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in January 2006. For her portrayal of Scholl, Jentsch won the best actress at the European Film Awards, best actress at the German Film Awards (Lolas), along with the Silver Bear for best actress at the Berlin Film Festival.  

And just last year, American director, Terrence Malick (whom cineaste friends and I consider Hollywood's best director, in large part for his engagement of "meaningful issues") released "A Hidden Life," another true story of a German Christian martyred by the Nazis. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/01/catholic-worker-letter-about-nazi.html (In passing, I'll mention that one of my favorite films - which has a highly unusual prelude and postlude that many people find seriously off-putting - is Malick's movie "The Tree Of Life" with Brad Pitt, Jessica Chastain and an odd, "secondary" role by Sean Penn.) 

Lots of nasty weather "down south" although continual rain "fits" the political milieu which - with each passing day - reveals the crippling limitations of surrealism, parody and overstatement.

It is a continual challenge to treat a madman-buffoon-solipsist seriously, but the maraschino cherry atop this horror is the lickspittle, ankle-clasping submissiveness of Malignant Messiah's exquisitely dumbfuck cultists, which, in turn, raises disconcerting questions about self-rule, self-restraint, intellectual limitation and intellectual indolence.











All of which reminds me of the challenges and opportunities presented by our "engagement" of death.

If I haven't sent information about Buckminster Fuller, I encourage you to consider his near suicide - and what happened next.  https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/05/buckminster-bucky-fuller-what-happened.html

After the magical misery tour of the above meme collection, it is restorative and uplifting to recall Margaret Mead's observation.


I will close on a "humorous" note.


Pax tecum


On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 4:54 PM AC wrote:

Alan, Thanks for reminding me of Sophie.  I did know about her, haven't thought about her in such a long time.  Not only the obstacle she mentions, but also the dire circumstances into which the Germans had been plunged after 1919, compounded by the 1929 crash and further trauma of the following years, then the "take pride in your country" message that the Nazis promoted, the Hitlerjugend, all of that, make it easy for me to imagine how the enthusiasm for National Socialism could have arisen.  I look forward to reading the link you provided.  You may know that I played basketball in Germany 1965-66, have wonderful friendships to this day - especially with Hannes Kleinhenz, another kindred spirit of mine. I call Hannes on the phone every three months or so, was on the phone with him just a few days ago.    Arthur

On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 14:05, Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Arthur,

Thanks for your email.

If I ever fail to respond, just ding me with a reminder.

Often I want to ponder things before replying and then the "issue" slips through the cracks.

I'll start by saying that son Danny is a BIG Billy Joel fan.

Sometimes when we're jamming, we play his song, "Might Be Crazy." 

Next time Caribou and I are together, I'll try to remember to record a fresh rendition to send you.


I just came across the Camus quote you cite in the daunting "new" documentary "Planet of the Humans" produced by Michael Moore. 

Here's a contribution to that large "death-as-liberation" discussion - by way of Sophie Scholl, a Christian university student whose resistance activity led to her excecution. 

The Pax post below is quite dark, so if you're not up dealing with a "cloud" right now, here's the gist: 

"When I Was In High School, I Wondered How The German People Could Have Gone Along..."

On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:17 PM AC wrote:

Alan, in response I will begin with a very big thank you for keeping in touch; you are somehow a kindred spirit and you help keep my own spirits up for example with this email you took the time to write.  I hope to get to those links later today.  I like Willie Nelson and Billy Joel, and lots of others.   I'm currently working on a puzzle that faces me and other human beings, referred to by Albert Camus in that quote that goes something like "First come to terms with death, then anything is possible."  So part of the puzzle - essentially how to find your high, the right altitude, and continue the flight in full awareness that there's going to be a landing soon - is yeah, but how do I do that exactly?  How do I get the altitude and the distance? If you and I stay in touch we may be able to share wisdom on this.  Also if you would like to join one of our Zoom dialogues here in Calgary, I think it could easily be arranged.  Arthur

On Fri, 15 May 2020 at 00:15, Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Arthur,

Thanks for the info about taking care of mental health during the pandemic.

Only in the last few days have I realized that my mind is starting to "present" anomalously. 

No big deal. 

I'm intermittently more emotional than I usually am.

And sometimes I'll catch myself watching the workings of my mind, wondering, "Is this normal?" (God knows I don't have much of a baseline for normalcy.)

Blessedly, the weather is finally warming up which will encourage me to take a late night walk "every" day. 

That will be tonic.

And my daughter, who's staying with her Mom two doors away, has just gotten through a stretch of time-consuming tele-work which will free her up to walk with me most days.

Son Danny and I continue to make music together, although he's talking about returning to Colorado in a couple of weeks. I sooooooooo hope he puts his departure off until July which feels like a better time to make an assessment. 

The end of May feels premature.

Here's a recent Beatles' song Danny and I have great fun with. https://fridaynightjazzorchestrafinjo.bandcamp.com/track/im-so-tired

Wishing you well.



PS Many friends are surprised how powerfully they're drawn to their neglected gardens. I too am more attentive to what I've got growing out back. Just today I transplanted a mess of Black Seeded Simpsonone of Dad's favorite lettuce varieties. 

PPS I have no idea what music you like but earlier today I stumbled upon a wonderful "quarantine rendition" of "Black Water" by the Doobie Brothers. Unless you really dislike it, I encourage you watch-and-listen through to the end where the "production" becomes a fun rollick.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZLY2ht9iBM

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 6:01 PM AC wrote:

Hello Family and Friends in the USA and Germany!
It’s going to be important to take care of your mental health during the pandemic
and this piece from the New York Times may be helpful
as well as measures such as establishing a Ministry of Silly Walks near your own home, something I am seriously considering

or if you’re really ambitious, dancing in the streets

Don't let the blues get you down!  Please let me know how you’re doing and what you’re doing to keep your spirits up.  I’ll append here some links to articles on how to do that, but your own ideas are the best
How to fight depression and anxiety during the pandemic
9 ways to stay positive during the pandemic
5 ways to lift your mood during the pandemic
toot sweet,

Donald Trump And The Relentless Normalization Of Everyday Monstrosity

Cartoon: Quack!

Cartoon: Endangered Species

Cartoons: "I'm Not A Doctor"

Political Cartoon U.S. Trump clorox hydroxychloroquine

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About The Pandemic And Trump's Grotesque Mismanagement"

History Repeats Itself: Coronavirus And The Spanish Flu Of 1918

"What's Next On The Coronavirus Timeline And What Happens If Trump Opens America Too Soon?"

"Chris Cuomo Interviews His Brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo"

"Compendium Of Pax Posts About Coronavirus: Trump's Denial, Ineptitude And Mismanagement"

Borowitz Report: "Trump Practicing Distancing From All His Prior Statements About Coronavirus"

"With Millions Of American Lives On The Line, Trump Finally Agrees With The Experts"

"Trump's Astonishing Coronavirus Quackery Culminating In A Rare Encounter With Truth"

"Coronavirus Capitalism: Same As It Ever Was"


"N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo Just Gave THE BEST POSSIBLE Coronavirus Press Conference"

"Bill Gates Predicted The Coronavirus In His 2015 TED Talk"

"I Don't Take Responsibility At All!" Verbatim Trump "Coronavirus Quote"


"According To Current Data, The Coronavirus Death Rate Is 60% Higher Than The Death Rate For The Spanish Flu Of 1918"

"Trump Sees The Coronavirus Crisis As Clearly As If His Eyes Were Open"

Trump's "Coronavirus Website" Is Non-Existent. He Just "Made It Up" For A Press Conference

"The Borowitz Report: Fox To Address Coronavirus Crisis With Three-Part Series On Hunter Biden"

Free, Online Documentary About The "Spanish" Flu Of 1918 (40 Minutes)

"Trump's Lies Are More Contagious Than..."

  Coronavirus Pandemic: Trump Does Not Intend To Save The U.S. Economy. He Intends To Save...

Coronavirus, Trump Cultists, And The "Intellectual Elites"

A List Of Trump's Dimwittedly Destructive Medical And Public Health Policies Since Taking Office

If You Had Bought Stocks At The Bottom Of Bush-Cheney's Great Recession, You Would Have Done Better Under Obama Than Trump.
And That's BEFORE The Coronavirus Collapse!

If People Had Taken Obama's Advice In 2009, We'd All Be Rich

Trump Could Use Coronavirus As Cover For War With Iran (White House Coup In The Works?)

An Audio Commentary On China And Trump's Response To Coronavirus - A Powerful Comparison

Dialogue With A Friend About A Coronavirus Conspiracy

Political Cartoon U.S. Trump hydroxychloroquine bleach coronavirus

Cartoon: "Manufacturing Is Back"

Cartoon: Your Freedom Ends At My Nose

Cartoon: Beyond The Pale

Political Cartoon U.S. Trump coronavirus out of the woods

Beyond the pale

What's the origin of the phrase 'Beyond the pale'?What's the meaning of the phrase 'Beyond the pale'?

To be 'beyond the pale' is to be unacceptable; outside agreed standards of decency.
Firstly, let's get the spelling clear here. It's 'beyond the pale' and not 'beyond the pail' - the phrase has nothing to do with buckets.
The everyday use of the word 'pale' is as an adjective meaning whitish and light in colour (used to that effect by Procol Harum and in countless paint adverts).
Beyond the paleHowever, there is another meaning of 'pale' - 'a stake or pointed piece of wood'. This meaning is now virtually obsolete except as used in this phrase. A variant of it - 'paling', is still in use, as in paling fence and 'impale' (as in Dracula movies).

Alan: The English word "pale" is a cognate of the Spanish word "palo" which usually means "stick" but in some places - like Columbia, South America - is used to mean "tree.

The paling fence is significant as the term 'pale' came to mean the area enclosed by such a fence and later just figuratively 'the area that is enclosed and safe'. So to be 'beyond the pale' was to be outside the area accepted as 'home'.
Catherine the Great created the Pale of Settlement in Russia in 1791. This was the name given to the western border region of the country, in which Jews were allowed to live. The motivation behind this was to restrict trade between Jews and native Russians. Some Jews were allowed to live, as a concession, 'beyond the pale'.
Pales were enforced in various other European countries for similar political reasons, notably in Ireland (the Pale of Dublin) and France (the Pale of Calais, which was formed as early as 1360).
The phrase itself originated later than that. The first printed reference comes from 1657 in John Harington's lyric poem The History of Polindor and Flostella. In that work, the character Ortheris withdraws with his beloved to a country lodge for 'quiet, calm and ease', but they later venture further:
"Both Dove-like roved forth beyond the pale to planted Myrtle-walk".
Such recklessness rarely meets with a good end in 17th century verse and before long the lovers are attacked by armed men with 'many a dire killing thrust'. The message is clear - 'if there is a pale, decent people stay inside it', which conveys exactly the figurative meaning of the phrase as it is used today.

"Zalacaín El Aventurero," Una Copia PDF De La Renombrada Novela de Pío Baroja


Queridos amigos,

Se me ocurre que la novela de Pío Baroja que va abajo, "Zalacaín el Aventurero," es una novela que tal vez podríamos leer juntos en línea mediante algún cibermecanismo comunicativo como Zoom o Hangout. Tal vez Byron nos pudiera enseñar la manera de manejar tal programa. https://www.owllabs.com/blog/video-conferencing-tools

Baroja es uno de los novelistas más famosos de España y fue miembro de la famosísima “Generación del 98” que es probablemente la fenómeno literario más renombrado de toda la literatura española.

Baroja tiene la fama de ser un escritor muy realista como Hemingway y por eso su manera de escribir es muy directa y sencilla, cualidades que deben de facilitar la comprensión.

Bueno mis amigos, aquí hay más información mayormente robada del Internet. 

Favor de revisarla y decirme que opinan. 
Portrait of Pío Baroja (cropped).jpg
  Pío Baroja 
Zalacaín el aventurero es una novela del escritor español Pío Baroja. La primera edición fue impresa en 1908 y hoy ocupa un lugar de honor en la biblioteca de los clásicos españoles. La novela fue adaptada al cine, ya en vida de Baroja, en 19281 y en 1955 por el director Juan de Orduña. Pertenece a la tetralogía «Tierra vasca», en la que también se incluyen La casa de Aitzgorri (1900), El mayorazgo de Labraz (1903) y La leyenda de Jaun de Alzate (1922). Fue incluida en la lista de las 100 mejores novelas en español del siglo XX del periódico español El Mundo.2  https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/158508.pdf  

Pío Baroja y Nessi (San Sebastián, 28 de diciembre de 1872-Madrid, 30 de octubre de 1956) fue un escritor español de la generación del 98. Baroja, que se doctoró en medicina, terminó abandonando dicha profesión en favor de la literatura, actividad en la que cultivó la novela y, en mucha menor medida, el teatro. En su obra, en la que con frecuencia deja traslucir una actitud pesimista, dejó plasmado su individualismo. Su pensamiento político, no exento de ambigüedades, transitó por las simpatías por el anarquismo de su juventud, la oposición a la Segunda República y la defensa de una dictadura militar, no abandonando nunca su anticlericalismo. Fue hermano de los escritores Carmen Baroja y Ricardo Baroja y tío del antropólogo Julio Caro Baroja y del director de cine y guionista Pío Caro Baroja.  https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%ADo_Baroja  

File:Pio-Baroja-1912-11-20-Mundo-Grafico.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


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