Channel: Pax on both houses
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"The Scientific Method Is The Only Intellectual, Cognitive, Epistemological Activty That Tries To...."

"Give Me A Haircut, Or..."

"Give Me A Haircut, Or Give Me Death!" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"The Scientific Method Is The Only Intellectual, Cognitive, Epistemological Activty That Tries To...."
"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

Liberty And License: How To Distinguish Between Them



Think for the day.....


Trump Says He's Taking Hydroxychloroquine To Protect Against Conronavirus

Pax on both houses: "Trump Is An Idiot's Idea Of A Genius": Find ...
Trump says he is taking hydroxychloroquine to protect against coronavirus, dismissing safety concerns
President Trump told reporters Monday that he has been taking the drug for about one and a half weeks and that the White House physician knows he is taking it despite the fact that he continues to test negative for the virus. Clinical trials, academic research and scientific analysis indicate that the danger of the drug is a significantly increased risk of death for certain patients.
"I think it's good. I've heard a lot of good stories. And if it's not good, I'll tell you right. I'm not going to get hurt by it," he said.
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"Snake Oil - Now With A New Name!" | "Now With A New Name!  Hydroxychloroquine." | image tagged in snake oil,barnum and bailey,pt barnum,a sucker is born every minute,trump and his deception deceit duplicity | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Alan: Hopefully, Lysol's next.

Political Cartoon U.S. Trump bleach coronavirus wacky packages

More Manipulation Of Americans By "Eastern Bloc" Countries

Pax on both houses: "Pentagon Concerned Russia Cultivating ...
The ability for Americans -- particularly security-oriented, pro-Trump Americans -- to deceive themselves is boundless.
Not to mention that these bogus Facebook pages originate in former "Eastern Block" nations that formed the erstwhile Soviet Union.
Netflix' New Documentary "The Great Hack" Reveals The Inner Workings Of "1984" In 2019...
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Trump Says He Never Read Nor Looked For Memo Warning Of Possible Coronavirus Pandemic

Pax on both houses: Compendium Of Best Pax Memes About Trump-Putin
Lazy, ignorant SOB with blood dripping from his hands.
Obama would have been on the pandemic like white on rice.
General Mattis describes Trump is an ignorant, unread dolt.
My White House informant (who has worked for the Trump family more than 30 years) says — and I quote: “Trump doesn’t know anything. And he doesn’t want to know anything.”
What an embarrassment!
And not just to the United States, but to humankind.
And since he’s an idiot’s idea of a genius, all the idiots will invent whatever narrative they need to maintain faith their demigod hero.
Lamentably, stupid people are too stupid to know they’re stupid.
Mark my words.
Either Trump is defeated in November or American democracy — enfeebled as it has been ever since Reagan started derogating government — is toast.

QAnon: A Clearing House For Crazy People

Pax on both houses: Cartoon: Encouragement For Re-Opening Economy
When you're too uneducated to pursue Truth honestly, just choose your conspiracy theory de jour and you'll discover you're a genius for having "figured it all out."
The people who need the following information most are unable or unwilling to understand it.
"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence" http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/…/confirmation-bias-and… 
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The National Lunacy Began On 9/11: Note This Current Manifestation Of Derangement

Pax on both houses: 9/11: If You're Terrified Of Terrorists, You ...
The “United” States of America is still in the throes of The National Lunacy which began on 9/11.
There is enough blame to go around.
But almost all America’s hate groups reside on the right side of the aisle.
And the militias, which - as far as I know - are always ideologically driven right-wing organizations, are just chomping at the bit to re-litigate the Civil War... even if it means having another one.
Then there are the Armageddon Cheerleaders - as unlike Pope Francis (the traditional leader of Christendom) as Satan himself is.
What characterizes them all is that they are absolutely self m-certain that they are absolutely right about everything.
And part of this presumption is the belief that Donald Trump can do absolutely no wrong - a sure sign of cult craziness if ever there was one.
If I were to distill the lunacy I would say that right wingers, under conservative Christian influence, have not only come to disregard compromise, but believe the compromise is a diabolical project of the anti-Christ.

Wisconsin Proves GOP's War On Voting Is About Ending Democracy, Not Just Winning

Pax on both houses: American Conservatives Are Enemies Of ...
Back when the Republican Party realized it would never again win the Oval Office without a so-called Southern Strategy to unite the Neo-Confederacy and the Bible Belt through the incitation of hatred, racism and aggressive - even evangelical - stupidity, they began the process of opposing substantive “one person one vote” democracy in an effort to secure what power they could through dirty tricks, voter suppression, and voter disenfranchisement.
The whole sordid matrix ...
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ShareWho Said "Republicans Have Never Approved Democracy?" (And Why Don't We Admit It?)

The End Of US Democracy: Trump Is "Just" A Symptom Of Staggering -- And Staggeringly Misguided -- Cultural, Economic And Political Forces

Aldous Huxley On The Disappearance Of Democracy Behind The Trappings Of Patriotism

Republican Autocrats Block "One-Person-One-Vote" Democratic Governance

When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes

Facebook Dialogue With Xtian Fundamentalist Friend About Democracy, Patriotism And Fascism

Jimmy Carter Sets A Standard That Applies To Us All

Freedom Is Being Unafraid.
Trumpistas Are Terrified

9/11: If You're Terrified Of Terrorists, You Help Them Win

"It Makes Sense That Trump Is Planning A Coup, But Would First Cancel November Elections"

A.J. Muste's Classic Reply When Asked Why He Tried To Change Politics On Immutable Issues

A.J. Muste
ajmuste hashtag on Twitter

"I Applaud Donald Trump"

Alan: I would LOVE to know what percentage of Trump followers supported The Iraq War.

I would bet dollars to donuts that it was an overwhelming majority - approaching unanimity.

Yet Trump, much to his credit, considered the Iraq War a stupid idea and a complete catastrophe.

Trump's utter disgust with The Iraq War moved him to call for George W. Bush's impeachment.

Anderson Cooper Takes Trump Over The Coals Because Malignant Messiah Deserves It


It's Just Like Trump To Trash The Best Of Us

Pax on both houses: "Despite Trump's "Presidential" Manner, At ...
It's JUST like Trump to punish someone for respecting The Law and being true to an oath.
What Happened Today Recalls Dad's Reaction To Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre"
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COVID-19, Navajo Nation, Ireland And The Chocktaw

Skibbereen by James Mahony, 1847.JPG
Scene at Skibbereen during the Great Famine, by Cork artist James Mahony (1810–1879), commissioned by The Illustrated London News, 1847

Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

The special relationship between Native Americans and the Irish rings a clear bell but I had forgotten the "Choctaw" particulars.

Did you know that there was plenty of food produced in Ireland during the devastating famine of the 1840's?

However, the British, who kept their foot on Ireland's neck, despised the Irish as virtually sub-human. 

These British overlords profited by exporting all the abundant harvests of wheat from the Emerald Isle, obliging the Irish to live off dirty potatoes which -- in the English view -- was all they deserved. But of course the potatoes were now blighted and induced famine was ubiquitous.

To this day, a joke is told in England: 

"Why did the British invent the wheel-barrow? 

To teach the Irish how to walk upright."

Britain's hatred for the Irish was bound up with British hatred for Irish Catholicism.

Cromwell, who holds a special place of contempt in the hearts of many Irish -- myself included -- gutted Dublin's Cathedral, turning it into a stable for his occupying army's forces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Cromwell


PS Trump administration withheld COVID relief appropriation from Native Americans for a whole CRUCIAL month, during which tribes -- particularly the Navajo -- were ravaged.
Make no mistake. Trump's hands are drenched in murderous blood. He is a traitor, a thief and a cold-blooded killer.

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 10:59 PM FV wrote:

The Navajo Nation as been receiving donations for Covid 19 from Ireland. 
They were perplexed and found out the Irish were donating because the Choctaw Indians gave aid to Ireland during the  Famine.

Did you know about any of This? Does Maria?

What Happened To "The Golden Age?" - Thomas Merton And Buckminster Fuller Weigh In

Pax on both houses: "Frog Hospital" And "Pax" Discuss Rednecks ...

Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

You ask: "Were there ever any GOOD times. When we sing Happy Days are Here Again ,when were those days?"

The Golden Age has never been -- although life in Western Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea and Canada is pretty damn good. People are reasonably happy in these places and perhaps most notably they have "settled social contracts" based on The Common Good and The General Welfare whereby these societies agree to take care of one another. 

The bitter, hateful, look-out-only-for-#1 rugged individualism that characterizes the secular religion of The United States of Barbaria is as laughable as Donald Trump who epitomizes our morally bankrupt -- indeed, deliberately cruel -- way of "life" which Pope John Paul II characterized as a "Culture of Death." (It is true that JPII spoke generally of "The West" but we now see the precise epicenter of the modern world's Death Culture and Death Cult.)

Looking back on supposed Golden Ages, we tell ourselves that everything would be perfect if only we returned to "the way it used to be."

George McGovern: "The Case For Liberalism, A Defense Of The Future Against The Past"

Once we establish this image of bygone perfection, we look out on "what is" and immediately start identifying the n'er-do-wells and parasites who do not "measure up" and because they don't measure up, these "goddamned" people ruin it for everyone else. 

It is always those at the bottom who pay for the foundational crimes of those at the top.


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Humankind's Spiritual Quandary Summarized In 16 Words:

Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian""Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Thomas Merton: Our job is to love others – When did you last feel ...

If you don't get it, the following meme may help.

Pax on both houses: The Quintessential Republican Nightmare

Alan: Conservatives would love to be more charitable, 
but people don't deserve it.

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"

Bucky Fuller Provides The Framework For Designing An Exit To Our Practical Quandary/Impasse.
Notice That Fuller's Vision Coincides With Merton's Vision that Loving Service To Others Is "The Only Way."

Alan: Thanks to friend Paul Schulte Ph.D. -- CDC and NIOSH epidemiologist -- for turning me on to Bucky Fuller.

Bucky had this to say after attempting suicide as a young man:

R. Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller
Alan: Just browse a while in this brief bio and be blown away!

Buckminster Fuller

"The Most Idealistic Is The Realistically Most Practical" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Bucky Fuller: "I Seem To Be A Verb"

50 Years Ago, The Great Bucky Fuller Prophesied The Future Of Work

Image result for buckminster fuller"
"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth"
Online PDF

Alan: Profuse thanks to lifelong friend Paul Schulte, NIOSH epidemiologist, for introducing me to Bucky.

"Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth"

"Love Is A Metaphysical Gravity," Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller

Pax on both houses: Follow The Money: Trump Nemesis Adam Schiff ...
"The merely rich are not rich enough to rule the modern market. The things that change modern history, the big national and international loans, the big educational and philanthropic foundations, the purchase of numberless newspapers, the big prices paid for peerages, the big expenses often incurred in elections - these are getting too big for everybody except the misers; the men with the largest of earthly fortunes and the smallest of earthly aims. There are two other odd and rather important things to be said about them. The first is this: that with this aristocracy we do not have the chance of a lucky variety in types which belongs to larger and looser aristocracies. The moderately rich include all kinds of people even good people. Even priests are sometimes saints; and even soldiers are sometimes heroes. Some doctors have really grown wealthy by curing their patients and not by flattering them; some brewers have been known to sell beer. But among the Very Rich you will never find a really generous man, even by accident. They may give their money away, but they will never give themselves away; they are egoistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough to want it."   
G. K. Chesterton  

G.K. Chesterton: "The Anarchy of The Rich"

Chesterton: The Rich Are The Real Anarchists And Sully The World With Their Scum

G.K. Chesterton and Warren Buffett's Class War

Chesterton: Plenty Of Books Denounce Lust But What Of Those That Encourage Greed

Chesterton Considered The Rich "Oppressive""Scum" And "Failures"

Chesterton: Distributism Posits Need To Distribute Private Property Until Everyone Has Enough

G.K. Chesterton Quotations... And More

Chesterton - The Best Single Web Source

Hydroxychloroquine: An Update From The Borowitz Report

Priceless Sequence Of Events Over At Fox News

I Would LOVE To Know How Many Trumpistas Would Approve Postponement Of The Election

 100% 90% 80%; I Would LOVE To Know What Percentage Of Trump Supporters Would Go Along With A Decision To "Postpone" November's Election | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

Core Truths That Dependably Dismantle Attractive-But-Bogus Right-Wing "Arguments"

Cartoon: Widespread Testing Available On Nobember 3rd

Political Cartoon U.S. coronavirus testing vote 2020 election
"Anybody who wants a test can have one."
Donald Trump Verbatim Quote

Tom Toles Cartoon: "Frying Pan-demic

Reprise: "Remember When You Said You'd Rather Die Than Vote For Hillary?"

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