Channel: Pax on both houses
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Compendium Of Conspiracy Thinking: Remember, "The Deep State" Is Preferable To...

Pax on both houses: "What's The Point Of Having Conspiracy ...

The "beauty" of "conspiracy thinking" is its ability to make political hay out of random assertions. 

I do not deny that conspiracies take place, but not one of them has ever been revealed as "earth-shaking." 

Even if there was a conspiratorial component to the events of 9/11 -- and I admit that the official story smells bad -- that "conspiracy" will have less impact than the original-and-enduring conspiracy whereby rich people sequester an ungodly percentage of the world's wealth while persuading poor people and the middle class to squabble among themselves. 

Over crumbs.

"The Original And Enduring Conspiracy"  

“I sit on a man's back   choking him and making him carry me,  and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him  and wish to lighten his load by all means possible.... except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, "What Then Must We Do?" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

The fact that so many "Q-Anon" sympathizers - in league with bottom-feeding Swamp fellows) fall for this nonsense strikes me as prelude to some kind of "collapse." 

Or, we may look back and see that conspiracism was not a co-related cause - but a consequence - of collapse.

Conspiracism Compendium

"Hey, Conspiracists! This Is The Frame Tale In Which You Live And Do Fundamental Damage"

"Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose"

Pax on both houses: A Quick Litmus For Proving Conspiracy ...

Time Out Of Mind, "Deep State Plutocracy" Is The Enduring Conspiracy. Warfare And Racial Animus Are The Decoys

"Dialogue With A Friend About A Coronavirus Conspiracy"

Pax on both houses: GOP Conspiracy Theories Falling Faster Than ...

"Daniel Webster Weighs In On Conspiracism"

"Daniel Webster Prompts A Review Of Conspiracism And Its Destructive Role In American Politics"

Pax on both houses: The Pro-Trump "QAnon" Conspiracy Theory - Now ...

"My Ongoing Attempt To Dislodge A Conspiracist Friend From The Embrace Of Authoritarianism"

"Bullshit And Bafflegab: How To Separate Truth From Conspiratorial Falsehood"
Pax on both houses: "Conspiracy Theories: Here's What Drives ...
"Tyranny's Best-Kept Secret: It's All About Epistemology"

Fake News: De Novo "Truths" Conjured Out Of Rank Falsehood

Pax on both houses: The Thinking Housewife's Conspiracism ...

Cutting Through Trump's Conspiratorial Bafflegab About Ukraine As Source Of 2016 Meddling

Contemporary Conspiracism In Context: "You're Not Entitled To Your Own Facts"

Pax on both houses: Isaac Asimov: Cynicism Is, Above All, A ...

"You Are Not Entitled To Your Own Facts," Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies

Pax on both houses: Mark Twain, Carl Sagan And Isaac Asimov: It Is ...
QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse

Hey, "Deep State" Crazies  
"The Deep State"  Is Preferable To  "The Shallow State" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"Dead-End Conspiracism" And "The REAL Thing"... Hidden In Plain Sight

"Trump's Top Russia Expert, Fiona Hill, Blasts Republicans For Their Damnable Destructive Conspiracy Theories"

Pax on both houses: Alex Jones Is Donald Trump's Go-To Conspiracy ...
"Move Over Occam. Here Comes Hanlon! (Conspiracists Take Note)"

Correspondence With "The Thinking Housewife" About The Supposed Hoax Of Mass Murders

Pax on both houses
"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Conspiracies And Conspiracism"

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies

Pax on both houses: What The Good Guys Are Up Against...
"How Conspiratorial Idiocy Works: Right-Wing Troll Doesn't Even Link To His Own Supposed Video"

 People Don't Want To Be Unsettled.  And The Truth Is Unsettling | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Dr. Andrew Weil On Adverse Emotional Contagion

Andrew Weil Quotes (95 wallpapers) - Quotefancy
Listen to what Weil says about emotional contagion starting at 4:55.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG3Hq8mBH0E  

Do we have a health responsibility to shorten the attention we give to His Toxicity?

To not become processes of his disease?

Unusually, I started my day with music -- specifically two consecutive a capella run throughs of Desolation Row -- and then I had little reason to "get back" to the news... and my day has been more equanimous. 

It has been increasingly on my mind that we know how to do things right.

But people are so perverse -- often through trauma and/or pathogenic family-church conditioning - that they become convinced that perversity is a moral obligation.

Sort of a self-imposed Stockholm Syndrome -- the unconscious mind usurping the conscious mind.



Just How Good Is America Now? And What About "Her" Track Record?

Pax on both houses: The Age-Old Normalization Of Warfare Through ...

H. L. Mencken quote: The whole aim of practical politics is to ...

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?"
(Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)
Orwell: A Brief, Image-Rich Introduction To A Prophetic Genius

It’s easy to get pumped around triumphalism.
But when we glimpse the downside of all that chest thumping, we must look at our actual treatment of Native Americans and black people (whom we're still shooting for sport) and Vietnamese and Iranians and Iraqis. (Vietnam was Uncle Sam's "Holocaust" - as many as 3 million people killed... for no good reason.)
Even FDR had to admit that Somoza (one of America's many dictator pals) was “a son of a bitch, but he was OUR son of a bitch!” (Why... we're so fond of dictators, we've put one in The White House.)
And just how different has Christian triumphalism been
Could it be political triumphalism's foundation and inspiration?
Have we been blinded by the light?
Do we crave poking our own eyes out?
Look at America's two camps.
Even if one of them is right, a very black cloud hangs over us all.

What Is Our Emotional Obligation To Other People?

Is the cultivation of inner balance a moral obligation?

And how does Trump play into any such obligation?

On whom is it incumbent to cultivate calm?

The other guy?

Or me?

Remember: Weil is talking about the essence of health.

Come hell or high water, I'm committed to spending 4 months abroad next year.

And when Danny graduates, I plan to crank it up to six.

Hopefully, things will change.

But if they don't, why live in a hellhole?

"Just How Good Is America? And What About Her Track Record?"

Article 3


FROG HOSPITAL -- May 22, 2020 

I Do, I Do, I Do

By Fred Owens

Something about her quiet determination got my attention. That morning of the wedding day, we got up and made tea as always. Precious talked about her mother Matilda who had passed away at an early age. Matilda had flown away from the brutality of her husband, Mr. T, going back to her Tonga village and family alongside the Zambezi River, in the hot country. The Tonga were a small traditional tribe and very poor. Precious had only one small wallet-size photo of her mother, as if Matilda had traveled through her tragic life and left no trace, only the photo. Even so Matilda's  mournful face moved me. Even today I can see her face and hear her voice although I never met her. She had the soul of every African woman. Precious shared that soul and today she would redeem it. Today was for Matilda, although per her normal custom, Precious did not say those words, having just a wan smile and telling a story about how Matilda went to the market every day to sell tomatoes. "My mother was very kind to me," she said. "Her life was too hard and she died, but I think about her every day. She sold her tomatoes every day and bought me  candy when I was a small girl. I can never forget."

Someone was rattling the chain at the gate of our rented house on 21 Shottery Crescent. Cousin Tanti, the Maid of Honor, had come by herself, without any of her seven children, to do Precious's hair. "It's Tanti," Precious said, "Go let her in.""What are you going to do with your hair?" I asked smiling. She said, "You go and leave this bedroom. You will not see me now. Go over the fence and help Mr. Dlhwayu with his broken motors."

Fair enough. I took my suit and shirt and shoes to the other bedroom and went for a shower. I had a fresh haircut from the white barber in downtown. This may seem obvious once it has been pointed out, but black people and white people don't go to the same place for their hair. Eat the same food, go to the same school, play hopscotch by the same rules, but hair is the difference. My white barber was gay, he seemed to enjoy brushing up against my leg. He complained to me, a perfect stranger, about being harassed about his collection of pornography. "It's my business if I want to look at art photos. You have to be so careful in Bulawayo. The natives -- and I don't mean just the black people -- are very conservative."

"I hear you, and you better be careful who you trust," I said, looking around the room, seeing only white men reading magazines -- old Rhodesians, the remnants of a banished tribe. I was not and never could be a member of their club. A white man could sleep with a black woman anytime, but quietly, or talked about in code words. You couldn't marry one, in the open like I was about to do. But it never came up in the conversation, because we never talked. I just knew it was a waste of time. The old Rhodesians were famous for being close-mouthed to strangers. But I got a good haircut. I did want to share my story with the gay barber because he had his own persecution to face, but I did not have the chance to tell him that the haircut was in honor of my wedding in a few days. I said nothing, but gave him a very large tip, which was typical of Americans in Africa. We were loud, we banged into furniture, and we left vary large tips. I thought Zimbabwe could use a few hundred American immigrants  --- things I might have said to the old Rhodesians if they had given me the slightest welcome. It didn't matter.

My shoes were shined in the spare bedroom. My suit and shirt were fresh from the store. I even bought a red tie. "Who is bringing the goat?" I shouted through the closed bedroom door. "That man is bringing it," she said. "What man?" I asked. "That man who brought us together, Joseph from the Palace Hotel. You don't remember?" she said. "How could I forget Joseph? He changed my life. He made me a prince among men because he brought you into my life ..... but will Joseph bring the firewood for cooking the goat because we don't have any?""Don't concern yourself with that," she said with irritation. "Go back to Dlhwayu and help him fix his car."

Well, I didn't have anything to do and it was too early to drink beer. Stand around and wait. That's what grooms do. I was finished thinking about it. I could have grabbed my passport and credit card and fled out the back door, and gone out to the airport and caught the next jet going to Johannesburg and then back to America. I could still escape. She would never find me......Nah.... Nah.... I'm staying. I'm doing this. It's like Wyatt Earp at the OK Corral. I'm going to face those demons and start shooting. Maybe die.

All right, I won't die today but why does a wedding feel like death? The death of a dream? The ruination of fantasy? And where the hell is Mr. Jones? I was expecting Colonel Clifford Jones, retired, Zimbabwe National Guard and my Best Man, to show up with the rental car. Precious was not going downtown in her gown all smashed into my pretty white Nissan diesel truck. We had to pay for a new car rental.

Three cigarettes later -- I must have been nervous -- Jones drove up in a shiny new rental Honda. He parked it in the driveway and walked over to my vigil spot, my pacing chamber under the pepper tree. He formed a languid figure in his sport coat and tie, sort of a charcoal grey-brown light wool jacket, suitable for hunting foxes. Jones could have hunted foxes, if he had wanted to, he gave that impression, a mixed race warrior and he had nothing to prove. "It's your big day, kid," he said. "Kid? No one calls me kid. You can call me Freddy if you want," I told him. I had scouted out this pepper tree in our front yard a hundred times. With the result of deep research I chose just the right Wedding Day tree limb to lean against while I awaited the bride. If you know anything about trees, you can't just lean against any branch. Men do this the world over. In 1972 in Manhattan in the Lower East Side, at 3 a.m. in the morning, outside a smoky tavern, on a hot and humid August night, I chose the rear fender of an old green Chevy to lean against. I was really cool and then I realized that the guys gathered towards the front of the same car, breathing the same air as me, smoking the same smoke as me, were beatnik poet Allen Ginsberg and his coterie. That's when I realized how cool I really was. Leaning on the same car with those guys. So don't tell me a pepper tree in my front yard in Bulawayo was any different. I chose my leaning limb and struck a pose. And Mr. Jones, without even trying, chose a leaning limb just as cool as mine. That's why I picked him to be Best Man. Let Precious and Tanti do their magic in the bedroom. We had the car ready and we waited, and it was going to take a long time.

You still going through with this?" Jones said. He looked up and down the road and gave me a chance to reflect.

"I don't need to think about it anymore. I thought of just running to the airport and catching a plane, but I'm staying," I said.

"Well, I got the car and I'm your man. You want to fly, let's fly. Cause they're in there right now planning to take over your life."

"You're against marriage but I'm not. My Mom and Dad had a happy life together. I want that same thing. I always thought I'd be married. I never soured on it. I never blamed myself when it went south. I like being married because it focuses the mind. Precious is who I'm going to deal with, just her."

"Is it too early for a beer?"

Guests were  floating in. The uncles Ronnie and Milton, both bachelors. Milton was gay. He went to Jo-burg for work and ran with the wrong crowd and got shot and killed a few years later. That kind of thing happens in Joburg. Ronnie came with the usual sad story. Smiley came with his wife and daughter. Maphuto, Patrick, Francis and Christopher were bachelor cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Ndlovu. All kinds of lady cousins all dolled up. I didn't know their names. The house filled up and the crowd spilled over to the yard under the shade of the pepper tree. But people were still quiet and the music was soft, waiting for the bride. Mr. Mataka and Mr. T came in Mr.T's old green truck, or maybe he just borrowed it. Aunt Marji rode in the back with various younger children, Prince, Johnny and Juliano. The Dlhwayus walked over from next door. Bill and Mary Collier, the nasty white people down the street, were invited, but we knew they wouldn't come. Clyde, the cashier at Solomon's fancy grocery store, came with his girl friend. The goat was already roasting. Someone in the back was fixing another fire to boil a big pot of sadza, that heavy cornmeal mush that Zimbabweans never get tired of.

I was glad to see Mataka and not glad so see his oldest son Peter Lovemore, the one we called Mr. T. Coming for the bride-price. I'm thinking ten cows at $500 each. The cows to be delivered one year at a time, or the cash instead, and people nowadays usually took the cash, which made it a lot less interesting.

Less the cost of the wedding, which I was paying for. Less a discount for her advanced age, almost 35. Less a discount for already having children, but that was a plus too because it proved she could -- have children.

I was just not too interested in this discussion. Mr. T would have to wait. I had this advantage because I was not of his culture. He could not  make me pay, or shame me or embarrass me. Besides I was already paying for this and that. I paid for school fees and over due water bills and groceries. I was prepared and willing to keep making small payments on a sustainable scale. And not because I owed the bride-price, but because I came  from America. For some reason, Americans have a lot more money than Africans. So why not be generous?  Later on, years later, Mr. T. got a large chunk of my money, but that was too his ruin. I will tell that part at the end of this story.

Precious emerged in slow procession from the house, coming out the front door, with Tanti holding her train up from the red dust of Africa. She gave a confident laugh at the crowd of relatives,  a laugh that said you thought I couldn't do this, but I can do this and today is my day.. The crowd of relatives parted like waves on the Red Sea. She was beautiful and regal.  She looked at me but did not wave, walking slowly to the driveway and the waiting car. Mr. Jones took his position and kept the door open. Precious eased herself into the back seat followed by Tanti. Mr. Mataka came in the other side. I rode up front while Mr. Jones drove downtown to the travel agency.

We climbed the stairs to the judicial chambers. The agent seated Precious and me at an elegant table where we signed papers applying for a civil marriage. We all stood up and the agent, now acting as Justice of the Peace, read the vows and we repeated after him, that we promised to love one another, cherish and care for one another until death do us part. I thee wed and you may kiss the bride. It was very simple and not overly solemn. It was a good day. Africa and America were united in marriage. We would float down the river of chance and die or not die, but together, and we were bound to each other and what was hers, from the pyramids to Capetown, was now mine, and what was mine, from Virginia to San Francisco, was now hers. And her family joined my family, from the lowest earth to the highest stars above. It was a good day. Outside, maybe ninety degrees and clear skies. Not too hot. We rode in silence back to our rented house at 21 Shottery Crescent, now married, and what would my parents think of this? Surprisingly my father, who died in 1974 and harbored racist views that would never change, told me, in my dreams, that he had a change of heart since he died and went to heaven. "I like that Precious girl. I think she will be good for you."  But my mother, who died in 1996, had her doubts. "Don't say I'm prejudiced, but she has no education," mom said. "How can she make a living except to be a housekeeper?"

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Donald Trump Just Makes Shit Up

Pax on both houses: Trump Memes, Album 1: The Best From "Pax On ...

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Pax on both houses: Trump: "Like Having..."

"Trump's Cruelty Is Not A Marginal Aberration. Trump's Cruelty Is The Point"

Pax on both houses: "You Can't Polish A Turd"

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

Pax on both houses: Donald Trump's Latest Comments About Women Are ...

Christian Conservatives, The Republican Party, And Deliberate Cruelty As A Source Of Laughter

Pax on both houses: Reprise: Unusually Good Pax Memes

Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical And Dishonest, You Will Now!"

Pax on both houses: Trump's Bullshit

Video: "Heroes Of The Pandumbic" (Watch This To The Very End!)

Pax on both houses: "Trump Is A Liar, But His 'Shithole' Remark ...

Pax on both houses: Fact-Checking Trump's Most Recent Week Of ...

"A Video Collage Of Trump's Arrogance: If You Are Even Vestigially Normal, You Will Sicken"

Pax on both houses: Trump: "Obamacare Will Be Repealed And ...

Vocal Trump Defender Mike Francesca, A Talk Radio Icon, Blasts "Un-Potty-Trained-73-Year-Old"


Pax on both houses: Borowitz: Trump Demands Poem on Statue of ...

Pax on both houses: Trump's Bullshit

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About The Pandemic And Trump's Grotesque Mismanagement"

"Compendium Of Pax Posts About Coronavirus: Trump's Denial, Ineptitude And Mismanagement"

Borowitz Report: "Trump Practicing Distancing From All His Prior Statements About Coronavirus"

Image result for "pax on both houses", hey, conservative christians
"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"
A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

"The First Invasion Of America" David Brooks, The New York Times

David Brooks: The first invasion of America
"Just How Good Is America? And What About Her Track Record?"

"The First Invasion Of America"
David Brooks, The New York Times

I was an American history major in college, back in the 1980s.

I’ll be honest with you. I thrilled to the way the American story was told back then. To immigrate to America was to join the luckiest and greatest nation in history. “Nothing in all history had ever succeeded like America, and every American knew it,” Henry Steele Commager wrote in his 1950 book, “The American Mind.”

To be born American was to be born to a glorious destiny. We were the nation of the future, the vanguard of justice, the last best hope of mankind. “Have the elder races halted?” Walt Whitman asked, “Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the seas? We take up the task eternal.”

To be born American was to be born boldly individual, daring and self-sufficient. “Trust thyself: Every heart vibrates to that iron string,” Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in an essay called, very Americanly, “Self-Reliance.”

To be born American was to bow down to no one, to say: I’m no better than anyone else, but nobody’s better than me. Tocqueville wrote about the equality of condition he found in America; no one putting on airs over anyone else. In 1981, Samuel Huntington wrote that American creed was built around a suspicion of authority and a fervent rejection of hierarchy: “The essence of egalitarianism is rejection of the idea that one person has the right to exercise power over another.”

I found it all so energizing. Being an American was not just a citizenship. It was a vocation, a call to serve a grand national mission.

Today, of course, we understand what was wrong with that version of American history. It didn’t include everybody. It left out the full horrors of slavery and genocide.

But here’s what has struck me forcefully, especially during the pandemic: That whole version of the American creed was all based on an assumption of existential security. Americans had the luxury of thinking and living the way they did because they had two whopping great oceans on either side. The United States was immune to foreign invasion, the corruptions of the old world. It was often spared the plagues that swept over so many other parts of the globe.

We could be individualistic, anti-authority, daring and self-sufficient because on an elemental level we felt so damn safe.

University of Maryland scholar Michele Gelfand has spent her career comparing national cultures. Some nations grow up relatively spared from foreign invasion and the frequent devastation of infectious disease. Gelfand finds that these are loose nations: individualistic, creative but also disordered, uncoordinated and reckless.

Other nations have not been so lucky. Harsh necessity has made them tight nations. Hardship has taught them to pull together, to be more conformist, but also better at building social order and self-control.

Gelfand wrote a book called “Rule Makers, Rule Breakers.” We Americans have been rule-breakers, the classic loose nation.

But what happens to a loose nation when the sense of existential security disappears? Over the first two decades of the 21st century, America has lost its sense of safety, the calm confidence that the future is ours, that our institutions are sound or even minimally competent.

And if there was any shred of existential safety left, surely the pandemic has taken it away — around 100,000 dead so far, an economy ravaged. We’ve had threats before, a few foreign incursions like in 1812, even pandemics when America was less just than it is today. But we’ve never had them smack in the middle of a crisis of confidence, a crisis of authority, plus social and spiritual crises all at once.

So in that sense, this is the first invasion of America. This is the first time that a menace has crossed our borders, upended the daily lives of every American and rocked our ancient sense of safety. Welcome to life in the rest of the world.

Aside from a few protesters and a depraved president, most of us have understood we need to suspend the old individualistic American creed. In the midst of a complex epidemiological disaster, to be anti-authority is to be ignorant. In the midst of a contagion, to act as if you are self-sufficient is just selfish.

But something more profound is going on. We are undergoing a more permanent shift in national consciousness, a reconstruction of meanings, symbols, values and narratives. If the old American creed grew up in an atmosphere of assumed security and liberty, the new one is growing up in an atmosphere of vulnerability and precariousness.

In this atmosphere, economic resilience will be more valued than maximized efficiency. We’ll spend more time minimizing downside risks than maximizing upside gains. The local and the rooted will be valued more than the distantly networked. We’ll value community over individualism, embeddedness over autonomy.

Something lovely is being lost. America’s old idea of itself unleashed a torrent of energy. But the American identity that grows up in the shadow of the plague can have the humanity of shared vulnerability, the humility that comes with an understanding of the precariousness of life and a fierce solidarity that emerges during a long struggle against an invading force.

"If Only There Were Evil People Somewhere Insidiously Committing Evil Deeds..."

Pax on both houses

Dialogue With A Friend About A Coronavirus Conspiracy

Daniel Webster Weighs In On Conspiracism

My Ongoing Attempt To Dislodge A Conspiracist Friend From The Embrace Of Authoritarianism

Bullshit And Bafflegab: How To Separate Truth From Conspiratorial Falsehood

Tyranny's Best-Kept Secret: It's All About Epistemology

That Big Brother Is Watching You Is Nothing: The Horror Is His Redefinition Of Trumpery As Truth

Hey, Conspiracists! This Is The Frame Tale In Which You Live And Do Fundamental Damage

Fake News: De Novo "Truths" Conjured Out Of Rank Falsehood

Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose

Cutting Through Trump's Conspiratorial Bafflegab About Ukraine As Source Of 2016 Meddling

Contemporary Conspiracism In Context: "You're Not Entitled To Your Own Facts"

Bullshit And Bafflegab: How To Separate Truth From Conspiratorial Falsehood

"You Are Not Entitled To Your Own Facts," Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies

QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies

"Dead-End Conspiracism" And "The REAL Thing"... Hidden In Plain Sight

Trump's Top Russia Expert, Fiona Hill, Blasts Republicans For Their Damnable Destructive Conspiracy Theories

Move Over Occam. Here Comes Hanlon! (Conspiracists Take Note)

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Conspiracies And Conspiracism

How Conspiratorial Idiocy Works: Right-Wing Troll Doesn't Even Link To His Own Supposed Video

Correspondence With "The Thinking Housewife" About The Supposed Hoax Of Mass Murders

Seasonal Flu and COVID-19 Mortality: Contextualized Truth Makes COVID Less Alarming


Dear F,

Search Results

Web results

Seasonal flu kills 291000 to 646000 people worldwide each year, according to ... The updated numbers, which do not include deaths during flu pandemics, are ...
As of today there have been 340,695 coronavirus deaths. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ (You may want to save this link which was just sent me by Ed Myer. It tracks COVID cases and COVID deaths in real time.)

I will repeat what I said while still in Oaxaca.

I think COVID-19 is overplayed and that there is a significant element of hysteria in our response.

However, given COVID's ability to exceed the "carrying capacity" of hospitals in densely populated, high-risk municipalities, it is understandable that public health authorities have enacted extraordinary measures.


As an old person who is REALLY at huge risk of being killed by COVID, I have a very personal reason to be concerned.

But, as conservative points out (and it PAINS me to be in even partial agreement) we must also look squarely at the morbidity and mortality that will result from "the economic fallout." 

Predictions concerning the number of children who will die worldwide this year as a result of increasingly scare resources globally are ominous and depressing.

Having said all that, I also re-emphasize that I am delighted by the political outcome.

Still, truth is truth.

And although I no longer take oaths about anything, it looks to me like we have made a classic error by failing to evaluate COVID-19 in the revealing context of seasonal flu. 

Truth is like Schrodinger's cat: It is both absolute AND relative. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat

"Absolute" insofar as "the numbers are the numbers."

"Relative" insofar as "the numbers" must be seen in comparative context.

Full understanding of anything requires deep contextualization. 

And since the human psyche is unusually prone to fearfulness and consequent exaggeration/hysteria, these presentations -- fear/exaggeration/hysteria -- are themselves "febrile."

Remember Ebola?

"Ebola Is Seen As The Most Severe Threat To Global Health"
Here's a thought experiment for us basically well-healed, healthy white guys. 

Do you -- or anyone in your "social circle" -- know even one person who has died of COVID?

I do not use this thought experiment to dismiss the real threat.

As I've already said, we old farts are at very high risk.

And black people die at a rate six times higher than white people.

And whole Navajo families are dying of COVID disease.

But we should not be surprised that "it's complicated."

Again, I think Glenn Beck bears repetition.

"Glenn Beck Makes A Good Point"



PS The following collection of Pax posts (relating to risk assessment) is relevant.

"Ebola Represents A Trivial Threat To Americans' Health"



The Merger Of Stupidity And Racism Merge In This GIF Is Jawdropping - And Typical

Shot at Glory: World's fittest cameramen outrace 10K runners ...
The Flabbergasting Stupidity Of People
(And How Quickly It Gives Way To Conservative Sludge-Mongering)

A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible

Stunning Stupidity! (Not All Conservatives Are Stupid, But Most Stupid People Are Conservative)

"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

Why Trump Wore A Mask During A Recent Visit To A Ford Manufacturing Plant

 Trump's Recent Mask-Wearing At A Ford Plant  Was Unrelated to Coronavirus. He Was Casing The Joint To See How He And His 1% Cronies  Might Rip Off The Working Class | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Compendium Of Coronavirus Posts

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About The Pandemic And Trump's Grotesque Mismanagement"

History Repeats Itself: Coronavirus And The Spanish Flu Of 1918

"What's Next On The Coronavirus Timeline And What Happens If Trump Opens America Too Soon?"

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"I Don't Take Responsibility At All!" Verbatim Trump "Coronavirus Quote"

"According To Current Data, The Coronavirus Death Rate Is 60% Higher Than The Death Rate For The Spanish Flu Of 1918"

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Trump's "Coronavirus Website" Is Non-Existent. He Just "Made It Up" For A Press Conference

"The Borowitz Report: Fox To Address Coronavirus Crisis With Three-Part Series On Hunter Biden"

Free, Online Documentary About The "Spanish" Flu Of 1918 (40 Minutes)

  Coronavirus Pandemic: Trump Does Not Intend To Save The U.S. Economy. He Intends To Save...

Coronavirus, Trump Cultists, And The "Intellectual Elites"

A List Of Trump's Dimwittedly Destructive Medical And Public Health Policies Since Taking Office

If You Had Bought Stocks At The Bottom Of Bush-Cheney's Great Recession, You Would Have Done Better Under Obama Than Trump.
And That's BEFORE The Coronavirus Collapse!

If People Had Taken Obama's Advice In 2009, We'd All Be Rich

Trump Could Use Coronavirus As Cover For War With Iran (White House Coup In The Works?)

An Audio Commentary On China And Trump's Response To Coronavirus - A Powerful Comparison

The Best Of Betty Bowers, America's Most Exemplary Christian

"Is The United States A Christian Nation?" 
"The Best Of Betty Bowers"

"The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John Pavlovitz

Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies
If Trump Cult Liars Do Not Repent, Their Descendants Will Be Ashamed Of Them Forever

"Conservative""Christians" Refuse To Distinguish Between Punishment And Compassion


Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian""Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

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(St. Paul Put To Evil Use By "Christian""Conservatives")

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American Conservatives Are The Apotheosis Of Pharisaism. (Conservatives, Please Weigh In)

Bibliolatry... And How To Live Happily Ever After

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Aldous Huxley On The Disappearance Of Democracy Behind The Trappings Of Patriotism

Republican Autocrats Block "One-Person-One-Vote" Democratic Governance

When Uneducated Populists Marginalize Educated Elites, Democracy Itself Wanes

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If The Current Economic Collapse Had Happened On Obama's Watch...

Reprise: Trump's Abomicare

It Is Painful How Stupid People Are

 A Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that “44 percent of Republicans believe Bill Gates is plotting to use a mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign as a pretext to implant microchips in billions of people and monitor their movements.”  If you have a cellphone, you're already a walking microchip | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible

Stunning Stupidity! (Not All Conservatives Are Stupid, But Most Stupid People Are Conservative)

"The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

New Poll Shows Fox News Fans Believe Bill Gates Wants To Microchip Them With A COVID-19 Vaccine

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Pax on both houses: "Let's Just Say It: The Republicans Are The ...

Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are Eager To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power

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Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"


Pax on both houses: Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt: Why I ...

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Christian Conservatives, The Republican Party, And Deliberate Cruelty As A Source Of Laughter

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Pax on both houses: Lifelong Republican & GOP Presidential ...
"When Conservatives Realized They Could No Longer Win National Elections Honestly..."
Republicans Can No Longer Win Without Cheating, And So They Cheat

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A Majority Of Republicans Hold Negative Views About Higher Education

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Pax on both houses: "Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts

Liverpool Soccer Star Sadio Mané, A Practicing Muslim Is The Christian Trumpistas Pretend To Be

Liverpool superstar Sadio Mane reveals he had absolutely no idea ...
Liverpool soccer player and soulful philanthropist, Sadio Mané, is a practicing Muslim.
This man is the Christian who Trumpistas pretend to be - and know they're not.
Sadio Mané has a heart where guys like Trump have a hole they try to fill by buying the stairway to heaven.
I'm reminded of Roger Corless' line (often misattributed to George Carlin): "Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.”

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
Sadio Mané, the Liverpool star from Senegal (earning approximately 10.2 million dollars annually),has given the world a lesson in modesty after some fans spotted him carrying a cracked Iphone. His response is legendary:

"Why would I want ten Ferraris, 20 diamond watches and two jet planes? What would that do for the world? I starved, I worked in the fields, I played barefoot, and I didn't go to school. Now I can help people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools [and] a stadium; we provide clothes, shoes, and food for people in extreme poverty. In addition, I give 70 euros per month to all people from a very poor Senegalese region in order to contribute to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips, and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me," Mané said.

Trump, Mail-In Voting, And Election Fraud

Image may contain: text that says 'Odd that Trump has more aggressively attacked mail-in voting, than he ever has Russian election meddling'
"It's Now Become Clear Exactly How Republicans Might Try To Overturn A Biden Victory In November"
"It's party over country, and they will do whatever they can to hold onto power"

Trump Operative Kris Kobach: Check Out What Passes For Normal

Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of Voter Fraud And Voter Suppression Posts

The Daily Show Interviews Republican Official Who Spills Beans On Deliberate Voter Suppression 
Masquerading As Prevention Of Voter Fraud
Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff

"Dog Whistle Politics": Coded Language And The Rise Of Racially Scornful Political Rhetoric

Dirty Trickster Lee Atwater: The GOP SOB At The Heart Of Republican Barbarism (Hidden Mic)

Inline image 1
Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"

Trump And The Corporate Takeover Of America

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power."
Attributed to Benito Mussolini
Pin on The Daily Trumpet Show
How Mussolini met his end:
Trump vs Mussolini - Album on Imgur
Update On Ivana Trump's Revelations Concerning Donald's Fondness For Hitler's Speeches 

"It Has Now Become Clear Exactly How Republicans Might Try To Overturn A Biden Victory"

bennydiego✯ on Twitter: "#NeverForget just how ignorant Trump ...
"It's Now Become Clear Exactly How Republicans Might Try To Overturn A Biden Victory In November"
"It's party over country, and they will do whatever they can to hold onto power"

Excerpt: The larger threat … is a scenario where a state like Wisconsin is pivotal in the election results and the electoral college, and Biden has won Wisconsin, but the Republican legislature decides to override the results from the election and award the electors to Donald Trump,” he said adding that the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Bush v. Gore noted that state legislatures have plenary power to decide how electors are appointed...
It’s also a state where Republicans have made no secret of their belief that voters in cities are illegitimate.
After Wisconsin Republicans maintained their margins in the state legislature even as Democrat Tony Evers defeated then-Governor Scott Walker in 2018, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos defended the gerrymandering that led to the GOP’s lopsided majority by suggesting that the state’s two largest cities — Madison and Milwaukee — don’t really represent the will of the people.
“If you took Madison and Milwaukee out of the state election formula, we would have a clear majority,” he said while speaking to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. “We would have all five constitutional officers and we would probably have many more seats in the legislature.”

Alan: Yes, the title of the article above means exactly what it says: "It Has Now Become Clear Exactly How Republicans Might Try To Overturn A Biden Victory In November"

Furthermore, overturning statewide Biden victories is completely legal.

"How can that be?" you ask.

It starts like this... 

Any state legislature has the legal right to declare electoral results invalid. 

Yes, the legislature has to provide reasons, but that's as easy to do as getting McConnell's senate to do whatever the hell it wanted to do in last year's impeachment process.

And then, once the state legislature invalidates its statewide presidential election result, that same state legislature is the body -- designated by law -- to assign the state's Electoral College electors to whomever it wants. 

"The Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Bush v. Gore noted that state legislatures have plenary power to decide how electors are appointed."

"Plenary power," my friend.

Try getting "around" that one!

It's iron-f*cking-clad.

Ultimately, statewide presidential elections are completely in the hands of state legislatures, most of which -- through decades of bullshit right-wing gerrymandering -- are now in Republican hands.

One more thing...

God-damn "Christian""conservatives" don't give a shite about Democracy, not even in its vestigial American form.

"Christian""conservatives" believe in God's Dominion only, and are absolutely convinced that liberal democracies like the one embedded in the (overarchingly oligarchic) constitution represent an existential threat to God's sovereignty and believe they are doing God's work -- indeed, that they've been ordained to do God's work -- by overthrowing these "upstart" powers and principalities, even if they have to lie, cheat and "busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels."

Put nothing past them.


When it comes to trashing democratic process -- no matter what it takes, and no matter how they accomplish the end -- these "Christian""conservatives" are as maniacal as inner circle ISIS jihadis.
June 2 2012 - Voter Fraud, Voter Intimidation, political cartoon ...

Trump Operative Kris Kobach: Check Out What Passes For Normal

Cartoon: Voter fraud fail

Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of Voter Fraud And Voter Suppression Posts

Every Trump voter is a hill billy!!! XD : drumpfisfinished

The Daily Show Interviews Republican Official Who Spills Beans On Deliberate Voter Suppression 
Masquerading As Prevention Of Voter Fraud

Political Cartoon on 'GOP Targets Voter Fraud' by Signe Wilkinson ...

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GOP-voter-fraud cartoon | I Am Incorrigible

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portland imc - 2018.10.22 - Varieties Of GOP Vote Fraud And ...

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Inline image 1
Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"

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Partial Litany Of Election Fraud Incidents - a column by saiom ...

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