Channel: Pax on both houses
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Pope Francis Turns 80 This Saturday, December 17th

"Love is the measure of faith." | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Pope Francis: "A Little Mercy Makes The World More Just"

"Charity, and charity alone, frees us." | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Pope Francis Recommends Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton


"Once our grandparents were very careful not to throw away any leftover food. Consumerism has led us to become accustomed to the superfluous | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Abraham Lincoln And Pope Francis Agree On The Roles Of Mercy And Justice

Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read

Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


"Let no one use God as a shield while planning and carrying out acts of violence and oppression." | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Pope Francis: Moving The Moral Compass 
From "The Individual" Toward "The Collective"

Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"

Pope Francis: There Are Two Ways Of Having Faith: We Can Fear To Lose The Saved," Or...

Former Catholic Priest, James Carroll, Reviews "The New Morality Of Pope Francis"

Trump's Pick for Nat'l Security Adviser, Gen. M. Flynn, "Inappropriately" Shared Classified Info

Americans Overestimate Muslim Population 17X And The Amount Of U.S. Foreign Aid By 150X


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Most Americans Overestimate Muslim Population by 17X, Poll Shows

Americans Think Foreign Aid Consumes 1/3rd Of GNP. This % Is Totally Hallucinated

Americans Clamor For Budget Cuts But Have No Intention To Enact Them

National Geographic: "Most Young Americans Can’t Pass a Test on Global Affairs—Can You?"

The House Committee On Science Just Tweeted An Article About "Science" From Breitbart

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad," Samuel Johnson By Way Of Euripides


Alan: Increasingly, I have a nauseous feeling that what we are witnessing is the end of empire propelled by a lunatic last-ditch effort to resurrect empire.

The dysfunction is crazier than we imagine because sane (or just minimally rational) people cannot imagine the scope of our collective lunacy.
9/11, "The National Lunacy" And The Collapse Of The Republican Party

Germany found out what national lunacy is.

Italy found out.

Argentina found out.

Chile found out. 

Guatemala found out

The inquisitorial Holy See found out.

The Inquisition Executed Its Last Victim In 1826, A Spaniard Who Taught Deism

Greater Arabee found out.

Now it's our turn.

"Quos deus vult perdere prius dementat."

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad"

U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack


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U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack

Diane Rehm: New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections

The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process

President Obama Indicates "Clear Relationships" Between Trump Campaign And Russia

"Quos deus vult perdere prius dementat."
"Whom God would destroy, he first makes mad."

Senator Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell Says: "The Russians Are Not Our Friends
The Kremlin Gloats Over Trump's CIA Tantrum

Trump Launches New Clothing Line

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Alan: A new edition of Trump's "Make America Great Again" hats is now available - in tinfoil.

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Diane Rehm: New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections

The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process

President Obama Indicates "Clear Relationships" Between Trump Campaign And Russia

"Quos deus vult perdere prius dementat."
"Whom God would destroy, he first makes mad."

Senator Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell Says: "The Russians Are Not Our Friends
The Kremlin Gloats Over Trump's CIA Tantrum

Image result for make america great again in tinfoil
(Still made in overseas sweatshops.)

"Trump's War On Science," The New Yorker

Image result for science denial
"Trump's War On Science,"The New Yorker

"The Danger Of Science Denial"
TED Talk by Michael Specter
A Meanspirited But Accurate Attack On Creationists - And The Larger Meaning Of Science Denial

Sarah Palin: "Alaska Feels Impacts Of Climate Change More Than Any Other State"


Pax On Both Houses: Best Climate Change Posts

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham Says Campaign Account Hacked By Russia

Republican Senator Lindsay Graham Says Campaign Account Hacked By Russia

Diane Rehm: New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections

The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process

President Obama Indicates "Clear Relationships" Between Trump Campaign And Russia

"Quos deus vult perdere prius dementat."
"Whom God would destroy, he first makes mad."

Senator Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell Says: "The Russians Are Not Our Friends
The Kremlin Gloats Over Trump's CIA Tantrum

Chinese News Outlet Calls For Forceful Conquest Of Taiwan: Trump Has No Idea What's In Store

Image result for pax on both houses, christians want armageddon
Chinese Media Outlet Calls For "Use Of Force" Over Taiwan After Trump Call

Alan: Let's suppose China's intelligence community concludes that Trump is an inept clown. 

And, since Taiwan is in "China's backyard," why not seize it? 

Just import The Monroe Doctrine, pointing out to the world that this "not-in-my-backyard" doctrine is an All-American invention as well as an honorable political position. 

The Monroe Doctrine

Now let's suppose that the United States military -ntelligence community decides "seizure of Taiwan" is not worth a nuclear war.

China "wins."

But, let's suppose the United States decides to wage nuclear war.

China loses.

The United States loses.

The world loses.

And what's left of our species devolves to its original status as "just" another species of "jungle" ape.

I don't think this scenario will play out.

But if China were to seize Taiwan -- which it could accomplish faster than Uncle Sam could react -- I think America's military-intelligence community would advise Trump to deal with the situation diplomatically,  not militarily.

Then, Trump -- America's Commander In Chief -- would decide, singlehandedly, whether to push The Button.

"60 Minutes": The New Cold War. Who Has The Temperament To Be Next Commander-In-Chief?

Gamal Abdel Nasser's Keen Insight Into American Politics: "The Genius Of You Americans..."

Some Democrats Willing To Help Republicans Replace ObamaCare. But...


Republicans will need at least eight Democratic votes in the Senate to pass a replacement to the Affordable Care Act, and some Democrats claim they're willing to be flexible when the time comes.

"If it makes sense, I think there'll be a lot of Democrats who would be for it," Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said.

But many Democrats are skeptical that Republicans will have a good alternative: "For six years, I've looked [for Republican replacement plans] in closets, I've looked in committee rooms, I've looked under desks. … They've had six frickin' years to figure it out," McCaskill added.

While there will be particular pressure on Democrats up for re-election in 2018, the public could also sour against Republicans if ObamaCare is repealed. "The political calculation changes once we're in post-repeal world," one senior Democratic official said.

Ever The Master Spy, Putin Punks The Plutopath


Putin-Trump In 2016 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Officials: Master Spy Vladimir Putin Now Directly Linked to US Hacking

ABC News 
Ever the master spy, Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB colonel, was personally involved in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and efforts to interfere in the American elections, U.S.

How My Home State Of North Carolina Is Currently Modeling The Intrinsic Vility Of The GOP

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Alan: Republican absolutists are so certain they're right that they feel no need to subscribe to the rules of democracy. 

Just let them have all power and the enactment of God's Will shall cover the earth.

Frank Zappa Prophesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees

North Carolina Republicans orchestrate last-minute “power grab” to thwart incoming Democratic governor

Salon - ‎1 hour ago‎
Since Gov. Pat McCrory finally conceded, Republicans have been rushing to strip power from the governorship. Sophia Tesfaye Follow · Share; WhatsApp.

Los Veinte Puentes Mas Asombrosos Del Mundo

"El Camino Inka," A Surpassingly Good Exhibit At The Museum Of The American Indian

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El Camino Inka
Qhapaq Ñan

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"Por cierto, no es pequeno dolor  contemplar que, siendo aquellos incas gentiles e idolatras, tuviesen tan buena orden para saber gobernar y conservar tierras tan largas, y nosotros, siendo cristianos, hayamos destruido tantos reinos." Pedro de Cieza de León, 1553


"It is certainly no small grief to contemplate the idolatrous but genteel Inca who had such keen understanding of order that they knew how to govern and preserve vast lands, while we Christians have destroyed so many peoples."

Inca Road System

Incan Stone Work. No Mortar. No "Knifable" Clefts. Every Stone Cut Differently

Video: Inca Rope Bridge Construction. A Community Project
Image result for The Bridge of San Luis Rey online
The Bridge Of San Luis Rey
by Thornton Wilder
One of the world's great novels.
Side-by-side English and Spanish editions, freely available online:

Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" And Other Great Novels

Diane Rehm Ends Her Illustrious Career With Discussions Of "The Media" And "Collapsing Civility"

Diane Rehm (8280900613).jpg
Diane Rehm
Born In Washington D.C. to Arab parents, on September 21, 1936

Diane never attended college.

This photo illustration taken in Moscow on November 10, 2016 shows front pages of Russian newspapers reporting on the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election.
This photo illustration taken in Moscow on November 10, 2016 shows front pages of Russian newspapers reporting on the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election. 
Wednesday, Dec 14 • 10 a.m. (ET)

New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections

A new investigation by The New York Times details a Russian cyber-espionage effort to tip the 2016 election to Donald Trump and disrupt House races in a dozen states. Missed signals and consequences of a Russian-backed campaign to interfere with U-S elections.

Avocados To Blame For Deaths Of Aye-Ayes At Duke Lemur Center

Trevor Noah: Trump Is Finally Telling The Truth About His Lying

Facebook Will Start Telling Users When A Story Might Be Fake


Facebook will start telling you when a story may be fake

Washington Post

Facebook has struggled for months over whether it should crack down on false news stories and hoaxes that are being spread on its site.

Diane Rehm's Last Interview With Ken Burns Who Promotes More And Better History In High School

Diane Rehm Show: Did Donald Trump And His Followers Lie Their Way Into The White House?

Diane Rehm Ends Her Illustrious Career With Discussions Of "The Media" And "Collapsing Civility"

Alan: Personally, I applaud Zuckerberg's effort to alert Facebook users to false news - or even the possibility that news may be bogus. 

However, there are academics who have researched this matter and, surprisingly, they have changed their mind.

The data is quite persuasive: the refutation of false news causes "believers" to double down on their belief, making them more adamantly evangelical than before their stars were crossed.

Here is the hard truth.

People want to be lied to. (We're also quite adept lying to ourselves.)

"The Death Of Epistemology"

Clearly, there is self-deception on both sides of the aisle. 

But at some point, quantitative accumulation of falsehood brings about a qualitative change. 

Like water becoming a gas at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's still liquid at 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211. 



Those Americans who think Trump "tells it like is" are the very people most inclined to lie to themselves, people who have lied to themselves so long and so completely that they have lost the ability to register Truth. 

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: "It's a pound." Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating." Denis de Rougemont

Worse yet, those who have already denatured Truth are so absolutely self-certain of their rightness (and righteousness) that they cannot even entertain the possibility of being wrong without running the risk of losing their faith in "God."

Whatever backed them into that corner is downright diabolical.

"Plan B" for these folks is conspiracy thinking - just concoct any damn explanation for why the Sandy Hook slaughter was not real (like the fact that parents don't cry on camera) and then assert "make believe" as truth.

The Thinking Housewife Plunges Into The Abyss Of Conspiratorial Thinking

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Alternatively, friend Byron likes to point out that "the nature of scientific pursuit obliges real researchers to try to prove themselves wrong."

Many are called. Few are chosen.


I suspect we are re-enacting "The Tower of Babel" 

In that splendid story, "The People's One Language" was suddenly confused so that "the bewildered" found themselves no longer understanding one another, and -- lacking mutual understanding -- they could not work together; could not collaborate. 

King Nimrod's people -- long settled in Shinar where they dedicated themselves to building The Tower -- were suddenly "scattered over the face of the earth." 

"The scattering" resulting from "linguistic confusion" of The One Language -- a single tonque that previously insured everyone's "common understanding" -- now brought about self-segregation of Shinar's baffled sub-populations... a circumstance reminiscent of post-modern America's mutually-unintelligible political constituencies --- Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Trumpettes, Occupiers, Bernie-socialists and so on. 


Would any of us -- you or me -- understand "the language" spoken in Trump Tower?

If we were flies on the wall of his gold-plated bathroom, we would discover they speak babel. 

What's more, the language of The Tower would not even be true to those who are speaking it! They've been lying so long, they don't know what's true. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53JkTgdTKd0

"We" seem to be speaking the same language. 

But suddenly -- starting with The National Lunacy unleashed when The Other Towers came crashing on 9/11) we fail to understand "the other tribes." Even though we huddle under the same linguistic umbrella: the semantic content of our words has become confused. (In my personal life, I find that the more precisely I speak, the more opaque I am to The Others.)

Certain groups no longer understand other groups, while a third category of linguo-semantic "tribes" partially understands other "tribes" but only insofar as speakers of related dialects "get the general drift" but are deprived of sufficient lexical nuance or complexity to realize projects "held in common."

As is always true of The Future, I cannot predict the specific outcomes of this confusion. 

But I think this confusion will be the cornerstone of The American Empire's pending dissolution. 

Chinese News Outlet Calls For Forceful Conquest Of Taiwan: Trump Has No Idea What's In Store

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