Channel: Pax on both houses
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Long-Time Trump Advisor, Roger Stone: Donald Arranged Cabinet Post Meeting To "Torture" Mitt

Alan: It is very hard to describe Trump accurately without resorting to expletive. 

The man is diseased. 

That American conservatives -- particularly "Christian""conservatives" -- don't see psychopathology is a measure of their own affliction.

The plutopath is precisely "The Messiah" conservative Christians deserve, steeped as they are in the presumed "righteousness" of "The Saved!"

Like them -- and their punitive god -- Trump will punish the "the unfaithful," simultaneously delighting in "The Lake Of Unquenchable Fire" where he hurls The Accursed.

Plutopath Advisor Roger Stone: Trump Arranged Secretary Of State Meeting To "Torture" Mitt

Trump Taps Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry To Head Energy Department He Promised To Abolish

81% Of Americans Think Trump Likely to Use Presidency to Benefit His Businesses


Devious Donald Economic Predator | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Trump's Inability To Separate Personal Profit From Politics: "What Am I Supposed To Do?"

Donald "Easy To Be Sleazy" Trump | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."

This Is America's "Christian" Candidate. Take A Good Look. Call The Kids!

Update On Ivana Trump's Revelations Concerning Donald's Fondness For Hitler's Speeches 
Trump's Full-Throttled Promotion Of Greed, Traditionally One Of Christianity's "7 Deadly Sins"

President Obama Indicates "Clear Relationships" Between Trump Campaign And Russia

Putin-Trump In 2016 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Alan: Until "ten minutes ago" every conservative in America was attacking Hillary Clinton for pushing "the re-set button" with Russia.

Trump comes along, hops into bromance bed with Vladimir Putin (whose surname is, coincidentally, a Spanish diminutive meaning "little male whore") and Americans go gah gah.

We gringos exhibit every hallmark of a people gone mad.

Quos deus vult perdere prius dementat.
Whom God would destroy, he first makes mad.

President Obama Indicates "Clear Relationships" Between Trump Campaign And Russia
The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

Senator Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell Says: "The Russians Are Not Our Friends

The Kremlin Gloats Over Trump's CIA Tantrum

Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."

This Is America's "Christian" Candidate. Take A Good Look. Call The Kids!
Update On Ivana Trump's Revelations Concerning Donald's Fondness For Hitler's Speeches 
Trump's Full-Throttled Promotion Of Greed, Traditionally One Of Christianity's "7 Deadly Sins"

Obama's Approval Rating Hits 59%; Trump's Approval Rating At 41%

Who Is Trump's Chief White House Strategist, Steve Bannon?

Editorial cartoon on Donald Trump and Steve Bannon
Who Is Trump's Chief White House Strategist, Steve Bannon?

Alan: Like Trump, Donald's chief strategist, Steve Bannon has been married three times. https://www.romper.com/p/is-steve-bannon-married-critics-are-investigating-his-past-23030

Bannon married and divorced Cathleen Jourdan but there is no online record when they were wed nor when their marriage dissolved. Their only offspring, a daughter, is a West Point graduate.

Bannon married Louise Piccard in 1995 with divorce the following year. During their brief marriage Bannon was investigated for serious accusations of domestic abuse (calling to mind Ivana Trump's allegation that Donald had "raped" her).

Image result for pax on both houses ivana trump

Diane Clohesy a director, producer, and social media manager for Breitbart News (whose Palin biopic is being produced by Bannon) were married on an unknown date and divorced in 2009. 

Pax on both houses: 7 Steve Bannon Quotes That Confirm He Loves ...


Nov 16, 2016 - 7 Steve Bannon Quotes That Confirm He Loves To Dog-Whistle The Alt-Right. Image result for steve bannon quotes. 7 Steve Bannon Quotes ...

Pax on both houses: Alt Right Rejoices At Donald Trump's Steve ...


Aug 18, 2016 - As Breitbart's chief, Steve Bannon did a lot to normalize the racist, anti-Semitic world of the alt right. Now they rejoice as he joins the campaign ...

Pax on both houses: Stephen Bannon's Domestic-Abuse Charges ...


Aug 26, 2016 - Image result for Stephen Bannon's Domestic-Abuse Charges Deepen Trump's "Woman Problem". Stephen Bannon's Domestic-Abuse Charges ...

Pax on both houses: Glenn Beck: The Alt-Right Is Truly Terrifying


Nov 16, 2016 - Image result for steve bannon quotes. 7 Steve Bannon Quotes That Confirm He Loves To Dog-Whistle The Alt-Right.

Reality Is Trumped By Lies, Conspiracy Theories (Sandy Hook Never Happened) And A Post-Factual President

Adam Smith, "The Father Of Capitalism: "The Vile Maxim Of The Masters Of Mankind


Adam Smith's "Moral Sentiments" Thwart The Real But Barbarous Impulses Of Capitalism


The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Adam Smith

Original 1910 Income Tax Legislation Promised To Never Shift Burden From Richest 1% - 4%

Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris
25 Dec. 1783
The Remissness of our People in Paying Taxes is highly blameable; the Unwillingness to pay them is still more so. I see, in some Resolutions of Town Meetings, a Remonstrance against giving Congress a Power to take, as they call it, the People's Money out of their Pockets, tho' only to pay the Interest and Principal of Debts duly contracted. They seem to mistake the Point. Money, justly due from the People, is their Creditors' Money, and no longer the Money of the People, who, if they withold it, should be compell'd to pay by some Law.

All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it.

The Founders' Constitution
Volume 1, Chapter 16, Document 12
The University of Chicago Press
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Albert Henry Smyth. 10 vols. New York: Macmillan Co., 1905--7.

Adam Smith

Mistaking His Crucifix For A Gun, Police Shoot Dead A 73 Year Old Demented Man


Francisco Serna, 73, was shot dead by police in Bakersfield, California on Dec. 12, 2016.

Francisco Serna, 73, was shot dead by police in Bakersfield, California on Dec. 12, 2016.

73-Year-Old Man With Dementia May Have Been Waving Crucifix When Cops Fatally Shot Him: Family

Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist

American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year

1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.

Toddlers Kill More Americans Than Terrorists. American Cops Kill Nine Times More Americans

Lists Of Americans Killed By Cops In 2013, 2014, 2015

"Cops Killing Kids: 
John Oliver And A Bereaved White Dad's Initiative"

Cleveland Police Shoot And Kill 12 Year Old With Toy Gun
Black Kids Get Shot For Their Mistakes. White Kids Get Psychologized

"Video: WalMart Shopper John Crawford Didn't Aim Toy Gun At Anyone Before Police Shot Him Dead"

"White Teen In BMW Hits Three Cars, Flees Scene, Assaults Cops, And Doesn't Get Shot"

White Man Jaywalks With Assault Rifle. Guess What Police Do

"Diane Rehm: Georgetown Law Professor's Revealing Account Of Police Harassment"

"Actor Jesse Williams Gets Real About Relentless Dehumanization Of Black Men"

There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals


50 Police Officers Shot & Killed In 2014. Huge, Steady Decline Since 1970s


Why Police Are So Violent Toward Black Men, Revelations Of A Baltimore Ex-Cop

Ain't No Racism In America: LA Cop Would "Pull A Ferguson" On "Nigger Chimps"

Compendium Of Pax Posts: What's Wrong With Race Relations? 
Hatred, Cops And The Law

"Given FL's "Stand Your Ground Law," Can This Black Woman Kill The White Cop Who Assaulted Her?"
Video Of Missouri Cop Threatening To Kill Protestors
Can These Protestors Use "Stand Your Ground" As Good Reason To Kill This Cop?

How Cops And Citizens Should Handle Pullovers

Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented

Extrajudicial Execution By Killer Cops: Best Pax Posts

In The United States Of Barbaria, We Train Our Cops To Kill

Cop Arrested After Video Shows Her Shoot Unarmed Man in Back Lying Face Down in the Snow

American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)

Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts

Walter Scott’s Killing Is the Sum of Every Black Nightmare About White Cops


Killing Good Black People Over Dysfunctional Tail Lights

"Cops Kill Eric Garner For Selling Cigarettes"
(No Indictment)
"Ferguson Isn't About Black Rage Against White Cops. It's About White Rage Against Progress"
"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"

"Ferguson Is What America Has Always Been: 
Our Dangerous Delusions On Race & Democracy"

The Caging Of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?

Compendium Of Pax Posts On Violent Criminals And Violent Police

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment

"How The Trump Stole Christmas," John Pavlovitz

Alan: Thanks to friend Ed for sending me this parody.
How The Trump Stole Christmas
John Pavlovitz
In a land where the states are united, they claim,
in a sky-scraping tower adorned with his name,
lived a terrible, horrible, devious chump,
This Trump he was mean, such a mean little man,
with the tiniest heart and two tinier hands,
and a thin set of lips etched in permanent curl,
and a sneer and a scowl and contempt for the world.
He looked down from his perch and he grinned ear to ear,
and he thought, “I could steal the election this year!
It’d be rather simple, it’s so easily won,
I’ll just make them believe that their best days are done!
Yes, I’ll make them believe that it’s all gone to Hell,
and I’ll be Jerk Messiah and their souls they will sell.
And I’ll use lots of words disconnected from truth,
but I’ll say them with style so they won’t ask for proof.
I’ll speak random platitudes, phrases, and such,
They’re so raised on fake news that it won’t matter much!
They won’t question the how to, the what, why, or when,
The Trump told them to fear, they should fear he would say,
“They’ve all come for your jobs, they’ll all take them away.
You should fear every Muslim and Mexican too,
every brown, black, and tan one, everyone who votes blue.”
And he fooled all the Christians, he fooled them indeed,
And celebrity preachers they crowned him as king,
Tripping over themselves just to kiss the Trump’s ring.
And he spoke only lies just as if they were true,
Until they believed all of those lies were true too.
He repeated and Tweeted and he blustered and spit,
And he mislead and fibbed—and he just made up sh*t.
And the media laughed but they printed each line,
So they chased every headline, bold typed every claim,
‘Till the fake news and real news they looked just the same.
And the scared folk who listened, they devoured each word,
Yes, they ate it all up every word that they heard,
petrified that their freedom was under attack,
from the gays and from ISIS, he’d take it all back,
Take it back from the Democrats, fat cats, and blacks.
And so hook, line, and sinker they all took the bait,
all his lies about making America great.
Now the Pantsuited One she was smart and prepared,
she was brilliant and steady but none of them cared,
no they cared not to see all the work that she’d done,

And the Pantsuited One she was slandered no end,
and a lie became truth she could never defend.
And the Trump watched it all go according to plan—
a strong woman eclipsed by an insecure man.

Yes, the Trump he had done it, just like he had said.
And the Trumpers they trumped, how they trumped when he won,
All the racists and bigots; deplorable ones,

And the grossest of grossness they hurled on their peers,
But he Tweeted at Hamilton, he Tweeted the Times,
And he trolled Alec Baldwin a few hundred times,
and he pouted a pout like a petulant kid,
thinking this is what Presidents actually did,
thinking he could still be a perpetual jerk,

And the Trump he soon realized that he didn’t win,
He had gotten the thing—and the thing now had him.
And it turned out the Trump was a little too late,
for America was already more than quite great,
not because of the sameness, the opposite’s true,
It’s greatness far more than just red, white, and blue,
It’s straight, gay, and female—it’s Gentile and Jew,


My Audio Rendition Of Dr. Seuss'"The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

U.S. News & World Report: Playing With Fire, Trump Already Undermining National Security

Article 17

Nationalism and the Future of Western Freedom: The Role Of A "Discredited" Biblical Idea


Image result for jewish nationalism

Does it?
Or does it depend upon it?

Nationalism and the Future of Western Freedom

A conflict is brewing over the shape of the international order. It centers around an idea—a biblical idea—long thought discredited by political elites

The Bible thus puts a new political conception on the table: a state of a single people that is united, self-governing, and uninterested in bringing its neighbors under its own rule. This state is governed not by foreigners responsible to a ruler in a distant land but by kings and governors, priests and prophets, drawn from the ranks of the nation itself: elites that are, for just this reason, thought to be better able to stay in touch with the needs of their own people, their “brothers,” especially the less fortunate among them.
In addition, because the Israelite king is merely one of the people, and not the representative of some abstract universal ambition, his powers can be circumscribed to prevent abuse. Unlike the kings of Egypt or Babylonia, the Israelite king under the Mosaic constitution is not empowered to make the laws, which are the heritage of his nation and not subject to his whim. Nor does he have the power to appoint the priesthood, thereby making law and religion subservient to him. In the same way, the Mosaic law limits the king’s right to tax and enslave the people, just as the limitations on Israel’s borders prevent the king from embracing the dream of universal conquest.
It is important to notice that the Israelites’ conception of the nation has nothing to do with biology, or what we call race. For biblical nations, everything depends on a shared understanding of history, language, and religion that is passed from parents to children, but which outsiders can join as well. Thus the book of Exodus teaches that there were many Egyptians who attached themselves to the Hebrew slaves in fleeing Egypt, and that they received the Ten Commandments (more accurately translated as the “Ten Precepts”) at Sinai with the rest of Israel. Similarly, Moses invites the Midianite sheikh Jethro to join the Jewish people. And Ruth the Moabite becomes part of Israel by declaring “your people will be my people and your God will be my God”—her son being the forefather of King David himself.
But the ability of Israel to bring foreign-born individuals into its ranks always depends on these individuals’ willingness to accept Israel’s God, its view of history, and its laws. Without embracing these elements of the national identity, foreigners will not be able to contribute to Israel’s cohesion and strength in times of hardship. They will not be part of the Israelite nation."The Jews were not the only people to recognize the potential of a national form of political organization as a bulwark against the tyranny of universal empire. "
Related image

Diane Rehm: Russian Manipulation Of The 2016 Presidential Election Was An Act Of War


Image result for russian intervention in 2016 election

Diane Rehm: New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections
The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process
Trump Says It's "Ridiculous" To Think Russia Intervened On His Behalf.
Why Is This "Ridiculous?"
Senator Majority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell Says: "The Russians Are Not Our Friends
The Kremlin Gloats Over Trump's CIA Tantrum

Rex Tillerson's WIkipedia Page Altered Last Night To Eliminate Reference To Russian Award

Related image
The Deep Ties Between Russia-Putin And Exxon-CEO-Secretary-Of-State Nominee, Rex Tillerson

Trump Invites Putin To Hack U.S. Government | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Diane Rehm: New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections
The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process

Where Has Trump Prototype, Rodrigo Duterte Gone With His Presidency?

Bizarre Popularity Of Vladimir Putin Among Republicans. (Putin Is Bashir Al Assad's Facilitator)

The Putin push: Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorability among Republicans has grown over two yearsIn this photo taken Friday, Dec. 2, 2016 Russian President Vladimir Putin toasts at a meeting with Russian and foreign cultural figures in the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia. At right, Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky. At left back, Russia's Vakhtangov theater director Kirill Krok. (Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)(Credit: AP)

The Putin push: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s favorability among Republicans has grown over two years

Despite Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, Republicans have grown to like Putin more

American conservatives have always had a weird adoration for Russian president Vladimir Putin thanks to, in part, his macho leadership and old-school nationalism. But following the annexation of Crimea in March 2014, most Americans — including Republicans — held an unfavorable opinion of Putin. According to a July 2014 The Economist/YouGov poll, 76 percent of Republicans didn’t like him, compared to only 10 percent who did like him.
As of December 2016, the same pollsters found that Putin’s net favorability had jumped 55 points among Republicans — with 37 percent saying they have a positive opinion of him.
The most recent poll’s conclusion comes at a time when U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that Russia helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election by deliberately targeting his opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump, for his part, has denied Russia’s involvement, tweeting that the CIA’s findings should be taken with a grain of salt because “it is very hard to determine who was doing the hacking.” While senate Republicans have pushed for a formal inquiry into Russia’s culpability, Trump has rejected his daily security briefings and has given zero indication that he wants to know who was responsible for the cyberattack against the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.
Throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump did not even try to hide his admiration for the Russian president, calling Putin “a leader far more than our president [Barack Obama] has been.” Trump campaigned on the notion that he would improve diplomatic relations with the Eastern European power.

Diane Rehm: New Details Of A Russian-Backed Campaign To Interfere With U.S. Elections
The Borowitz Report: "Putin Agrees To Receive Intelligence Briefings In Trump's Place"

The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Trump Tower And Kremlin"

CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process

Global Warming Deniers Need Glass Belly Buttons To See Out


Image result for head up ass

The Arctic just had its hottest year on record 'by far,' scientists say

Washington Post - ‎Dec 13, 2016‎
The Arctic saw the warmest temperatures ever recorded in 2016, according to an annual report released Tuesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"The Moon Illusion": Why the Moon Looks Bigger Near the Horizon - A Mystery Since 400 B.C.

Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald: How Trump's Business Ties Are Already Jeopardizing U.S. Interests


Devious Donald Economic Predator | made w/ Imgflip meme maker


Trump Says It's "Ridiculous" To Think Russia Intervened On His Behalf. 
Why Is This "Ridiculous?"
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Says: 
"The Russians Are Not Our Friends"
Why Vladimir Putin Is Backing Donald Trump
What We Know For Sure: Every Leader-Thug In The World Applauded Pussy Grabber's Victory
CIA Concluded That Russia Worked To Elect Trump, Not Just Undermine U.S. Political Process
How Putin (And His Pal) Are Making The World Safe For Autocracy
Reported Secretary Of State And Exxon CEO, Rex Tillerson, Has A Long Smily-Face Relationship With Vladimir Putin
The Borowitz Report: "Trump To Split Time Between Kremlin And Trump Tower"
Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."

Ayn Rand-Acolyte Donald Trump Stacks His Cabinet With Fellow "Objectivists"

A Strong Argument Can Be Made That Christian Conservatives Are Pimping For Trump
Roger Stone: Trump Arranged Secretary Of State Meeting To "Torture" Mitt

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