Channel: Pax on both houses
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Martin Luther King Jr. On Lifting Oneself Up

Martin Luther King Jr. On Justice For Some

If Armageddon Happens, It Will Be A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Concocted By Hateful Christians


Dear Fred,

Thanks for your email.

I have always had serious reservations about Naropa.

However, I spotlight thoughtful Quakers whenever I can. 

Either Christianity moves in the direction of pacifism or it will be partial justification for the terminal blowout.

If Armageddon happens, it will -- in large part -- be a self-fulfilling prophecy concocted by hateful "Christians."

Pax tecum


PS I have long intended to launch an ongoing Sunday reflection concerning one of the day's lectionary readings. My firm resolve is to start this afternoon.

Seldom Sermonized Bible Quotes

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Fred Owens <froghospital911@gmail.com> wrote:

Parker Palmer. Another gaseous windbag gets an award for nonstop talking about nothing. Naropa nada nothing.


Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

"The Permanent Challenge: Caring For Oneself," Brazilian Theologian Leonardo Boff


Leonardo Boff

The permanent challenge: Caring for oneself

Leonardo Boff
      Earthcharter Commission

  Readers: Enough of politics for a while. Let us think a little about our poor, happy or unhappy existences.

In considering the category of "caring" in our relationship with Mother Earth and with all beings, Pope Francis stressed not just a virtue, but a true paradigm that represents an alternative to the paradigm of  modernity,  namely, that of the drive for power, that has caused so much damage.

We must take care of everything, including ourselves, because we are the closest of our neighbors and, at the same time, the most complex and most undecipherable of all beings.
Do we know who we are? What do we exist for? Were are we going? Reflecting on these inescapable questions, it is worth remembering the thoughts of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), perhaps the most true:
What is the human being in nature? The human is a nothing in the face of the infinite, and a whole in the face of nothingness; a link between the nothing and the whole, but incapable of seeing the nothingness whence he comes or the infinite whither he goes.    (Pensées § 72).

We truly do not know who we are. We only distrust, as Guimarães Rosa would say.  To the degree that we live and suffer, we slowly go about discovering who we are.  In the final analysis, we are expressions of that background (the image of God?), that sustains and directs everything.

Along with what we really are, there is also that which we potentially can be. The potential is also part of the real, perhaps it is our best part. Starting with this background, we can develop points to guide us in the search for that which we want and can be.

In this search caring for oneself performs a decisive function. First, it is not about a narcissistic view of one's ego.  That generally leads not to self knowledge but to identification with a projected image of oneself and therefore is false and alienating.
Michel Foucauld, in his thorough study, The hermeneutics of the subject (2004), tried to resurrect the Western tradition of caring for the self, especially as seen through the wise men of the Second and Third centuries, like Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and others. The great motto was the famous ghôti seautón, know thyself. That knowledge is not abstract, but very concrete: recognize that which you are, try to deepen thyself to discover your potential; try to make real that which you in fact can become.

In this context the different virtues were addressed, so well discussed by Socrates. He warned about avoiding the worst of the vices, one that has become common among us: namely, hubris. Hubris is to exceed one's limits and to strive to be special, above others. Perhaps hubris is the worst aspect of Western culture, of Christian culture, especially of the culture of the United States with its imagined Manifest Destiny  (the belief in being the new chosen people of God): the feeling of superiority and of exceptionality, imposing our values on others, sanctioned by God.

The first that must be said is that the human is a being and not a thing. Humans are not a substance, constituted once and for all, but a knot of relationships always active, that through the chain of relationships are continuously constructing themselves, as the universe does. All beings of the universe, according to the new cosmology, are carriers of a certain subjectivity, because they have a history, live in an interaction and interdependency of all with all, learning through inter-exchange and accumulation of information. This is a universal cosmologic principle. But the human being has its own form of this principle, namely, the fact of being a conscious and reflecting being. The human being knows that he knows and that he does not know and, to be complete, does not know what he does not know.

This knot of relationships is built from a Center, around which relationships with others are organized. That profound I is never alone.  Its solitude is for communion. It demands a you. Or, better, according to Martin Buber, it is where the you begins that the I awakens and is formed. From the and theyou is born the us.

Caring for oneself implies, in the first place, accepting oneself the way one is, with one's talents and limitations. Not with bitterness, like those who want to change their existential situation, but with joviality. It is to accept one's own face, hair, legs, breasts, appearance and mode of being in the world; in short, to accept our bodies (see Corbin et all, O corpo, 3 vol. 2008). When we accept ourselves more, fewer plastic surgery clinics will exist. With the physical characteristics we have, we should develop our mode of being in the world.

Nothing is more ridiculous than to artificially construct beauty, in disharmony with one's inner beauty.  It is a vain attempt to “photo shop”  our own image.

Caring for oneself demands knowing how to combine our aptitudes with our motivations. It is not enough to have an aptitude for music if we are not motivated to be musicians. Likewise, the motivation to be musicians is of no use if we do not have the aptitude for that. We just waste our energies and gather frustrations. We wind up being mediocre, something that does not make us better.

Another aspect of caring for oneself is to know and to learn to coexist with the dark dimension that accompanies the light dimension. We love and we hate. We are made with those contradictions. Anthropologically, it is said that we are simultaneously sapiens and demens,  people with both awareness, and rudeness. We are the intersection of those opposites.

Caring for oneself is to be able to create a synthesis, where the contradictions do not annul each other, but the luminous side predominates.

To care for ourselves is to love, to accept, to recognize our vulnerabilities, to be able to cry, to know how to forgive and to develop the resilience that is the capacity to overcome and learn from our mistakes and contradictions.  Then we can write straight, even if the lines are crooked.

Leonardo Boff

Thomas Merton On The Relationship Between Unhappiness And Power

Thomas Merton

“Man’s unhappiness seems to have grown in proportion to his power over the exterior world.  And anyone who claims to have a glib explanation of this fact had better take care that he too is not the victim of a delusion.  For after all, this should not necessarily be so.  God made man the ruler of the earth, and all science worthy of the name participates in some way in the wisdom and providence of the Creator.  But the trouble is that unless the works of man’s wisdom, knowledge and power participate in the merciful love of God, they are without real value for the world and for man.  They do nothing to make man happy and they do not manifest in the world the glory of God.”
From Disputed Questions by Thomas Merton. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, CA, 1960

Carl Jung Quotations

"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice.  The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization.  We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal.  Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good.  The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”  
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton

More Merton Quotes

Will Roger Describes His Political Affiliation

Abolition Of The Law. (First In A Series Of Catholic Lectionary Reflections)

The Ten Commandments abolished
Abolition Of The Law

First In A Series Of Catholic Lectionary Reflections

Catholic Lectionary

The second reading from The Catholic Lectionary for Sunday, July 19, 2015, is taken from Paul's letter to the Ephesians.

Chapter 2
"For he is our peace, he who made both one
and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh,
abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims,
that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two,
thus establishing peace."

Although I readily interpret Scripture in rich context (linguistic, historic, anthropological, rhetorical etc.) there are times when biblical declarations are so straightforward that they do not admit contextual examination.

In Ephesians, for example, Paul of Tarsus says with no minced words: "Christ Jesus abolished the law with its commandments and legal claims."

By way of reply it is often argued that Jesus abolished The Old Law only and in this regard we find frequent citation of Jesus' comments in Matthew 5  at the very beginning of The Sermon On The Mount:

“You must not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to complete them. Indeed, I assure you that, while Heaven and earth last, the Law will not lose a single dot or comma until its purpose is complete. This means that whoever now relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men to do the same will himself be called least in Heaven. But whoever teaches and practices them will be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that your goodness must be a far better thing then the goodness of the scribes and Pharisees before can set foot in the kingdom of Heaven at all!" (Phillips Translation: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5&version=PHILLIPS)

Clearly, Jesus' words can be finessed to mean many things according to exegetical interpretation of The Law. 

Is Yeshua referring to all of the  Old Testament's 613 mitzvot, including the command that "all the men of the town stone rebellious children to death?"

A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments)
613 Mitzvot (in Hebrew)

Or is he referring to The Law as embedded in the actual workings of Universe?

Paul, on the other hand, makes it very difficult to circumvent his straightforward statement that "Jesus abolished the law with its commandments and legal claims."

The institutional church -- doing what institutions do -- does not overly value what its founders actually said, but rather represents its own pronouncements as infallible and central

Matthew 15: God's Law And Human Tradition. How Readily We Let The Latter Trump The Former

Jesus Rails Against Human Traditions Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"

The institutional church would have us believe "there is no problem in Houston" -  or elsewhere - and that "the authorities" can create whatever laws they wish -- whether proscription of meat-eating on Friday or damnation in A Lake of Eternal Fire if one uses artificial birth control.

Still, we must deal with Paul...

"Christ Jesus abolished the law with its commandments and legal claims."

Aftherthought: What if "the fulfillment of the law in Jesus' mind "hangs on" The Great Commandment set forth in Matthew 22?

34Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’c 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’d 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"

"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42

Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"

Dorothy Day: “I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”


"You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image 
when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."
Fr. Tom Weston S. J.

"Love and do what you will."
St. Augustine

Gay Marriage And Pedophilia

Diane Rehm Show: A Conversation With Julián Castro

Aug 17 2015 

A Conversation With Julián Castro, Secretary Of The Department Of Housing And Urban Development

The Department of Housing and Urban Development was established in 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty. Today, the number of Americans living in high-poverty areas is on the rise. That’s a trend Barack President Obama wants to reverse. A year ago, he tapped San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro to head the housing agency. Castro is a rising star in the Democratic Party. He’s widely believed to be on the short list of possible vice presidential running mates for 2016. Castro says he’s focused on the task in front of him: Alleviating poverty through affordable housing. He joins us to talk about his plans.


  • Julián Castro secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development; former mayor, San Antonio.

Full Video

Video: Why We Have A Housing And Rental Affordability Problem

Biden Replaces Hillary As Democratic Candidate; Names Julian Castro His Running Mate

"First, we win by this much...
Then I name Barack to The Supreme Court."

Dear Kevin,

Thanks for your email.

Whether Bernie can beat The Clown College is a tough call.

But regardless his electability, I cannot imagine a majority of Americans voting for The Donald

It is also increasingly difficult to imagine a majority voting for Jeb Bush.

In related vein...

Just this morning I had a "vision" of Hillary losing favor over her "unsecured server" .... and Joe Biden replacing her.

A Biden-Castro ticket would be unbeatable.

On this morning's Diane Rehm Show, Castro revealed his extraordinary intelligence, compassion and skillful navigation of "policy weeds" as Secretary of Housing and Human Services.

Diane Rehm Show: A Conversation With Julian Castro

If you have not seen Castro's 2012 Keynote Address at the DNC, it will be 20 minutes well spent.

Julian Castro Gives Brilliant Keynote Address At Democratic National Convention

If Biden becomes the Democratic presidential candidate, he should "pre-name" Sanders as his "Commerce Secretary," entrusting Bernie with the mission of firing up blue collar workers - and everyone else shafted by The 1%.

Viral Video Examines Gap Between Super Rich And Everyone Else. (Great Graphics!)

"Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%,"
Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz

Inequality: Joseph Stiglitz Brilliant Reflection On Obama's State Of The Union Address

"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium

"Politics And Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"

Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

"Americans Have No Idea How Bad Inequality Really Is," Harvard Business School Study

Teddy Roosevelt: "Malefactors Of Great Wealth... Are Curses To The Country"

Why Are Americans So Poorly Paid. This One Chart Will Even Shame The 1%

"Founding Fathers Profit-Sharing Remedy For Inequality.
Even Ronald Reagan Likes It!"
("The History Of Corporations In The United States. A Return To Roots?")

Pax on both houses: Wealth Inequality Is At An All-Time ...

Pax on both houses: Bill Maher's Sobering Commentaries ...

Pax on both houses: Wealth Inequality In The United States ...

Pax on both houses: Wealth Disparity

Pax tecum


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 2:33 PM, KA wrote:

Thank you very much.  Enjoying your pictures.  Danny has a great smile.
What's your view of Bernie Sanders at this point & do you think he can beat the current Republican group?

Jesus Explains His Healthcare Policy

The Republican Argument Against Universal Public Healthcare


The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism

The hard, central "fact" of contemporary "conservatism" is its insistence on a socio-economic threshold above which people deserve government assistance, and below which people deserve to die. 

The sooner the better. 

Unless conservatives are showing n'er-do-wells The Door of Doom, they just don't "feel right." 

To allay this chthonic anxiety, they resort to Human Sacrifice,  hoping that spilled blood will placate "the angry gods," including the one they've made of themselves. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/09/harvard-study-45000-americans-die.html 

Having poked their eyes out, they fail to see  that self-generated wrath creates "the gods" who hold them thrall.

Almost "to a man," contemporary "conservatives" have apotheosized themselves and now -- sitting on God's usurped throne -- are rabid to pass Final Judgment

Self-proclaimed Christians, eager to thrust "the undeserving" through The Gates of Hell, are the very people most likely to cross its threshold. 

Remarkably, none of them are tempted to believe this. 

Article 1

The Republican Argument Against Universal Public Healthcare


The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism

The hard, central "fact" of contemporary "conservatism" is its insistence on a socio-economic threshold above which people deserve government assistance, and below which people deserve to die. 

The sooner the better. 

Unless conservatives are showing n'er-do-wells The Door of Doom, they just don't "feel right." 

To allay this chthonic anxiety, they resort to Human Sacrifice,  hoping that spilled blood will placate "the angry gods," including the one they've made of themselves. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/09/harvard-study-45000-americans-die.html 

Having poked their eyes out, they fail to see  that self-generated wrath creates "the gods" who hold them thrall.

Almost "to a man," contemporary "conservatives" have apotheosized themselves and now -- sitting on God's usurped throne -- are rabid to pass Final Judgment

Self-proclaimed Christians, eager to thrust "the undeserving" through The Gates of Hell, are the very people most likely to cross its threshold. 

Remarkably, none of them are tempted to believe this. 

"Republicans Finally Admit Why They Hate Obamacare"

"GOP's Anti-Medicaid Expansion Body Count, By State"


"Why Are Murderous GOP Governors Protected By The Press?"

Huckabee Applauds Paraguay For Denying Abortion To 11 Year Old, Raped By Step Father


Hey, Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!

Huckabee applauds Paraguay for denying abortion to 11-year-old: 'Every life matters'

Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee voiced his support for the government of Paraguay after it denied an abortion to a girl who had been repeatedly raped by her stepfather when she was just 10 years old.
“A 10-year-old being raped is horrible,” the former governor of Arkansas said on CNN on Sunday, “but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?”
Huckabee added, “When an abortion happens, there are two victims: One is the child, the other is that birth mother, who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later.”
The girl, who recently turned 11, gave birth last week.
The case of the pregnant prepubescent girl divided the South American country for months. Paraguay is a deeply conservative country and abortion is banned except when the mother's life is in danger.
This spring, the girl’s mother – who has been charged with negligence in the case, while her husband is awaiting trial on rape charges – requested an abortion for her daughter, but the government refused to allow it, drawing praise from religious groups but criticism from human rights organizations, including U.N. officials. At the time, the girl was five months pregnant and health officials said she appeared to be in fine health.
Last week, Elizabeth Torales, a lawyer for the girl's family, told the Associated Press that the minor gave birth to a baby girl via cesarean at a Red Cross hospital in Asunción, Paraguay's capital. There were no complications. She said that the girl's grandmother had requested custody of the infant.
On CNN, Huckabee cited the evangelist James Robinson, a child of rape who has had a positive impact in the world.
“When I think about one horror,” he said about the 10-year-old’s rape, “I also think about the possibilities that exist.”  
He went on, “If life matters, and that’s a person, then every life matters.”

$1 Trillion? The Monetary Cost Of Deporting All 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants


Deporting undocumented workers would be very costly

There's no shortage of ideas about how to fix the broken U.S. policy on immigration.
But the heated political debate over undocumented workers often comes up short on a critical question: What would these solutions cost?
Because millions of undocumented workers seek to keep a low profile, the economic impact of their presence—and the cost of removing them—is difficult to pin down.
But the cost would be huge. By one estimate, removing the entire population of undocumented workers now in the U.S. would wipe out a chunk of the American economy roughly the size of the annual gross domestic product of Texas.
Border Patrol agents detain undocumented immigrants after they crossed the border from Mexico into the United States on August 7, 2015, in McAllen, Texas.
Getty Images
Border Patrol agents detain undocumented immigrants after they crossed the border from Mexico into the United States on August 7, 2015, in McAllen, Texas.
Of the 41 million foreign-born people living in the United States in 2012, about 22 million were noncitizens, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis of Census data. That noncitizen category includes lawful permanent residents (who are legally allowed to live and work here); temporary residents and visitors; and unauthorized residents. That last category includes some 11 million to 12 million people, a number that has stayed fairly constant, the CBO researchers said. 
As the 2016 presidential election approaches, conservative candidates have been proposing tough measures to reduce that number, in some cases to zero through an aggressive deportation campaign.
The most vocal proponent—leading Republican candidate Donald Trump—has proposed various measures, including mass deportations, seizure of remittance payments made with illegal wages, raising fees on temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats and other measures.
Trump has also proposed demanding payment from the Mexican government
"The Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners," Trump said in a position paper on immigration. "They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up."
It's tough to estimate just how big a bill Trump plans to send to Mexico City—a lot depends on the specific details of any deportation plan. But some researchers have taken a run at the question. 
In March, American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute led by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, estimated it would take between $100 billion and $300 billion to arrest and remove "all undocumented immigrants residing in the country, a process that we estimate would take 20 years," the group said.
Once those undocumented immigrants had been removed, it would take another $315 billion in higher enforcing costs to keep them from coming back, according to AAF.
That estimate includes just the hard cost of removing undocumented workers; it doesn't take into account the economic impact that would result from the removal of some 11 million people from the labor force and the resulting loss of consumer spending.
AAF estimated the removal of that many people would shrink the pool of U.S. workers by 6.4 percent, which means that 20 years from now the U.S. economy would be nearly 6 percent cent smaller. That works out to a loss of $1.6 trillion in lost wages, spending and other economic activity.
To put that in perspective, the gross domestic product for Texas last year was about $1.5 trillion, second behind California.
While this impact would be felt across the country and throughout the economy, sectors such as agriculture, construction, retail and hospitality would be hardest hit, the AAF report.
The federal government would also be a big loser if all undocumented workers were removed from the country, according to a 2013 CBO report. The CBO was asked to estimate the economic impact of S. 744, a comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed the Senate before being scuttled in the House. 
Because legal workers would be entitled to a range of federal benefits, including subsidized health care, direct federal spending would rise by $262 billion over the decade beginning in 2014, the report said. Most of that would go to pay higher health-care costs. 
But the immigration reform plan spelled out in S. 744 would more than offset those costs, thanks to much higher tax collections, both because the workforce would expand and undocumented workers would now pay taxes. Those higher tax receipts would boost federal revenues by $459 billion over the same decade, the CBO estimated.
That would add a net of $197 billion to the federal budget, shrinking the deficit by that much over 10 years.
Those estimates don't include the impact of more workers paying into the Social Security trust fund, which would collect billions more in payroll taxes that would put it on a more solid financial footing.

Trump Solidifies Lead: 24% To 13% For Runner-Up Bush

More women favor Donald than men: 60% to $57%

Post-debate, Trump pulls clear of competition

New poll Trump 24 Bush 13 Carson 9 Rubio 8 Walker 8 Paul 6 Cruz 5 Fiorina 5 Kasich 5 Huckabee 4 http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/18/politics/donald-trump-presidential-poll-debate/index.html 

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has won his party's trust on top issues more than any other Republican presidential candidate, and now stands as the clear leader in the race for the GOP nomination, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
The survey finds Trump with the support of 24% of Republican registered voters. His nearest competitor, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, stands 11 points behind at 13%. Just behind Bush, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has 9%, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker 8%, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul 6%, Texas Sen. Ted Cruzformer tech CEO Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich all land at 5%, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee rounding out the top 10 at 4%.
Trump is the biggest gainer in the poll, up 6 points since July according to the first nationwide CNN/ORC poll since the top candidates debated in Cleveland on Aug. 6. Carson gained 5 points and Fiorina 4 points. Trump has also boosted his favorability numbers among Republicans, 58% have a favorable view of Trump now, that figure stood at 50% in the July survey.
These nationwide findings follow recent polling in Iowa and New Hampshire showing Trump also leads the Republican field in those two key early states.
Bush, who held the top spot in the field in most CNN/ORC polls on the race between last fall and Trump's entry into the race in June, has seen his favorability ratings drop alongside his standing in the contest. Overall, 56% hold an unfavorable view of the former Florida governor and 42% of Republican voters have a negative impression. That's an increase in negative views among all adults (up from 43% since July) and among Republican voters (up from 34% unfavorable).
    While Kasich and Fiorina remain largely unknown nationally, those Republicans who do have an opinion of these two -- both widely seen as debate standouts -- tend to tilt positive. Fiorina has a 45% favorable to 11% unfavorable rating among Republican voters, with 43% unable to rate her, while Kasich's is 32% favorable to 20% unfavorable, with 49% unable to rate him.
    The poll suggests those behind Trump love him: He holds a 98% favorability rating among his supporters. But those Republican voters who aren't supporting Trump are skeptical that he would help the party. Most Republicans (58%) say the party would have a better chance to win in 2016 with someone else at the top of the ticket, including 72% of those who don't currently back the businessman.
    Still, Trump has quickly won the trust of Republican voters on several top issues. According to the poll, 45% say they trust Trump more than any other Republican candidate on the economy -- up 25 points since June, 44% say they trust Trump over the others on illegal immigration -- up 30 points since June -- and 32% trust him most to handle ISIS, no other candidate comes close on any of these issues.
    Trump campaign defends immigration plan
    Trump campaign defends immigration plan 05:40
    On the economy and illegal immigration, Trump is far and away the top choice even among those Republicans who support someone else for the nomination (33% who say they will most likely vote for someone else say Trump is their most trusted on the economy, 29% say so on illegal immigration). Trump is also most trusted on social issues, 19% say he's their top choice to handle that. Bush follows at 15%.
    On two of these issues, Trump is more trusted among conservative Republicans than among moderate Republicans: When it comes to both the economy and illegal immigration, 50% of conservatives say they trust Trump, compared with 35% among moderates on each of those issues.
    The poll finds evidence of a slight gender gap in support for Trump, who has faced public questions recently about his treatment of women, though he does lead the field among both men and women. Trump stands at 27% among Republican men and at 20% among Republican women, a gap just outside the margin of error for each group.
    Bush is second among both men and women, standing just a hair behind Trump at 17% among women but well behind among men (10% of GOP men back Bush, no other candidate reaches double digits).
    Trump is less trusted by women to handle the economy (50% of male GOP voters say they trust Trump most, 40% of women voters do) and slightly less so on social issues (21% among men, 15% among women).
    But there is no gender gap among Republicans on favorable views of Trump: 60% of Republican women voters have a positive impression as do 57% of GOP men. Outside the Republican Party, women are less apt to hold a favorable view of Trump, just 17% of women voters who are independents or Democratic leaners see him favorably, compared with 29% of non-Republican male voters.
    New poll: Trump takes lead in Iowa, Walker drops
    New poll: Trump takes lead in Iowa, Walker drops 02:00
    There is also an education divide in Trump's support, with those Republican voters who lack college degrees more apt to back Trump than college graduates: 28% among the non-college graduate group vs. 16% among those who have graduated from college.
    Few other demographic divides emerge in Republican preferences, according to the poll. Rand Paul fares best among voters under age 50, 10% among the younger group vs. 1% among the older one, and supporters of the Tea Party movement are more likely to favor Ted Cruz, 10% vs. 2% among those Republicans who do not support the tea party.
    Among the most enthusiastic Republican voters, the mix of candidates at the top of the field changes. While Trump holds the top slot across the board with the support of roughly a quarter of Republican voters regardless of their level of enthusiasm, the group of candidates following Trump shifts among those who say they are "extremely enthusiastic" about the election. In that group, Carson has 13%, Rubio 11%, boosting both ahead of Bush, who holds 9% and ties with Cruz for 4th, Kasich holds 8% support and Fiorina and Walker tie at 7%.
    Bush has his best showing among those who are least enthusiastic. Among the group that says they are somewhat enthusiastic or less, 23% back Trump, 16% Bush, 10% Walker, with all others at 6% or less.
    The CNN/ORC Poll was conducted by telephone Aug. 13-16 among a random national sample of 1,001 adults. The sample included 466 registered voters who are Republicans or independents who lean toward the Republican Party. For results among those Republican voters, the margin of sampling error is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points. For results among the full sample, it is 3 points.

    White Supremacist Mass Murderer Dylan Roof Had To Be Taught Hatred


    Charleston church shooter Dylan Roof wore the flags of Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa, white-supremacist regimes that did not exist in his lifetime. His racist ideas did not just percolate up in his mind: Someone had to teach him. (Photo from Roof's Facebook page.)

    He had to be carefully taught

    By Timothy B. Tyson
    A young man wears Rhodesian and apartheid-era flags on his jacket. Neither country existed during his lifetime. Both flags are commonly worn as in-group insignia among politically organized white supremacists. He poses with a gun and a Confederate battle flag, time-honored banner of the Ku Klux Klan and other Southern hate groups. He takes photographs of himself at the Museum and Library of Confederate History and at the slave quarters of a historic plantation. "You have to be carefully taught," as the old song from "South Pacific" puts it. He slaughtered nine African Americans in a church.
    Dylann Roof told his victims that he came "to shoot black people" because they are "raping our women and taking over our country." The latter claims date back to the white supremacy campaigns of the 1890s, one of which overthrew the government of North Carolina, by the way. These ideas did not just percolate up inside of his mind; this is not ordinary "bias" or suspicion of people different from him; someone had to teach him these elaborated historical traditions. (Watered down versions of them are ordinary enough in mainstream Southern politics.)
    He gunned down nine people at a historic black church, historic enough that he might well have selected it intentionally; Emanuel AME has been at the center of the civil rights struggle since the early 19th century. The Denmark Vesey slave rebellion of 1822 was organized out of this church, which white mobs burned in retaliation in addition to executing many church members. The slave revolt that it was designed to launch was planned to occur on June 16 — the anniversary of Dylann Roof's massacre; of course, there is no evidence that he knew this history, but no evidence that he didn't, either.
    Roof said he wanted to start a race war; this is a common theme among politically organized white supremacists and depicted in their favorite book, "The Turner Diaries," which also helped inspire Timothy McVeigh to commit the Oklahoma City bombings. He is part of something, and something dangerous. America in general and South Carolina in particular are generously sprinkled with white supremacist groups.
    Shelby, where he was caught, has long been a Klan hotbed. Some years ago, the White Patriot Party committed a mass murder some years back of several men they believed to be gay; the leader who ordered that murder committed mass murder at a synagogue in Kansas City only a few years ago. The road Dylann Roof was captured on, Dixon Boulevard, was named after Thomas Dixon, perhaps the most illustrious white supremacist in the history of the world, apart from Hitler. Dixon wrote 28 white supremacist books one of which, "The Clansman," provided the basis for "Birth of a Nation," America’s first film blockbuster that glorifies the Reconstruction-era KKK and was shown at the White House in 1915. There is no evidence that Roof knew this, of course, nor that he didn't, though he was clearly obsessed with history. Roof's probable mental frailty most likely made him susceptible to such influences. It's almost certainly both/and with respect to mental illness and white supremacy, but there is at least as much evidence for the latter as for the former.
    (Timothy B. Tyson is education chair of the North Carolina NAACP and a senior research scholar at Duke University.)

    "Why Can You Fly The Rainbow Flag But I Can't Fly The Confederate Flag?"

    First Two Women Soldiers Pass Elite U.S. Army Ranger Course


    A female soldier talks with another soldier during the swamp phase of Ranger School at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.
    A female soldier talks with another soldier during the swamp phase of Ranger School at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

    Read more here: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/local/military/article31334486.html#storylink=cpy

    Alan: Normally I would pay little attention to the news that two women passed the U.S. Army Ranger Course

    However, a blog entitled "The Thinking Housewife" (operated by a Traditionalist Catholic) delights in dissing women "who go where no woman has ever gone before." 

    This post gives credit where credit is due and in some small way provides antidote to the problematic truth that "mediocre philosophy sells by making the half-literate feel smart."

    "The Thinking Housewife and Closeted White Supremacy"

    Compendium Of "Pax" Posts On "The Thinking Housewife," Laura Wood


     Ranger School moves to swamp phase at Eglin

     Chuck Williams: Retired command sergeant major says female soldiers have 'proved themselves'

     Equally tough standard for all Ranger candidates

     'Best Ranger' changed his mind about female students

    Read more here: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/news/local/military/article31334486.html#storylink=cpy

    First two women soldiers pass elite U.S. Army Ranger course

    REUTERS, 18/08 
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two women have made military history after becoming the first female soldiers to pass the U.S. Army’s grueling Ranger Course, the Army said on Monday.
    The two, along with 94 men, passed the 62-day leadership course, which teaches students “how to overcome fatigue, hunger, and stress to lead Soldiers during small unit combat operations,” it said in a statement.
    In April, 19 women and 381 men began the first Army Ranger school that included women. The course, based at Fort Benning, Georgia, includes training in woodlands, mountainous terrain and Florida swampland. (https://www.benning.army.mil)
    Army Rangers are rapidly deployable troops trained for mountain, desert and swamp terrain and often go after special operations targets.
    “Highlights of the course include a physical fitness test consisting of 49 push-ups, 59 sit-ups, a five mile run in 40 minutes, and six chin-ups; a swim test; a land navigation test; a 12-mile foot march in three hours; several obstacle courses; four days of military mountaineering; three parachute jumps; four air assaults on helicopters; multiple rubber boat movements; and 27 days of mock combat patrols,” the statement said.
    A graduation ceremony will be held at Fort Benning on Friday. The U.S. military began a process two years ago to open thousands of frontline combat jobs to women. The service branches have been developing gender-neutral requirements for all jobs in the military and evaluating whether to recommend that any remain closed to women.
    The Army had faced resistance to allowing women to serve in combat units, but since such experience is a factor in promotions and job advancement in the military, women have had greater difficulty than men in moving up to the top ranks, officials have said.
    About 90 percent of senior Army infantry officers qualified as Rangers, which should allow women graduates to better compete with their male counterparts.
    Nearly 12 percent of U.S. forces deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan were women. They represented about 2 percent of U.S. military deaths in those wars.
    (Reporting by Eric Walsh; Editing by Mohammad Zargham)

    Honore De Balzac, Chesterton And The Blindness Of Women


    Honoré de Balzac (born Honoré Balssa)

    Dear Fred,

    Does the following observation strike you as fundamentally true?

    "When women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; 
    when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues." 
    Honoré de Balzac, 20 May 1799-1850 

    I have been pondering the zoological impulse to reproduce and am increasingly convinced that humans are largely subject to unconscious sexual urges that we gussy up with overlays of Romance

    Remarkably, the most volcanically animalistic of all human activities -- sexual intercourse -- is the one we most delicately romanticize.

    That said, it is my experience that women are supremely practical creatures (likely attributable to the inexorable practicalities of child-rearing) whereas men keep romance alive.

    If women are biologically impelled to choose a "dependable provider and protector" who faithfully assists in raising children to maturity, then, once they've made their spousal choice, it seems they will stand by their man (must stand by their man?) even if he's a heinous criminal. 

    Perhaps this perceived obligation is (at least part of the reason) many women live with domestic abuse.

    By all accounts Chesterton very much loved his wife. 

    He also observed that women are essentially fascist "in the home" while men are chiefly responsible for propagating "fair play" in the larger world.

    Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of G.K. Chesterton Posts

    Pax tecum


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