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Old Guard Republican Bruce Bartlett Takes GOP To Task For Anti-Intellectual Populism

Bruce Bartlett served as a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan and as a Treasury official under George H. W. Bush.
Bruce Bartlett, a senior policy analyst for George H.W. Bush was a guest on All In with Chris Hayes. It is unlikely that any harsher critique could have been made against the Republican Party than what he articulated in a politically incorrect manner.
Chris Hayes, in his attempt to understand the Republican message, pointed out that conservative columnist George Will wrote an op-ed in which he pretty much explained wanted Donald Trump out of the Republican Party primary. George Will said the following in his piece.
A political party has a right to (in language Trump likes) secure its borders. Indeed, a party has a duty to exclude interlopers, including cynical opportunists deranged by egotism. This is why closed primaries, although not obligatory, are defensible: Let party members make the choices that define the party and dispense its most precious possession, a presidential nomination. So, the Republican National Committee should immediately stipulate that subsequent Republican debates will be open to any and all — but only — candidates who pledge to support the party’s nominee.
So, conservatives today should deal with Trump with the firmness Buckley dealt with the John Birch Society in 1962. The society was an extension of a loony businessman who said Dwight Eisenhower was “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy.” In a 5,000-word National Review “excoriation” (Buckley’s word), he excommunicated the society from the conservative movement.
Bruce Bartlett a few weeks ago wrote an op-ed in which he said the following:
The Trump phenomenon perfectly represents the culmination of populism and anti-intellectualism that became dominant in the Republican Party with the rise of the Tea Party. I think many Republican leaders have had deep misgivings about the Tea Party since the beginning, but the short-term benefits were too great to resist. A Trump rout is Republican moderates’ best chance to take back the GOP.
Chris Hayes asked Bartlett to expand on his "Trump infatuation."
"Oh, I love Donald Trump because he exposes everything about the Republican Party that I have frankly come to hate. It is just filled with people who are crazy, and stupid, and have absolutely no idea of what they are taking about. And the candidates, no matter how intelligent they may be, just constantly have to keep pandering to this lowest common denominator in American politics."
The harshness of the comments shocked Chris Hayes. He said it seemed like an elitist generalization. One can be sure there was a journalistic wink in Chris Hayes's pushback.
But Bartlett continued. "I think it is pretty obvious to anyone who follows politics. The problem is to use a term that I don't like, it's not politically correct to point out the obvious. And again I think Trump is pointing this out. Among other things, to follow up with your comment, one of the things that we are seeing very clearly this time more than any other year is that issues don't matter. Policies don't matter. The only thing that matters is attitude. And Trump has exactly the right 'chip on your shoulder' attitude that many, many people find extraordinarily attractive that is completely divorced from whatever he is saying about the issues, which is precious little."
Bartlett was politically incorrect but said a truth that many see but won't say. He has been a staunch and frequent critic of what the Republican Party has become. Maybe he is right and Trump will cause the purge that will bring back sanity to the Republican Party.

Jeb Bush To Defense Contractor Crowd: "Iraq Was A Pretty Good Deal"

"Do War's Really Defend America's Freedom?"
(Homage Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"

Hans Blix' Fruitless Search For WMD And Bush/Cheney's Rush To War In Iraq

Cheney's Lucid 1994 Rationale For NOT Invading Iraq. Conservatives "Must" See This

"The Fall Of Iraq. Jawdropping Video Footage Of Cheney, Albright, Gen Clarke & Others"

Uncle Sam's Mercenary Christians Kill 17 Iraqi Civilians. 2 Frenchmen Kill 12 In Paris

"Terrorism And The Other Religions"

"Why We Fight"
Award Winning Documentary 
Perpetual warfare and the profit to be made
by picking someone is an "designated enemy."

From First Look:
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said today that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein was a “pretty good deal.”
Bush was speaking at an event sponsored by Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security (APPS), a group formed and backed by a number of people associated with major defense contractors.

"Why We Fight"
Award Winning Documentary 
Perpetual warfare and the profit to be made
by picking someone is an "designated enemy."

Retired General Confronts Chaplains On LGBT Rights; “Make Room at the Table or Get Out"

Retired General Confronts Chaplains On LGBT Rights: 
“Make Room at the Table or Get Out" 

My friends, remember the name and words of rare courage of a retired Army 3 star General and be prepared to be astonished, if not thunderstruck, with pride and hope.
Allow me to please recount for you the stunning saga and unadulterated glory of what this General recently said to his audience of Army chaplains assembled at a military base (Redstone Arsenal) in the heart of Dixie (Alabama) no less.
First let’s set the proper scene for the drama of truth-to-power telling to follow. Martin Luther King Jr. would be so proud. Gandhi would be equally as thrilled.

As the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), the only group driven solely by the fight to secure church-state separation, for both the religious and nonreligious, in the United States Armed Forces, we’re usually inundated by disheartening news regarding the terrifying state of our Constitution and its sacrosanct promise of religious liberty as it relates to our service members. MRFF presently represents over 42,200 armed forces personnel and, amazingly, about 96% of them are practicing Christians. Further, for the record, MRFF also proudly represents 906 LGBT active duty military members.
Much of this adverse pressure and prejudice versus religious (and non-religious) liberty revolves around the increasingly troubling role of the military chaplaincy, which is absolutely riddled with fundamentalist Evangelical Christian extremists who have ceaselessly raised a phenomenally false hue and cry about some fictitious “war on Christianity” within the military.
Any examination of this malevolent myth will quickly reveal that militant Christian dominionist officers and chaplains are in fact waging a “War” against their helpless subordinates and those they were meant to counsel, respectively. Indeed, from Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan to the mandatory nuclear ethics briefings at Vandenberg Air Force Baseon California’s central coast, and nearly every other U.S. military installation imaginable around the globe, we’ve seen an unbroken chain of scandalous violations of the most basic Constitutional religious rights of our countless Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Cadets, Midshipmen, National Guard and Reserve personnel, Coast Guard men and women and Veterans. In many cases, even top brass officers are explicitly implicated in this egregious, systematic defiling of the No Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights as well as the No Religious Test mandates of Clause 3, Article VI of the U.S. Constitution.
Unfortunately, the military chaplaincy has played a special role in this civil rights tragedy, both actively and by deafening silence, especially when perniciously upholding anti-LGBTQ bigotry as some cherished faux “religious right.” In April of this year, a USAF Chaplain was crowned as his unit’s Company Grade Officer of the Year at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, in Dayton, Ohio despite his open, abominable espousing of theological homophobiawhereby he actually describes HIV as a  “due penalty” for “detestable and abominable” acts of same-sex love. Indeed, MRFF has just been informed that Army National Guard Chaplain (Captain) Michael Maccabee Collins has taken to social media to urge his fellow servicemembers to burn a rainbow-striped U.S. flag symbolizing LGBTQ equality that was posted at Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, AZ. 
Of course those are just a mere two, among countless, similar violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice in the fraudulent name of “religious freedom". This pair of abominable examples is just a mere tacit taste for the reader of a hateful movement of brazen bigotry within the Department of Defense. MRFF has repeatedly called on the Pentagon toexpeditiously purge such human reprobates from the military chaplaincy.
Thus, it came as an incredibly uplifting blast of clean, fresh Constitutional oxygen when the August 12, 2015 issue of Army News published an article titled “Chaplains Valued For Their Service As Moral Compass” which featured a talk to chaplains given by Retired Army Lt. Gen. Jim Pillsbury. Let me make it clear from the outset that the good General is obviously very much a devout practicing Christian himself and his words spring from the foundations of his deep and abiding Christian faith. The reader will quickly see the ironclad consonance of beliefs between America’s treasured, secular values of tolerance and respect, which are those espoused by the former Lt. General, and MRFF’s bedrock Constitutional mission itself:
While most chaplains have a positive impact on Soldiers, Pillsbury said that, as a whole,the Army's chaplain corps has not been a leader of change. In the 1950s, when the Army began integrating segregated black Soldiers into its units, and throughout the '60s and '70s as integration was fully realized, chaplains did not take lead in making that happen, he said. In the 1970s and '80s, as the Army integrated women into its ranks, chaplains were again not at the forefront of change. And, now, as the Army works to include gays and other gender differences, the chaplain corps has been silent, he said.
"Two things you have to wrestle with, and that is your Army oath and your strong beliefs," Pillsbury said. 
The retired three-star general went on to describe the sanctuary at his church where his pastor has two chairs and one table near the pulpit. The two chairs represent opposites -- black and white, Republican and democrat, boy and girl, peacemaker and warrior, straight and gay -- and the table represents inclusiveness.
"Do you have room in your heart for those who are different from what your beliefs are? I firmly believe the intention of our Lord is for us to read the Bible and interpret the Bible based on our relationship with the Lord. The word is not black and white. That is why Jesus told parables," Pillsbury said.
"You can make room at the table or you can get out. I know all of you have wrestled with that." With a strong faith in the Lord and a strong faith in the nation, Pillsbury said the U.S. was built on controversy, inclusion and the principles of acceptance
"Jesus was one for inclusion. I hate to see our nation split, and if our military splits our nation splits because our military is the rock for our ethics," he said.
"I believe God made everybody for a reason, and there are two things we should do: Love the Lord and love our neighbors." 
Wow! Double Wow! There you have it folks. Lt. General Pillsbury’s moving and sagacious words are PRECISELY the type of religious counseling which is badly needed from the military chaplaincy. Specifically what is so desperately required is the type of good faith counseling from these very same chaplains which embraces and nurtures the armed forces' primary compelling governmental interest of maximizing/optimizing military readiness and mission accomplishment, unit cohesion, good order, morale, discipline, health, and safety.
Many chaplains already accomplish this goal with distinction and excellence. However, many fail to do so. Failure can never be an option here.
As MRFF has long screamed into this opposing hurricane of prejudice, anything less than what this courageous and valiant retired General has just so perfectly articulated simply serves as a grievous insult and universal assault to the myriad sacrifices made by our fallen and wounded service members. Indeed, it fatally fouls the solemn oaths they swore to the United States Constitution and deliberately desecrates American national security itself.
Bravo, Lt. General Pillsbury! Words matter but silence betrays. And the gravitas of your honorable words now matter most, sir!
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is up against well-funded extremist religious organizations. Your donations allow us to continue our fight in the courts and in the media to fight for separation of church and state in the U.S. military. Please make a fully tax-deductible donation today at helpbuildthewall.org.
Michael L. "Mikey" Weinstein, Esq. is founder and president of the 7-time Nobel Peace Prize-nominated Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), an honor graduate of the Air Force Academy, and a former J.A.G. in the U.S. Air Force. He served as a White House counsel in the Reagan Administration and as the Committee Management Officer of the "Iran-Contra" Investigation. He is also the former General Counsel to H. Ross Perot and Perot Systems Corporation. His two sons, daughter-in-law, son-in law, and brother-in-law are also graduates of USAFA. In December 2012, Defense News named Mikey one of the 100 Most Influential People in U.S. Defense. He is the author of "With God On Our Side" (2006, St. Martin's Press) and "No Snowflake in an Avalanche" (2012, Vireo).



Carly Fiorina Will Probably Regret Her Push For "Vaccine Choice"


Alan: Always and everywhere, Republican politicians suck up to anti-scientific dimwits. 

If "know nothings" were just ignorant, the circus would be amusing. 

The American Party: Know Nothing Nativism And Opposition To Catholic Immigration
Like the Pharisees, the Know Nothings are always with us.

Sadly - and perhaps tragically - these unfolded cortices are also dangerous.

The Death Of Epistemology: Anti-Vaccine Epert (And Playboy Model) Jenny McCarthy"

The Anti-Vaccination Epidemic Is Fueled By "Education," Wealth And Privilege

Carly Fiorina will probably regret her push for vaccine ‘choice’

Amber Phillips

August 14, 2014

Carly Fiorina believes parents should make the choice whether to vaccinate their children.
"When in doubt, it is always the parents' choice," Fiorina told a rural Iowa audience Thursday evening.
Later that night, she added that, "when you have highly communicable diseases where we have a vaccine that's proven, like measles or mumps, then I think a parent can make that choice." She added, though, that a "school district is well within their rights to say: 'I'm sorry, your child cannot then attend public school.'"
"So a parent has to make that trade-off," she told reporters, including The Washington Post's Jenna Johnson.
If recent GOP history is any guide, Fiorina might soon regret those comments and reverse course.
Just look what happened earlier this year when her fellow 2016 GOP contenders, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), made similar comments.
During a February measles outbreak in 14 states, Christie told an anti-vaccine supporter that he thinks parents "should have some measure of choice" in vaccines. Around that same time, Paul said, "I’ve heard many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines."
Clarifications from both candidates soon followed.
Christie's spokesman said the candidate only meant there should be greater scrutiny on states' different levels of vaccination requirements, but that for "a disease like measles," there's "no question" children should be vaccinated.
Paul, an eye doctor, said he didn't intend to make a connection between mental disorders and vaccines:"I do think that vaccines are a good idea." He soon was pictured on Twitter getting a booster shot.
And a few months later, in April, Christie seemed to land on the other side of the issue, telling a woman in New Hampshire who was concerned about vaccines that, "You can't count on me for that. I would err on the side of protecting public health through vaccine unless that vaccine has proven to be harmful to the public."
What Christie and Paul realized is that siding with religious liberty when it comes to vaccines is a political pitfall. The science is decided on this: Vaccines save lives, and suggestions that they might cause things like autism are baseless. 
By contrast, tea party darling and acclaimed neurosurgeon Ben Carson avoided the vaccine trap during that measles outbreak. He said he thought vaccines and the role they play in public health is "extremely important in our society."
So the political science seems pretty decided on this issue too. Christie, Paul and Carson all calculated the political costs of questioning vaccines to please the very limited number of vaccine skeptics wasn't worth it.
Fiorina sought to cover herself by saying that schools could refuse vaccinated children. And that's certainly a key bit of nuance that she could emphasize if she is pressed on this issue. If unvaccinated children aren't in school, she could argue, the risk of communicable diseases spreading is less of an issue.
She could also note that many states have laws allowing for some degree of religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccines.
But she's already taking heat for her comments -- from fellow GOP 2016 contenders like George Pataki, the former New York governor:

If past is prologue, it's probably best Fiorina just drops this.
More vaccines coverage:

Amber Phillips writes about politics for The Fix. She was previously the one-woman D.C. bureau for the Las Vegas Sun and has reported from Boston and Taiwan.

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A born-again Christian preacher stands accused of Islamophobia despite a public apology for his remarks.

Why The Bible Belt Is Delusional

Good Religion And Bad Religion

Irish pastor to be prosecuted for calling Islam a satanic belief

A Belfast preacher will be prosecuted for referring to Islam as “satanic” and claiming that its doctrine was “spawned in hell.”
During a sermon at his Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle in May 2014, 78-year-old born-again Christian pastor James McConnell denounced Islam as a “heathen” religion, saying it was barbarian and Godless.
Although the pastor initially defended his remarks, a huge public backlash and accusations of Islamophobia forced him to publicly apologize for any offense his sermon caused the Muslim community.
Despite his apology, Northern Ireland’s Public Prosecution Service informed McConnell last week that he was to receive an “informed warning” regarding his words. The warning is not a conviction and would allow the preacher to avoid prosecution, although it would remain on his criminal record for a year.
Speaking to the BBC, a representative for the Public Prosecution Service in North Ireland said that McConnell had spoken in violation of the Communications Act 2003 by “sending, or causing to be sent, by means of a public electronic communications network, a message or other matter that was grossly offensive.”
McConnell, however, refused to accept the warning and is refusing to accept that he should not be allowed to preach freely against Muslim beliefs.
“I’m not taking it lying down. I am not going to be gagged,” he said.
“The police tried to shut me up and tell me what to preach. It’s ridiculous. I believe in freedom of speech. I’m going to keep on preaching the gospel.
“I have nothing against Muslims, I have never hated Muslims, I have never hated anyone. But I am against what Muslims believe. They have the right to say what they believe in and I have a right to say what I believe,” he added.
He has, however, stepped down as pastor of the church he founded, although he claims that his decision to leave had nothing to do with the investigation. McConnell claims he had been considering retirement for the last 18 months.
Speaking on behalf of the McConnell, a solicitor said "we are declaring...a very candid not-guilty".
The lawyer argues that McConnell’s sermon "did not incite hatred or encourage violence against Muslims. He simply expressed his views about another religion, not in a personalized manner but in an entirely generalized way."
Commenting on the preacher’s decision not to accept the “informed warning,” his legal team stated that to accept the warning would be to accept guilt where he feels there is none.
Among McConnell's supporters are some unlikely people. A London-based imam, Muhammad Al-Hussaini declared, “If Pastor McConnell is convicted and imprisoned I will go to prison with him."
Al-Hussaini strongly objects to the prosecution on grounds of free speech and claims that it is a matter of "deep dismay" that a "fellow citizen is being subjected to criminal proceedings, when at no time have any of the statements he made incited physical harm to anyone."
Northern Ireland’s first minister Peter Robinson also threw himself into the fray, coming to the Pastor’s defense.
Robinson was forced to apologize outside the Belfast Islamic Center after he sided with the preacher, saying he would trust Muslims “to go down to the shops” for him but would not trust them in matters of spiritual guidance.
Peter Robinson was criticized for his support of the pastor.
Peter Robinson was criticized for his support of the pastor.
McConnell's sermon remarks were first denounced by Muslim businessman Raied al-Wazzan. Based in Belfast but born in Mosul, Iraq, al-Wazzan has himself courted controversy with remarks in which he praised the Islamic State takeover by Mosul. The businessman commented that the city "had become the most peaceful city in the world," a place in which you could "walk from east to west without fear." He also later apologized for his comments.
This is not the first time that Belfast has been the center of a controversy regarding religious freedom. Earlier this year, a Belfast bakery was forced to pay compensation after it refused, citing religious objections, to bake a cake bearing with the words "Support Gay Marriage."
Should Pastor McConnell be prosecuted for his remarks regarding Islam or are they protected by the right to freedom of speech? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Carly Fiorina’s Conversion From Hillary Fan To Fervent Critic. Was It Clinton's Hair?


Carly Fiorina says some, well, interesting things while waiting to go on camera.
In 2010, the then-GOP Senate nominee went all middle-school-cafeteria on her Democratic opponent’s hairdo. “God, what is that hair? Sooo yesterday,” Fiorina, already miked up, commented, quoting an aide’s assessment. Two years earlier, in the makeup room at ABC’s “This Week” with me, Fiorina said something that, at the time, was mildly interesting, but is now revelatory. It was May 2008, close to the end of the long primary battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and we were discussing the two Democratic contenders.
“That’s off the record,” Fiorina immediately added.At which point Fiorina, then a campaign surrogate for presumptive GOP nominee John McCain, offered some unprompted praise for Clinton: If Fiorina hadn’t been backing McCain, she told me, she would have been for Clinton.
Here a pause for a discussion of journalism ethics. The commonly understood rule governing when quotations are not for the record requires the source to state that position in advance, so that the reporter can agree to the limitation or not.
As veteran editor Norman Pearlstine wrote in a useful set of journalistic guidelines: “We do not allow sources to change the ground rules governing specific quotations after the fact. Once a quote is on the record, it remains there.”
The Post’s style guide cautions that “inexperienced sources — usually ordinary people who unexpectedly find themselves the news — should clearly understand that you are a reporter and should not be surprised to find themselves quoted in the newspaper.”
The first female chief executive of a Fortune 100 company and an authorized surrogate for a presidential nominee does not count as an inexperienced source. I didn’t challenge Fiorina at the time and didn’t use her comments because they didn’t strike me as newsworthy enough: By that point, Clinton was clearly not going to be the Democratic nominee.
Now is different, for two reasons. First, Fiorina’s praise of Clinton then contradicts her attacks on Clinton now. Second, Fiorina is no longer a surrogate; she’s a candidate, for the highest office in the land.
At the time, Fiorina’s comments were surprising but not entirely outlandish. She and Clinton had been two prominent jousters at the glass ceiling. Fiorina was on a mission to woo Clinton voters for McCain. She was outspoken on issues of gender equity, questioning why many health plans covered erectile dysfunction drugs but not birth-control pills and, in the process, embarrassing her own candidate, who had voted twice against requiring insurers to cover contraceptives.
The month after our ABC encounter, Fiorina declared her “great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and leadership.”
Compare that with Fiorina today. “Throughout this campaign, I have repeatedly asked Hillary Clinton to name an accomplishment,” she wrote in a commentary published on CNN.com. “She has yet to name one.”
Clinton, she added, is “the epitome of a professional political class that has managed a bloated, inept, corrupt federal government for far too long.”
Fiorina’s shifting stance on Clinton is striking: She has gone from stealth fan to Public Enemy No. 1 — the (not coincidentally female) face in the crowd who is willing to slam Clinton most ferociously as a lightweight and a liar.
One potential answer: Fiorina once was impressed but became disillusioned with Clinton’s performance as secretary of state. But “that was then, this is post-Benghazi” is not an explanation that would sit particularly well with the conservative voters Fiorina is wooing.
Another possible explanation: Fiorina then was busy sucking up to Clinton voters, trying to woo them for McCain. So she got carried away. But this interpretation poses a variation of the classic trial lawyer’s question: Which time were you being disingenuous?
Contacted for comment, Fiorina’s deputy campaign manager, Sarah Isgur Flores, said, “If Carly had been asked at the end of the Clinton-Obama primary who she would have supported in that race, she would have said Mrs. Clinton. . . . Carly, however, doesn’t remember meeting or talking to Ms. Marcus on this or any other subject.”
But the context of that conversation wasn’t which of the two Democratic candidates Fiorina preferred. I clearly recall her telling me she would have supported Clinton if McCain weren’t running.
Fiorina’s political stock, post-debate, is soaring. Her calling card is her willingness — and, perhaps, the freedom her gender bestows — to go after Clinton full-force. This seemed like the right moment to share Fiorina’s earlier assessment of the woman she aims to defeat.

"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity.""The Soul Is By Nature Christian"


The idea of Christ is much older than Christianity
The Idea of Christ in the Gospels (1946)
George Santayana 

Anima naturaliter Christiana
"The soul is by nature Christian."

NYT: "Pentagon Under Fire For Guidelines That Liken War Reporters To "Belligerents""

Ernie Pyle
World War II War Correspondent
Killled during The Battle of Okinawa

"The Death of Captain Waskow"
Ernie Pyle

Pentagon under fire for guidelines that liken war reporters to 'belligerents'

Critics warn that new legal manual makes reporting on conflict more difficult and more dangerous - and could be used by repressive regimes to justify their own attacks on press freedom

By , New York
10 Aug 2015
Defenders of press freedom have accused the Pentagon of endangering journalists with new legal guidelines that liken war correspondents to spies and say they can be treated as "unprivileged belligerents" in some circumstances.
The details were buried in the Department of Defence's 1176-page Law of War Manual, which was published in June.
On Monday, the New York Times added its voice to condemnation. In a bluntly worded editorial, the newspaper said it would make the work of journalists covering armed conflict "more dangerous, cumbersome and subject to censorship”.
It follows criticism from the Committee to Protect Journalists that the manual's language reflected that used by repressive regimes such as China, Ethiopia, and Russia to justify imprisoning journalists.
The manual says journalists, in general, are civilians. However, it adds that in some circumstances they might be considered “unprivileged belligerents” - the same broad category that includes guerrillas or members of al-Qaeda
“Reporting on military operations can be very similar to collecting intelligence or even spying,” it continues. “A journalist who acts as a spy may be subject to security measures and punished if captured.”
It also sets out conditions under which journalists' work will be censored.
Although the US is proud of its First Amendment which guarantees freedom of expression and protects journalists' rights, the country has slipped down press freedom rankings compiled by Reporters Without Borders.
The report cited the US campaign against Wikileaks and the persecution of Jim Risen, a New York Times reporter who was asked to reveal his sources in a high-profile leak case.
The latest guidelines, says The New York Times in a furious editorial, will allow authoritarian leaders around the world to claim they are acting in accordance with American standards of press freedom.
“For the Pentagon to conflate espionage with journalism feeds into the propaganda of authoritarian governments,” it says. “Egypt, for instance, has tried to discredit the work of Western journalists by falsely insinuating that many of them are spies.“
And it dismisses angrily the central comparison of journalists with belligerents.
“The manual’s argument that some reporting activities could be construed as taking part in hostilities is ludicrous,” it says. “That vaguely-worded standard could be abused by military officers to censor or even target journalists.”
Its stance echoes that of the Committee for the Protection of Journalists.
“By giving approval for the military to detain journalists on vague national security grounds, the manual is sending a disturbing message to dictatorships and democracies alike,” wrote Frank Smyth, its senior adviser for journalist security. “The same accusations of threats to national security are routinely used to put journalists behind bars in nations including China, Ethiopia, and Russia to name just a few.”

Why Did The Cows Return To The Marijuana Field?

"Oops And The Jazz Pilgrims," Rehearsal Review By Steve Dear


"Bidding adieu to anti-death penalty activist Steve Dear" 

by Bob Geary, The Indy

    Steve Dear added 12 new photos to the album: Oops and the Jazz Pilgrims by Alan Archibald and Steve Dear.
    If I had known it was called the Friday Night Jazz Orchestra I would never have gone.
    We renamed our little quartet Oops and the Jazz Pilgrims. I’m Oops. It’s the word I said most last night.
    Decades ago my guitar playing kind of hit a plateau at “Louie Louie” and “I Saw Her Standing There.” I have hardly played guitar or drums since 2014. I walked in last night and heard Chuck Holton and Dan Newnam on piano and bass, respectively, and almost left out of respect. I was expecting Beatles and Who, not melodious Herbie Hancock. In my experience, the better the musicians the more gracious, open, and generous they are. I soon discovered that Chuck and Dan are two of the best musicians I’ve ever played with.
    The drummer didn’t show up. There was no other guitar player there.
    We did “One After 909” five times longer than the Beatles and I sort of kept up. I’d planned to stay until 10 p.m., 45 minutes. At 2:30 a.m. I left. We did a 20-minute version of “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)” and “Drive My Car,” “Nowhere Man,” “Dock of the Bay,” “I Can See Clearly Now,” and a jazzy “For What It’s Worth.”
    It was all jazzy. Elvis Costello’s “Alyson” on drums and an extended drums-piano jazz duet at 2:15 a.m. for which I was too tired to know I should not attempt to accompany this great jazz musician on a jazz improv.
    “I call Chuck’s playing out-of-the-box jazz… called jazz only because there’s nothing else to call it,” says my friend and singer Alan Archibald, who encouraged me to join in last night.
    Alan sang with such power he didn’t need a mic even over Chuck’s piano, the bass, and my loud drumming and Rickenbacker 350.
    “We humans are ordained at our best -- whether literally or figuratively -- to find ways to be soaringly harmonic,” said Alan.
    You can soar on one chord, on one note. There were moments when we soared.
    May you find ways, and people, to soar with.
    — in Durham, North Carolina.

New Yorker Cartoon: What The General's Medals Really Mean

"I got that one for being a good boy."

Environmentalism's Racist History

"In Defense Of The Cockroach," The New Yorker

New Yorker Caption Cartoon Contest, August 10, 2015

"Let's face it Elsie. Males are expendable."

"Leisure, The Basis Of Culture." Can This 1948 Book Save Us From Workaholism?

Alan: The Greek word "skhole," whence the English word "school" is derived, means "leisure."

An Aside: Pieper's book, "Leisure, The Basis Of Culture," was a mainstay at the University of Toronto when I studied there in the sixties.

Leisure, the Basis of Culture: An Obscure German Philosopher's Timely 1948 Manifesto for Reclaiming Our Human Dignity in a Culture of Workaholism

"We get such a kick out of looking forward to pleasures and rushing ahead to meet them that we can’t slow down enough to enjoy them when they come," Alan Watts observed in 1970, aptly declaring us "a civilization which suffers from chronic disappointment." Two millennia earlier, Aristotle asserted"This is the main question, with what activity one's leisure is filled."

Today, in our culture of productivity-fetishism, we have succumbed to the tyrannical notion of "work/life balance"and have come to see the very notion of "leisure" not as essential to the human spirit but as self-indulgent luxury reserved for the privileged, or deplorable idleness reserved for the lazy. And yet the most significant human achievements between Aristotle's time and our own – our greatest art, the most enduring ideas of philosophy, the spark for every technological breakthrough – originated in leisure, in moments of unburdened contemplation, of absolute presence with the universe within one's own mind and absolute attentiveness to life without, be it Galileo inventing modern timekeeping after watching a pendulum swing in a cathedral or Oliver Sacks illuminating music's incredible effects on the mind while hiking in a Norwegian fjord.

So how did we end up so conflicted about cultivating a culture of leisure?

In 1948, only a year after the word "workaholic" was coined in Canada and a year before an American career counselor issued the first concentrated countercultural clarion call for rethinking work, the German philosopher Josef Pieper (May 4, 1904–November 6, 1997) penned Leisure, the Basis of Culture (public library) – a magnificent manifesto for reclaiming human dignity in a culture of compulsive workaholism, triply timely today, in an age when we have commodified our aliveness so much as to mistake making a living for having a life.

Alan:"Leisure, The Basis Of Culture" is freely available online: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28873477/Leisure-the-Basis-of-Culture#scribd You owe it to yourself to read T.S. Eliot's introduction..
Illustration by Maurice Sendak from Open House for Butterflies by Ruth Krauss

Decades before the great Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast came to contemplate why we lost leisure and how to reclaim it, Pieper traces the notion of leisure to its ancient roots and illustrates how astonishingly distorted, even inverted, its original meaning has become over time: The Greek word for "leisure," σχoλη, produced the Latin scola, which in turn gave us the English school – our institutions of learning, presently preparation for a lifetime of industrialized conformity, were once intended as a mecca of "leisure" and contemplative activity. Pieper writes:
The original meaning of the concept of "leisure" has practically been forgotten in today's leisure-less culture of "total work": in order to win our way to a real understanding of leisure, we must confront the contradiction that rises from our overemphasis on that world of work.
The very fact of this difference, of our inability to recover the original meaning of "leisure," will strike us all the more when we realize how extensively the opposing idea of "work" has invaded and taken over the whole realm of human action and of human existence as a whole.
The Etymology Of "School"

Pieper traces the origin of the paradigm of the "worker" to the Greek Cynic philosopher Antisthenes, a friend of Plato's and a disciple of Socrates. Being the first to equate effort with goodness and virtue, Pieper argues, he became the original "workaholic":
As an ethicist of independence, this Antisthenes had no feeling for cultic celebration, which he preferred attacking with "enlightened" wit; he was "a-musical" (a foe of the Muses: poetry only interested him for its moral content); he felt no responsiveness to Eros (he said he "would like to kill Aphrodite"); as a flat Realist, he had no belief in immortality (what really matters, he said, was to live rightly "on this earth"). This collection of character traits appears almost purposely designed to illustrate the very "type" of the modern "workaholic."
Illustration from Herman and Rosie by Gus Gordon

Work in contemporary culture encompasses "hand work," which consists of menial and technical labor, and "intellectual work," which Pieper defines as "intellectual activity as social service, as contribution to the common utility." Together, they compose what he calls "total work"– "a series of conquests made by the 'imperial figure' of the 'worker'" as an archetype pioneered by Antisthenes. Under the tyranny of total work, the human being is reduced to a functionary and her work becomes the be-all-end-all of existence. Pieper considers how contemporary culture has normalized this spiritual narrowing:
What is normal is work, and the normal day is the working day. But the question is this: can the world of man be exhausted in being "the working world"? Can the human being be satisfied with being a functionary, a "worker"? Can human existence be fulfilled in being exclusively a work-a-day existence?
The answer to this rhetorical question requires a journey to another turning point in the history of our evolving – or, as it were, devolving – understanding of "leisure." 

Echoing Kierkegaard's terrific defense of idleness as spiritual nourishment, Pieper writes:
The code of life in the High Middle Ages [held] that it was precisely lack of leisure, an inability to be at leisure, that went together with idleness; that the restlessness of work-for-work's-sake arose from nothing other than idleness. There is a curious connection in the fact that the restlessness of a self-destructive work-fanaticism should take its rise form the absence of a will to accomplish something.
Idleness, for the older code of behavior, meant especially this: that the human being had given up on the very responsibility that comes with his dignity... The metaphysical-theological concept of idleness means, then, that man finally does not agree with his own existence; that behind all his energetic activity, he is not at one with himself; that, as the Middle Ages expressed it, sadness has seized him in the face of the divine Goodness that lives within him.
Saint Appolonia And A Hundred Medieval Holidays (A Contraction Of "Holy Days")

We see glimmers of this recognition today, in sorely needed yet still-fringe notions like the theology of rest, but Pieper points to the Latin word acedia – loosely translated as "despair of listlessness"– as the earliest and most apt formulation of the complaint against this self-destructive state. He considers the counterpoint:
The opposite of acedia is not the industrious spirit of the daily effort to make a living, but rather the cheerful affirmation by man of his own existence, of the world as a whole, and of God -– of Love, that is, from which arises that special freshness of action, which would never be confused by anyone [who has] any experience with the narrow activity of the "workaholic."
Leisure, then, is a condition of the soul – (and we must firmly keep this assumption, since leisure is not necessarily present in all the external things like "breaks,""time off,""weekend,""vacation," and so on – it is a condition of the soul) – leisure is precisely the counterpoise to the image for the "worker."
Illustration from The Lion and the Bird by Marianne Dubuc

But Pieper's most piercing insight, one of tremendous psychological and practical value today, is his model of the three types of work – work as activity, work as effort, and work as social contribution – and how against the contrast of each a different core aspect of leisure is revealed. He begins with the first:
Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as activity ... there is leisure as "non-activity"– an inner absence of preoccupation, a calm, an ability to let things go, to be quiet.
In a sentiment Pico Iyer would come to echo more than half a century later in his excellent treatise on the art of stillness, Pieper adds:
Leisure is a form of that stillness that is necessary preparation for accepting reality; only the person who is still can hear, and whoever is not still, cannot hear. Such stillness is not mere soundlessness or a dead muteness; it means, rather, that the soul's power, as real, of responding to the real – a co-respondence, eternally established in nature – has not yet descended into words. Leisure is the disposition of perceptive understanding, of contemplative beholding, and immersion – in the real.
But there is something else, something larger, in this conception of leisure as "non-activity"– an invitation to commune with the immutable mystery of being. Pieper writes:
In leisure, there is ... something of the serenity of "not-being-able-to-grasp," of the recognition of the mysterious character of the world, and the confidence of blind faith, which can let things go as they will.
Leisure is not the attitude of the one who intervenes but of the one who opens himself; not of someone who seizes but of one who lets go, who lets himself go, and "go under," almost as someone who falls asleep must let himself go... The surge of new life that flows out to us when we give ourselves to the contemplation of a blossoming rose, a sleeping child, or of a divine mystery – is this not like the surge of life that comes from deep, dreamless sleep?
This passage calls to mind Jeanette Winterson's beautiful meditation on art as a function of "active surrender" – a parallel quite poignant in light of the fact that leisure is the seedbed of the creative impulse, absolutely necessary for making art and doubly so for enjoying it.

Pieper turns to the second face of work, as acquisitive effort or industriousness, and how the negative space around it silhouettes another core aspect of leisure:
Against the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as effort, leisure is the condition of considering things in a celebrating spirit. The inner joyfulness of the person who is celebrating belongs to the very core of what we mean by leisure... Leisure is only possible in the assumption that man is not only in harmony with himself ... but also he is in agreement with the world and its meaning. Leisure lives on affirmation. It is not the same as the absence of activity; it is not the same thing as quiet, or even as an inner quiet. It is rather like the stillness in the conversation of lovers, which is fed by their oneness.
Alan: As a Latin Americanist who lives "south of the border" for significant chunks of every year, I have come to realize that Americans see their life-mission as work -- nearly non-stop work. Hispanics on the other hand perceive their mission as continual celebration of Life.

With this, Pieper turns to the third and final type of work, that of social contribution:
Leisure stands opposed to the exclusiveness of the paradigm of work as social function. 
The simple "break" from work – the kind that lasts an hour, or the kind that lasts a week or longer – is part and parcel of daily working life. It is something that has been built into the whole working process, a part of the schedule. The "break" is there for the sake of work. It is supposed to provide "new strength" for "new work," as the word "refreshment" indicates: one is refreshed for work through being refreshed from work. 
Leisure stands in a perpendicular position with respect to the working process... Leisure is not there for the sake of work, no matter how much new strength the one who resumes working may gain from it; leisure in our sense is not justified by providing bodily renewal or even mental refreshment to lend new vigor to further work... Nobody who wants leisure merely for the sake of "refreshment" will experience its authentic fruit, the deep refreshment that comes from a deep sleep.
Illustration by Maurice Sendak for the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

To reclaim this higher purpose of leisure, Pieper argues, is to reclaim our very humanity – an understanding all the more urgently needed today, in an era where we speak of vacations as "digital detox"– the implication being that we recuperate from, while also fortifying ourselves for, more zealous digital retox, so to speak, which we are bound to resume upon our return.

He writes:
Leisure is not justified in making the functionary as "trouble-free" in operation as possible, with minimum "downtime," but rather in keeping the functionary human ... and this means that the human being does not disappear into the parceled-out world of his limited work-a-day function, but instead remains capable of taking in the world as a whole, and thereby to realize himself as a being who is oriented toward the whole of existence. 
Alan: We imperil ourselves when we forget, deny or ignore that "the whole is always (unnpredictably) greater than the sum of its parts" which is why "the whole of existence" must be treated with the reverence reserved for Deity even in the event that "the whole of existence" is not Deity. 

This is why the ability to be "at leisure" is one of the basic powers of the human soul. Like the gift of contemplative self-immersion in Being, and the ability to uplift one's spirits in festivity, the power to be at leisure is the power to step beyond the working world and win contact with those superhuman, life-giving forces that can send us, renewed and alive again, into the busy world of work... 
In leisure ... the truly human is rescued and preserved precisely because the area of the "just human" is left behind... [But] the condition of utmost exertion is more easily to be realized than the condition of relaxation and detachment, even though the latter is effortless: this is the paradox that reigns over the attainment of leisure, which is at once a human and super-human condition.
Alan: A fundamental purpose of modern (and post-modern) civilization is to reify human beings; to deprive them of personhood, to make them into "things" that are more readily reduced to servo-mechanisms of automata.

The Etymology Of The Word "Reify"
(In similar vein, the word "functionary" seemingly refers to a person -- typically a person of social-and-economic standing -- whereas the fundamental intent of this nomenclature is to deprive human beings of personhood by reducing them to their "function," which is to replacxe the primacy of their "being" with their derivative - and secondary - "doing.")

This, perhaps, is why when we take a real vacation – in the true sense of "holiday," time marked by holiness, a sacred period of respite – our sense of time gets completely warped. Unmoored from work-time and set free, if temporarily, from the tyranny of schedules, we come to experience life exactly as it unfolds, with its full ebb and flow of dynamism – sometimes slow and silken, like the quiet hours spent luxuriating in the hammock with a good book; sometimes fast and fervent, like a dance festival under a summer sky.

Leisure, the Basis of Culture is a terrific read in its totality, made all the more relevant by the gallop of time between Pieper's era and our own. Complement it with David Whyte on reconciling the paradox of "work/life balance," Pico Iyer on the art of stillness, Wendell Berry on the spiritual rewards of solitude, and Annie Dillard on reclaiming our everyday capacity for joy and wonder.

"Friendship Is Unnecessary," C.S. Lewis

How To Begin Each Day: A Recipe For Unshakable Sanity From Marcus Aurelius


How to Begin Each Day: A Recipe for Unshakable Sanity and Inner Peace from Marcus Aurelius

"Take everything that’s bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself," the wise and wonderful Parker Palmer counseled the young in his superbNaropa Unviersity commencement address. Only by accepting our own interior contradictions and dualities, he argued, are we liberated to put the shadow’s power in service of the good in the exterior world.

This seems like a particularly timely message, urgently needed in a culture intolerant of duality, where we hasten to polarize everything into good and bad, unfailingly placing ourselves in the former category and the Other – whether their otherness is manifested in race, gender, orientation, or sports team preference – in the latter. And yet the message is a timeless one, most piercingly articulated two millennia earlier in the writings of Marcus Aurelius – the last of Ancient Rome's Five Good Emperors and one of the most influential Stoic philosophers.

In his Meditations (public library | free ebook) – the same indispensable proto-blog that gave us the philosophic emperor on what his father taught him about honor and humility – Marcus Aurelius, translated here by Gregory Hays, offers a remarkable recipe for how to begin each day in order to live with maximum sanity and inner peace:
When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own – not of the same blood or birth, but of the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.
Meditations, it bears repeating, is a requisite read in its entirety. Complement it with Seneca, a fellow Stoic, on how to fill the shortness of life with greater width of aliveness and Richard Feynman on the choice between good and evil.

Anam Cara And The Essence Of Friendship: The Beautiful Celtic Notion of Soul-Friend


Alan:Anam Cara is a bit touchy feely. 
Maybe we need more feelings based on touch.

Anam Cara and the Essence of True Friendship: Poet and Philosopher John O'Donohue on the Beautiful Ancient Celtic Notion of Soul-Friend

Aristotle laid out the philosophical foundation of friendship as the art of holding up a mirror to each other's souls. Two millennia later, Emerson contemplated its two pillars of truth and tenderness. Another century later, C.S. Lewis wrote:"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."

But nowhere do the beauty, mystery, and soul-sustenance of friendship come more vibrantly alive than in the 1997 masterwork Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (public library) by the late, great Irish poet and philosopher John O'Donohue (January 1, 1956–January 4, 2008), titled after the Gaelic for "soul-friend"– a beautiful concept that elegantly encapsulates what Aristotle and Emerson and Lewis articulated in many more words.
O'Donohue examines the essence and origin of the term:
In the Celtic tradition, there is a beautiful understanding of love and friendship. One of the fascinating ideas here is the idea of soul-love; the old Gaelic term for this is anam caraAnam is the Gaelic word for soul and cara is the word for friend. So anam cara in the Celtic world was the “soul friend.” In the early Celtic church, a person who acted as a teacher, companion, or spiritual guide was called an anam cara. It originally referred to someone to whom you confessed, revealing the hidden intimacies of your life. With the anam carayou could share your inner-most self, your mind and your heart. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging. When you had an anam cara, your friendship cut across all convention, morality, and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the “friend of your soul.” The Celtic understanding did not set limitations of space or time on the soul. There is no cage for the soul. The soul is a divine light that flows into you and into your Other. This art of belonging awakened and fostered a deep and special companionship.
Illustration by Maurice Sendak from Let's Be Enemies by Janice May Udry

The kind of friendship one finds in an anam cara, O'Donohue argues, is a very special form of love – not the kind that leads us to pit the platonic against the romantic but something much larger and more transcendent:
In this love, you are understood as you are without mask or pretension. The superficial and functional lies and half-truths of social acquaintance fall away, you can be as you really are. Love allows understanding to dawn, and understanding is precious. Where you are understood, you are at home. Understanding nourishes belonging. When you really feel understood, you feel free to release yourself into the trust and shelter of the other person’s soul... This art of love discloses the special and sacred identity of the other person. Love is the only light that can truly read the secret signature of the other person’s individuality and soul. Love alone is literate in the world of origin; it can decipher identity and destiny.
But being an anam cara requires of a purposeful presence – it asks that we show up with absolute integrity of intention. That interior intentionality, O'Donohue suggests, is what sets the true anam caraapart from the acquaintance or the casual friend – a distinction all the more important today, in a culture where we throw the word "friend" around all too hastily, designating little more than perfunctory affiliation. But this faculty of showing up must be an active presence rather than a mere abstraction – the person who declares herself a friend but shirks when the other's soul most needs seeing is not an anam cara.
O'Donohue writes:
The heart learns a new art of feeling. Such friendship is neither cerebral nor abstract. In Celtic tradition, the anam cara was not merely a metaphor or ideal. It was a soul-bond that existed as a recognized and admired social construct. It altered the meaning of identity and perception. When your affection is kindled, the world of your intellect takes on a new tenderness and compassion... You look and see and understand differently. Initially, this can be disruptive and awkward, but it gradually refines your sensibility and transforms your way of being in the world. Most fundamentalism, greed, violence, and oppression can be traced back to the separation of idea and affection.
The anam cara perspective is sublime because it permits us to enter this unity of ancient belonging.
O'Donohue borrows Aristotle's notion of friendship and stretches it to a more expansive understanding:
A friend is a loved one who awakens your life in order to free the wild possibilities within you.
The one you love, your anam cara, your soul friend, is the truest mirror to reflect your soul. The honesty and clarity of true friendship also brings out the real contour of your spirit.
Anam Cara is a soul-stretching read in its entirety, exploring such immutable human concerns as love, work, aging, and death through the timeless lens of ancient Celtic wisdom. Complement it with poet and philosopher David Whyte on the true meaning of friendship, love, and heartbreak, then treat yourself to O'Donohue's magnificent On Being conversation with Krista Tippett – one of the last interviews he gave before his sudden and tragic death.
If you realize how vital to your whole spirit – and being and character and mind and health – friendship actually is, you will take time for it… [But] for so many of us … we have to be in trouble before we remember what’s essential… It’s one of the lonelinesses of humans that you hold on desperately to things that make you miserable and … you only realize what you have when you’re almost about to lose it.

Naropa institute Commencement Address: "The Unlived Life Is Not Worth Examining"


Quaker Parker Palmer

Parker Palmer's Spectacular Commencement Address on the Six Pillars of the Examined Life

In 1974, the Tibetan Buddhist teacher and Oxford alumnus Chögyam Trungpa founded Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado – a most unusual and emboldening not-for-profit educational institution named after the eleventh-century Indian Buddhist sage Naropa and intended as a 100-year experiment of combining the best methodologies of Western scholarship with the most timeless tenets of Eastern wisdom, fusing academic and experiential learning with contemplative practice. Under the auspices of its Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, founded by Allen Ginsberg, the university hosted a number of lectures and readings by such luminaries as John Cage, William S. Burroughs, and Jack Kerouac himself, for all of whom Buddhism was a major influence.

In 2015, Naropa University awarded its first-ever honorary degree of Doctor of Contemplative Education to author, educator, and Center for Courage & Renewal founder Parker Palmer – one of the most luminous and hope-giving minds of our time, whose beautiful writings on inner wholeness and the art of letting your soul speak spring from a spirit of embodied poetics. In May of 2015, he took the podium before the university's graduating class and delivered one of the greatest commencement addresses of all time – a beam of shimmering wisdom illuminating the six pillars of a meaningful human existence, experience-tested and honestly earned in the course of a long life fully lived.
Annotated highlights below – please enjoy.
In his first piece of advice, Palmer calls for living with wholeheartedness, inherent to which – as Seth Godin has memorably argued – is an active surrender to vulnerability. Echoing Donald Barthelme's exquisite case for the art of not-knowing, he urges:
Be reckless when it comes to affairs of the heart.
What I really mean ... is be passionate, fall madly in love with life. Be passionate about some part of the natural and/or human worlds and take risks on its behalf, no matter how vulnerable they make you. No one ever died saying, “I’m sure glad for the self-centered, self-serving and self-protective life I lived.”
Offer yourself to the world – your energies, your gifts, your visions, your heart – with open-hearted generosity. But understand that when you live that way you will soon learn how little you know and how easy it is to fail.
To grow in love and service, you – I, all of us – must value ignorance as much as knowledge and failure as much as success... Clinging to what you already know and do well is the path to an unlived life. So, cultivate beginner’s mind, walk straight into your not-knowing, and take the risk of failing and falling again and again, then getting up again and again to learn – that’s the path to a life lived large, in service of love, truth, and justice.
Palmer's second point of counsel speaks to the difficult art of living with opposing truths and channels his longtime advocacy for inner wholeness:
As you integrate ignorance and failure into your knowledge and success, do the same with all the alien parts of yourself. Take everything that’s bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself. Let your altruism meet your egotism, let your generosity meet your greed, let your joy meet your grief. Everyone has a shadow... But when you are able to say, “I am all of the above, my shadow as well as my light,” the shadow’s power is put in service of the good. Wholeness is the goal, but wholeness does not mean perfection, it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of your life.
As a person who ... has made three deep dives into depression along the way, I do not speak lightly of this. I simply know that it is true.
As you acknowledge and embrace all that you are, you give yourself a gift that will benefit the rest of us as well. Our world is in desperate need of leaders who live what Socrates called “an examined life.” In critical areas like politics, religion, business, and the mass media, too many leaders refuse to name and claim their shadows because they don’t want to look weak. With shadows that go unexamined and unchecked, they use power heedlessly in ways that harm countless people and undermine public trust in our major institutions.
In his third piece of advice, Palmer calls for extending this courtesy to others and treating their shadowy otherness with the same kindness that we do our own:
As you welcome whatever you find alien within yourself, extend that same welcome to whatever you find alien in the outer world. I don’t know any virtue more important these days than hospitality to the stranger, to those we perceive as “other” than us.
In a sentiment that calls to mind Margaret Mead and James Baldwin's timeless, immeasurably timely conversation on race and difference, Palmer adds:
The old majority in this society, people who look like me, is on its way out. By 2045 the majority of Americans will be people of color... Many in the old majority fear that fact, and their fear, shamelessly manipulated by too many politicians, is bringing us down. The renewal this nation needs will not come from people who are afraid of otherness in race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
His fourth piece of advice pierces the heart of something I myself worry about daily as I witness the great tasks of human culture reduced to small-minded lists and unimaginative standards that measure all the wrong metrics of "productivity" and "progress." Palmer urges:
Take on big jobs worth doing – jobs like the spread of love, peace, and justice. That means refusing to be seduced by our cultural obsession with being effective as measured by short-term results. We all want our work to make a difference – but if we take on the big jobs and our only measure of success is next quarter’s bottom line, we’ll end up disappointed, dropping out, and in despair.
Our heroes take on impossible jobs and stay with them for the long haul because they live by a standard that trumps effectiveness. The name of that standard, I think, is faithfulness – faithfulness to your gifts, faithfulness to your perception of the needs of the world, and faithfulness to offering your gifts to whatever needs are within your reach.
The tighter we cling to the norm of effectiveness the smaller the tasks we’ll take on, because they are the only ones that get short-term results... Care about being effective, of course, but care even more about being faithful ... to your calling, and to the true needs of those entrusted to your care.
You won’t get the big jobs done in your lifetime, but if at the end of the day you can say, “I was faithful,” I think you’ll be okay.
In his fifth point of counsel, Palmer echoes Tolstoy's letters to Gandhi on why we hurt each other and offers:
Since suffering as well as joy comes with being human, I urge you to remember this: Violence is what happens when we don’t know what else to do with our suffering.
Violence is what happens when we don’t know what else to do with our suffering.
Sometimes we aim that violence at ourselves, as in overwork that leads to burnout or worse, or in the many forms of substance abuse; sometimes we aim that violence at other people – racism, sexism, and homophobia often come from people trying to relieve their suffering by claiming superiority over others.
The good news is that suffering can be transformed into something that brings life, not death. It happens every day. I’m 76 years old, I now know many people who’ve suffered the loss of the dearest person in their lives. At first they go into deep grief, certain that their lives will never again be worth living. But then they slowly awaken to the fact that not in spite of their loss, but because of it, they’ve become bigger, more compassionate people, with more capacity of heart to take in other people’s sorrows and joys. These are broken-hearted people, but their hearts have been broken open, rather than broken apart.
So, every day, exercise your heart by taking in life’s little pains and joys – that kind of exercise will make your heart supple, the way a runner makes a muscle supple, so that when it breaks, (and it surely will,) it will break not into a fragment grenade, but into a greater capacity for love.
In his sixth and final piece of wisdom, Palmer quotes the immortal words of Saint Benedict – “daily, keep your death before your eyes” – and, echoing Rilke's view of mortality, counsels:
If you hold a healthy awareness of your own mortality, your eyes will be opened to the grandeur and glory of life, and that will evoke all of the virtues I’ve named, as well as those I haven’t, such as hope, generosity, and gratitude. If the unexamined life is not worth living, it’s equally true that the unlived life is not worth examining.
He closes, to my great delight, with Diane Ackerman's exquisite words on the true measure of our liveness.
Palmer delves deeper into these pillars of the wholly lived life in his excellent book Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation (public library)
Complement his spiritually invigorating speech with other masterworks of the commencement address genre: Joseph Brodsky's six rules for winning at the game of life (University of Michigan, 1988), Toni Morrison on the rewards of true adulthood (Wesleyan, 2004), George Saunders on the power of kindness (Syracuse University, 2013), Teresita Fernandez on what it really means to be an artist (Virginia Commonwealth University, 2013), Debbie Millman on courage and the creative life (San Jose State University, 2013), Kurt Vonnegut onboredom, belonging, and our human responsibility (Fredonia College, 1978), Bill Watterson on creative integrity (Kenyon College, 1990), Patti Smith on learning to count on yourself (Pratt University, 2010), and John Waters on creative rebellion (RISD, 2015).

Martin Luther King Jr. On The Failure Of Capitalism And Communism

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