Channel: Pax on both houses
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"Just Do It" (5 Reasons You Should Make Love With Your Husband Every Night)

Bob Dylan's New Album "Rough And Rowdy Ways" With My Favorite Verse

Prospective Repository Webpage Titled "The Continuing Adventures Of Cockwomble And Fuckwit"

"Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens: Life In Africa, "Do You, Mr. Jones?"

"Do You, Mr. Jones?"
By Fred Owens, Frog Hospital
May 8, 2020

“Do you know something is happening, Mr. Jones?," I said that to Clifford Jones, Retired Colonel Clifford Jones of the Zimbabwe National Army, currently residing on Plumtree Road one block from our house on Shottery Crescent. Jones I call him. Owens he calls me. His wife Audrey and my bride-to-be Precious are fast friends, apt to get loud and raucous after a few beers, turning up the music loud and trying to get us to join them, but Jones and I retreated to his backyard.
"I don't like all that noise," he said. "Those two are trouble. Why are you getting married anyway? You see my trouble here. Do you want that kind of life? If you marry Precious you will be chained. You will have to feed all of her family. Every single cousin will come and knock on your door. And be very humble. And sit on the couch in your living room. Until you feed them. So you feed them. But that's not enough. They want beer. Then they want a bed for the night unless you give them bus fare to go someplace else. This is what my life is like with my family, all these cousins.
"Go look in my refrigerator. It's empty. We have no food. All my relatives ate the food. None left for us. These days we only go out to eat at a restaurant. So my advice to you is that if you get married to Precious you move far away from her family. Otherwise they will take every penny. Believe me."
1 Cent - Zimbabwe – Numista
coin zimbabwe cent 1997 ef40-45 bronze plated steel image 0
Jones stretched out his lanky frame in the lawn chair in his weed-full, unkempt rag-muffin of a backyard. "You're not inclined to smell the roses are you?"as I noticed the squalor of dead flowers and creeping weeds.
"No, I leave that to Audrey. She is my little pumpkin. She can fix the garden if she chooses, but she doesn't  choose to dabble in dirt."
"Jones, if she is happy, then what else matters. So, you must know that I came over here to ask you a favor. This is not what you expect. Not about money. What I need is for you to stand with me next Saturday when I get married. I will be making promises and I need somebody strong to stand with me. But, don't answer right away. Don't say "Yes, you will do it" until we have more time to talk."
Jones yawned and then gave a small cough. He did not seem a soldier, not all stiff and proper, or tough and corrosive in bearing. Jones was easy-going in posture and in principle. He smiled too easily. I didn't trust him. He sent men to their death during the Revolution against Rhodesia..... But I did trust him to stand as Best Man. I was not looking for a paragon of virtue.
Precious was inviting her family to the wedding, the fifty cousins. She had more cousins than friends, but friends were coming too. What about me? I was starting to feel like the loneliest white guy. I had no cousins, no comrades. If I could find just one man to stand with me, then we could face the black horde.
"You see, you're coloured. You're a coloured man, you know, mixed. Your father was Irish"
"No, he was Welsh. And my mother was Kalanga from Plumtree. They never married. The law would not allow it."
Kalanga People

"So, do you feel mixed? Are you at odds with yourself or are you blended? Because you look like a mocha."
"A mocha?"
"Yes, light brown. You don't see too many coloured people in Bulawayo. Do you guys all know each other?"
"Sorry, bad joke."
"Ugly fucking American! ... I was there in your country years ago. What I could see is that all the American black people are not black. They are coloured,  like me. They are not African. The slave masters raped the African women and from that you get Muhamed Ali. He is not black. He is coloured like me."

"Yes, I see it in the bones of your face. But you are a little like me. I am white. You are part white. You can stand with me. Do you agree?"
"I do agree. Audrey and I will come to your house on Saturday for the wedding. I will be your Best Man."
"Good, because you can do it, and no one else can understand this," I said.
 Chocolate cake three layers | High-Quality Food Images ~ Creative ...
The Cake Stand. Meanwhile we were shopping for a wedding cake. In Zimbabwe they follow the British tradition of a dense fruit cake baked months ago and soaked in brandy. You buy the cake and they put the icing on. I should have taken a photo. The cake was beautiful and Precious and Fred Love Each Other, it said in the letters of pink frosting. 
"And we need a cake stand," she told me. "What is a cake stand?" I asked. "It holds up the cake for all to admire.""But we don't need such a cake stand. I have never seen one." Precious looked at me as if I knew nothing about weddings, which was true. And she had that quiet way about her, not being the talkative type. "Otherwise we need a cake stand." I quickly agreed to that purchase. "Of course we need a cake stand, " I shouted with joy. "A big beautiful expensive cake stand." That's why you can see that I wanted to get married. Because it was my pleasure to give her things that she wanted.  This is why Colonel Jones loved his wife Audrey and called her little pumpkin, even though she was far from little in size.
Your morning adorable: Elephant eats a pumpkin at Maryland Zoo ...
And a gown for her, rented, elaborate, traditional, that is European-style, white and lacey, very pretty.

And I bought a suit, black, too big and baggy, for $100, with a white shirt and a red tie.  

And a goat, to cook and serve to the fifty cousins. and two trays of anti-pasta from a downtown deli, which no one ate at the reception, no one but me. Everyone else wanted the goat and the sadza. 

And a truckload of beer, and a reservation to visit the Justice of the Peace, an Asian man who ran a travel agency and maintained judicial chambers of polished wood on the second floor of his building. This Asian man would preside as we made vows. 

And a rented car  to carry the wedding party. Precious would bring Mr. Mataka and Tanti, Aunt Janet's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jones would come in their own vehicle.

And wedding announcements to mail back to America.
Suddenly we were in a big hurry to get it done. As if someone was chasing us, and we better keep running.
Do You Need Me? People asked me why did you marry her? Did you love her? They should ask her too. It's patronizing to think hitching up with me was the best chance she would ever have, although she did have a smile on her face like she hit the jackpot. Precious, did you marry me because I am a rich white man who can take you to America? "Yes," she answered, "but there was more than that. I married you because we both like that Don Williams' song on the cassette. I married you because you showed me how to skip stones on a pond of water." Is that all? Any other reasons to stay with this guy until death do you part. "You're a white man, you won't beat me or have another girlfriend, and you're cute, kinda old, but cute."
Don Williams, Legendary and Unassuming Country Singer, Dies at 78 ...
"I Believe In Love"

But you Fred, why did you marry Precious? "I married her because I was lonely. My mother died and there was no one to look after me, My mother used to make me breakfast and iron my shirts, but she died, and there was no one to take her place. So I went to Africa and met Precious. You remember that first day when we were together in the rented room on Airport Road? She fixed my breakfast and ironed my shirts. So I wasn't lonely any more. I fell in love.  Plus she had a really great ass.
I'm skipping her faults. She had a full range of bad habits and a history of bad choices, equal to mine. Tales of moral depravity that you can find in any cheap novel. Her drinking habit, her assault conviction, her inability to tell the truth, her tenuous grasp of monogamy. her failure to understand delayed gratification when making financial decisions. It's a rich topic. My own pathetic needs -- ironing shirts? weird -- lack of responsibility closely allied with a lifelong sense of entitlement and privilege, my failure to plan and make long-term goals, my twisted understanding of what women want based on 16 years of Catholic education. I could continue.
we are mitú
Oh, we were a pair of mangy dogs all right and neither one of us as good as we might be, but it was my life, it was her life, and we decided to get married just because we could. Our favorite song was I Believe in Love by Don Williams, the American country singer. When she wanted to make love to me she said, "Do you need me?"
"Love Is Need" Personal Communication, Rev. J. Edgar Bruns | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"Ballad Of A Thin Man"
(Something is happening and you don't know what it is, do you...)
Bob Dylan


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Best "Pax" Posts About The Criminality Of Donald Trump, His Family And "The Best People"

Pax on both houses: Trump Aides In Legal Jeopardy As Dems Release ...
Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University
Trump Ordered By Judge To Pay $2 Million To Eight Charities For Illegal Use Of Foundation
A Heated Discussion Provoked By The Proposition That Trump's "Best People" Are More Likely To Be Felons Than Illegal Immigrants
Pax on both houses
Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons
David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"
"Our President Is Essentially A Mob Boss": Former FBI Counterintel Chief Frank Figliuzzi
The Trumps Are A Tran-Generational Crime Family
Pax on both houses: "Trump Is Going To Snap Very Soon. And Here Is ...

"You've Been Trumped": A Documentary About Devious Donald's Imperious Takeover Of Scotland
(How Donald Works His Will By Denigrating "Commoners")

"80 Years Ago, Lethal Nazi T4 Center Began Euthanizing Germans With Disabilities"

Marina Amaral on Twitter: "The number of people killed was about 200,000 in  Germany and Austria, with about 100,000 victims in other European  countries.… https://t.co/15OJ3tcUA0"

Sonnenstein Euthanasia Center For "Unfit" German Citizens
(Precursor of The Final Solution)

T4 Euthanasia Program
80 years ago, lethal Nazi T4 center began euthanizing Germans with disabilities

A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism

"Sacrifice The Unfit" I'm Donald Trump And I Approve This Message | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Alan: Letting people with disabilities die is frightfully close to active euthanization.

Whether Trump's government deliberately withholds medical supplies or perseveres in American conservatism's ferocious determination to remain the only developed nation that does not provide high-quality medical care to every citizen, such passive "gestures" are deadly and morally reprehensible - crimes against humanity.

"The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism"

"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And/Or Cruel

"To Tell You The Truth, My Fellow Plutocrats And I Would Love To See The Elderly Die Off.  Do You Have Any Idea How Expensive Medicare Is?" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Potpourri Starting 5-9-2020


"If they can get you asking the wrong questions,  they don't have to worry about the answers."  Thomas Pynchon, Author Of "Gravity's Rainbow" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"You Are Not Entitled To Your Own Facts," Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

"Deceased French Philosopher Explains Trump's Political Success: The Role Of Wrestling"

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Renowned Sports Broadcaster And Former Trump Lover Turns On Him With An Irate Rant

"American Conservatism: A Case Study In Folie à Plusieurs"

Andrew Cuomo Is Well-Suited To Give The Keynote Address At This Year's DNC

"The United States Of Education And Compassion" Secedes From "Jesusland"

"The Catholic Church Is Sick With Sex"
Timothy Egan

"Why Church Fathers Were So Negative About Sex"

Nicholas Kristof On Taxes: How America's Rich Get Richer While The Poor Poorer

Neil Postman Predicted Trump In 1985. "It's Not Orwell," He Warned, "It's 'Brave New World'"

How Did Jesus Come To Love Guns And Hate Sex?

Wealth Redistribution And Capitalist Greed: Once The Pigs Set The Terms Of Debate, We've Lost

Three Grand Essentials To Happiness In This Life

Does Attention Deficit Disorder (With O.D.D. As A Co-Morbidity) Explain Trump's Behavior?

Ladies And Gentlemen! The President And Vice President Of The United States!

Lincoln Confirms That Trump Is The Worst Enemy America Has Faced

Pope Francis, Labor Unions And The Age Old Plutocratic Tactic Of "Divide And Conquer"

Stunning Stupidity! (Not All Conservatives Are Stupid, But Most Stupid People Are Conservative)

Evangelical Christians: "Too True To Be Good"

Libertarian Idealism: "Too Good To Be True"

An Audio Commentary On China And Trump's Response To Coronavirus - A Powerful Comparison

Dialogue With A Friend About A Coronavirus Conspiracy

Patrick O'Neill

The Continuing Adventures Of Cockwomble And F*ckwit

George Will Describes Mike Pence As "Oleaginous"

Freaking Out Over "Socialized Democracy" ("Democratic Socialism") Is Like Being Afraid Of Oz

Donald Trump: Planetary Epicenter Of Reckless Endangerment

Great Graph Showing The Relationship Between Union Strength And Workers' Quality Of Life

Video: In A Nationally Broadcast Press Conference, Trump Recommends Injecting Disinfectants

"We Can't Make It Here Anymore," A Protest Song By James McMurtry

The Borowitz Report: "New Claim That Enemies Of U.S. Developed Trump In Lab"

"Planet Of The Humans," A Michael Moore Production That Savages The Illusion Of Green Energy

Michael Moore's "Planet Of The Humans" And Cowboy Capitalism's Unacknowledged Death Wish

Why "Planet of the Humans," Michael Moore’s New Film About Green Energy Is So Controversial

The Nuremberg Court: Blue State Residents Have A Moral And Legal Obligation To Secede


Video Shows Black Man Who Was Out Jogging Shot Dead By Father And Son White Guys

Pax on both houses: Cartoon: Trump's Racism

This morning I read a line by American author Thomas Pyncheon in which he observed: “If they can get you to ask the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.”
From now on, when I am in head-to-head conversation with someone who is defending Trump (or Trumpism) I will answer the first question they ask (or respond to the first stupid/ignorant/benighted statement they make) by replying, “Why are 93% of American hate groups politically conservative organizations?
And why do we know as soon as an unarmed black person is murdered in cold blood (like unarmed jogger Ahmaud Arbery shot dead in Georgia this week) that the killer (or killers) are ALWAYS politically conservative?
And why is it that whenever we see a Nazi or confederate flag, the person brandishing it is ALWAYS politically conservative?
After this prelude I will answer the cultist’s specific question.
In brief, let it be known that contemporary American conservatism is fundamentally cruel - if not murderous.”

New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest: My Submission For Contest #709

"Sorry. I must have pushed the wrong button. I'm not going to the West Wing."

Risk Assessment: A Surfer Was Just Killed By A Shark In Santa Cruz. A Good Friend Surfs There

A great white shark breaching - Imgur

Often, I just don't know when to "worry" people and when to alert them to potentially important information.

Realistically (and I think statistics will bear me out) I doubt another Santa Cruz surfer will be attacked by a shark in many a year... if not decades.

In the last 40 years, nine people have been killed by sharks along California's entire coastline. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_shark_attacks_in_California

We terrorize ourselves in those domains where we are most viscerally triggered - "facts" be damned.

Faulty Risk Assessment And The Epidemic Spread Of Self-Terrorization

Toddlers Kill More Americans Than Terrorists. American Cops Kill Nine Times More Americans

Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist

"More Americans Killed By Police Than By Terrorists Even Though Crime Is Down"

There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals


Cartoon: Humankind Unites To Defeat Alien Invaders

Cartoon: Covid is Open For Business!

Cartoon; Trump Making A Great Deal With Satan!

Cartoon: Biden's Sexual Abuse Accuser

Cartoon: Trump And Lincoln

Cartoon: Fox News And Social Distancing

Tom Toles Cartoon: COVID, Trump And China

Cartoon: Trump's Approach To Coronavirus

Cartoon: So Let's Say You're Stranded On A Desert Island...

Core Truths That Dependably Dismantle Attractive-But-Bogus Right-Wing "Arguments"

Pax on both houses: Isaac Asimov Nails Devious Donald And His ...

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

Pax on both houses: Carl Sagan On Mystery: Why Common Sense Blinds ...

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

Pax on both houses: The Ideological Impenetrability Of Trumpistas

Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical And Dishonest, You Will Now!"

Pax on both houses: Mark Twain, Carl Sagan And Isaac Asimov: It Is ...

"How We Ended Up In 2 Totally Divided Camps, Both Convinced They're Absolutely Right"

Pax on both houses: Reading "The Riot Act" To My "Conservative ...

"Deceased French Philosopher Explains Trump's Political Success: The Role Of Wrestling"

Pax on both houses: Read What Trump Said To A "60 Minutes ...

Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical And Dishonest, You Will Now!"

Major General Paul Eaton Calls Trump "A Wannabe Banana Republic ...

Pax on both houses: Tyranny's Best Kept Secret: It's ALL About ...

Video: "Heroes Of The Pandumbic" (Watch This To The Very End!)

"I Can Explain It To You. But I Can't Understand It For You" |  I Can Explain It To You But I Can't Understand It For You | image tagged in stupid americans,ignorant americans,dimwitted americans,addlepated americans,stupid people are too stupid to know they are stupi | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies

Pax on both houses: "Frog Hospital's" Fred Owens And "Pax" Discuss ...

"I Used To Assume That The GOP's Assault On Democracy Would Fail. I No Longer Do."


Paul Krugman: "American Democracy May Be Dying," Authoritarian Rule Just Around The Corner?


"The United States Of Education And Compassion" Secedes From "Jesusland"

"As Trump Moves Decidedly Closer To A Coup, It's Time For Blue States To Plan Secession"


The Nuremberg Court: Blue State Residents Have A Moral And Legal Obligation To Secede

"Why Is It That We Automatically Know The Political Affiliation Of These People?"


If The Current Economic Collapse Had Happened On Obama's Watch...

"The Pharisees Are Always With Us: How To Spot Them In The Wild" |  The Pharisees Are Always With Us: People Who Are Desperate To Convince Themselves  That God Is As Unforgiving As They Are | image tagged in pharisees,hypocrites,the pharisees are alway with us,a field guide to pharisees,christian conservatism is neither,projection 101 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

American Conservatives Are The Apotheosis Of Pharisaism. (Conservatives, Please Weigh In)

The Pharisee Party And The Devolution Of GOP Leaders Into Oligarchs Who Despise Democracy

"Conservative""Christians" Refuse To Distinguish Between Punishment And Compassion


Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian""Conservatives" Are Always Wrong

Armageddon Cheerleaders: "Christian""Conservatives" Pining For Nuclear Conflagration

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: What I Think About Christianity

Evangelical Academic Decries Coronavirus Theories: "Gullibility Is Not A Christian Virtue"

(St. Paul Put To Evil Use By "Christian""Conservatives")

"Jimmy Carter On The Separation Of Church And State And The Danger Of Religious Superiority"

Aquinas Discovers That "Divine Truth" Cannot Contradict Nature And "The Natural Light"


Bibliolatry... And How To Live Happily Ever After

Pax on both houses: Billy Graham's Son Franklin Proves Again That ...

"Hey, Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!"

"A Simple Test For Trump Supporters: Are You Hateful, Racist Or A White Nationalist/Supremacist?"

"My Attempt To Supply A Rigid Christian Friend With A Theological Alternative To Self-Strangulation"

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