Channel: Pax on both houses
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Facebook Dialogue With Xtian Fundamentalist Friend About Hodgepodge Of Right-Wing Red Button Issues


Now is the time for progressives and old guard to have a tete-e-tete and march to the microphones arm-in-arm to tell the country they'll not be broken. The Caucus is not the Party, and the Fearsome Four can bring youth and colored voters to the poles better than can Pelosi or, for that matter, Trump. Let us hear some healing and humility from both parties to the tiff because neither can do it alone.
The president is trying to divide the House caucus and force it to fight the election on his terms. So far, it’s working.
  • Karen Kolbinsky That's exactly what we did as a country when we chose to elect a businessman instead of another corrupt politician to take over. NO we are not going to allow the same communist, socialist agenda to take over our country as the dumbest of people had believed would become a "utopia" for them in every country where that system has proven to be worse than any other yet on earth. There has never been a more evil way of ruling than to deceive the masses into following blind guides to the slaughter. ANTIFA is just another violent rebellious uprising of men who mask their faces to hide their true identity.. the "black" masks to replace the white hoods of KKK.. exactly the same spirit. The efforts of Soros and the globalist agenda will fail because a majority of us in this nation are too well educated to fall for the kind of deception and delusion Lenin, Stalin and Marx had used to infiltrate masses of starving humanity.
    • Alan Archibald Karen, I think I'm the only person in your life who will tell you the truth. 

      Everyone else has circled their wagon and doubled down on "confirmation bias." 

      Fact: Communism is a corpse. 

      Fact: Antifa is a tminuscule, marginal organization - like the John Birch Society in its declining years.

      And when you refer to "Socialism," you are mendaciously misrepresenting "Social Democracy," a form of governance that works well all over Europe. 

      In two of the last four years I have spent months in Europe and if America's Founding Fathers had been with me, they would have called the extraordinary workability of Social Democracy as a "self evident Truth."

      Here in the United States -- and largely because American conservatism has little-to-no interest in "The General Welfare,""The Common Good," or a truly "Social Contract" -- unprecedented numbers of people are very unhappy, mostly because they have been degraded by unbridled Cowboy Capitalism and the winner-take-all system it has put in place. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-1-is-smart...

      But the most unhappy of all are Trumpistas who, despite controlling The Supreme Court, The Oval Office and The House and The Senate (for the first two years of Trump's administration), are continually pissing, moaning and bitching about something. 

      Nothing short of Perfection will please you guys.

      But mark my words: In each human being's heart-of-hearts, no one person agrees exactly with any other person about the meaning of Perfection. 

      And so, once "Perfection" starts to manifest, it will exhibit all the hallmarks of Mussolini's fascism, with its inevitable need to enforce uniformity. 

      And if fascism comes to pass -- and although Trumpistas will, for a short while, call it "Real Patriotic Democracy" -- you will all be even more unhappy than you are now.

      Like Teresa of Avila said: "There are more tears shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones."

      "Freedom Is Being Unafraid. Trumpistas Are Terrified"

      Indeed, if Trump doubles down on personal power like he doubles down on every other evil, America's contemporary "conservatives" will be immeasurably more unhappy than they are now. 

      Consider Truman's view of "Socialism": http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../harry-truman-cuts...

      Consider John Kenneth Galbraith's view of "Conservatism": https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../john-kenneth...

      Also, you will come to realize that American businessmen -- at least businessmen who reach billionaire status -- are far more corrupt than Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, John Kennedy, John Kennedy Jr., Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden. (On the other side of the aisle, Mitt Romney looks like the only politician who has not sold his soul directly to Satan. The rest are lickspittle, ass-kissing suck-ups.)

      Trump IS -- and will prove to be -- the worst president in the last 150 years. The fact that y'all in "the circled wagons" don't see this is an expression of St. Paul's observation: http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../st-paul-satan...

      "The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalled At Catastrophe"

      The History Of "How Democrats And Republicans Switched Beliefs"

      The GOP Is Not The Party Of Lincoln

      And finally... To equate George Soros with Stalin, Lenin and Marx is more bizarre than John Kennedy Junior's prophesied apparition on the National Mall this July 4th.

      John Kennedy Junior Is Alive... And He's Trump's Biggest Fan! QAnon: The Evanescence Of Sanity, And The Catastrophic Collapse Of American "Conservatism"
      "The 1%" Is Smart Enough
      "The 1%" Is Smart Enough

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