$ 0 0 Alan ArchibaldJuly 18 at 12:21 AM · One of the “conservative” “Christianity’s” many smiley faces.Al BoulosFollowJuly 14 at 4:53 AMIt s sundayWhere s my money?1KK3 CommentsLikeCommentShareCommentsKK:We who know Jesus for real don't buy his lies and pretense any more than our forefathers had when they fled popes in Rome who'd imposed the same kind of downright lies to buy their own way to Heaven by giving their money to men on earth..Delete or hide thisLikeShow more reactions · Reply · 3dKK: I know the difference, Alan.. in protestant churches and am willing to acknowledge sins of my own "fathers" praying to find mercy not judgment for theirs.. hopefully you can do the same without prejudice for your own.Delete or hide thisLikeShow more reactions · Reply · 3dAlan Archibald I have no interest in hiding anyone's sins. But since you seem driven -- at every turn -- to defend Trump, I imagine it's hard for you to acknowledge -- or even believe -- that people can readily recognize "the good and the evil" in others - whichever side of the ideological divide they inhabit.For example, I have repeatedly said that I think there is strong evidence that Bill Clinton raped a woman, and if he's guilty, "throw him into the (metaphorical) wood chopper."I have also expressed unstinting praise for Donald Trump."I Applaud Donald Trump"http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../i-applaud-donald...Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Debatehttps://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../spot-on-honest...What unstinting praise do you have for Hillary Clinton?And which side of The Iraq War were you on? (I trust you're aware that The Iraq War was responsible for the complete destabilization of The Middle East, and by extension, the world.)In any event, there is a tsunami of unrepented, ongoing monstrosity in "conservative""Christianity" - monstrosity characterized by precious little compassion, kindness and open-handed charity for anyone in real need. (At the same time, I think Pope Francis is an exemplar of goodness and am flabbergasted that "conservative""Christians" want NOTHING to do with his teaching nor the goodness he models.)Trump's America Is A Deliberately Cruel Place And "Christian""Conservatives" Are The Cruelesthttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trumps-america-is...The Bonus Round:Trump Memes, Album 1: The Best From "Pax On Both Houses"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trump-memes-best...Trump Memes, Album 2: The Best From "Pax On Both Houses"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trump-memes-best...Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COMI Applaud Donald Trump