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Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff: 'If It Weren't For N.Y. And CA, The South Would Be Bangladesh'


Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff

Lawrence Wilkerson discussed the possibility of the breakup of the U.S.

Egberto Willies
Lawrence Wilkerson was invited to the Lone Star College System in the Houston metropolitan area. He made several appearances that drew substantial crowds at different campuses, speaking about the travails of the empire. Wilkerson was Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell's chief of staff.
He left many in the decidedly conservative audience shocked and with much to think about. Lawrence Wilkerson pointed out that a United States break-up is a possibility as we have historically been very stable. It is not necessarily a natural state of being. If one looks at what seems like insurmountable deadlocks in Congress, one must ask if that may be the path we are on.
He had a prescient statement for those who thus far are the most eager to entertain that possibility. He said if it weren't for money from New York and California, the South would be Bangladesh. He is not far off as shown in these blog posts.
The full speech, as well as questions and answers, can be found here.

Federal Lawsuit Against Kansas Secretary Of State For Massive Voter Registration Purge

Kris Kobach, the worst Secretary of State in the nation, is now facing a federal lawsuit over his decision to suspend the voting rights of 37,000 Kansas residents. The lawsuit was filed byformer Kansas gubernatorial candidate Paul Davis:
The state enacted a requirement that beginning in 2013, prospective voters must provide proof of citizenship, such as a passport or birth certificate, when they register to vote – a policy Kobach championed.
Since the law went into effect, nearly 37,000 voters have been left in suspended registration status. For perspective, Davis lost to Gov. Sam Brownback in the last election by fewer than 33,000 votes. Davis said he didn’t think proof of citizenship affected the outcome of the election.
Kobach has moved forward with a new rule, set to take effect on Friday, that would remove a person’s name from the list if he or she failed to show proof of citizenship after 90 days. Kobach has said the policy will save county election offices money, but his critics accuse him of trying to purge the list.
More on the basis of the lawsuit:
Davis, along with attorney Will Lawrence, is representing Douglas County residents Alder Cromwell and Cody Keener in the lawsuit. In an interview, Davis said the two men were in their late teens and early 20s and seeking to register to vote for the first time.
The lawsuit says the requirement that individuals provide proof of citizenship to register is “overly broad,” infringes on their rights to participate in elections and isn’t narrowly tailored to a compelling state interest.
The lawsuit also alleges the 90-day elimination rule violates the National Voter Registration Act. The lawsuit says the rule will unlawfully remove Cromwell from the statewide voter registration database even though Kansas is required to place him in the database as a valid voter under the federal law.
Needless to say, the Kansas Democratic Party is all in:
"Today's lawsuit is an effort to prevent Kris Kobach from preventing even more Kansans from voting. There are real consequences to our democracy when a politician like Secretary Kobach denies citizens their basic freedoms. Kansans deserve a secretary of state focused on helping people across the state vote – not one obsessed with putting up road blocks and preventing law-abiding citizens from participating in our democracy. Today the Kansas Democratic Party stands in support of these voters who are seeking to protect the rights of all Kansans."
Paul Davis told reporters this is not related to his failed campaign against Governor Sam Brownback:
“I don’t believe that it would have impacted the outcome of my race, and I’m not trying to have another campaign occur here,” Davis said, “but I do, having served in the Legislature and having been on the ballot for elections both for state representative and governor, I understand how important voting rights are and the fact that we need to be able to protect what clearly has been outlined as a fundamental constitutional right.”

"Surviving Sandy Hook," Superb BBC Documentary About Grappling With The Aftermath

Scarlett Lewis And Surviving Son JT

A Newtown Mother And Surviving Son Find Forgiveness After Tragedy
NPR Interview

Surviving Sandy Hook 
BBC Documentary
A link to "Surviving Sandy Hook" was among the last web-posts made by Umpqua Community College killer, Chris Harper Mercer

"Surviving Sandy Hook" Review

Ben Carson Tells The Truth And Immediately Backtracks

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson speaks to the press after speaking at the Commonwealth Club at the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco, California, September 8, 2015. REUTERS/Stephen Lam - RTX1RPSM
Many a true word is spoken in jest

"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right"

Extrajudicial Execution By Killer Cops: Best Pax Posts

Cop Arrested After Video Shows Her Shoot Unarmed Man in Back Lying Face Down in the Snow


Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts

Walter Scott’s Killing Is the Sum of Every Black Nightmare About White Cops

Killing Good Black People Over Dysfunctional Tail Lights

50 Police Officers Shot & Killed In 2014. Huge, Steady Decline Since 1970s


The Beginning Of The End For Cop-Killer Privilege: "#CrimingWhileWhite"

American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year

1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.

The Caging Of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?

Selma, "Glory" And America's Astronomical Incarceration Rate
Particularly For Blacks

There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals

Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented

"Is The United States Still A Nation Of Law? Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"

Killer Cops: Slow Motion Serial Killing By White People

Compendium Of Pax Posts On Violent Criminals And Violent Police

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment

In jest, Ben Carson tells the whole truth about police shootings, then quickly backs off of it

Shaun King
On Wednesday, Sept. 30, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson reflected on his youth. Remembering when he and his friends would be chased by police for mischief, he said, "That was back in the day before they would shoot you."
There was laughter from the almost exclusively white crowd. Carson, perhaps sensing that he went too far, then immediately backed off of the statement and said, "I'm just kidding, you know they wouldn't do that."
Except that is exactly what police do nowadays. They shoot and kill young black men and women in instances where lethal force was absolutely preposterous.
Rekia Boyd, Tamir Rice, Kendrec McDade, and hundreds of other completely unarmed African Americans have been shot and killed by American police in the years since they playfully chased Ben Carson and his buddies.
In fact, you should hear Ben Carson tell his story below. It only takes about a minute, and pretty much illustrates exactly how things have changed—including Carson's unwillingness to let the whole truth be told without reservation.

Blacks Arrested For Contraband Twice As Often Though Much Less Likely To Have Contraband


Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars. 

If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.

The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.

Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?

The Future Of Race In America: TED Talk By Michelle Alexander, Author Of "The New Jim Crow"


Lists Of Americans Killed By Cops In 2013, 2014, 2015

"Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"

Jesus Says: If Walter Scott Was Running Away Because He Was Guilty Of Something, Kill Him


Compendium Of Pax Posts: What's Wrong With Race Relations? 
Hatred, Cops And The Law

Here's The News Report We'd Be Reading If Walter Scott's Murder Wasn't On Video

Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of U.S. Prison System Posts

"Why Would You Confess If You Didn't Do It?"
Fact: "Two hundred people confessed to the Linbergh kidnap-murder."

Frontline: A Rape-Murder Case Involving A Daisy Chain Of 4 False Confessions

Ben Carson Sides With Belief That Catholicism Has Led To "Worshipping The Beast"


Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath Persecution Conspiracy

The GOP presidential candidate indicated that he accepts an odd and dark religious belief.

| Fri Oct. 2, 2015
Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who's in the top tier of the GOP's 2016 contenders, holds some unusual beliefs. In defending creationism, he has said Satan is behind the Big Bang theory and the promotion of evolution, and he has embraced and endorsed a paranoid McCarthyesque conspiracy theory that claims nefarious Marxists for decades have infiltrated every echelon of American society—including PTAs—in order to destroy the United States. But, it seems, Carson's conspiratorial worldview goes beyond all this. In a talk he gave a year ago, Carson, who is a Seventh-day Adventist, indicated that he accepts a dark prophecy rendered a century and a half ago by a founder of his church. She claimed that as part of the End Times (the apocalyptic period when Jesus Christ supposedly will return and battle with the devil), a time will come when Seventh-day Adventists will be imprisoned by the government and even put to death merely for observing the Sabbath on Saturday, not Sunday.
Some background: The Seventh-day Adventist Church traces back to the 1820s, when William Miller, a veteran of the War of 1812, told people that Jesus Christ was heading back to Earth in 1843 or 1844. After "the Advent" didn't occur, Miller's followers didn't give up. They concluded that he had gotten the date wrong, and the church continued. A crucial part of its theology was that the Sabbath starts on Friday night and concludes on Saturday at sundown.
This Saturday Sabbath was no small point. Ellen White, one of the founders of the religion who, according to church doctrine, was a prophet, dwelled on the persecution of Seventh-day Adventists for Saturday worshipping in many of her writings, and repeatedly claimed that the Sunday Sabbath was the "mark of the beast"—that is, Satan's doing. In one of her books, Love Under Fire, she charged that the Roman Catholic Church had changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday and that this had led to Christians "worshipping the beast and his image." (Such sentiments may have led some to believe the Seventh-day Adventist Church is anti-Catholic or anti-papal.) And in the 1800s, as some Christians advocated and some states enacted "Sunday laws" that made it illegal to do business on Sundays (in order to promote this day as a time for churchgoing), Seventh-day Adventists considered these moves as an act of persecution against their religion.
"I don't know what role the Lord has for me in all this. I do know—and looking at prophecy—that the United States will play a big role," Carson told a crowd of fellow Seventh-day Adventists.
In her writings, White was not only looking backward. She was—and remains—a visionary prophet for Seventh-day Adventists. In her book, The Great Controversy, she peered ahead and provided her take on the Book of Revelation and the coming "final conflict" between Satan and Jesus Christ. And the Sabbath, she declared, would be a key element of this titanic clash.
During the ultimate conflagration, White noted, Satan would "plunge the inhabitants of the earth into one great, final trouble. As the angels of God cease to hold in check the fierce winds of human passion, all the elements of strife will be let loose. The whole world will be involved in ruin more terrible than that which came upon Jerusalem of old." In this period of anarchy, corruption, and disaster, millions would turn to religion, but "in the great drama of deception," Satan would pretend to be Jesus Christ, and, with the Catholic Church and many Protestant denominations falling for the ruse, much of the world would end up worshiping a false and evil god who commands people to mark Sunday as the holy day.
Seventh-day Adventists would have an especially hard time in this stretch. Governments, White foresaw, would enforce the "observance of the false sabbath." She noted, "As the defenders of truth refuse to honor the Sunday-sabbath, some of them will be thrust into prison, some will be exiled, some will be treated as slaves." She added that those who do not obey will even be sentenced to death. In fact, as Jesus Christ and Satan wrestle to decide the fate of the world, she predicted, the Sabbath will be the "final test" separating those who serve God from those riding with Satan.
The picture is clear. The End Times will bring about a sweep of false religiosity and the persecution of Christians who stick with the Saturday Sabbath. And this has made many Seventh-day Adventists highly sensitive about any actions that may be interpreted as discouraging Saturday worship.
It's a belief that some Seventh-day Adventists continue to spread. In a 1983 book that was something of a condensed version of White's The Great Controversy, JanMarcussen, a Seventh-day Adventist minister, wrote that during the final Armageddon, "the whole wicked world is really angry. They've decided that those who honor God's Sabbath of the Bible are the cause of the horrible convulsions of nature and they determine to blot them from the earth! The date is set. When the clock strikes midnight on a certain day, God's obedient people will be sentenced to death!" (But Seventh-day Adventists need not worry. Just as Satan is about to enforce the death decree, "God steps in to save His people.") In 2008, Marcussendeclared that observing the Sabbath on Sunday "is the biggest hoax the world has ever seen."
As a former member of the church who became a critic put it a few years back, "I remember vividly when minister Jan Marcussen…came to our church with a pile of newspaper clippings purporting to show the imminence of a national Sunday law. He solemnly held up his hand and declared to the congregation that it would happen so soon that a child could count the number of months. That was 19 years ago."
So does Ben Carson believe that when the big spiritual bang comes, his co-religionists will be rounded up, imprisoned, and executed? Though he frequently cites his faith in God when he speaks publicly and campaigns, he has not discussed this core tenet of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. But about a year ago, he did refer to it when he was a guest sermonizer at a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia. Asked to describe the political landscape of the United States, Carson noted that most people in the United States were afraid to declare their faith. He then continued:
I don't know what role the Lord has for me in all this. I do know—and looking at prophecy—that the United States will play a big role, that there has to be a return first to a religious awakening, and, more than likely, any persecution, particularly of the Sabbath, will come from the right, not from the left.
Here's the video:
This was a brief comment, but in front of a Seventh-day Adventist crowd, he mentioned prophecy, which has a well-defined meaning for this audience, and what he said jibed with White's prediction: In the End Times there would be a (false) religious awakening and persecution of Christians who stick to the Saturday Sabbath. Interestingly, Carson said this persecution would be waged by conservative forces—a notion consistent with White's fixation on the Catholic Church as the lead player in the Sunday Sabbath conspiracy. 
Asked by Mother Jones whether Carson believes in the Sabbath persecution prophecy and thinks Seventh-day Adventists will at some point be considered criminals, arrested by government forces, and ultimately sentenced to death, a spokesman for the candidate said in an email that this was "not a fair interpretation at all." He added, "Trying to twist a person's faith is quickly becoming a favorite sport of the left. That kind of intolerance exposes who they really are, not what they claim to be. He never mentioned prophecy, you did." When Mother Jones followed up by noting that Carson indeed had referred to "prophecy" and Sabbath "persecution" in the video, the Carson spokesman replied by sending the original statement, but with the false claim that Carson had not mentioned "prophecy" now excised.
Even though political candidates often emphasize their faith, the specific religious beliefs of office seekers are usually not scrutinized. But Carson has made a series of anti-Muslim comments, and as a fellow seeking the presidency, Carson might fairly be asked about his penchant to believe in extreme conspiracies and whether he truly fears a plot to criminalize Saturday worship and use state force to round up Seventh-day Adventists and others who don't wait until Sunday to commemorate the Sabbath. Carson, who has said present-day America "is very much like Nazi Germany," has forthrightly stated that he believes Satan has pushed the theory of evolution and embraced the notion that commies have secretly infested the schools, media, and government of the United States. If his dark vision of the world extends further, he probably ought to share it with the voters.

Vatican Clarifies Pope's Meeting With Kim Davis "Should Not Be Considered Support"


Vatican Clarifies Pope's Meeting with Kim Davis: "Should Not Be Considered Support"

| Fri Oct. 2, 2015
On Friday, the Vatican sought to provide a few more details concerning Pope Francis' meeting last week with Kim Davis, the defiant Kentucky clerk who was jailed for her refusal to issue gay marriage licenses in Rowan County.
"The pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis, and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects," official Vatican spokesman the Reverand Federico Lombardi said in a statement.
The clarification follows a wave of controversy this week after Kim Davis announcedshe had a private meeting with the pope during his historic visit to Washington, and claimed Francis gave her and her husband rosaries and told her to "stay strong."
"Just knowing that the pope is on track with what we're doing and agreeing, you know, it kind of validates everything," Davis said in an interview with ABC.
Days of speculation followed over whether the meeting in fact occurred, and if so, whether it put into question how truly progressive some believed the pope was. Some on social media professed to be shocked that the leader of the Catholic Church might endorse the politics of Davis and not support same-sex marriage, despite the church's clear stance opposing the issue. 
Eventually the Vatican confirmed the encounter, but with scant detail. Friday's statement appeared to downplay the importance of their meeting.
"Pope Francis met with several dozen persons who had been invited by the Nunciature to greet him as he prepared to leave Washington for New York City," Lombardi said.

Oregon Sheriff Handling Umpqua College Massacre Shared a Sandy Hook Conspiracy Video

"What Happened At Sandy Hook?"The Thinking Housewife

"The Thinking Housewife Plunges Into The Abyss Of Conspiratorial Thinking"

Oregon Sheriff Handling School Massacre Shared a Sandy Hook Conspiracy Video

| Fri Oct. 2, 2015 
The month after the December 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, Sheriff John Hanlin of Douglas County, Oregon, posted a video called "The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed" to his personal Facebook page. The video makes a number of conspiratorial claims, including about there being more than one shooter and that the grieving parents who appeared on news reports were acting.
The sheriff, who has done an admirable job in not glorifying the perpetrator from yesterday's mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, is also an avid guns rights supporter and a possible member of the Oath Keepers, a group that claims to be upholding their oath to defend the Constitution from any perceived threats—such as expanded gun control.

The 2nd Amendment's Second And Third Words Are "Well Regulated"

Vatican Monsignor "Comes Out": Dismissed From "Congregation For The Doctrine Of The Faith"

The following "gay video sequence" is worth watching: http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/03/world/gay-vatican-priest-krzystof-charamsa-feat/

Gay priest to be stripped of duties at Vatican

(CNN)A Polish priest and Vatican official will no longer be able to carry out his duties after announcing he is gay on the eve of the assembly of bishops, a Vatican spokesman said.
With his partner at his side, Monsignor Krysztof Olaf Charamsa held a press conference Saturday to call on Pope Francis to change the Catholic catechism on homosexuality. He said the timing of the announcement was intended to draw attention to the topic of homosexuality before the Synod of Bishops, which meets to address issues facing families starting Sunday in Rome.
"My decision of 'coming out' is a very personal decision in the homophobic world of the Catholic church. It has been very difficult and very hard. I ask that you keep in mind this reality that is difficult to understand for anyone who has not lived through an identical passage in their own life," Charamsa told reporters in Rome.
"The timing is not intended to pressurize anyone, but maybe a good pressure, in fact a Christian participation, a Christian voice that wants to bring to the synod the response of the homosexual believers to the questioning of Pope Francis."
Charamsa, 43, has lived in Rome for 17 years and worked at the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since 2003, according to Vatican Radio. He also serves as assistant secretary of the International Theological Commission and teaches theology at two of Rome's Pontifical universities, the Gregorian and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum.
"Every homosexual person is a son of God," he said."This is the will of God for our life, also for my life with him."
    The public nature of the revelation presents a challenge to the "don't ask, don't tell" attitude that reigns in the Vatican, experts observed. Charamsa's admission presents two issues: his sexual orientation and his apparent violation of his celibacy vow in acknowledging he has a partner.
    Following Charamsa's announcement, the Vatican said in a statement that Charamsa "will certainly be unable" to continue in his role with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pontifical universities.
    Charamsa's role in the Catholic church will be determined by his superior, known as a diocesan bishop or Ordinary, who will carry out an investigation that will be submitted to the Congregation of the Doctrine and Faith.
    "The decision to make such a pointed statement on the eve of the opening of the Synod appears very serious and irresponsible, since it aims to subject the Synod assembly to undue media pressure," Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said.
    "Monsignor Charamsa will certainly be unable to continue to carry out his previous work in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith and the Pontifical universities, while the other aspects of his situation shall remain the [responsibility] of his diocesean Ordinary."

    Stephen Colbert On Oregon Shooting, Pretending And Honesty


    In his first weeks hosting The Late Show, Stephen Colbert has stayed in a mostly comic register, but on Friday he slipped into more somber waters, delivering a tight, thoughtful monologue about the mass shooting in Oregon and the weird hypocrisies in American politics.
    In many ways, the bit was reminiscent of recurring Colbert Report segment “The Word,” with the host using a choice term or two—in this case, “honesty” and “pretending”—to contextualize and critique the topics of the day. Here he picks apart subjects ranging from gun violence to Donald Trump to Congress’ Benghazi committee, ending with a dark punch line that strikes just the right note between humor and dread.

    Sharan Shetty is a writer for Brow Beat.

    Photos That Brought About Child Labor Laws. In 3 States, Republicans Want To Repeal Them

    A succession of laws on child labour, the so-called Factory Acts, were passed in Britain in the 19th century. Children younger than nine were not allowed to work, those aged 9–16 could work 16 hours per day per Cotton Mills Act. In 1856, the law permitted child labour past age 9, for 60 hours per week, night or day. In 1901, the permissible child labour age was raised to 12.[1][2]

    Child Labor

    Alan: Abusive child labor came to an end as the direct result of regulation. The belief that deregulating child labor will benefit young people -- especially in light of children's existing right to perform suitable non-commercial labor such as neighborhood yard work and baby sitting -- is, like most nostalgic calls for returning to The Golden Age -- a nightmare waiting to happen. Young children do not belong in factories or sweat shops and they will, as night follows day, end up in industrial servitude if deregulators get their way. Lest we forget the real nature of the past, it bears mention that, until 1850, humans beings lived half their lives with toothache and prior to 1750 half of humankind died by age 8.

    Colonial Dentistry And George Washington's Teeth

    Harvard Professor Steven Pinker: Never Mind The Headlines. We've Never Lived In Such Peaceful Times

    The Photos That Helped End Child Labor in the United States

    Lewis Hine sometimes went undercover to capture images of kids at work.

    | Oct. 3, 2015 
    In the early 1900s, Lewis Hine left his job as a schoolteacher to work as a photographer for the National Child Labor Committee, investigating and documenting child labor in the United States. As a sociologist, Hine was an early believer in the power of photography to document work conditions and help bring about change. He traveled the country, going to fields, factories, and mines—sometimes working undercover—to take pictures of kids as young as four years old being put to work.
    Partly as a result of Hine's work (as well as that of Mary Harris Jones, whoMother Jones is named after), Congress passed the Keating-Owens Child Labor Act in 1916. It established child labor standards, including a a minimum age (14 years old for factories, and 16 years old for mines) and an eight-hour workday. It also barred kids under the age of 16 from working overnight. However, the Keating-Owens Act was later ruled unconstitutional, and lasting reform to federal child labor laws didn't come until the New Deal.
    In 2004, retired social worker Joe Manning set out to see what had happened to as many of the kids in Hine's photos as he could find. He's documented his findings—showing the lives of hundreds of subjects—on his website,MorningsOnMapleStreet.com.

    Breaker boys who worked in Ewen Breaker of Pennsylvania Coal Company, South Pittston, Pennsylvania

    A group of breaker boys in Pittston, Pennsylvania. The smallest is Sam Belloma.

    A young driver in Brown Mine in Brown, West Virginia. Hine said the boy had been driving one year, working from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily.

    A tipple boy working at Turkey Knob Mine in MacDonald, West Virginia.

    A trapper boy working in the Turkey Knob Mine in Macdonald, West Virginia. The boy had to stoop because of the low roof. This photo was taken more than a mile inside the mine.

    Drivers in a coal mine in West Virginia

    Vance, a trapper boy, was 15 years old when this photo was taken. He was paid 75 cents a day for 10 hours of work. His job was to open and shut this door. Because of the intense darkness in the mine, the writing on the door was not visible until plate was developed.

    A view of Pennsylvania Coal Company's Ewen Breaker in South Pittson, Pennsylvania. The dust was so dense at times, it was difficult to see, Hine wrote. A man sometimes stood over the boys, prodding or kicking them, the photographer wrote.

    Noon at Pennsylvania Coal Company's Ewen Breaker in South Pittston

    A young leader and a driver for the Pennsylvania Coal Company worked in Shaft #6 in South Pittson. The workers are Pasquale Salvo and Sandy Castina.

    At the end of the day, workers for the Pennsylvania Coal Company waited for the cage to go up at Shaft #6 in South Pittson, Pennsylvania. The small boy in front is Jo Pume, a nipper.

    A photo of a miner boy named Frank as he was going home. At the time, he was about 14 years old. He had worked in the mine for three years helping his father pick and load. He was in the hospital one year, after his leg was crushed by a coal car, Hine wrote.

    Workers at the end of the day in a Pennsylvania coal mine. The smallest boy, near the far right, is a nipper. On his right is Arthur, a driver. Jo, on Arthur's right, is a nipper. Frank, the boy on the left end of the photo, is a nipper and works a mile underground from the shaft, which is 5,000 feet down.

    James O'Dell helped push these heavily loaded cars. He appears to be about 12 or 13 years old, Hine wrote. James worked at Knoxville Iron Co.'s Cross Mountain Mine, which is in the vicinity of Coal Creek, Tennessee. James had been there four months.

    Shorpy Higginbotham was a greaser at Bessie Mine in Alabama, working for the Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron Company. Hine said the boy told him that he was 14 years old, but Hine suspected the boy wasn't telling the truth. At work, Shorpy carried two heavy pails of grease and was often in danger of being run over by the coal cars.

    A greaser at Bessie Mine in Alabama

    Harry and Sallie. Harry was a driver for the Maryland Coal Co. Mine, which was near Grafton, West Virginia. Hine said the boy was afraid of being photographed because he might be forced to go to school. Harry was probably 12 years old, Hine wrote.

    Tom Vitol (also called Dominick Dekatis) was photographed in Hughestown Burough, Pittston, Pennsylvania. He worked in Breaker #9 and was probably younger than 14 years old, Hine wrote.

    Conspiracy Obsession: Oregon Shooting's 13 Troubling Signs Of Yet Another False Flag

    false flag shooting
    Alan: Already the web is awash in allegations that the Umpqua Community College slaughter was a false flag attack staged to bring about gun control.
    It is quite possible that false flag attacks occur. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag

    At rare intervals. 

    People -- particularly Americans -- are not very good at keeping secrets. And since any significant false flag "stage show" requires a large cast of characters, at least some of them will make death bed confessions even if they refrain from "spilling the beans" at their next tail-gate party.

    The key question is this: Have you heard of any such confession?

    Perhaps Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler's revelation counts...

    "Do War's Really Defend America's Freedom?"
    (Homage Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)
    Although The Bay of Tonkin hoax may not be a false flag attack by strick definition, it is "close enough for government work." 
    Be that as it may, false flag attacks (and other counter-intuitive geopolitical hoaxes) occur at rare intervals.
    Here is an appropriate metric.

    Whenever false flag "hoax" allegations arise in the immediate wake of gun-fueled carnage on American soil (where this kind of calamity occurs exponentially more often than in any country not engaged in civil war), rest assured that the "flag wavers" who exhibit this knee jerk reaction are -- in the nature of things -- jerks.
    The Thinking Housewife Plunges Into The Abyss Of Conspiratorial Thinking

    Oregon Shooting: 13 Troubling Signs Of Potentially Yet Another False Flag

    When you practice something all the time you eventually get very good at it. The one thing many awakened and vigilant Americans have become good at over the past few years is sniffing out government false flags because they have so much practice at it. You may find that the events surrounding the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in southern Oregon may ring a few familiar false flag bells after you consider what the mainstream media is saying about the shooting. It is at least extremely reasonable to suspect that this is yet another gun control shooting false flag event since it has many of the characteristics of it.
    Sounds crazy? Yes, it always does. False flags are supposed to divide people in addition to tricking them. But as I’ve said repeatedly in the past, when considering a suspected false flag event you have to start somewhere. Look for the beneficiaries of course and look for common patterns. I think many of us know the patterns by now and what to look for when suspecting a false flag shooting.
    The college where the latest shooting took place is located six miles north of Roseburg, Oregon and was a very small town where you would expect everyone to be known to most people yet early on it appears this is not the case. Thirteen so far unknown people are said to be murdered and another 20 wounded.
    So, should we believe that the Oregon shooting is legitimate with no government involvement? I would like to think so, but as always many things surrounding this latest shooting force us to consider if we’re dealing with yet another gun grab shooting designed to push anti-gun legislation. With the new world order’s Agenda 2030 pushed last week with help from the Pope, we know that Obama now has gun control as one of the remaining major items on the top of his list before he leaves office in 2016. The administration desperately needs this gun-control agenda to be pushed through and we’ve seen a laundry list of proven false flag shootings over the past several years.
    Are you someone who wants to believe this is not so? Then deal with these 13 points which at the very least bring into question this latest shooting.

    1 – Grandiose mainstream media headline demanding your attention to this story.

    Without the same grandiose mainstream media headline, I myself would not have noticed this story online. Here we go again? This is now the latest 24/7 story that the mainstream media seems to want and need you to be fascinated by. This alone is a huge tell-tale sign no one should overlook.

    2 – Immediate call for gun control in the story sub-headlines.

    This latest Oregon school shooting comes with no holds barred. Even in the very headline there was a quick post announcing the need for gun control. Whenever you have gun control pushed on you before you can understand what just happened, that should be a red flag.

    3 – Obama himself immediately calls for gun control seizing the moment Sandy Hook style.

    Obama even admits his desperate gun control agenda is political
    “This is something we should politicize,” he said, calling on Americans of all political stripes to hold their elected leaders accountable for acting on the issue.
    It goes without saying that whenever Obama jumps into a topic you should run the other way and fast. Very few actions tell me this shooting has an agenda behind it more than seeing Obama immediately calling for gun control on cue. I’m thinking, doesn’t Obama have presidential work to do? Why is he so involved in specific stories that perfectly fit the new world order agenda? Are we to ignore this or consider this timing coincidental?

    4 – Shooter is dead as usual.

    We all know the script by now and once again and as usual the shooter does not live to tell the tale or defend his intent. That’s because dead men tell no tales. Consequently, the story as usual is left to the story tellers. And with the usual dead shooter there is much less need to worry about any account conflicts or future revelations of government involvement. Some things for everyone to consider are the following – Did the shooter try to lower his gun? What circumstances led to police actually killing the shooter? Are police reports available for us to see? Don’t police disable people any more?? Isn’t there policy for this? Did police follow correct procedure?

    5 – Shooter identity completely unknown but repeated mention of “4 guns” very known.

    How often does a shooting take place and no one knows who the shooter is (as of the time of this article)? Students didn’t recognize their own classmate? Or did the shooter decide to shoot a bunch of strangers in a school that he’s never attended? How is it that no one knows the shooter? This certainly was not the case in the Virginia Tech shooting of 2007 or Columbine shooting where everyone seem to know or recognize the shooter. Consider this carefully.

    6 – “Conflicting reports” in the number of dead people. Identity entirely unknown as well.

    Who are these dead people? What are their names? And why is there confusion as to how many people are dead at a small school. Is the body count that high? That difficult? You decide what this might mean given the context of all the facts coming out. It would certainly not be the first time we’ve heard conflicting stories and body counts.

    7 – Oregon is recent state of political interest to Neocon former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

    It’s not a far stretch to imagine that a good town for a false flag shooting would be one where trusted criminals have influence or are in power. Is it just me or has anyone else been wondering what the heck in former Mayor Bloomberg was doing in Oregon? Is it a coincidence that former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been dumping a lot of money into pushing legislation in Oregon? In the past, others within alternative media have called for watchful eyes in Oregon given this connection. No big deal? You decide.

    8 – Social media controversy already brewing.

    Recall after the Sandy Hook shooting false flag we saw criminal Lt Paul Vance come on TV and call social media exposure of the Sandy Hook shooting “disinformation” and a “crime” to be “prosecuted.” Similarly, again we are seeing an early immediate attack and discrediting of social media in an attempt to control the information. Perhaps they are doing this knowing that soon more information will come out. Everyone should consider that this social media stunt may be purposely bogus to discredit social media. I suspect this may be what is happening. This is just another attempt by the controllers to condition people into thinking that the only reliable news comes from mainstream media sources.

    9 – Initial images and videos show no ambulances, no blood or dead bodies.

    If anyone has these images please provide them so we can see them but as of the time of this article this evidence was not available.
    This reminds us of almost every shooting false flag where the mainstream media hides the images of the crime scene. Where are the images of the police yellow tape? The blood on the floor? The bodies? The ambulances and emergency vehicles?? By hiding all of these images all of the story and images is left to your imagination and this allows for maximum control of the information.

    10 – Shooting has a divisive religious twist to it – opens door for blaming Islam, others later on.

    Without any further explanation we’re told that the shooter demanded that his victims state what their religion was before shooting them. No one seems to offer what the intent of this was or what does this mean. Is this an attempt to leave the door open for a possible blaming of ISIS or some other extremist related patsy? Consider that the shooter up to now (the time of this article) can be anyone. Conveniently the controllers have held back the identity of the shooter.

    11 – No clear cut witnesses actually saw the shooting.

    Yes, believe it or not. After reading the story it appears there are only 3 witnesses accounted for. The closest thing to an eyewitness is Kortney Moore:
    Kortney Moore, 18, told the local News Review newspaper that she was in her writing class in Snyder Hall when a gunshot came through the window and struck her teacher in the head.
    The remaining 2 supposed witnesses only HEARD the gunfire according to reports.
    Student Cassandra Welding told CNN that she heard 35 to 40 shots.
    Student Brandy Winter, in a posting on Facebook, said she was in a classroom in Snyder Hall, next door to the room where the shooting began and ran, along with her classmates, when they heard the gunfire.
    Winter also says that “from talking with a student in the classroom where it happen, almost every person in the room was shot by a man with four guns,” admitting she herself did not witness the shooting.
    Anyone who knows about guns might find this statement a bit peculiar since you can only shoot someone with a gun one bullet at a time. You cannot fire 4 guns at once. Also, studies show that when someone is shot with a gun most of the time they will actually survive the shooting since the bullet must penetrate vital organs. Also people who are severely shot won’t die right away giving them time to potentially tackle the shooter. So it’s not easy to actually shoot and kill a room full of people with 4 guns. Also surely after the first few rounds everyone afraid for their lives would have run full speed out of the room.
    So where are the people who actually saw the shooting with their own eyes? And, again, why did no one tackle the shooter as he switched guns given that most likely he could get off no more than 10 rounds at a time? I’m sure we’ll hear from the wounded victims much later on like the interview we saw with Greta Van Susteren and the Virginia Shooting survivor crisis actor.

    12 – All students quickly treated as strip-searched suspects instead of victims.

    Did the police not want the students to get a good view of the evidence and scene as they passed by? Was this part of the drill to condition students to give up their 4th amendment rights Boston bombing style under shooting conditions? And why were students joking?? Were these students not just exposed to a shocking bloody gruesome scene? I find this a little odd.
    “They walked us straight through the crime scene with our hands up,” 18-year-old freshman Andi Dinnetz said. “It was more tense outside. In the classroom, everyone was trying to make jokes and keep it from being as serious as it was.”

    13 – Social media manifesto-like messages once again posted to further substantiate shooter intent.

    Mainstream media is posting a chain of messages posted by an anonymous character on 4chan.org the night before:
    Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest.
    Once again, a would-be shooter in America whose shooting would quickly serve the gun control agenda just so happens to pre-post threats announcing or hinting at what he is going to do. This is another trademark of false flag shootings.


    I want to believe this latest shooting is not a false flag. I have no other information except what mainstream media wants us to know. I (we) have an obligation to receive the information in the right context. And what context is that? That the globalists are desperate and they are running out of time to get more gun legislation in. The context that a month ago they suffered a horrific failure in Virginia when overwhelming evidence clearly shows the shooting was a false flag. Following this, the Virginia TV Reporter shooting disappeared completely from mainstream media news, and it disappeared for a reason. Surprisingly and ironically there was no mention of the late August Virginia TV Reporter shooting in this recent story which, by the way, mentions several of the other shootings from the past. Given that it only happened a month ago isn’t this a little odd?
    Also consider this story in the context of the embarrassment that the U.S. is suffering with respect to ISIS being called out and bombed in Syria. The U.S. and the new world order is in the midst of a tumultuous period. They need a victory soon and just as everyone is looking at the ISIS/Syrian crisis failure here comes a new shooting to get your attention away from Syria.
    Is this latest shooting a perfectly coincidental event for the globalisst or just another false flag shooting? You consider the evidence for yourself and decide. I’m sure new evidence will emerge. Whether that evidence debunks my suspicions or confirms it will remain to be seen.

    Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TVproject where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.

    Vermont's Largest City Now Using 100% Renewable Energy Sources

    Aerial view of Burlington, VT

    Vermont's largest city now using 100% renewable energy sources

    Jen Hayden
    This is awesome:
    Vermont’s largest city has a new success to add to its list of socially conscious achievements: 100 percent of its electricity now comes from renewable sources such as wind, water and biomass.
    With little fanfare, the Burlington Electric Department crossed the threshold this month with the purchase of the 7.4-megawatt Winooski 1 hydroelectric project on the Winooski River at the city’s edge.
    The system isn't without a few hitches, like occasionally buying power from other areas, but they often generate more than they need and sell to other areas, so the two offset each other.
    Meanwhile, across the Atlantic ocean, Germany is going all-in on renewable energy:
    Of all the developed nations, few have pushed harder than Germany to find a solution to global warming. And towering symbols of that drive are appearing in the middle of the North Sea.
    They are wind turbines, standing as far as 60 miles from the mainland, stretching as high as 60-story buildings and costing up to $30 million apiece. On some of these giant machines, a single blade roughly equals the wingspan of the largest airliner in the sky, the Airbus A380. By year’s end, scores of new turbines will be sending low-emission electricity to German cities hundreds of miles to the south.
    It will be another milestone in Germany’s costly attempt to remake its electricity system, an ambitious project that has already produced striking results: Germans will soon be getting 30 percent of their power from renewable energy sources. Many smaller countries are beating that, but Germany is by far the largest industrial power to reach that level in the modern era. It is more than twice the percentage in the United States.
    Come on, America! It's time to get on the ball and tap into our renewable energy power—from sea to shining sea.

    It's Only Rock And Roll But I Like It: "How High Did The Byrds Fly?"

     Mr. Tambourine Man

    How High Did the Byrds Fly?

    Business Jet Traveler » October 2015
    Illustration of jet with passengers.
    “The Beatles had a hit at the time named ‘Eight Days a Week,’ so we decided ‘eight miles’ sounded better.” (Illustration: John T. Lewis)
    Friday, October 2, 2015 
    Turns out the group were just six miles up when three of their members wrote their 1966 hit “Eight Miles High.” Here’s why the song title lifted them higher.
    Quite a few years back, I was writing an article for a BJT sister publication on how airspace is organized. I recall musing about how altitude “layers” were assigned by aircraft types in the early days of flying. Small personal aircraft usually stayed below 12,000 feet; larger turboprop commuter liners dominated the “teens”; airliners tended to operate between 21,000 and 33,000 feet; and hot-rod business jets worked the heady altitudes above that, as high as 51,000 feet. My point was that all that categorization had since become obsolete, as aircraft of all types had grown more versatile over time.
    Because I’m a 1960s-music fan, this retro-vision on airspace also got me thinking about the Byrds’ 1966 hit “Eight Miles High.” Most listeners assumed they were winkingly referring to drugs, at least as a double meaning, and I’ve no doubt that’s at least partially correct. But I did some arithmetic and wondered whether songwriters Gene Clark, David Crosby and Roger McGuinn were also subtly referring to a business jet ride. Eight miles high is 42,240 feet—definitely above airliners of the time and up where the early Lear Jet 23s flew.
    I decided to investigate, using a then-fresh innovation called the Internet. Lo and behold, the Byrds had a website, but it contained no reference to the meaning behind the song title, other than disclaimers that it was absolutely not about drugs (wink, wink). Then I saw a little section of the site titled “Send Roger a note.”
    OK, why not?
    I explained to Roger (or more likely some lackey hired to read all his emails) that I was writing about airspace for a magazine called Aviation International News and I thought “Eight Miles High” would make a fun reference if, indeed, the song was about flying in a business jet—most likely a Lear Jet, which by then dominated the market and had become to bizjets what Kleenex is to facial tissue. (In the ’60s, the aircraft—named for company founder and colorful innovator Bill Lear—was still written as two words. It wasn’t compressed to the current “Learjet” until after subsequent corporate buyouts.) 
    I didn’t really expect a response from McGuinn, but my note must have appealed to him, maybe because I was not one of the many people asking which drugs the song concerned. He wrote me back, explaining that, no, the words were not about a business jet but were instead penned during one of the band’s airline flights to London. 
    Yes, he told me, he and his cowriters knew they were actually closer to six miles high. But, McGuinn said, “The Beatles had a hit at the time named ‘Eight Days a Week,’ so we decided ‘eight miles’ sounded better.” (This is paraphrased, but pretty close. I foolishly didn’t save his email.) McGuinn added, however, that he and the band’s other members did have fun memories of flying with Bill Lear’s son John above Southern California in Lear Jets. In fact, they released a song titled “2-4-2 Foxtrot (The Lear Jet Song)” on their Fifth Dimension album. 
    That track is not among their most imaginative work. It consists of the sounds of engine startup in a Lear Jet 23 with the N-registration number 242F (“F” is “foxtrot” on the radio) and the voice of John Lear conducting the preflight checks over an intercom—with the overdubbed band playing and singing “Go ’n’ ride a Lear Jet, baby, go ’n’ ride a Lear Jet” continuously for two minutes, 12 seconds. 
    After hearing that record recently and recalling McGuinn’s comments about riding with John Lear, I thought I’d try reaching Lear himself. It turns out he has evolved into one of the nation’s leading conspiracy theorists, and his website (therealjohnlear.com) offers the opportunity to chat with him on the phone…for $2.99 a minute with a five-minute minimum. I’m not in the habit of compensating sources, but I decided to make an exception and pay for a reservation.
    He called back precisely at the appointed hour, confirmed that it is his voice in the background of the “Lear Jet Song” and that he did, indeed, regularly take the Byrds flying back in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 
    And, yes, on those occasions, the group literally did fly “eight miles high.”  

    Mark Phelps is a private pilot and a managing editor at BJT sister publication Aviation International News.

    "Carly Fiorina Was Right!" About The Videotape... Except It Is Not Linked To Planned Parenthood


    Compendium Of Pax Posts On Abortion

    "Abortion Is Sinful"
    Pulitizer Prize-Winning Politifact Fact-Checks "Fiorina's Fetus"

    Alan: Very few Americans are against abortion under any circumstance and I suspect that most who claim to be would demand an abortion for their 12 year old daughter if rape-impregnated by Willy Horton. 

    Here's the thing...

    Once people decide to "draw a line" that justifies certain abortions, these same people "should" acknowledge that other people-of-conscience can "draw the line" somewhere else.

    Lost in the abortion debate are the twin facts of abortion's legality and that most Americans want abortion to remain legal.

    What is yet to become conscious is that American conservatives want theocracy more than they want democracy.

    When that skeleton comes out of the closet -- which is to say when conservatives realize they are essentially un-American" -- everything will get unexpectedly real, unexpectedly fast.

    Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of Voter Fraud And Voter Suppression Posts

    Unmentioned in the following article is that Fiorina referred to "the abortion video" totally out of context. The tape has no known connection to Planned Parenthood which was the specific object of Fiorina's wrath.

    As always, American conservatives prefer heat to light.

    "Why Decontextualization Is More Demonic Than Frank Falsehood"

    Diane Rehm Shines Bright Light On Planned-Parenthood-Fetal-Tissue Debate


    by JOHN SEXTON29 Sep 2015


    The Center for Bioethical Reform, in partnership with the Grantham collection, has released the full version of a video which became a source of political controversy after the 2nd Republican debate.
    The 13 minute long video shows the birth of what CBR describes as a “17 1/2 week fetus.” The fetus is placed in a metal pan with a clamp attached to its umbilical cord. A comparison demonstrates the new video is the source of the brief segment that appeared in a video produced by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life investigatory group which has produced undercover videos critical of Planned Parenthood.
    CMP video comparison
    During CNN’s Republican primary debate on September 16, Carly Fiorina challenged Hillary Clinton to watch a video clip which showed “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’”
    After the debate, various news outlets claimed to be unable to locate any such video. In a post titled, “Carly Fiorina is wrong about the Planned Parenthood tapes. I know because I watched them,” Vox‘s Sarah Kliff said the video was “pure fiction.” Kliff later updated her story after a link to the video in question was provided by the Federalist‘s Mollie Hemingway.
    The graphic video of a “fully formed fetus… its legs kicking” appears in episode 3 of a multi-part documentary produced by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). This video shows former tissue procurement specialist Holly O’Donnell describing how she was shown an intact fetus with a beating heart. O’Donnell says of this moment, “I don’t know if that constitutes it’s technically dead, or it’s alive.” O’Donnell was then asked to harvest brain tissue from the same fetus by cutting through its face.
    As O’Donnell narrates her gruesome experience, the video shifts to 10 seconds of a fetus in a metal bowl which is still moving. The video is clearly labeled as coming from the Grantham Collection & Center for Bioethical Reform. It is not video of the fetus O’Donnell is describing but was inserted by the producers to illustrate what a living fetus at this gestation would look like.
    The Examiner helpfully broke down the claims made by Carly Fiorina as follows:
    A) Footage of a baby who survived an abortion — notably, this baby may not have been at Planned Parenthood*, and we have no reason to think he or she was cut up for his or her organs.
    B) Abortion clinic officials saying things that could suggest they may deliver live babies, rather than abort them, in order to preserve the value of the body parts.
    C) The first-hand account of former biotech worker Holly O’Donnell, who described an aborted baby boy whose heart was still beating and who was cut up for his brain.
    Carly Fiorina appears to have conflated the video of the fetus with the story being told by O’Donnell at the same time. It’s fair to say Fiorina’s description was incorrect to the degree it treated both incidents as relating to one fetus; however, both the brain harvesting incident and the video of a fully formed, kicking fetus are real.
    Breitbart News spoke to the source of the video, the Center for Bioethical Reform, last week. CBR’s Gregg Cunningham said at the time, “This is an absolutely real video of an abortion.” He added, “People always try to claim the images and video are not real.” Cunningham explained that their agreement with abortion clinics strictly prevents them from releasing any information which might lead to the clinic being identified. A press release today states, “Violating these prohibitions could subject CBR to legal liability and jeopardize clinic access for current and future projects. We are even obligated to delete the audio track on all of our videos.”
    As for the documentary produced by the Center for Medical Progress, Cunningham explained that he allowed his video to be used by CMP on one condition, that it was clearly labeled so their would be no misunderstanding about what was being shown. Cunningham says he believes CMP’s David Daleiden lived up to that requirement: “I feel that he, in a very intellectually honest way, indicated that this was not part of his undercover work.” He added, “I feel that he’s being held to an unfair standard.”
    Breitbart News is providing the full video released by the Center for Bioethical Reform so viewers can verify for themselves that this is the source of the brief clip previously seen in the CMP documentary which led to its being described in the GOP debate. CBR released the clip early Tuesday morning with the title “Carly Fiorina was right.”
    A human zygote in the 8 cell stage.
    Is this human zygote a human person?
    Where to draw the line?
    Warning to Readers: This video is extremely graphic and includes the fetus being expelled from a woman’s body as well as images of the fetus in the metal bowl. The section that appeared in the CMP video clip can be found at about 3:40 into this clip.

    The Quest For Objective Testing

    Context Matters

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    25 Harry Potter Quotations Taken Out Of Context

    Weird Enuf Fer Ya? Priest Pulls Gun On 8 Year Old Boy Because He Was A Dallas Cowboy Fan


    Priest Alleged To Have Pulled Gun On Boy Because He Was A Dallas Cowboys fan.

    Gringos Are Nuts: 994 Mass Shootings In Last 1,004 Days. It's Even Worse For Ameriocan Kids


    "Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.

    "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make crazy."

    “Toy Guns Outlawed At Republican Presidential Convention. Real Guns Allowed”

    994 mass shootings in 1,004 days: this is what America's gun crisis looks like

    The Oregon school shooting is evidence that the US response to gun violence ‘has become routine’, Barack Obama says. The data compiled by the crowd-sourced site Mass Shooting Tracker reveals an even more shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident – nearly every day

    American children and teens die by firearm at a rate seventeen (17) times the average rate for other high-income countries.

    "Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"

    Handguns At Home And The Scourge Of Suicide Among Young People

    Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!

    80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23 Industrialized Countries Occurred In The U.S.

    Mom Killed By 2 Year Old Child Described As "Responsible." NOT!

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