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John Oliver Seconds Pope Francis' Call To Welcome Refugees -- "The Alien Among Us"



John Oliver on Sunday night spent the bulk of his HBO show on the very real case of (and very impassioned debate over) the Syrian refugee crisis.
Taking on Fox News Channel and David Cameron, Oliver talked about the importance of the language we use when talking about these refugees.
(Warning: The video below bleeps out obscenities but contains some crude references.)

Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read


Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


Pope Francis: Moving The Moral Compass 
From "The Individual" Toward "The Collective"

Pope Francis Takes On The Catholic Bureaucracy


Pro-Science Pontiff: Pope Francis On Climate Change, Evolution And The Big Bang

Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"

Pope Francis On Labor Unions


Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read


Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


Pope Francis: Moving The Moral Compass 
From "The Individual" Toward "The Collective"

Pope Francis Takes On The Catholic Bureaucracy


Pro-Science Pontiff: Pope Francis On Climate Change, Evolution And The Big Bang

Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"

Pope Francis On Change


Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read


Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


Pope Francis: Moving The Moral Compass 
From "The Individual" Toward "The Collective"

Pope Francis Takes On The Catholic Bureaucracy


Pro-Science Pontiff: Pope Francis On Climate Change, Evolution And The Big Bang

Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"

Pope Francis On Climate Change


Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read


Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


Pope Francis: Moving The Moral Compass 
From "The Individual" Toward "The Collective"

Pope Francis Takes On The Catholic Bureaucracy


Pro-Science Pontiff: Pope Francis On Climate Change, Evolution And The Big Bang

Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"

Trump's Pandering Tax Plan: Don't Need A Weatherman To Tell Which Way The Wind Blows

"Donald Trump Proposed The Biggest American  Tax Hike Ever"
New York (CNN)Donald Trump is vowing to drastically cut income taxes for millions of Americans across the wealth spectrum while casting aside loopholes popular on Wall Street.
"It will provide major tax relief for middle income and for most other Americans. There will be a major tax reduction," Trump said Monday at a press conference at Trump Tower in New York as he unveiled his plan to revamp the tax code. "It'll simplify the tax code, it'll grow the American economy at a level that it hasn't seen for decades."
The highly anticipated tax plan comes as Trump is being pressed to provide more details about how his administration would govern.
He unveiled a provision designed to help families that draw the smallest paychecks. Individuals that make less than $25,000 (and $50,000 for married couples) would pay no income taxes under Trump's plan.
One of the biggest beneficiaries appears to be families that draw the smallest paychecks. Individuals that make less than $25,000 (and $50,000 for married couples) would pay no income taxes under Trump's plan.
"They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, 'I win,'" reads Trump's tax plan, referring to those households who will pay no federal income taxes.
But many of those families already pay no federal taxes. Roughly 45% of American households will not owe any federal income taxes this year under the existing tax code, according to Tax Policy Center estimates. Trump said his plan will ensure a slightly larger share -- more than 50% of households -- pay no federal income tax.
    "Some of what Mr. Trump has done in his press conference is just sell us on one of the better features of what our income tax already does," said Alan Cole, an economist at the Tax Foundation. "It will probably add to the number of people who don't have to pay any income tax. That was already true of many people and he's just expanding the number of people."
    Meanwhile, the proposal would also be a boon for the wealthiest Americans like Trump -- the top bracket includes individuals making $150,001 and more and couples making $300,001 and more -- who would pay an income tax rate of 25%. That's a dramatic cut from the current top rate of close to 40%.
    The tax cuts for top earners could open Trump up to charges of hypocrisy. The real estate magnate has surged to the top of the polls by touting a populist tone, lamenting that wealthy people like himself should pay more.
    Asked at Monday's press conference how his proposal would affect his own tax rate, Trump dodged the question, saying: "We're reducing taxes, but believe me, there will be people in the very upper echelon that won't be thrilled with this."
    He also declined to say how much taxes he currently pays, only saying, "I fight like hell to pay as little as possible."
    Perhaps the most pressing question that Trump must answer is how he would raise enough revenue to offset his plan's deep tax cuts, though he insisted Monday that his proposal would not add to the country's debt or deficit.
    The candidate says he would make up for the difference in a number of ways: killing certain deductions for the rich and creating incentives for U.S. companies to bring back cash currently held overseas, thereby boosting growth at home.
    Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, said Trump's claim that his plan would be revenue neutral was "hard to swallow."
    "On the corporate side the tax cut is very large. On the individual side it's very large," Williams said. "There just aren't enough tax breaks out there to make this work."
    Trump's tax plan broadly mirrors that of one of his main rivals: Jeb Bush.
    Bush's proposal released this month also reduces the number of income tax brackets -- to three from the current seven. The highest tax bracket under the former Florida governor's plan is 28%, and the lowest is 10%. Bush also proposed lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20% -- another popular idea among conservatives. Trump would go even further, lowering the rate to 15%.
    Trump's GOP rivals, including Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, have clear objectives for their tax plan. But Trump's is harder to parse, said Republican economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin.
    Bush wants to spur growth and make it tougher to game the tax system, while Rubio wants to boost growth and aid families, he said.
    As for Trump, "I don't know what he wants," Holtz-Eakin said. "It looks like bits and pieces of other people's plans strung together."
    Like Bush, one loophole Trump would target is the preferential treatment for carried interest, which is a share of profits paid to investment managers.
    Since launching his White House campaign in June, Trump has made sweeping attacks on hedge fund managers who are paid in carried interest.
    Trump, who claims that his personal assets are valued at more than $10 billion, frequently makes the distinction between investors who work in real estate and those on Wall Street. Hedge fund managers, he often says, fall in the category of special interests backing some of his well-connected and best-funded rivals.
    "I know them. They all are supporting Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton," Trump told CNN at a campaign stop in Nashville, Tennessee, last month. "They make a lot of money and a lot of it is luck. They pick a stock and all of a sudden they make a lot of money. I want the hedge fund guys to pay more taxes."
    Still, the plan might not be too tough on Wall Street. Since Trump's proposal would slash the income tax rate across the board, taxing carried interest as regular income under Trump's plan would mean investors still pay far less than what they would if the carried interest loophole were done away with under the current tax code.
    The tax rate of hedge fund managers is a favorite political target for the 2016 presidential candidates.
    "We will treat all noninvestment income the same, so unless you stake capital in an investment, you won't be able to claim the capital-gains tax rate on your market gains," Bush's tax proposal said.
    It's also popular rallying cry for the Democratic candidates.
    Former Secretary of Hillary Clinton has been hitting Wall Street tax breaks since the first days of her campaign, as she's faced pressure from progressive Democrats to embrace a more populist agenda. Antagonism towards Wall Street is a central message of Clinton's rivals like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley.

    Trump Gets Away With Everyday Outrages That Hillary Couldn't Even Float As Trial Balloons

    Delaware Governor Calls Police Shooting Of Man In Wheelchair "Deeply Troubling"

    Jeremy McDole
    Jeremy McDole, paralyzed from the waist down, seconds before being shot and killed by police
    Paralyzed from the waist down, wheelchair-bound, and a full-time resident of a local nursing home, Jeremy McDole could hardly be seen as a dire threat to many people. But for Delaware police, shooting him was their only choice.
    I call bullshit.
    Wilmington police claim that Jeremy McDole was armed with a handgun when they shot him repeatedly on September 23. After watching the video (seen below) over and over and over again, I don't see a gun.
    I don't see a man who was threatening police—verbally or otherwise.
    I certainly don't see a man who needed to be shot and killed.
    I see a man who appears to be in duress and in need of medical attention.
    Jeremy McDole was as stationary and immobile as a man could be and would appear to be the perfect candidate—if deemed a threat—for some type of non-lethal force. But police seemed prepared to blow him to bits from the moment they saw him.
    At 0:07 in the video, it's clear that police spot Jeremy for the very first time.
    Two seconds later a gunshot goes off and voices in the video state that police shot Jeremy.
    Less than a minute later, he's surrounded by police, shot repeatedly, and is clearly dead.
    It's awful. Jeremy's mother, having seen the video, also disputes the police account. Watch the video below and judge for yourself.
    “He wasn’t bothering anybody. He didn’t have a weapon or anything,” said Phyllis McDole. “He stood up and pulled his pants up and sat back down and put his hands on his lap and they opened fire on him.”
    “They shot my son so much he fell out of the wheelchair,” she said breaking into tears. “He fell out the chair and on the ground. He wasn’t armed. He didn’t have a gun. He died by himself. He died alone.”
    Nothing seems right about this one.


    Extrajudicial Execution By Killer Cops: Best Pax Posts

    Cop Arrested After Video Shows Her Shoot Unarmed Man in Back Lying Face Down in the Snow


    Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts

    Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars. 

    If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.

    The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.

    Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?

    Blacks Arrested For Contraband Twice As Often Though Much Less Likely To Have Contraband


    The Future Of Race In America: TED Talk By Michelle Alexander, Author Of "The New Jim Crow"


    Lists Of Americans Killed By Cops In 2013, 2014, 2015

    Walter Scott’s Killing Is the Sum of Every Black Nightmare About White Cops


    Killing Good Black People Over Dysfunctional Tail Lights

    Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts


    50 Police Officers Shot & Killed In 2014. Huge, Steady Decline Since 1970s


    The Beginning Of The End For Cop-Killer Privilege: "#CrimingWhileWhite"

    American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year

    1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.

    The Caging Of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?

    Selma, "Glory" And America's Astronomical Incarceration Rate
    Particularly For Blacks

    There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals

    "Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"

    Jesus Says: If Walter Scott Was Running Away Because He Was Guilty Of Something, Kill Him


    Compendium Of Pax Posts: What's Wrong With Race Relations? 
    Hatred, Cops And The Law

    Here's The News Report We'd Be Reading If Walter Scott's Murder Wasn't On Video

    Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of U.S. Prison System Posts

    Compendium Of Pax Posts On Violent Criminals And Violent Police

    Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented

    "Is The United States Still A Nation Of Law? Bad Cops And Bad Politicians Walk"

    Killer Cops: Slow Motion Serial Killing By White People

    "Why Would You Confess If You Didn't Do It?"
    Fact: "Two hundred people confessed to the Linbergh kidnap-murder."

    Frontline: A Rape-Murder Case Involving A Daisy Chain Of 4 False Confessions

    Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment

    Jeb Bush Disses Pope's Climate Change Comments Because He's Not A Scientist. Or, Is He?

    Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speaks at a town hall meeting on topics ranging from education to U.S.-Israeli relations to business support in Tempe, Arizona May 14, 2015.  REUTERS/Deanna Dent - RTX1D077

    The Danger Of Carbon Dioxide As A Greenhouse Gas Was First Described In 1896

    Jeb Bush: Pope is 'not a scientist' so he should shut up about climate change ... except he is

    Jeb! Bush is obviously not up to date on pope-related viral memes, or he would not have given this particular reason Pope Francis should shut up about climate change already:
    "He's not a scientist, he's a religious leader," Bush said, according to a video posted by the Democratic opposition research group American Bridge.
    To be fair, the widely shared meme in question claims that Francis has a master's degree in chemistry; while he has a degree as a chemical technician, it is not a master's degree. NONETHELESS, you've got a Latin American studies major telling a guy who studied chemistry and worked as a chemist and is in agreement with scientific consensus to shut up because he's not a scientist.
    And seriously, I'm not a scientist but I'm able to look at the overwhelming scientific consensus and conclude that I'm with the scientists, not the Republican politicians interested mainly in the continuing right of corporations to do whatever the hell they want, on this one. So Republicans can really take their "I'm not a scientist but I'm comfortable dismissing what scientists say and also what non-scientists who agree with the scientists say" schtick and drown it in the bathtub they've got waiting for the government.
    Bush also wants to "Put aside Pope Francis on the subject of any political conversation," where "political conversation" is defined as "topic on which he disagrees with me."

    John Boenher Calls GOP Hard-Liners "False Prophets"


    "Mediocre Phiilosphy Sells. It Makes The Half-Literate Feel Smart"
    (And a little knowledge is still a dangerous thing.)
    Outgoing House Speaker John A. Boehner, in his first one-on-one interview since announcing his resignation last week, compared conservative hard-liners in his party to biblical "false prophets" who promise more than they can deliver.
    Boehner announced Friday that he would step down Oct. 30 after nearly five years as speaker amid constant pressure from his party's right flank. Asked Sunday by host John Dickerson on a live broadcast of CBS's "Face the Nation" whether those hard-liners are "unrealistic about what can be done in government," Boehner exploded.
    "Absolutely, they're unrealistic!" he said. "But, you know, the Bible says beware of false prophets, and there are people out there spreading noise about how much can get done."
    Boehner may have been the most ineffectual Speaker of the House, ever. It wasn't just the dysfunction within his caucus, it was also his complete lack of vision. But things can actually get worse for the GOP. Some are predicting that GOP Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will be chosen to replace Boehner, but that wouldn't sit well with the hard-line teabag types who drove Boehner from office. The hardline teabag types won't be satisfied until one of their own is in charge, which would be great fun, given the tea party's overwhelming unpopularityaround the country.
    The reactions of Republican presidential candidates have varied from gloating, to veiled gloating, to caution and concern—because many of them are at a loss as to what to do. The GOP establishment created and fed off this extremist monster, and now it is devouring them.
    "The Dark Truth Of John Boehner's Resignation"

    A New (To Me) Photo Of G.K. Chesterton


    G.K. Chesterton: "The Anarchy of The Rich"
    G.K. Chesterton and Warren Buffett's Class War

    G.K. Chesterton On Charity, Hope And Universal Salvation

    G.K. Chesterton Quotations... And More

    Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of G.K. Chesterton Posts

    GK Chesterton's Universalism

    The Rich Are The Real Anarchists And Sully The World With Their Scum

    Chesterton Considered The Rich "Oppressive""Scum" And "Failures"

    Chesterton: Many Books Denouse Lust 
    But What Of Those That Encourage Greed?

    Chesterton Calls For A New Kind Of Priesthood

    Why Fairy Tales Are More Than True

    Chesterton: Distributism Posits Need To Distribute Private Property Until Everyone Has Enough

    "Love and do what you will."
    St. Augustine

    "You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image 
    when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."
    Fr. Tom Weston S. J.

    Dorothy Day: “I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”

    "Politics And Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"

    Catholic Lectionary Reflection, Sunday, September 27, 2015


    Today's gospel reading (below) is unusually fertile ground.

    In it, Yeshua assures his apostles -- portrayed in this passage as self-seeking dimwits trying to determine which one of them is "the greatest" -- that anyone who performs "mighty deeds" in his name is an ally whether or not he is in contact with the inner circle of disciples.

    Also in today's gospel, Yeshua expresses one half of the New Testament's clearest self-contradiction, assuring the apostles that "whoever is not against us is for us," whereas in Matthew (10:30) Jesus says "He who is not with me is against me."

    Predictably, biblical literalists perform the necessary contortions to "harmonize" the two verses although the conclusion of today's gospel is an insuperable challenge to literalists everywhere.

    Biblical Literalist?

    "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
    It is better for you to enter into life maimed
    than with two hands to go into Gehenna,
    into the unquenchable fire.
    And if your foot causes you to sin, cut if off.
    It is better for you to enter into life crippled
    than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna.
    And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
    Better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye
    than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna,"

    What, pray tell, is a masturbator to do? 

    And how many literalists will do it?


    Today's second reading from The Epistle of James is one of the New Testament's most damning indictments on the seduction/corruption/distraction of wealth.

    Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries.
    Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten,
    your gold and silver have corroded,
    and that corrosion will be a testimony against you;
    it will devour your flesh like a fire.
    You have stored up treasure for the last days.
    Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers
    who harvested your fields are crying aloud;
    and the cries of the harvesters
    have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.
    You have lived on earth in luxury and pleasure;
    you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter.
    You have condemned;
    you have murdered the righteous one;
    he offers you no resistance.

    I continually marvel that biblical literalists - particularly American literalists - ignore the obvious in favor of linguine logic explanations whose sole purpose is to circumvent the clear intent of The Good News

    September 27, 2015

    Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Lectionary: 137

    Reading 1

    NM 11:25-29

    The LORD came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses.
    Taking some of the spirit that was on Moses,
    the LORD bestowed it on the seventy elders;
    and as the spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied.

    Now two men, one named Eldad and the other Medad,
    were not in the gathering but had been left in the camp.
    They too had been on the list, but had not gone out to the tent;
    yet the spirit came to rest on them also,
    and they prophesied in the camp.
    So, when a young man quickly told Moses,
    "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp, "
    Joshua, son of Nun, who from his youth had been Moses’aide, said,
    "Moses, my lord, stop them."
    But Moses answered him,
    "Are you jealous for my sake?
    Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets!
    Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all!"

    Reading 2

    JAS 5:1-6

    Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries.
    Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten,
    your gold and silver have corroded,
    and that corrosion will be a testimony against you;
    it will devour your flesh like a fire.
    You have stored up treasure for the last days.
    Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers
    who harvested your fields are crying aloud;
    and the cries of the harvesters
    have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.
    You have lived on earth in luxury and pleasure;
    you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter.
    You have condemned;
    you have murdered the righteous one;
    he offers you no resistance.


    MK 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

    At that time, John said to Jesus,
    "Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name,
    and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us."
    Jesus replied, "Do not prevent him.
    There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name
    who can at the same time speak ill of me.
    For whoever is not against us is for us.
    Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink
    because you belong to Christ, 
    amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.

    "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
    it would be better for him if a great millstone
    were put around his neck
    and he were thrown into the sea.
    If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
    It is better for you to enter into life maimed
    than with two hands to go into Gehenna,
    into the unquenchable fire.
    And if your foot causes you to sin, cut if off.
    It is better for you to enter into life crippled
    than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna.
    And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
    Better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye
    than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna,
    where 'their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.'"

    New Zealand Plans One of World’s Largest Ocean Sanctuaries

    New Zealand is surrounded by waters home to species such as the critically endangered Hawkesbill Turtle, pictured above.
    New Zealand is surrounded by waters home to species such as the critically endangered Hawkesbill Turtle, pictured above. 
    WELLINGTON, New Zealand—New Zealand plans to create an ocean sanctuary almost the size of Texas, becoming the latest island nation in the Pacific to put ecological protection and tourism ahead of fishing and mining industries.
    At a time when global stocks of many fish species are declining, protected marine areas have been created across thousands of miles of the Pacific Ocean. A big concern of governments is that foreign trawler fleets have been moving in on the region after fish stocks, particularly popular species like tuna, were depleted elsewhere in the world. New Zealand’s proposal follows moves by the Pacific island nation of Palau to convert its entire 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone into a marine sanctuary.
    “The Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary will be one of the world’s largest and most significant fully-protected areas,” Prime Minister John Key said at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. New Zealand aims to pass legislation enabling the creation of the sanctuary by October next year.
    Authorities are betting the pristine environment and relatively abundant fish supplies in these protected areas will generate a greater economic benefit from tourism than fisheries, or from mining natural resources like copper and gold found in the region. Tourism accounts for around 7% of New Zealand’s GDP. Visitor arrivals to New Zealand numbered 3.02 million in the year to August, the highest-ever annual total.
    The protected zone will stretch around New Zealand’s Kermadec Islands, which are the visible surface of the world’s longest chain of underwater volcanoes, stretching for roughly 1,600 miles between New Zealand and Tonga. It includes the world’s second-deepest ocean trench and is home to six million seabirds of 39 different species, more than 150 species of fish, 35 species of whales and dolphins, three species of sea turtles—all endangered—along with many other marine species.
    A Galapagos Shark. New Zealand’s planned ocean sanctuary will be one of the world’s biggest, Prime Minister John Key said.  ENLARGE
    A Galapagos Shark. New Zealand’s planned ocean sanctuary will be one of the world’s biggest, Prime Minister John Key said. PHOTO:MALCOLM FRANCES NIWA
    The surprise decision to extend existing marine protections in the area to ban all fishing prompted industry calls for compensation for fishermen whose livelihoods would be affected.
    “With no forewarning from government the industry needs time to consider the full implications,” Seafood New Zealand Chairman George Clement said.
    The ban goes further than existing quotas on species such as tuna designed to keep fish stocks at sustainable levels. At 620,000 square kilometers (239,383 square miles) the planned protection zone is roughly twice the size of New Zealand’s land area, and extends out to the 200 nautical mile limit of New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone.
    Charles Hufflett, owner of the Nelson-based Solander group that fishes in both New Zealand and Fiji, said he would be opposing the government’s decision that was made with no discussion or warning.
    “We have only really just developed a domestic tuna industry of any size and they are taking away this valuable area,” he said.
    Policing such a wide swath of ocean will likely prove tough. Palau has experimented with drones to safeguard its territorial waters from illegal fishing. Tech companies are also helping confront the challenge, given that most Pacific island nations run tiny budgets. Last year, Google Inc. teamed up with a mapping company and a marine-advocacy groupto create a new tool aimed at reining in illegal fishing.
    Overfishing is a growing concern world-wide, with around 30% of marine stocks overfished, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.
    Several years ago, a study published by the World Bank and U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization put the economic losses from poor fisheries management and overfishing at up to $50 billion a year.
    Other protected areas in the Pacific region include the U.S. Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, the Australian Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve and the Pitcairn Islands Marine Reserve, announced recently by the British Government.
    “New Zealand will create the gold standard of conservation areas in the Kermadecs, preserving one of the few relatively unspoiled areas of ocean on Earth,” said Matt Rand, director of the Pew Charitable Trust’s Global Ocean Legacy campaign.
    Write to Rebecca Howard at rebecca.howard@wsj.com

    Trevor Noah Launches "The New" Daily Show: Promises To "Continue Waging War On Bullshit"

    The Daily Show's new host, Trevor Noah
    Alan: I encourage you to watch Trevor Noah opening monologue which is linked below. A very promising start!
    After a 16 year tenure on The Daily Show, the much loved Jon Stewart stepped down as host on 6 August, leaving a huge hole in the late-night TV schedule. 
    Months passed and fans eagerly awaited the show’s return with it's new host, Trevor Noah. The South African comedian debuted on Comedy Central on 28 September, beginning his first show with a two-minute monologue in which he thanked Stewart and The Daily Show viewers. 
    “Growing up in the dusty streets of South Africa I never dreamed I would one day have two things: an indoor toilet and a job as host of the daily show. And now I have both, and I’m quite comfortable with one of them” Watch the clip below, in which Noah praises the previous host and goes on to talk about the Pope's visit to the US. 
    “Jon Stewart was more than just a late-night host, he was often our voice, our refuge and, in many ways, our political Dad. And it’s weird because Dad has left. Now it feels like the family has a new Step-Dad, and he’s black which is not ideal.”
    Jon Stewart was more than just a late-night host, he was often our voice, our refuge and, in many ways, our political Dad
    Trevor Noah
    He then spoke about why Comedy Central chose neither a woman nor an American to host the show, saying the channel did ask but no-one accepted the job offer. 
    “So, once more, a job American’s rejected is being done be an immigrant.”
    Noah’s debut has had a mixed reception. The Daily Beast said how the host made crude and clumsy jokes rather than poignant observational humour, while The Guardian said the host was saved by flashes of inspiration. 
    Popular astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson congratulated Noah’s new opening credits for showing the Earth rotating in the right direction
    The Washington Post were full of praise for the new host, saying “The Daily Show is back, with its essential wit and irreverence intact.”

    Black Ex-Cop Files Suit After He And His Son Were Beaten By Other Cops

    Providence Police Department veteran Christopher Owens was enjoying a day off when he witnessed a tow truck crash into a car, and went to aid an injured woman. He then saw the person responsible for the crash—Sean Sparfve, who like Owens is African-American—attempt to flee the scene. Owens tackled him and was in the midst of a struggle to apprehend him when other officers arrived on the scene. It turns out they had been chasing Sparfve for auto theft.
    That's when things went sideways.
    Owens claims in the lawsuit that a half-dozen police officers — including his own colleagues — assaulted and handcuffed him instead of helping him subdue Sparfven.
    The off-duty officer said he repeatedly identified himself as a Providence police officer, but his claims were ignored and he was placed in the back of a patrol car — where he watched as officers then attacked and beat his son, Tyler.
    The younger Owens, who had done undercover work for Providence police in the past, was also handcuffed and arrested after officers punched and beat him, the lawsuit claims.
    Christopher Owens, who suffered multiple injuries in the beating, never returned to work and has been approved for a disability pension.
    Naturally, the department has admitted no wrongdoing and circled the wagons. Spokesmen for Providence Police claim Owens failed to follow procedures for identifying himself at the scene, although exactly why he would fail to do that when he's in the process of having his ass kicked isn't really explained.
    It’s unfortunate he was injured,” said Col. Steven G. O’Donnell, state police superintendent. “It was a dynamic scene, but he has some responsibility for what transpired in that backyard.”
    Even if Owens wasn't a fellow officer, the fact is they beat him badly enough that he had to go on disability when he had nothing to do with the car theft or the accident and was only trying to help. The fact that they then went on to beat his son, who also had nothing to do with it, shows a tendency for vicious overreaction and brutality without first determining who the innocent and guilty parties are. Even if he did fail to identify himself, or they failed to hear it, he'd done nothing wrong and nothing like this should have ever happened to him or his son.
    If anyone should understand the confusion that can occur in the "heat of the moment," it would be a 10-year police veteran. He of all people should know how they feel. Instead he's suing for $1 million on the claim that Providence police are racist. This type of thing can happen to someone who isn't walking around with his pants sagging, isn't wearing a highly suspicious hoodie and oh-by-the-way is a cop. Just like black off-duty NYPD officers who say they get profiled, harassed, and assaulted too. What it is that any other black person can do? How nice and polite and deferential and compliant and respectable do they have to be  to prevent this kind of thing from happening to them also?
    Or perhaps, it's not up to them. It's up to the standards of justice we train for and expect from our police forces—particularly in the "heat of the moment."

    "Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right"

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    The Beginning Of The End For Cop-Killer Privilege: "#CrimingWhileWhite"

    Alan: Blacks are arrested - and prosecuted - at least twice as often as whites for the "contraband" crimes that most often put Americans behind bars. 

    If white people were incarcerated as often as blacks for the crimes both commit with the same regularity, and if blacks were incarcerated for the crimes they commit as often as whites are for those same crimes, the "black prison time" figure of 32% (above) would be cut in half and the "white prison time" figure of 6% would double.

    The situation is further complicated because it is much harder for released blacks to find work than it is for released whites, making persistent black unemployment a source of recidivism.

    Are there any circumstances under which you would hire Jamal ahead of James?

    Blacks Arrested For Contraband Twice As Often Though Much Less Likely To Have Contraband


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    50 Police Officers Shot & Killed In 2014. Huge, Steady Decline Since 1970s


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    Particularly For Blacks

    There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals

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    Fact: "Two hundred people confessed to the Linbergh kidnap-murder."

    Frontline: A Rape-Murder Case Involving A Daisy Chain Of 4 False Confessions

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    Particularly For Blacks

    "The Right-Wing Fear Factory," This Modern World Cartoon

    Pope Francis' Address To The United Nations: A Radical Call For Climate Change

    Pope Francis addresses the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25, 2015 in New York City. (Photo by Jemal Countess/FilmMagic/Getty)

    Pope Francis issues radical call for climate change action

    A day after taking a surprisingly deferential tone with climate change skeptics in the U.S. Congress, Pope Francis stood before the United Nations General Assembly to issue a soft-spoken but thunderous call for the world to address global warming, connecting the issue to the wider pursuit of equality, security and justice for all. 
    Pope Francis embarks on historic trip to the US

    Generating a sense of palpable excitement, crowds gathered to celebrate Pope Francis' historic visit to the United States.

    His speech, delivered in his native Spanish at the United Nations in New York, touched on religious persecution, suffering in the Middle East, and the threat of nuclear war. But the liveliest, most eloquent passages dealt with his twinned concern with poverty and environmental destruction.

    He laid the blame for both on a kind of run-amok capitalism, a system that rewards “a selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity.” For the global elite, this system is a garden of plenty. But His Holiness is concerned with the global underclass, “the vast ranks of the excluded.”
    “They are cast off by society, forced to live off what is discarded and suffer unjustly from the consequences of abuse of the environment,” Francis said, lambasting our “culture of waste.” 

    Throughout his hour-long address, the pope displayed a gloves-off punchiness and populist zeal that he’d avoided when addressing Congress just the day before. That speech has been a disappointment for progressives, who yawned alongside elected officials as Francis delivered platitudes such as, “I am convinced that we can make a difference.”
    On Thursday, however, his rhetoric never flagged. He began by crediting the United Nations for its 70 years of success, without which “mankind would not have been able to survive the unchecked use of its own possibilities.” He added powerfully to Laudato Si, his recent encyclical on the environment, doing so with what sounded like an ear for political and religious opposition.

    He argued for a clear “right of the environment,” premised on the unusually beautiful and non-bureaucratic idea that “we human beings are part of the environment” and must abide by its “ethical limits.” He ran with that logic, connecting the fate of the human body – shaped as it is by physical, chemical and biological elements – with the fate of the earth. 

    “The ecological crisis, and the large-scale destruction of biodiversity, can threaten the very existence of the human species.”
    “Any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm done to humanity,” Francis said.

    Then he hammered those who have said that the Bible directs mankind to exercise dominion over nature.  On the contrary, Francis said, “We Christians, together with the other monotheistic religions, believe that the universe is the fruit of a loving decision by the Creator, who permits man respectfully to use creation for the good of his fellow men and for the glory of the Creator; he is not authorized to abuse it, much less to destroy it.”

    Francis made clear once again that he is not interested in symbolism or solemn commitments alone. He wants to see action, “urgently needed and effective solutions.” And he highlighted two historic signs of hope.

    There’s the UN’s new Sustainable Development Goals, which should be adopted on Sept. 25, setting the agenda for the world for the next 15 years. And there’s the UN’s Paris conference on climate change, scheduled for December, where world leaders will gather to forge an agreement to reduce the emissions that cause global warming, compound environmental destruction, and ramp up inequality. 
    He said he was “confident” of the success of both efforts, but he also reminded the room of the price of failure.

    “The ecological crisis, and the large-scale destruction of biodiversity, can threaten the very existence of the human species,” Francis said. “Consequently, the defense of the environment and the fight against exclusion demand that we recognize a moral law written into human nature itself.”

    Somewhat awkwardly, he turned that last line into an apparent dig at same-sex marriage and abortion, two bitterly contested issues for the church, citing “the natural difference between man and woman, and absolute respect for life in all its stages and dimensions.”

    But environmentalists nonetheless celebrated the speech, and the return of a vigorous Pope Francis, the unexpected Green Giant of climate change. Notably, for those in favor of a climate deal in Paris, the diplomats at the United Nations seemed to celebrate the pope’s message as well.

    “Upon all of you, and the peoples you represent,” he concluded, ahead of yet another standing ovation. “I invoke the blessing of the Most High, and all peace and prosperity. Thank you.”

    Rush Limbaugh: Not Just Nuts But "Grade A Fancy" - Martian Water A Liberal Plot

    Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges
    Alan: American conservatives are so busy casting stones, there's no time to look in the mirror.
    NASA announced today the yuuuuge discovery of liquid water on the surface of Mars, but a skeptical Rush Limbaugh wondered if this is just part of a plan to push a liberal climate change agenda.
    He said that NASA’s been lying for years about changing temperatures and asked, “What’s to stop them from making up something that happened on Mars that will help advance their left-wing agenda on this planet?”



    Limbaugh believes that NASA’s been “corrupted” by the Obama administration and warned listeners “this news that there is flowing water on Mars is somehow going to find its way into a technique to advance the leftist agenda.”
    Listen above, via The Rush Limbaugh Show.
    What does the following counsel by Jesus of Nazareth mean to biblical literalists?

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    Pope Francis Calls For Abolishing Death Penalty And Life Imprisonment


    An electric chair that executed 125 men between 1916 and 1960 in Tennessee at the National Museum of Crime and Punishment in Washington

    Pope Francis calls for abolishing death penalty and life imprisonment

    National Catholic Reporter

    Francis X. Rocca

    Pope Francis called for abolition of the death penalty as well as life imprisonment, and denounced what he called a "penal populism" that promises to solve society's problems by punishing crime instead of pursuing social justice.
    "It is impossible to imagine that states today cannot make use of another means than capital punishment to defend peoples' lives from an unjust aggressor," the pope said Thursday in a meeting with representatives of the International Association of Penal Law.
    "All Christians and people of good will are thus called today to struggle not only for abolition of the death penalty, whether it be legal or illegal and in all its forms, but also to improve prison conditions, out of respect for the human dignity of persons deprived of their liberty. And this, I connect with life imprisonment," he said. "Life imprisonment is a hidden death penalty."
    The pope noted that the Vatican recently eliminated the death penalty from its own penal code.
    According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, cited by Pope Francis in his talk, "the traditional teaching of the church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor," but modern advances in protecting society from dangerous criminals mean that "cases in which the execution of the offender is an absolute necessity are very rare, if not practically nonexistent."
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    The pope said that, although a number of countries have formally abolished capital punishment, "the death penalty, illegally and to a varying extent, is applied all over the planet," because "extrajudicial executions" are often disguised as "clashes with offenders or presented as the undesired consequences of the reasonable, necessary and proportionate use of force to apply the law."
    The pope denounced the detention of prisoners without trial, who he said account for more than 50 percent of all incarcerated people in some countries. He said maximum security prisons can be a form of torture, since their "principal characteristic is none other than external isolation," which can lead to "psychic and physical sufferings such as paranoia, anxiety, depression and weight loss and significantly increase the chance of suicide."
    He also rebuked unspecified governments involved in kidnapping people for "illegal transportation to detention centers in which torture is practiced."
    The pope said criminal penalties should not apply to children, and should be waived or limited for the elderly, who "on the basis of their very errors can offer lessons to the rest of society. We don't learn only from the virtues of saints but also from the failings and errors of sinners."
    Pope Francis said contemporary societies overuse criminal punishment, partially out of a primitive tendency to offer up "sacrificial victims, accused of the disgraces that strike the community."
    The pope said some politicians and members of the media promote "violence and revenge, public and private, not only against those responsible for crimes, but also against those under suspicion, justified or not."
    He denounced a growing tendency to think that the "most varied social problems can be resolved through public punishment ... that by means of that punishment we can obtain benefits that would require the implementation of another type of social policy, economic policy and policy of social inclusion."
    Using techniques similar to those of racist regimes of the past, the pope said, unspecified forces today create "stereotypical figures that sum up the characteristics that society perceives as threatening."
    Pope Francis concluded his talk by denouncing human trafficking and corruption, both crimes he said "could never be committed without the complicity, active or passive, of public authorities."
    The pope spoke scathingly about the mentality of the typical corrupt person, whom he described as conceited, unable to accept criticism, and prompt to insult and even persecute those who disagree with him.
    "The corrupt one does not perceive his own corruption. It is a little like what happens with bad breath: someone who has it hardly ever realizes it; other people notice and have to tell him," the pope said. "Corruption is an evil greater than sin. More than forgiveness, this evil needs to be cured."

    Georgia Woman Slated For Execution At 7 P.M. Today

    Pope Francis Calls For Abolishing The Death Penalty And Life Imprisonment
    As a state parole board is poised to decide whether Kelly Renee Gissendaner will be executed for the murder of her husband at the hands of her lover, the victim's family says she doesn't deserve clemency.
    "Kelly planned and executed Doug's murder. She targeted him and his death was intentional," Douglas Gissendaner's family said in a written statement.
    "In the last 18 years, our mission has been to seek justice for Doug's murder and to keep his memory alive. We have faith in our legal system and do believe that Kelly has been afforded every right that our legal system affords.
    "As the murderer, she's been given more rights and opportunity over the last 18 years than she ever afforded to Doug who, again, is the victim here. She had no mercy, gave him no rights, no choices, nor the opportunity to live his life. His life was not hers to take."

    Image: Kelly Gissendaner hugging daughter

    Kelly Gissendaner hugs her daughter Kayla as she celebrates her graduation from a prison theology program in 2011. Ann Borden / Emory University

    Three of Gissendaner's children, now adults, have reconciled with her since the 1997 murder and are publicly pleading for her life to be spared. They appeared Tuesday before the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, which agreed to reconsider an earlier denial of clemency.
    Gissendaner's application for clemency focuses on the fact that she received a harsher sentence than Greg Owen, the boyfriend who actually carried out the killing and is serving life without parole.
    The application also notes that Gissendaner has been a model prisoner who counsels other inmates and completed a theology program while behind bars. Hundreds of clergy have supported her clemency bid.
    The parole board has three choices — stick with its original denial of clemency and send Gissendaner to the death chamber, issue a stay of up to 90 days to consider the matter further, or commute her sentence to life or life without parole.

    Kelly Renee Gissendaner's three chidlren are seen (second row) in court at the Georgia State Board of Pardons & Paroles in Atlanta on Sept. 29. Dan Shepherd / NBC News

    Michael Mears, an associate professor at Atlanta's John Marshall Law School who worked on one of Gissendaner's early appeals, said he would be surprised if the board commuted the sentence.
    "I don't see the parole board stopping the execution," he said, adding that the panel may have agreed to a new hearing mainly out of "deference to the children."
    The lethal injection is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday. Gissendaner requested her final meal last week: cheese dip with chips, Texas fajita nachos and a diet frosted lemonade.
    If the execution proceeds, she will be the first woman put to death in the state in 70 years.

    Doug Gissendaner Family photo via WXIA

    Doug Gissendaner's family has said that whatever happens, the focus should be on him and not on his killer.
    "His last act on earth was helping his friends," they said in the statement.
    "He was a friendly, trusting, good-hearted soul with a smile that will never be forgotten. He was undisputedly a family man, a great friend and an even greater father who loved and sacrificed everything for the sake of his daughter and two stepsons.
    "For those of us that loved him, we will always feel great sorrow and indescribable pain at how he was so brutally taken from us, but also take comfort in knowing that he's in heaven waiting for each and every one of us to rejoin him someday." 

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