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"Jon Stewart, Patron Saint of Liberal Smugness," New York Times


"Camille Paglia Takes On Jon Stewart: "Liberals Think Of Themselves As Very Open Minded"http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2015/07/camille-paglia-takes-on-jon-stewart.html

Jon Stewart, Patron Saint of Liberal Smugness

IT shows how gifted Jon Stewart is that his best moment happened on someone else’s show. He appeared in 2004 on “Crossfire,” a CNN yelling program, and asked the hosts to take seriously their responsibility to public understanding by having useful conversations instead of shouting matches.

It was Mr. Stewart’s finest hour. He made an earnest pitch for civility in a place where there really was none. Which makes it too bad that in his 16 years of hosting “The Daily Show,” he never lived up to his own responsibility. His prodigious talents — he was smart and funny, and even more of both when he was mad — perfectly positioned him to purge a particular smugness from our discourse. Instead, he embodied it. I loved watching him, and hated it too.

Many liberals, but not conservatives, believe there is an important asymmetry in American politics. These liberals believe that people on opposite sides of the ideological spectrum are fundamentally different. Specifically, they believe that liberals are much more open to change than conservatives, more tolerant of differences, more motivated by the public good and, maybe most of all, smarter and better informed.

The evidence for these beliefs is not good. Liberals turn out to be just as prone to their own forms of intolerance, ignorance and bias. But the beliefs are comforting to many. They give their bearers a sense of intellectual and even moral superiority. And they affect behavior. They inform the condescension and self-righteousness with which liberals often treat conservatives. They explain why many liberals have greeted Tea Partiers and other grass-roots conservatives with outsize alarm. They explain why liberals fixate on figures such as Sarah Palin and Todd Akin, who represent the worst that many liberals are prepared to see in conservatives. These liberals often end up sounding like Jon Lovitz, on “Saturday Night Live,” impersonating Michael Dukakis in 1988, gesturing toward the Republican and saying “I can’t believe I’m losing to this guy!” This sense of superiority is hardly the only cause of our polarized public discourse, but it sure doesn’t help.

And Mr. Stewart, who signed off from “The Daily Show” on Thursday,was more qualified than anybody to puncture this particular pretension. He trained his liberal-leaning audience to mock hypocrisy, incoherence and stupidity, and could have nudged them to see the planks in their own eyes, too. Instead, he cultivated their intellectual smugness by personifying it.

I don’t mean the know-it-all persona he adopted on the air. That’s normal for a host. If anything, he was unusually self-deprecating for his line of work. And I don’t mean that Mr. Stewart thought all progressives were perfect. When some self-styled smart liberals didn’t vaccinate their children, he cracked: “They’re not ignorant. They practice a mindful stupidity.” But there was no doubt where he tilted politically. Conservatives were his main target when George W. Bush was president, and also when Barack Obama took office.

His claims to be objective fell flat. For instance, Mr. Stewart denied being in President Obama’s corner by re-airing a clip in which he had made fun of the Obamacare website’s rollout, as if that was the same as questioning Obamacare itself. That was par for Mr. Stewart’s course, mocking liberals’ tactics and implementation but not their underlying assumptions or ideas.

He could have made the liberals in his audience more open to dialogue across the great left/right divide by asking them to examine themselves more carefully and to admit that both ideological camps contain fools. Instead, he was a cultural entrepreneur who provided those viewers with the validation they wanted.

Maybe that’s why my strongest memory of Mr. Stewart, like that of many other conservatives, is probably going to be his 2010 interview with the Berkeley law professor John Yoo. Mr. Yoo had served in Mr. Bush’s Justice Department and had drafted memos laying out what techniques could and couldn’t be used to interrogate Al Qaeda detainees. Mr. Stewart seemed to go into the interview expecting a menacing Clint Eastwood type, who was fully prepared to zap the genitals of some terrorist if that’s what it took to protect America’s women and children.

Mr. Stewart was caught unaware by the quiet, reasonable Mr. Yoo, who explained that he had been asked to determine what legally constituted torture so the government could safely stay on this side of the line. The issue, in other words, wasn’t whether torture was justified but what constituted it and what didn’t. Ask yourself how intellectually curious Mr. Stewart really could be, not to know that this is what Bush administration officials had been saying all along?

Mr. Stewart later acknowledged that Mr. Yoo had bested him, which didn’t happen very often. In that sense, the interview was an outlier. But it wasn’t a coincidence. Mr. Stewart had gone in lazy, relying on a caricature, and seemingly unprepared for the thoughtful conservative sitting in his guest chair.
After all those years, the comedian turned liberal standard-bearer still didn’t really comprehend the conservatives on the other side of the divide. 

Worse, he didn’t help his liberal viewers better understand themselves.

Correction: August 7, 2015
An earlier version of this article included the incorrect name of the “Saturday Night Live” cast member who impersonated Michael Dukakis in a 1988 sketch. It was Jon Lovitz, not Dana Carvey.


  1. Op-Ed Columnist: When Jon Stewart Took Down CNBC’s Jim Cramer AUG 7, 2015
  2. Room for Debate: Did Jon Stewart Have a Serious Lesson for Journalists? AUG 6, 2015

School Starts Too Early, CDC Says

Most teenagers have sleeping issues, they don’t go to bed before 11:00 p.m. Students should be able to sleep at least 8.5 to 9.5 hours per night.

Teens Aren't Getting Enough Sleep And School Is To Blame

School starts too early, CDC says

By Elizabeth Perez   /   Friday, 07 Aug 2015

Excerpt: "The center says students should be able to sleep at least 8.5 to 9.5 hours per night not to sacrifice their health."

A new study from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that schools across the U.S start classes way too early. Students now have the scientist on their side to respond to what they always thought about arriving times.
A new analysis from the center found that the average start time for approximately 39,700 schools was 8:03 a.m. According to The American Academy of Pediatrics classes should start after 8:30 a.m.
Only 17.7 percent of middle and high school classes start after this time. The center says students should be able to sleep at least 8.5 to 9.5 hours per night not to sacrifice their health.
The analysis was based on 2011-2012 information from the Department of Education. It comes that Alaska has the latest average school start time at 8:33 a.m, while Louisiana has the earliest at 7:40 a.m
Lack of sleep on teenagers leads to weight problems, depressive symptoms, unhealthy risk behavior like drinking, smoking, and using illegal drugs. It might also compromise their performance in school.
Most teenagers have sleeping issues, they don’t go to bed before 11:00 p.m. Making it impossible to complete the hours that are required, early school starting times are not being considered about this, but now this could change.
“That delay on your internal clock is one of the earliest signs of puberty. It makes it really difficult for the teenager to fall asleep before 11 o’clock,” Wheaton said. “If you try to go to bed by 11, and get the adequate amount of sleep, then you push school start times back until 8:30.”
Many districts understood this information and now they want to make it work. Chicago Public Schools decided recently to make a change, extending the arriving time as far as it could.
Elementary schools and high schools had been starting at the usual time instead of changing it. But many of the city’s high schools will soon start as late as 9 a.m. Fixing bus schedules and routes.

"Listen To The Pope: Hurting Animals Is Wrong"


Listen to the pope: Hurting animals is wrong

For two years I taught social studies at an inner-city high school; for six years I ran a Catholic Worker shelter for homeless families. Then, almost 20 years ago, I became a full-time animal advocate, confident that such labor is integral to Catholicism.
As one might expect, I received plaudits from fellow Catholics for my anti-poverty and educational work but less support for my animal protection work. Most Catholics I’ve encountered seem to think of such do-gooding as fundamentally removed from religious imperatives.
Yet Pope Francis begs to differ.
“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork,” Francis wrote in his latest encyclical, “is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”
On the day Francis released the encyclical, he tweeted, “It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly. #LaudatoSi.”
Leaving aside the modern method of transmission, this statement is not actually remarkable. It’s a quotation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
But what does it mean that we should not cause animals to suffer or die needlessly? Surely this admonition demands more of us than that we not personally injure and kill animals. I’m convinced that we are also obligated as Catholics to avoid paying others to kill or harm animals, absent some exceedingly compelling justification.
Put another way, “purchasing is always a moral — and not simply economic — act.” That line also comes from the encyclical, in a paragraph in which Francis applauds consumer boycotts focused on pushing corporations to engage in more ethical practices.
Thinking about consumer choices in the context of animal rights, consider that by far the most needless suffering comes at the hands of the meat industry, which kills about 9 billion land animals annually. These creatures are treated in ways that would warrant cruelty-to-animals charges were dogs or cats similarly abused.
Most pregnant pigs, for example, spend their lives in crates so small they cannot turn around, and more than 90 percent of egg-laying hens are crammed into cages where they cannot spread a wing. In such devices, animals suffer both physical and mental torment.
Chickens on some farms grow so quickly that their limbs and organs cannot adequately support their massive bodies, consigning them to a life of constant misery. At slaughter, workers “are literally throwing the birds into the shackles, often breaking their legs as they do it,” to quote USDA inspector Stan Painter.
Just try watching one of the videos of factory farming and slaughterhouses that are readily available online: If what we are doing as a society to God’s animals is not a sin, what is?
No less a moral authority than Pope Benedict XVI denounced society’s “industrial use of creatures” on farms as a violation of “the relationship of mutuality that comes across in the Bible.” Or as Francis put it, “the Bible has no place for a tyrannical anthropocentrism unconcerned for other creatures.”
In arguing that there is no difference between cruelty to a farm animal and cruelty to a dog or cat, primatologist (and proud vegetarian) Jane Goodall declared that “farm animals feel pleasure and sadness, excitement and resentment, depression, fear, and pain ... they are individual beings in their own right. Who will plead for them if we are silent?”
Francis could not have said it better, and those of us who take these concepts seriously should see them as a call to action.
For me, not only opposition to factory farming but also a vegetarian diet is a requirement of my faith. Since I don’t need to eat animals to survive, I believe Catholicism dictates that I must not.
But this is not just an individual concern. Our faith also demands that we take a public stand on behalf of God’s creatures.
It would be entirely consistent with the pope’s encyclical if the church positioned itself on the forefront of the animal protection movement; if it endorsed measures aimed at stopping the worst abuses, and even announced that the faithful cannot in good conscience cause other animals to suffer for something so inconsequential as a momentary gustatory pleasure.
When the church does that, it will begin to fulfill God’s promise of mercy for all creatures, as revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Christian Scriptures, the Catechism and Laudato Si’.
Bruce Friedrich is director of policy for Farm Sanctuary, a national farm animal protection organization that runs two farm animal shelters in California.

The Fair Food Program: "One Of The Great Human Rights Success Stories Of Our Day"



The Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ (CIW) Fair Food Program is a unique partnership among farmers, farmworkers, and retail food companies that ensures humane wages and working conditions for the workers who pick fruits and vegetables on participating farms. It harnesses the power of consumer demand to give farmworkers a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, and to eliminate the longstanding abuses that have plagued agriculture for generations.
The Program has been called “the best workplace-monitoring program” in the US in the New York Times, and “one of the great human rights success stories of our day” in the Washington Post, and has won widespread recognition for its unique effectiveness from a broad spectrum of human rights observers, from the United Nations to the White House.

Americans Refuse To Do Hard Dirty Work... 
At Any Wage!

Donald Trump Still Holds Commanding Lead. Slime Is The New Teflon


Megyn Kelly Blasts Cheney, Trashes Rove And Confesses Her Fondness For Socialis

New NBC News/Survey Monkey Poll: Donald Trump Still In The Lead After Debates

If Donald Trump's comments about Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly are hurting his standing in the Republican primary, it's not showing in the numbers.
According to the latest NBC News Online Poll conducted by SurveyMonkey, Trump is at the top of the list of GOP candidates that Republican primary voters would cast a ballot for if the primary were being held right now.
The overnight poll was conducted for 24 hours from Friday evening into Saturday. During that period, Donald Trump stayed in the headlines due to his negative comments about Kelly and was dis-invited from a major conservative gathering in Atlanta.
None of that stopped Trump from coming in at the top of the poll with 23 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz was next on the list with 13 percent.

NBC News Online Poll Conducted by Survey Monkey Graphic 1
NBC News/SurveyMonkey

During the Fox News debate Thursday evening, Trump was the only Republican candidate to say he would not rule out a run as an independent candidate. According to this poll, that's just fine with over half of his supporters. 54% of Trump supporters said they would vote for him for president, even if he didn't win the GOP nomination. About one in five Trump supporters said they would switch and support the eventual Republican candidate.

NBC News Online Poll Conducted By Survey Monkey

NBC News

The surprise result from the poll might have been businesswoman Carly Fiorina's performance. 22% said she won the debate, besting Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio and Cruz. In overall support, she came in fourth with 8% of Republican primary voters saying they would support her in a primary or a caucus. This may not seem like a lot, but she had a gain in support of six points, which was the second highest in the poll. Fiorina may have benefited from stepped up media coverage due to her performance in the so-called "Happy Hour" debate that aired on Thursday before the prime-time event.
The NBC News Online Survey was conducted online by SurveyMonkey from August 7-8, 2015 among a national sample of 3,551 adults aged 18 and over.
Respondents for this non-probability survey were selected from the nearly three million people who take surveys on the SurveyMonkey platform each day. Results have an error estimate of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points for the entire sample and 3.4 percentage points for Republican primary voters. A full description of our methodology can be found here.
The survey was produced by the Analytics Unit of NBC News in conjunction with Penn's Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies with data collection and tabulation conducted by SurveyMonkey. Analysis by the University of Pennsylvania's Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies. 

Bill Maher's Sobering Commentaries On America's Wealth Gap


Teddy Roosevelt: "Malefactors Of Great Wealth... Are Curses To The Country"

Wealth Inequality In The United States Of Barbaria

bill maher on The Wealth Gap in America and the ... - YouTube


Mar 23, 2011 - Uploaded by clarioncv
Bill Maher nailed this one. A no nonsense commentary on thewealth gap. People should start paying ...

New Rule: Income Inequality In America (Real Time with Bill ...


Mar 1, 2014 - Uploaded by DOPEFOCUS
In his best New Rule in quite some time, Bill... ... New Rule:Income Inequality In America (Real Time with Bill Maher - 2/28/14). DOPEFOCUS.

Bill Maher - Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube


Mar 6, 2013 - Uploaded by IsLikeThat
Bill Maher hilariously explains wealth inequality in a way that the tea-party can understand.

Bill Maher New Rules on The Great Gatsby and wealth gap ...


May 10, 2013 - Uploaded by PoliticalZone101
He went onto talk about people resorting to using flame throwers on their cars in South Africa to stop it. He made ...

"Palin's Shameful Silence on Trump's Misogyny"

Alan: There is something wrong with this woman and her family.
That said, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Sarah Palin: Ardent Advocate Of Wealth Redistribution

"Sarah Palin's Alaska-Style Socialism Takes Root In West Virginia"


Socialist Super-Star Sarah Palin And Alaska's 2013 "Permanent Fund" Handout

Alan: If Alaska and West Virginia -- both crimson red states -- declare natural resources a "people's patrimony," the time is ripe for the other 48 states to declare every citizen's right to a monetary share in God-given natural resources.

13 Aug 2014

By Elliot Jager
Alaska Democrats trying to pass a statewide referendum to restore the tax rate on oil companies that former Gov. Sarah Palin championed would like her to take part in their campaign, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Republicans lowered taxes on the oil companies, collecting $4.3 billion instead of $6.3 billion in revenues. Palin posted a video on her subscription website explaining the merits of reverting to the higher rate. She said "crony capitalism" and "Big Oil" were able  to "regain control" of the issue within six years of her leaving office. 

Alaska's quitter governor and the Tea Party's queen diva Sarah Palin uses her Facebook page to comment on all things political, including touting Donald Trump's candidacy for the presidency. But when it comes to Trump's outrageously sexist comments about her former colleague at Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Palin has remained shamefully silent about El Donaldo's latest round of misogyny.
So much for Mama Grizzly solidarity with conservative women like Kelly, with whom Palin once declared: "We are the women's movement!"
When Trump recently assaulted John McCain -- who plucked Palin from obscurity in August of 2008 to join him on the Republican ticket -- it was an entirely different matter. Palin immediately came to Trump's defense, calling him a hero and blaming the scuffle on the media. It was an act of betrayal directed at McCain -- and yet another instance of her blatant duplicity -- that only Palin could pull off.
Trump, of course, has been nothing more than a serial sexist when it comes to hisconstant attacks on women: He has called women "ugly,""fat,""dogs,""slobs,""bimbos,""extremely unattractive," ad infinitum, all leading up to his allegation this weekend that Kelly was menstruating during the Republican presidential primary debate Thursday tonight.
I guess in Palin World, that all makes you a "hero." So be it. But as virtually every major player in the current Republican line-up for president has called Trump on his latest remarks, Palin still hasn't brought herself to take the high road. Just before the Presidential debate last week, Palin gave yet another bizarre interview in which she said that she advised Trump [3:11]:
I've already told him. I said: Keep it up! America appreciates that you're calling it like you see it. He's telling a lot of truth. And really helping educate and lead the other candidates because they're going to have to step up their game and quit sounding like politicians.
I wonder what "truth" she thinks he's now telling?
In addition to being beholden to Trump -- he's the only current candidate, with the possible exception of Ted Cruz, who would ever utter her name publicly -- I've been told that there's some inside back-story to Palin's glaring lack of solidarity with Kelly. According to a source once in Palin's inner-circle in Southcentral Alaska, Palin was livid at Kelley two years ago when the latter interrupted Palin in an interview in which Palin went into what seemed like a crack-addled rant about Obama and the American economy.
No one holds a grudge like Palin. In June, Palin was overtly critical of Kelly for interviewing Jill Duggar Dillard and Jessa Duggar Seewald on her Fox News program. Two weeks later it was announced that Palin had been dumped from her position at Fox News.
That Palin is an exceedingly dull blade goes without saying, but even she must have noted the timing of Fox's decision.
Trump just blew some seriously needed oxygen into Palin's sinking political platform by indicating that Palin would serve in a cabinet-level capacity in his administration--which only someone with Palin's crazy could view as a possibility -- and for a brief moment it appeared that Palin's stock, depressed as it is, might yet have another bump in it.
Not so. The descending numbers from her political action committee and her utter disappearance from the national Republican debate fully indicate that Palin's political half-life has long since passed. She's been reduced to a laugh-line and an afterthought.
As I noted in my critical biography of her, The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind her Relentless Quest for Power, there is really no low to which Palin will not stoop to advance her own political and monetary interests. Her silence on the Kelly-Trump affair is par for the Palin course. When it comes to political courage and integrity, she has none.
Award-winning writer and filmmaker Geoffrey Dunn's best-selling The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Powerwas published by Macmillan/St. Martin's in May of 2011.

Obervant Jew Incinerates 18 Month Old Palestinian Child

Meir Ettinger
Meir Ettinger
Sweet on the surface, Ettinger is a terrorist killer at heart.

His defense? "God made him do it."

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
Devout Christian, Blaise Pascal

Dear Fred

Absolutism re-configures righteousness as self-righteousness. 

Yes, daemonic subtlety exists. 

But to grasp the origin of Ettinger's diabolical connivance in Palestine/Israel there is no need to conjure a devil "out there." 

At the interface of righteousness and self-righteousness, human subjectivity is fully capable of evoking The Satanic

As you may know, I am ambivalent about Paul of Tarsus. 

However, I also recognize that "The Apostle to the Gentiles" was graced with many keen insights. 

One such insight was his straightforward assurance that Satan "transforms himself into an angel of light." http://biblehub.com/2_corinthians/11-14.htm

I recently recalled my final undergraduate essay as a University of Toronto student.

It was entitled "How Will We Recognize The Messiah When He Comes Back?" 

Notably, the Christian messiah was very difficult to recognize the first time he was on earth and I think it "nine parts" wishful thinking that Yeshua will come again in such splendor and glory as to be absolutely unmistakable. 

Conservatives know they are the very last people to adopt The New and so, by nature, they would be exceedingly reluctant to claim The Messiah"next time" if he were not surrounded by such evidently divine pyrotechnics as to make his identification a "no brainer."

Still, conservatives must confront this nagging question: "Why was the messiah's first incarnation an extraordinarily low-key event which moved only a small percentage of Jews to "convert?"

Even worse, what does it mean that Jesus of Nazareth -- The Son Of God Himself -- was unable to work miracles in his home town?

Mark 6

J.B. Phillips Translation Of The New Testament

1-4 Then he left that district and came into his own native town followed by his disciples. When the Sabbath day came, he began to teach in the synagogue. The congregation was astonished and remarked, “Where does he get all this? What is this wisdom that he has been given—and what about these marvelous things that he can do? He’s only the carpenter, Mary’s son, the brother of James, Joses, Judas and Simon; and his sisters are living here with us!” And they were deeply offended with him. But Jesus said to them, “No prophet goes unhonoured—except in his native town or with his own relations or in his own home!”
5-6a And he could do nothing miraculous there apart from laying his hands on a few sick people and healing them; their lack of faith astonished him.

I believe Jesus'"own relations" -- or at least many of them -- will not proclaim The Son of God when he comes again just as Yeshua's "own relations" did not proclaim the backwater carpenter.

Pax tecum

Meir Ettinger, accused of being leader of violent Jewish underground, in Nazareth court, August 4, 2015

Other than being a religiously observant Jew, "Who Is Meir Ettinger," the smiling young man who incinerated an 18 month old child?


Meir Ettinger, Suspected Head Of Jewish Extremist Group, Arrested Following Deadly West Bank Arson 

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli authorities kicked off a promised crackdown on Jewish extremists following last week's deadly arson attack on a Palestinian family, arresting a high-profile activist accused of leading a new movement of defiant settler youths who embrace violence and reject the rule of law in the name of the purity of the Holy Land.
Meir Ettinger, whose arrest Monday was extended in court Tuesday, is the grandson of U.S.-born Rabbi Meir Kahane, Israel's most notorious Jewish extremist, whose ultranationalist party was banned from Israel's parliament for its racist views in 1988 and who was killed by an Arab gunman in New York in 1990.
According to the Shin Bet security agency, the 23-year-old Ettinger was arrested for "involvement in an extremist Jewish organization." The agency would not say if he is also suspected in the July 31 arson attack, but it has accused Ettinger of heading an extremist movement seeking to bring about religious "redemption" through attacks on Christian sites and Palestinian homes.
Israeli media have dubbed Ettinger as the Shin Bet's "number one" most wanted Jewish extremist. He has been arrested several times before and banned from the West Bank. Ettinger is also the grandson of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, an ultranationalist whose party was banned from Israel's parliament for its racist views in 1988. Kahane was killed by an Arab gunman in 1990.
Ettinger has denied leading an extremist movement. His lawyer, Yuval Zemer, told Israel's Army Radio that authorities arrested his client to appease an Israeli public outraged by the arson attack.
"There was no urgent need to arrest here, other than some kind of desire to show, 'Here, we're doing something, here, we're arresting,'" said Zemer. "Of course, what is better than the number one most wanted target?"
The arrest comes on the heels of a violent spate of attacks in Israel and the Palestinian territories that threatened to ignite widespread violence in the region.
The Shin Bet would not say whether Ettinger had anything to do with the attack on the West Bank home, which killed 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh and severely injured his parents and 4-year-old brother.
However, the agency singled out Ettinger two days before the attack, when it announced it had uncovered a Jewish extremist movement of young settler activists responsible for a June arson attack of the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish, a prominent Catholic church near the Sea of Galilee, and a number of other hate crimes. The Shin Bet at the time accused Ettinger of heading the movement.
Ettinger, in a large skullcap, scruffy beard and sidelocks, smiled at the swarm of news crews before his hearing. In a July 30 blog post before his arrest, he denied the Shin Bet's accusation that he leads an extremist group.
"There is no terror organization, but there are many, many Jews, many more than people think, whose value system is completely different than that of the Israeli Supreme Court or the Shin Bet," Ettinger wrote. "The laws they are bound by are not the State's laws ... but laws that are much more eternal and real."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged "zero tolerance" for Jewish terrorism following two deadly attacks by extremists. The attack that killed 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh and severely injured his parents and 4-year-old brother in the West Bank came a day after an anti-gay ultra-Orthodox man stabbed a 16-year-old Israeli girl during a rampage against marchers at Jerusalem's gay pride parade. The girl later died of her wounds.
Authorities are expected to crack down much harder on suspected Jewish extremist cells, particularly among West Bank settler youths.
"I have heard from the fringes of our society that there are those who say there is a supreme law above the country's laws. I wish to clarify that there is no law above the country's laws," Netanyahu said Tuesday. "Whoever breaks them, whoever champions hate crimes, whoever carries out violence, whoever carries out terror, we will act against them with all the weight of the law."
Israeli media have dubbed Ettinger the Shin Bet's "No. 1" most-wanted Jewish extremist. He has been arrested several times before and banned from the West Bank. His lawyer, Yuval Zemer, told Israel's Army Radio that authorities arrested his client to appease an Israeli public outraged by the arson attack.
"There was no urgent need to arrest here, other than some kind of desire to show, 'Here, we're doing something, here, we're arresting,'" Zemer said. "Of course, what is better than the No. 1 most-wanted target?"
The Shin Bet singled out Ettinger two days before the attack on the West Bank home when it announced it had uncovered a Jewish extremist movement of young settler activists responsible for a June arson attack of the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish, a prominent Catholic church near the Sea of Galilee, and a number of other hate crimes.
Authorities indicted two other young extremists and arrested three others in connection with the church arson attack. The Shin Bet said Ettinger's group vandalized a number of Christian religious sites in the past two years, tried to disrupt Pope Francis' 2014 visit to the Holy Land, and committed "more significant terrorist attacks of arson" against Palestinian homes in the West Bank in the past year.
A month before the church attack, Ettinger called on his blog for more attacks on Christian religious sites. He had lived in recent months in unauthorized Jewish settlement encampments in the West Bank set up by the "hilltop youth," the Shin Bet said, using a term referring to radicalized Jewish teen squatters on West Bank hilltops who have been known to attack Palestinians and their property.
Six months ago, authorities signed a yearlong order preventing Ettinger from entering Jerusalem and the West Bank settlements, saying he posed a danger. He moved to the northern city of Safed, a hub for Jewish religious mystics.
Shlomo Fischer, an expert on Jewish extremism, said the recent attacks appeared to be the work of those acting without the explicit blessing of rabbinic figures, as has been the case in the past.
"They seem to represent a relatively new kind of religious authority — that of the violent activists themselves," Fischer said. "The violent activists conceive of themselves as having a sort of charismatic-prophetic authority and what authorizes these extreme actions is 'the voice of God' within them."
Also Tuesday, Israeli security forces demolished a Jewish settlement house in an outpost of the Eli settlement that had been built illegally on private Palestinian land in the West Bank. COGAT, the defense body that handles civilian issues with the Palestinians, said the demolition was coordinated with the settlers and there were no protests.
Last week, settlers clashed with Israeli troops as Israeli bulldozers demolished a contested housing complex in another Jewish settlement in the West Bank — an action that has previously drawn reprisals from settler youth.
Take a good look at the photographs of the suspects in the new Jewish underground being taken into custody. Look at them grinning with their unruly, never-shaven beards and payot flowing from under the soup-bowl kippot. Seriously, they’re rock stars, they don’t give a damn what anyone thinks and they’ll have a whale of a time in prison, emerging even bigger heroes. Once you’ve slipped the earthly bonds of mortal judgment, nothing can touch you.
They (allegedly) burned mosques and churches and a home with a sleeping family inside, killing an 18-month-old baby boy, and now just look at them, blissfully happy. I bet you saw those photographs and felt a burning shame; how could Jews do such a thing? Don’t they realize the harm they are doing all of us? The shanda, the hillul Hashem, desecration of God’s name? This is what True Jews look like – Jews who don’t care what you or anyone else thinks because they’re true Jews exercising Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish homeland. They’re keeping it real.
Look at the photos again
I suppose to feel a bit better with yourself, you had to go and read on one of the many websites, like this one, where bromides were offered by assorted rabbis explaining why these young hooligans are perverting Judaism and bringing our Torah, whose ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace, into disrepute. Only they’re not. Look at those photographs again. That’s what Jews who are not afraid or ashamed to go to prison for being faithful to the original unvarnished values of Torah look like. And once you’re done forcing yourself to look again at their faces, take a gander as well at Yishai Schlissel stabbing the marchers last Thursday at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade. You want to believe he’s mad, don’t you? He isn’t, he’s just the true embodiment of Jewish values. A lone, but brave and resolved kana’i, the zealot ridding the streets of God’s city from abomination.
It took nearly 2,000 years of exile and fear of the nations but finally, a generation of true Jews is once again rising. Don’t listen to the cowardly words of media-friendly rabbis, false prophets who haven’t got the guts to say that they wish the 22nd verse of the 18th chapter of Va’yikra (Leviticus) had never been written. Well, they’re not about to excise it and other unpalatable verses from their Torah scrolls, so they may as well own it. Yes, a man lying down with another man as if with a woman is an abomination. It says so in the book of life. Don’t try to pretend it’s not written there and fob us off with nice cuddly quotes of pleasantness and peace. Ours is not a religion of peace and our God demands vengeance and ethnic cleansing.
Lehava founder Bentzi Gopstein has every bit as much scripture to rely on as they do, when he says that we should be going out to destroy every church in the Holy Land. Or have they conveniently forgot Maimonides’ ninth principle of faith, that this Torah shall never be replaced? Of course, nice rabbis love quoting Maimonides, but just the more cosmopolitan bits, not those about the Messiah and wars and destroying all the houses of alien worship.
Face it, those bearded youths from the hilltops are more truly Jewish than you or I will ever be. Theirs is a true Torat Eretz Yisrael, unadulterated by goyishe crap. And who loves Jerusalem more than Schlissel? A man who was willing to go to prison in his quest to cleanse our city and upon release, accepted upon himself an inevitable second sentence to continue his mission? I like to present myself as the ultimate Jerusalemite but I can barely be bothered to pick up that cigarette butt.
Netanyahu should check out Kiryat Arba
Benjamin Netanyahu tried to salvage a bit of moral comfort on Sunday when he reminded us that while we unequivocally condemn our homegrown murderers, our neighbors name streets and squares after them. He should check out a Kiryat Arba street map. It’s just a matter of time. The way we’re going, the next generation of true Jews will stroll down Jerusalem’s Meir Ettinger Boulevard to Schlissel Plaza for a ritual stoning of heretics and perverts. You remember that scene with the blasphemer in Monty Python’s “Life of Brian”? That was life in the good old Jewish Kingdom BCE and it could be our lives again if the true Jews have their way.
For all the protestations that Judaism is a religion of peace, there is absolutely no guarantee that our rabbis will be more successful in their crusade of moderation than their Muslim counterparts. They insisted for years that Islam is perfectly benign, only to be confronted now with ISIS and its true faith of beheadings and slavery. Netanyahu’s claim that we’re different from the rest of the region rings hollow when in the space of a few hours last week true Jews murdered both a Jewish girl and a Muslim toddler.
I honestly believe the Torah is the most wonderful book written by mankind. It’s the book of books I’d take to a desert island and a huge privilege to belong to the nation that carried it for all these centuries. But it was written more than 3,000 years ago and we’ve moved on a bit since. If the rabbis can’t bring themselves to admit that whole swaths of the Torah are simply not relevant today, and, more to the point, contain the antithesis of a functioning society, then they are abandoning us with their platitudes to the mercy of the true Jews.
Judaism did not survive by remaining true to its roots. It deliberately lost its authenticity and assimilated and adapted and evolved. The problematic bits of the Torah were explained away and put under a heavy pile of caveats precisely because they were inadequate and inappropriate for the changing times. Conversion of local spouses, friends and neighbors was allowed and for many generations encouraged, because racial purity was a self-defeating policy that would have led to extinction. Maimonides was a blessed hypocrite who with one stroke of his quill professed loyalty to the only immutable Torah, and with the next incorporated Aristotle into Jewish philosophy. We should recognize his brilliance in doing so.
It’s like Coca-Cola
The multiple obstacles the ultra-Orthodox rabbinate put today on conversion and interpretation, their unwillingness to change their “pure education,” are pushing the Haredi community out on an obscure limb of the evolutionary tree from where they can only plummet into the abyss. Luckily, most of their followers are too clever to fall for that trick, and they’re flocking to “alien” studies despite the rabbis’ admonishments. We should be pointing out that they aren’t even keeping true, instead of us trying to compete over whose Torah is the real thing. It’s like Coca-Cola: There is only one classic flavor, and it’s fattening and bad for your teeth.
True Judaism has only spelled disaster for Jews wherever and whenever it was practiced and forced upon us. We held on in spite of it all because we picked and chose the relevant and necessary parts of Torah and tradition and disregarded the rest. Our Torat Haim – code of life – was a bastardized hybrid of useful ancient traditions combined with whatever we could gather and adapt from our new surroundings and too-frequent travels. We learned to survive by abandoning any high-minded status of Hebrew thoroughbreds, becoming hardy Jewish mongrels instead. Analyze the culture of any Jewish community and its genetic makeup and you will find that it succeeded through mixing local cocktails, not by sticking to neat Jewishness.
We will never be pure enough for the true Jews and we should never try to be. The murderers of Shira Banki and Ali Dawabsheh will always win every contest for the real Judaism. You don’t care about alternatives and the disastrous results of your actions when you hold eternal truth. A truth that damns us all.
Anshel Pfeffer
Haaretz Correspondent

Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame For Obesity Away From Bad Diets


An image from a video by the Coca-Cola Foundation. In November 2012, the foundation  announced a $3 million grant to Chicago's Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance. The grant was intended to establish a wellness program.

Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away From Bad Diets
Coca-Cola, the world’s largest producer of sugary beverages, is backing a new “science-based” solution to the obesity crisis: To maintain a healthy weight, get more exercise and worry less about cutting calories.
The beverage giant has teamed up with influential scientists who are advancing this message in medical journals, at conferences and through social media. To help the scientists get the word out, Coke has provided financial and logistical support to a new nonprofit organization called the Global Energy Balance Network, which promotes the argument that weight-conscious Americans are overly fixated on how much they eat and drink while not paying enough attention to exercise.
“Most of the focus in the popular media and in the scientific press is, ‘Oh they’re eating too much, eating too much, eating too much’ — blaming fast food, blaming sugary drinks and so on,” the group’s vice president, Steven N. Blair, an exercise scientist, says in a recent video announcing the new organization. “And there’s really virtually no compelling evidence that that, in fact, is the cause.”
Health experts say this message is misleading and part of an effort by Coke to deflect criticism about the role sugary drinks have played in the spread of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. They contend that the company is using the new group to convince the public that physical activity can offset a bad diet despite evidence that exercise has only minimal impact on weight compared with what people consume.
This clash over the science of obesity comes in a period of rising efforts to tax sugary drinks, remove them from schools and stop companies from marketing them to children. In the last two decades, consumption of full-calorie sodas by the average Americanhas dropped by 25 percent.
“Coca-Cola’s sales are slipping, and there’s this huge political and public backlash against soda, with every major city trying to do something to curb consumption,” said Michele Simon, a public health lawyer. “This is a direct response to the ways that the company is losing. They’re desperate to stop the bleeding.”
Coke has made a substantial investment in the new nonprofit. In response to requests based on state open-records laws, two universities that employ leaders of the Global Energy Balance Network disclosed that Coke had donated $1.5 million last year to start the organization.
Since 2008, the company has also provided close to $4 million in funding for various projects to two of the organization’s founding members: Dr. Blair, a professor at the University of South Carolina whose research over the past 25 years has formed much of the basis of federal guidelines on physical activity, and Gregory A. Hand, dean of the West Virginia University School of Public Health.

The wealthier the players, the deeper the dung.

1994: The CEOs Of America's 7 Largest Tobacco Firms Testify Before Congress That Nicotine Is Not Addictive

American capitalists actively promote preventable disease and early death.
The Military-Industrial Complex promotes "designer wars" in order to profit from the mass murder of innocent people.

"Perpetual Warfare"
(Don't miss "Why We Fight")

Records show that the network’s website, gebn.org, is registered to Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta, and the company is also listed as the site’s administrator. The group’s president, James O. Hill, a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, said Coke had registered the website because the network’s members did not know how.
“They’re not running the show,” he said. “We’re running the show.”
Coca-Cola’s public relations department repeatedly declined requests for an interview with its chief scientific officer, Rhona Applebaum, who has called attention to the new group on Twitter.In a statement, the company said it had a long history of supporting scientific research related to its beverages and topics such as energy balance.
“We partner with some of the foremost experts in the fields of nutrition and physical activity,” the statement said. “It’s important to us that the researchers we work with share their own views and scientific findings, regardless of the outcome, and are transparent and open about our funding.”
Dr. Blair and other scientists affiliated with the group said that Coke had no control over its work or message and that they saw no problem with the company’s support because they had been transparent about it.
But as of last week, the group’s Twitter and Facebook pages, which promote physical activity as a solution to chronic disease and obesity while remaining largely silent on the role of food and nutrition, made no mention of Coca-Cola’s financial support. So far, the social media campaign has failed to gain much traction: As of Friday, the group had fewer than 1,000 followers on Twitter.

A  screengrab from the video about Coke's  commitment to promoting fitness in Chicago.
The group’s website also omitted mention of Coke’s backing until Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an obesity expert at the University of Ottawa, wrote to the organization to inquire about its funding. Dr. Blair said this was an oversight that had been quickly corrected.
“As soon as we discovered that we didn’t have not only Coca-Cola but other funding sources on the website, we put it on there,” Dr. Blair said. “Does that make us totally corrupt in everything we do?”
Coke’s involvement in the new organization is not the only example of corporate-funded research and advocacy to come under fire lately. The American Society for Nutrition and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics have been criticized by public health advocates for forming partnerships with companies such as Kraft Foods, McDonald’s, PepsiCo and Hershey’s. Dietitians have also faced criticism for taking payments from Coke to present the company’s soda as a healthy snack.
Critics say Coke has long cast the obesity epidemic as primarily an exercise problem. “The message is that obesity is not about the foods or beverages you’re consuming, it’s that you’re not balancing those foods with exercise,” Dr. Freedhoff of the University of Ottawa said.
Now, public health advocates say, Coca-Cola is going a step further, recruiting reputable scientists to make the case for them.
Dr. Hill, the nonprofit’s president, is a co-founder of the National Weight Control Registry, a long-term study of people who have lost weight, and has served on committees for the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health. The American Society for Nutrition refers to him as “a leader in the fight against the global obesity epidemic.”
Barry M. Popkin, a professor of global nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said Coke’s support of prominent health researchers was reminiscent of tactics used by the tobacco industry, which enlisted experts to become “merchants of doubt” about the health hazards of smoking.
Marion Nestle, the author of the book “Soda Politics” and a professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, was especially blunt: “The Global Energy Balance Network is nothing but a front group for Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola’s agenda here is very clear: Get these researchers to confuse the science and deflect attention from dietary intake.”
Funding from the food industry is not uncommon in scientific research. But studies suggest that the funds tend to bias findings. A recent analysis of beverage studies, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, found that those funded by Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, the American Beverage Association and the sugar industry were five times more likely to find no link between sugary drinks and weight gain than studies whose authors reported no financial conflicts.
On its website, the new nonprofit promises to be “the voice of science” in discussions about healthy lifestyles and contends that the concept of energy balance provides “a new science-based framework” for achieving a stable body weight.
The group says there is “strong evidence” that the key to preventing weight gain is not reducing food intake — as many public health experts recommend — “but maintaining an active lifestyle and eating more calories.” To back up this contention, the group provides links to two research papers, each of which contains this footnote: “The publication of this article was supported by The Coca-Cola Company.”
In March, Dr. Hill, Dr. Blair, and Dr. Hand announced the creation of the organization in an editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. They argued that the public and many scientists largely overlooked physical inactivity as a cause of obesity. They said they were creating the Global Energy Balance Network to raise awareness “about both sides of the energy balance equation.”
The editorial contained a disclosure that the group had received an “unrestricted education gift” from Coca-Cola.
In response to a request made under the state Freedom of Information Act, the University of South Carolina disclosed that Dr. Blair had received more than $3.5 million in funding from Coke for research projects since 2008.
The university also disclosed that Coca-Cola had provided significant funding to Dr. Hand, who left the University of South Carolina last year for West Virginia. The company gave him $806,500 for an “energy flux” study in 2011 and $507,000 last year to establish the Global Energy Balance Network.
It is unclear how much of the money, if any, ended up as personal income for the professors.
“As long as everybody is disclosing their potential conflicts and they’re being managed appropriately, that’s the best that you can do,” Dr. Hand said. “It makes perfect sense that companies would want the best science that they can get.”

Three scientists who helped start the new nonprofit supported by Coke, from left: Steven N. Blair, a professor in the department of exercise science, epidemiology and biostatistics at the  University of South Carolina;  James O. Hill, a professor at the  University of Colorado School of Medicine; and Gregory A. Hand,  dean of the West Virginia University School of Public Health.Credit University of Colorado, West Virginia University
The group’s president, Dr. Hill, also has financial ties to Coca-Cola. The company last year gave an “unrestricted monetary gift” of $1 million to the University of Colorado Foundation. In response to a request made under the Colorado Open Records Act, the university said that Coca-Cola had provided the money “for the purposes of funding” the Global Energy Balance Network.
Dr. Hill said he had sought money from Coke to start the nonprofit because there was no funding available from his university. The group’s website says it is also supported by a few universities and ShareWIK Media Group, a producer of videos about health. Dr. Hill said that he had also received a commitment of help from General Mills, as well as promises of support from other businesses, which had not formally confirmed their offers.
He said he believed public health authorities could more easily change the way people eat by working with the food industry instead of against it.
On its website, the group recommends combining greater exercise and food intake because, Dr. Hill said, “ ‘Eat less’ has never been a message that’s been effective. The message should be ‘Move more and eat smarter.’ ”
He emphasized that weight loss involved a combination of complex factors and that his group’s goal was not to play down the role of diet or to portray obesity as solely a problem of inadequate exercise.
“If we are out there saying it’s all about physical activity and it’s not about food, then we deserve criticism,” he said. “But I think we haven’t done that.”
But in news releases and on its website, the group has struck a different tone.
“The media tends to blame the obesity epidemic on our poor eating habits,” one recent news release states. “But are those french fries really the culprit? Dr. Steve Blair explains that you shouldn’t believe everything you see on TV.”

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an obesity expert at the University of Ottawa.Credit Justin Tang for The New York Times
In the news release, Dr. Blair suggests that sedentary behavior is a bigger factor.
Most public health experts say that energy balance is an important concept, because weight gain for most people is about calories in vs. calories out. But the experts say research makes it clear that one side of the equation has a far greater effect.
While people can lose weight in several ways, many studies suggest that those who keep it off for good consume fewer calories. Growingevidence also suggests that maintaining weight loss is easier when people limit their intake of high glycemic foods such as sugary drinks and other refined carbohydrates, which sharply raise blood sugar.
Physical activity is important and certainly helps, experts say. But studies show that exercise increases appetite, causing people to consume more calories. Exercise also expends far fewer calories than most people think. A 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola, for example, contains 140 calories and roughly 10 teaspoons of sugar. “It takes three miles of walking to offset that one can of Coke,” Dr. Popkin said.
In one of the most rigorous studies of physical activity and weight loss, published in the journal Obesity, scientists recruited 200 overweight, sedentary adults and put them on an aggressive exercise program. To isolate the effects of exercise on their weight, the subjects were instructed not to make any changes in their diets.
Participants were monitored to ensure they exercised five to six hours a week, more than double the 2.5 weekly hours of exercise recommended in federal guidelines. After a year, the men had lost an average of just 3.5 pounds, the women 2.5. Almost everyone was still overweight or obese.
“Adding exercise to a diet program helps,” said Dr. Anne McTiernan, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. “But for weight loss, you’re going to get much more impact with diet changes.”
But much like the research on sugary drinks, studies of physical activity funded by the beverage industry tend to reach conclusions that differ from the findings of studies by independent scientists.
Last week, the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana announced the findings of a large new study on exercise in children that determined that lack of physical activity “is the biggest predictor of childhood obesity around the world.”
The news release contained a disclosure: “This research was funded by The Coca-Cola Company.”
Kelly D. Brownell, dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke, said that as a business, Coke “focused on pushing a lot of calories in, but then their philanthropy is focused on the calories out part, the exercise.”
In recent years, Coke has donated money to build fitness centers in more than 100 schools across the country. It sponsors a program called “Exercise is Medicine” to encourage doctors to prescribe physical activity to patients. And when Chicago’s City Council proposed a soda tax in 2012 to help address the city’s obesity problem, Coca-Cola donated $3 million to establish fitness programs in more than 60 of the city’s community centers.
The initiative to tax soda ultimately failed.
“Reversing the obesity trend won’t happen overnight,” Coca-Cola said in an ad for its Chicago exercise initiative. “But for thousands of families in Chicago, it starts now, with the next push-up, a single situp or a jumping jack.”

For more fitness, food and wellness news, “like” our Facebook page.

Republican Candidate Kasich Sucks Up To Antediluvians: Reverses View Of Global Warming


Kasich: Do nothing on climate change because it’s an unproven theory. FromThinkProgress: “Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) is the rare GOP presidential candidate who has acknowledged that climate change is a real problem … But just days after earning plaudits for his relatively moderate-sounding approach inThursday’s GOP presidential debate, Kasich adopted a climate-change denialist approach on Sunday … ‘I think that man absolutely affects the environment, but as to whether, what the impact is… the overall impact — I think that’s a legitimate debate.’ He then added: ‘We don’t want to destroy people’s jobs, based on some theory that is not proven.’”

Alan: On the right side of the aisle, political survival now depends on the promotion of falsehood.

From Trump On Down, Republicans Can't Be Serious
Paul Krugman

Excerpt: It has long been obvious that the conventions of political reporting and political commentary make it almost impossible to say the obvious — namely, that one of our two major parties has gone off the deep end. Or as the political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein put it in their book “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks,” the G.O.P. has become an “insurgent outlier … unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science.” 

It’s a party that has no room for rational positions on many major issues. Or to put it another way, modern Republican politicians can’t be serious — not if they want to win primaries and have any future within the party. Crank economics, crank science, crank foreign policy are all necessary parts of a candidate’s resume.

Until now, however, leading Republicans have generally tried to preserve a facade of respectability, helping the news media to maintain the pretense that it was dealing with a normal political party. What distinguishes Mr. Trump is not so much his positions as it is his lack of interest in maintaining appearances. And it turns out that the party’s base, which demands extremist positions, also prefers those positions delivered straight. Why is anyone surprised?

American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance

We Know What To Do. 
But Politicians Don't Know How To Get Elected If They Do It

American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance

The Guardian: "John Oliver's Viral Video Is The Best Global Warming Debate You'll Ever See"

The American Party: Know Nothing Nativism And Opposition To Catholic Immigration
Like the Pharisees, the Know Nothings are always with us.

Alan: American conservatives are not just ignorant but aggressively ignorant.

Proudly ignorant.

Boastfully ignorant. 

If God is conceived as Truth, the permanent posture of American conservatives would be squatting over "his" face to shit in his mouth.

"New" Credit Card Scam. Don't Say You Weren't Told.


Aint' she sweet?

Alan: Whenever you are approached by ANYONE asking for personal information -- either directly or by steering you to a website that looks TOTALLY legitimate -- do not engage the "caller" or "emailer" in conversation.

Similarly, do not visit any website the caller or emailer recommends.

Just ask the name of company or government agency s/he represents and then contact your local library to get the phone number of that company or government agency from a trusted source.

If you engage the caller or emailer in conversation, s/he will spin a yarn that has remarkable capability to "suck you in" NO MATTER HOW SMART YOU THINK YOU ARE.

DO NOT FALL PREY TO ANY SENSE OF URGENCY promoted by the caller or emailer. Real companies and real government agencies do not act urgently. 

There is always time to contact your local library. 
Here's Snopes' review of the credit card scam that brought this issue to my attention. http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/creditcard.asp

"The History Of Donald Trump's Insults To Women," Fortune Magazine


Trump’s misogynistic shots at Fox News host Megyn Kelly are just the tip of the iceberg. Here, a look at his long, dark history of offensive comments about women.

The Self-Chosen Face Of The Republican Party: Not Any Old Asshole... An Asshole's Asshole


Moderate Republican For Trump: Only Trump Can Restore GOP Sanity... By A Landslide Loss


The history of Donald Trump's insults to women

How has Donald Trump insulted women? Let us count just some of the ways.
In 2012, he tweeted that Arianna Huffington “is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man—he made a good decision.”
On Celebrity Apprentice: All-Stars in 2013, he mused aboutthe “pretty picture” of former Playboy Playmate Brande Roderick “dropping to your knees.”
He called opposing counsel in a deposition “disgusting” for wanting to break to pump milk for her 3-month-old daughter.
In his book, How to Get Rich, he wrote: “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me—consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”
In a 1991 Esquire interview, he said: “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of [expletive].”
Most famously, in a 2006 feud involving Miss USA, he called Rosie O’Donnell an “animal,” an “extremely unattractive person,” and a “slob.”
And now, of course, comes his attack on Fox News host and debate moderator Megyn Kelly (full disclosure: I’m a Fox News contributor.) The war of words started after Kelly asked whether his descriptions of various women (“pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals”) suggested that Trump didn’t have the temperament to be president.
All this escalated Friday with his comment to CNN about Kelly: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes–blood coming out of her wherever.” As if the suggestion that her menstrual state was behind Kelly’s tough questioning wasn’t enough, Trump also retweeted a comment calling her a “bimbo” (later deleted) and called her a “lightweight.”
Trump made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows to deny that his blood comment was a reference to the Fox host’s hormonal state. “There’s nothing to apologize [for],” Mr. Trump said Sunday on the NBC News program Meet the Press. “I was referring to nose, ears. They’re very common statements. And only a deviant would think of what people said.”
Nevertheless some conservative leaders who had previously cut Trump some slack have now declared the flirtation with his candidacy over. Influential RedState leader Erik Erickson disinvited Trump from his Atlanta candidate forum Saturday. “I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal,” Erickson wrote on the RedState website Friday night. “It just was wrong.”
And GOP candidate Carly Fiorina, the only woman in the GOP field, tweeted: http://fortune.com/2015/08/09/trump-insult-women-history/?xid=gn_editorspicks&google_editors_picks=true
That, of course, drew a nasty rebuke from the real estate mogul denouncing her “disastrous” tenure as Hewlett-Packard’s CEO.
Republicans have been nervous about this guy from the start. Despite his crass insults against targets ranging from Mexican immigrants to war hero John McCain, he has a strong base of GOP supporters, consistently topping the polls. Conservative supporters have looked the other way when it comes his multiple marriages and dalliances with Democrats (during the debate he boasted that Hillary Clinton “had to come to my wedding” because of his donations to the Clinton Foundation.)

Did Trump go a step too far in taking on conservative icon Megyn Kelly? A Republican Party that needs to improve its standing with women and Hispanics in order to capture the White House in 2016 should certainly hope so.
“I don’t want my daughter in the room with Donald Trump tonight, so he’s not invited,” RedState’s Erickson told his gathering. “If our standard-bearer has to resort to that, then we need a new standard-bearer.”
Well said.

Confederate Flag Rally In My Hometown (Hillsborough, N.C.)

The James Pharmacy, three and a half blocks from my Hillsborough home.
Alan: At Saturday's confederate flag rally, I divided my time between the group of 50 protestors on one side of the street, and the Town Hall lawn where 300 - 500 "confederates" were gathered. It was a remarkably civil event, although what stood out most (in addition to an "Uncle Tom" speaker for the confederates named H.K. Edgerton) was the repetitive passage of confederate flag-flying pickup trucks whose occupants delighted in "throwing the finger" at protesters while the protesters responded with two-finger victory signs.

I helped hold the American flag which is displayed at the end of the following video: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/article30507183.html

Hundreds Gather For Confederate Flag Rally
HILLSBOROUGH, NC Hillsborough was abloom in Confederate flags on Saturday afternoon as hundreds rallied at town hall to show support for keeping the stars and bars and other Civil War monuments displayed in public spaces.
Children sported rebel caps, parents donned Confederate T-shirts, and a few were decked out in full Confederate battle regalia. They eee-yowed the rebel yell on cue and intoned Dixie in unison, proclaiming that Southern culture and their way of life are in dire peril. They organized through social media to stage the 2-hour rally and vowed to continue making public demonstrations.
“They’re gonna keep defacing our monuments,” Gary Williamson, a speaker from Snow Camp, told a cheering crowd. “They’re gonna race as fast as they can to erase us off the face of the Earth.”
Across the street, a smaller group of several dozen said they represented a more authentic Southern heritage. They pounded on 5-gallon buckets, held up signs declaring “Black Lives Matter” and denounced racism.
Their organizer, Craig Perrin, said his group spoke for the bygone patriots who resisted secession and supported the Union. Perrin, who moved here from California 11 years ago, said he felt compelled to stage a counter-rally to let the supporters of Confederate symbols know their views weren’t welcome.
“They represent a lie about the South,” Perrin said. “That lie served the purpose of white supremacy.”
Though police planned for a crowd of 1,500, only about 600 turned out on a mild, sunny afternoon as police officers and sheriff’s deputies kept watch over the crowd. Hillsborough Police Chief Duane Hampton, his voice crackling over police radio, assured his officers the situation was under tight control.
“All we have is a noise contest going on on two sides of the street,” Hampton announced about two hours into the rally.
Occasionally, a few Confederate supporters braved hostile stares, crossed the street and ambled into the opponents’ camp.
One rhetorical showdown involved retired contractor Timothy Blyston of Broadway and a member of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization who said he has “hundreds of black friends.” He asserted that the Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery and repeated a slogan visible on many signs: “It’s not hate, it’s heritage. And all lives matter.”
Donning a forward-tilting rebel cap, Blystone approached Russell Bassett, a retired credit manager from Cedar Grove. As their voices rose and their faces drew closer, another protester gently guided them apart.
“My great-grandparents were slaves,” Bassett said afterward. “I wouldn’t be an [expletive] and bring my Union outfit. But he’s gonna bring that [rebel cap] and put it in my face?”

Charleston killings

The Confederate advocates said they are alarmed by the mood sweeping through the nation to remove Southern symbols, particularly the Confederate battle flag, in the wake of the murders of nine African-American parishioners at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. That state removed the battle flag from its Capitol grounds last month.
The participants also said they are concerned about a move in Hillsborough to remove the words “Confederate Monument” from the Orange County Historical Museum here.
One of the main speakers at the rally was H.K. Edgerton, a former president of the Asheville chapter of the NAACP who now denounces Abraham Lincoln and “Yankee carpetbaggers” and lends his full-throated support to the cause of Confederate heritage.
“The only people who ever cared for black folks is the Christian white folk from the Southern states of America,” Edgerton boomed, eliciting waves of cheers and applause.
Waving a Confederate flag, Edgerton dismissed the NAACP as the “foremost hate organization in the country today.” He said Black History Month is really “Beat Up on the White Folks of the South Month.” More cheers and applause.
“I’m naked without my flag,” Edgerton thundered into his microphone. “I have marched thousands of miles carrying this flag and I’ll tell you most of the black folks I met are proud of it.”
After his fiery performance, Edgerton was engulfed by a sea of supporters offering pats on the back, handshakes and hugs.

11 Die In Jharkhand Temple Stampede


Alan: I do not know how these tragedies ultimately sort out "in the eyes of God."

I do know that people disciplined by Reason and Science seldom contribute to the kinds of tragedy that are frequently inspired by undisciplined religious ardor.

11 Die In Jharkhand Temple Stampede
August 10, 2015 | Amarnath Tewary
At least 11 pilgrims died and over 50 injured early on Monday morning near Lord Shiva temple in Deoghar district of Jharkhand.

Most of the injured persons have been admitted to a local hospital. Most of them are from neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh and Nepal. The incident happened at 4:30 am on Monday.

Police officials confirmed that altogether 11 people have died and several others injured when hundreds of thousands of pilgrims standing in queue to offer holy water to Shiva at the famous Deoghar temple jostled with each other and stampede happened.

The number of dead and injured may go up, said a police official.

In the month-long Shrawani Mela in August, the devotees offer the holy Ganga water to lord Shiva temple mostly on Monday, as being considered most auspicious.

Police officials said the pilgrims were standing in two long queues for their turn to offer holy water at the temple.

More then two lakh devotees were expected to offer puja on Monday.

The pilgrims take holy Ganga water from Sultanganj near Bhagalpur in Bihar and cover about 98 kms on feet to offer the water to Lord Shiva at the famous Baba Dham temple.

Earlier, in August 2007 too, at least five women were killed and 11 injured in a stampede at the Baba Baidyanath temple.

The incident happened about 10 km away from the temple. But on Monday, the queue went 15 km from the temple.

Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das today announced compensation of Rs two lakh to the kin of those killed in an early morning stampede at the temple town of Deogarh.

The injured would be given Rs 50,000, an official statement said here.

The Chief Minister is monitoring the situation.

Home Secretary N N Pandey, Additional Director General of Police S N Pradhan and other officials have been supervising the rescue operation and treatment of more than 30 persons, the statement said.

Alan: In an analagous vein:

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
Devout Christian, Blaise Pascal

Pope Francis Certain To Challenge US Lawmakers


Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Rea



Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"


Catholic Social Teaching


Pope Francis: Moving The Moral Compass 
From "The Individual" Toward "The Collective"

Pope Francis Takes On The Catholic Bureaucracy


Pro-Science Pontiff: Pope Francis On Climate Change, Evolution And The Big Bang


Pope Francis: What Christianity Looks Like When Believers Realize "God Is Love"


Pope Francis Certain to Challenge US Lawmakers

A political pope is sure to seize his opportunity when he addresses a political body. So both Democrats and Republicans are looking forward to Pope Francis' remarks to Congress next month — and bracing for them, too.
The pope thrills Democrats with his teachings on climate change, social justice and immigration. At the same time, his message on life and the Catholic Church's traditional opposition to abortion comfort Republicans.
There is genuine giddiness among Catholic Democrats — many of whom have long been uncomfortably at odds with their church over abortion rights — about the pope's strong emphasis on addressing poverty and the environment.
"I've been waiting for this pope all my life," said liberal Massachusetts Democrat Jim McGovern, 57. "I find him inspirational and I know a lot of other people do, not just Catholics."
The pope comes to the Capitol on Sept. 24, where he will be the first pontiff to ever address a joint meeting of Congress. He will also appear on a West Front balcony to greet the public.
There's little doubt that Francis, who in a speech last month in Bolivia spoke out against unchecked capitalism before an assemblage of groups representing the poor, will seek to send a similar message to lawmakers representing the richest nation on earth.
"Whether it's climate change or hunger or taking care of the poor, the Pope's message is really the embodiment of what Catholic social teaching has been about, historically," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who traveled to Rome to witness the pope's installation two years ago.
The pope was, of course, invited by the most powerful Catholic in Congress, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio., who will be accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden, another Catholic, in familiar seats behind Francis on the dais. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California, also a Catholic, will occupy a prominent seat on her party's side of the aisle.
For joint addresses like the State of the Union or even the recent appearance before Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, partisan politics is unavoidable. One side will jump to their feet while the other will sit on their hands. In September, however, most hope and anticipate such grandstanding can be avoided.
"You will not know it's the Congress," said Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J.
There's also no glad-handing the pope as he walks down the center aisle, unlike the annual ritual in which lawmakers such as Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, commandeer a seat to press the flesh. The pontiff is expected to keep his hands clasped as if in prayer.
A top adviser to Francis visited Washington in April and said the pope will speak "frankly but friendly" in his U.S. trip.
"Even the Congress people can listen to other voices, to counsels, to advisers," said Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, according to Religion News Service. "The one who receives advice commits less errors and is not mistaken. The one who does not like to listen to advice will have a lot of trouble. So I think the Congress will receive very well the advice (of the pope) — even if there are some things that will not be comfortable."
Francis' recent encyclical chastised policymakers across the globe for inaction on the environment as the skies warm and the oceans are ravaged by overfishing and pollution.
"We may well be leaving to coming generations debris, desolation and filth," the pope wrote, mincing no words. "The pace of consumption, waste and environmental change has so stretched the planet's capacity that our contemporary lifestyle, unsustainable as it is, can only precipitate catastrophes."
In September, such warnings could be seen as a challenge directed to a Congress populated by GOP skeptics of proposals to reduce greenhouse gases like new curbs on coal-fired power plants.
"You're always stronger in terms of credibility when you stay closer to your church doctrine and church teaching and also what the Catholic Church has been about," said Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska. "Many people take a lot of pride, whether you're Catholic or not, in terms of focus on the poor, focus on helping the most vulnerable."
Francis, however, is not shy about expanding his reach beyond a traditional role as he leads the church in a rapidly changing century.
"He's a very different pope. He's defined himself in a very different way," said Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., another Catholic. "He's talking about outcomes. We've got to work on means."
The recent encyclical also reiterated the church's longtime teachings on abortion.
"How can we genuinely teach the importance of concern for other vulnerable beings, however troublesome or inconvenient they may be, if we fail to protect a human embryo, even when its presence is uncomfortable and creates difficulties?" Francis wrote.
Whatever the pope's message, lawmakers in both parties hope it serves as a salve — however temporary — to a body that too often sees issues in black and white and seeks partisan advantage wherever it can be found.
"The teachings of the Catholic Church don't fit neatly into either the Democratic or the Republican Party," said Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill. "And I think that leads oftentimes to a fight on both sides over — now that we have a very popular pope — who is going to turn that to their political advantage. I hope that we won't see that."

Female Trump Staffer Dismisses Critics, Says Attacks on Megyn Kelly 'Fair Game'

Whatever qualities Republicans may have, a "grip" is not one of them.

Female Trump Staffer Dismisses Critics, Says Attacks on Megyn Kelly 'Fair Game'

The female co-chair of Donald Trump's Iowa campaign is firing back against criticism that the real estate tycoon's comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly were sexist and inappropriate.
Trump raised eyebrows and sparked outrage when he said Kelly, who moderated Thursday's GOP debate, had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."
The remark prompted the host of the conservative gathering RedState to withdraw his invitation to Trump, saying the candidate's comment on CNN "just was wrong."
Tana Goertz, Trump's Iowa co-chair, said she did not interpret the comment in the same way critics have, and was not offended. "I've always been treated with dignity and respect," she said.
Villanova Graduate,Tana Goertz
"I am a woman. I experience that every month. And it never crossed my mind. So I think people are just looking at pinpointing him as sexist and all these other things," Goertz said.
"I mean, we fought to have equal rights, right? So it's fair game," Goertz said. "If a woman attacks Mr. Trump, he's going to attack back. Megyn is no exception."
Trump's political competitors have pounced on the controversy. Scott Walker said "there's no excuse for Trump's comments." Carly Fiorina tweeted: "Mr. Trump: There. Is. No. Excuse."
Trump's top political operative and strategist, Roger Stone, resigned. Stone saidin his resignation letter that recent controversies have "overwhelmed your core message."
And at Saturday's RedState Gathering in Atlanta, Jeb Bush said: "Do we want to win? Do we want to insult 53 percent of our voters?"
Trump has said the questions at Thursday's debate were unfair, and he bristled at Kelly's questions about remarks he has made about women. Trump has not been shy about going after his critics — he gave out Lindsey Graham's personal cell phone number and dismissed Sen. John McCain's war record.
Goertz dismissed the critics and said, "He's bulletproof." She said the blunt-talking Trump is projecting his strength during the campaign.
"Right now, if you go after him, he's sending in the missiles," Goertz said. "Now when he becomes the president, of course he's going to change his tune. But right now, he doesn't need to. America loves him."

"Why Women Should Thank Trump," Time Magazine


Why Women Should Thank Trump

Donald Trump has called women “fat pigs” and “slobs.” When pressed about that during Thursday’s Republican presidential debate, he shrugged and talked about political correctness, thenseemingly insinuated a female moderator was suffering from PMS. Then he suggested the criticism is somehow related to the fact that he’s “so good looking.”
For this, women should thank him.
With his remarks, the real estate mogul has single-handedly cast women’s issues into the spotlight in the Republican primary and by extension the general election. He’s not alone, of course. The likelihood that the GOP nominee will face Hillary Clinton has made Republicans more solicitous of women voters, while a series of undercover videos about Planned Parenthood have brought women’s health to the forefront.
But those other topics are fraught with ambiguity. Trump’s comments are not, which means they cast the reactions of other Republican candidates in a much brighter light.
At first, no one on the GOP stage was rushing to condemn Trump, who is leading in the polls. “When Megyn Kelly asked Trump about his sexist remarks during the debate, it was notable that no other candidate or moderator followed up or called Trump out for his dismissal of Kelly or his denial of the facts—some in the audience even applauded,” said Kelly Dittmar, a scholar at Rutgers University’s Center for American Women and Politics. “That was the first missed opportunity for his competitors to make clear that they disagreed with Trump’s disregard for women.”
In the days since, some Republicans have finally come out against Trumps’ comments. Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, the only woman in the GOP race, tweeted late Friday, “Mr. Trump: There. Is. No. Excuse.”Bush over the weekend said, “Do we want to win? Do we want to insult 53 percent of all voters? What Donald Trump said is wrong.”
And Trump himself backtracked on the Sunday shows, and is likely to do so again in a primetime appearance Monday night on Fox News. He talked about how he’d be “phenomenal” for women and how he, unlike his rivals, wants “to help the women.”
Now that’s he’s on the defensive, Trump is helping keep the focus on women’s issues.
“Trump is his hitting rivals, such as Jeb Bush, on their actual records and statements,” says Jennifer Lawless, director of American University’s Women & Politics Institute. “Trump has definitely opened the door for tough scrutiny of the GOP field on ‘women’s issues,’ and debates over contraception, abortion in cases of rape and incest and funding women’s health that will likely work to the Democrats’ advantage.”
This was always going to be a year where Republicans made a big push to take back the women’s vote, or at least mitigate its loss. So far, Trump aside, they aren’t off to a great start.
In January, House Speaker John Boehner was forced to pull an abortion bill off the floor after all 22 of his female members protested language that would’ve limited an exemption to a ban on 20-week abortions for rapes that have only been reported to authorities. The language was changed and the bill eventually passed. In July, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Clinton of playing the gender card right before he kept the Senate in an extra week in a failed attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.
At the presidential debate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker doubled down on their opposition to all abortions except in the case where the pregnancy threatened a mother’s life. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took it a step farther underlining his opposition to all abortions, including in cases where it threatened a mother’s life, saying future generations will “call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies.”
Historically speaking, Republicans should be doing better. The GOP began as the women’s party, championing suffrage 40 years before it became law. Republicans also saw the first woman elected to Congress, the first female speaker of a state house and the first female Supreme Court justice.
But since the late 1980s, and especially after the Clarence Thomas hearings to be confirmed to the Supreme Court in 1991, Democrats began to take over that mantle. Republicans have lost women in every presidential election since 1988 and by far with the largest margin—12 points—in 2012. There are 77 Democratic women in Congress to the GOP’s 27.
Trump’s comments could help Democrats down the road if they end up defining the public perception of the Republican Party in 2016. Or they could help Republicans by forcing them to take a hard look at the issue during the primary.

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The Equivalent Of 5000 Golden Gate Parks Have Burned In Alaskan Wildfires This Year


Sarah Palin: "Alaska Feels Impacts Of Climate Change More Than Any Other State"

A stunning five million acres have now burned in Alaskan wildfires this year

Last month, wildfire watchers were astounded as terrifying wildfires raged across the state of Alaska. Sometimes the records would come in with 300,000 or more new acres burned in a single day. It seemed inevitable that the 2015 wildfire season would quickly catch up with and then surpass the all-time record year, 2004, when 6,590,140 acres burned.
But then the weather shifted. Rains moved in, and satellite analysts downsized their size estimates of some fires. Instead of racing forward, the fire acreage numbers slowed or even stopped their increase. Only recently have they started to tick back up again.
Nonetheless, according to the latest report Monday from the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center, Alaska fires have now consumed 5,081,585.8 acres in 2015. That’s about five-sixths of the total acreage consumed by wildfires anywhere in America this year —currently, 6,224,545 acres. It’s also enough to put the 2015 Alaska wildfire season ahead of what was previously the second-place year — 1957, with 5,049,661 acres burned, according to the Alaska Division of Forestry.
seasonal wildfire outlook from the National Interagency Fire Center shows a big red splotch across Alaska for the month of August — a forecast of areas where conditions would be favorable for increased wildfire activity. “The volume of active fires on the landscape should continue to produce acreage gains through August,” the agency notes. As of Monday, 238 fires were still burning across the state.
In particular, the remote northern Alaskan interior remains fire prone. “The mid-duff layers remain very dry across most of the Interior, Copper River Basin, and inland areas of South Central. This indicates that fuels are capable of supporting large fires, and that they will continue to smolder beneath the surface even during rain events,” says the National Interagency Fire Center. (Click here if you want to know what the “duff” layer is.)
So, will 2015 be merely a staggering wildfire year for Alaska, or an utter record breaker? That remains to be seen.
But don’t forget why this matters. Wildfires burn up Alaskan spruce forests, the spongy organic “duff” layer at their base, and sometimes expose the carbon-rich permafrost beneath that layer to potential thaw. All three factors release carbon into the air in the short term and could, conceivably, work together to make climate change itself worse.
Moreover, don’t forget that at least one other part of the global north where wildfires sometimes burn atop permafrost — namely, Canada — is also having a busy 2015 wildfire year. Canada has seen nearly 10 million acres burned, double the area in Alaska.
In sum, 2015 record or no, this remains a year that forces us to think hard about how wildfires could be transforming the forest of the north — with global consequences.
Chris Mooney reports on science and the environment.

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