Channel: Pax on both houses
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Quora Question: ¿Cuál Es Un Lugar En La Tierra Al Que Nunca Irías? ¿Por Qué?


¿Cuál es un lugar en la Tierra al que nunca irías? ¿Por qué?
La isla Sentinel del Norte, India.
Allí habita una de las tribus más aisladas y peligrosas del mundo.
Y créeme, no es buena idea acercarse demasiado:
El gobierno indio tiene completamente prohibido acceder a ella, así como cualquier aproximación a menos de cinco millas náuticas (9.26 km).
Tras el tsunami de 2004, la Guardia Costera, a pedido del gobierno, decidió realizar una misión de reconocimiento sobre la isla y, para su sorpresa, los sentineleses comenzaron a lanzar flechas al helicóptero, que ni de coña iba a aterrizar.
Así que oficialmente es territorio indio, pero el Estado no la controla.
Han vivido aislados durante unos 60.000 años.
Nadie que haya puesto un pie en esa isla ha vivido para contarlo.
En 2006 asesinaron a 2 pescadores: Sunder Raj y Pandit Tiwari. [1] Así que solo tú y nadie más que tú es responsable de lo que te pueda ocurrir si vas allí ilegalmente.
Y tendrías mucha suerte si consiguen recuperar tu cuerpo …
El de Chau, el misionero estadounidense asesinado en 2018, jamás fue recuperado. Chau creía que los sentineleses eran "el último bastión de satán" en el mundo.
El misionero estadounidense John Allen Chau.
Por este motivo, y pese a ser ilegal, se obsesionó con convertirlos al cristianismo.
Así, consiguió convencer a 2 pescadores de la zona (que fueron capturados al final de cuentas) para que lo llevaran hasta Sentinel, pero ya sabemos como terminó.
El único que sobrevivió a un encuentro con ellos es el antropólogo indio Triloknath Pandit, que, sin embargo, NUNCA pudo poner un pie en la isla. [2]
"Cuando iba a regalarles unos cocos, me separé un poco del resto del equipo y comencé a acercarme a la orilla. Un joven sentinelés tomó su cuchillo y me indicó que me cortaría la cabeza. Inmediatamente llamé al barco y me retiré" dijo Pandit.
A finales de los años 60, India empezó a realizar una serie de expediciones a la isla con la intención de establecer algún tipo de contacto con los sentineleses. El Sr. Pandit las dirigió y a base de dejarles regalos en la orilla (principalmente cocos), consiguió aprender algunas cosas sobre ellos sin morir en el intento, lo que definitivamente no es poca cosa.
La última expedición documentada tuvo lugar en 1991.
El único contacto pacífico.
Aunque fíjense muy bien que ninguno entra en la isla …
Durante décadas, el señor Pandit se tomó el tiempo suficiente para ganarse su confianza, pasó años manteniendo una distancia respetuosa y sin hacer absolutamente nada que les pudiera enfurecer, antes de acercarse físicamente a ellos.
Pero luego están personas como Chau, que creen que puedan hacer lo que se les de la gana. Y es que además puso en peligro la vida de los isleños con agentes patógenos contagiosos del mundo exterior contra los cuales no tienen inmunidad natural.
Todas las expediciones del gobierno cesaron en 1997 precisamente por esto.
Notas al pie

New Video From MeidasTouch: Everything He Touches Turns To...

Thomas Merton: "Our Job Is To Love Others Without Stopping To Inquire If They Are Worthy"

Thomas Merton: Our job is to love others – When did you last feel ...

The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism

The hard, central "fact" of contemporary "conservatism" is its insistence on a socio-economic threshold above which people deserve government assistance, and below which people deserve to die. 

The sooner the better. 

Unless conservatives are showing n'er-do-wells The Door of Doom, they just don't "feel right." 

To allay this chthonic anxiety, they resort to Human Sacrifice,  hoping that spilled blood will placate "the angry gods," including the one they've made of themselves. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/09/harvard-study-45000-americans-die.html 

Having poked their own eyes out, they fail to see that self-generated wrath creates "the gods" who hold them thrall.
Almost "to a man," contemporary "conservatives" have apotheosized themselves and now -- sitting on God's usurped throne -- are rabid to pass Final Judgment

Self-proclaimed Christians, eager to thrust "the undeserving" through The Gates of Hell, are the very people most likely to cross its threshold. 

Remarkably, although they are prone to believe all manner of Trumpeted nonsense, none of them are tempted to believe in their own spiritual peril. 

The Pharisees Are Always With Us.
Here's What They "Look Like" Today

Jesus Rages Against The Hypocrisy Of Religious Leaders: "Woe To You Religious Leaders!"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: What I Think About Christianity

Image result for pax on both houses, quintessential free lunch
Except, of course, for the loaves and fishes.
But never mind. 
If you can rationalize Trump, you can rationalize anything.

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump And His Cultists' Passion For Lying And Falsehood


It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth. 
They Are Hostile To Truth.

"The Hardest Truth: People Want To Be Lied To"


"Trumpistas Don't Just Lie. 
They Are Hostile To Truth"

Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie."

Image result for "pax on both houses" flag

Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying

Image result for "pax on both houses" flag

If Mueller Had Been Given Sodium Pentathol, Here's What He Would've Told Us

VIDEO: Trump Tells More Lies Than Any U.S. Politician. Why Do Patriots And Xtians Believe A Liar?


Reprise: How Trump "Takes Credit" That's Not His... And The Dimwits Buy It

People Want To Be Lied To: The Convergent Horror Of Faithful Falsehood And Aggressive Ignorance

Trump Could Begin Every Speech With The Words "Everything I'm About To Tell You Is A Lie" And...

Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying

Ted Cruz Gives Detailed Explanation Of Trump's Pathological Obsession With Continuous Lying

The Holocaust was legal. Slavery was legal. Segregation was legal. Legality is not a guide to morality. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Fred Owens' Facebook Page, "Fake News" And The Credibility Of The Mainstream Press

Compendium Of Pax Posts Re: Trump's Non-Stop Ability To Tell One Lie After Another

Compendium Of Pax Posts On Post-Inaugural Blur Of White House Lies And "Alternative Facts"

Find Out What "The Deplorables" Want And Promise It To Them | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Millions Of Deplorables Voted For Trump Because He Was The Only Candidate Who Was As Crazy As They Are

The Borowitz Report: "Trump Blasts Media For Reporting What He Says"

28 Enormities That Prevent Conscionable People From Hoping Trump Is A Successful President

Donald's Doozies: A Yuge (And Yugely Incomplete) Compendium Of Trump's "Pants On Fire" Lies

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump

Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University

Married Couple Say Trump Defrauded Them Of $36,000.00 But Will Vote For Him Anyway

We Redacted Everything That's Not A Verifiably True Statement From Trump's Time Magazine Interview About Truth

Donald Trump: A Man So Obnoxious That Karma May See Him Reincarnated As Himself

Image result for pax on both houses, liar

Shit-Slinger Trump Says Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign. Obama Is "Bad, Sick"

The Best Photographic Evidence Of Trump Inaugural Crowd Size: From Stage & From Monument

National Park Service Releases Official Photos Of Trump And Obama's Inaugural Crowds

"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump

Image result for trump turd gif

Behind The Mask, The GOP's True Face: Ayn Rand's Ideological Acolyte Paul Ryan Promotes Her Central Belief That Altruism Is Evil

Why Americans Have A Moral Obligation NOT To Respect Donald Trump

American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance

Too Ignorant To Keep Democracy Alive

"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts

"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times

The Toronto Star's Complete Tally Of Trump's 337 Lies Since Inauguration (June 26, 2017)

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts About Devious Donald, "The Deplorable One"

Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics - And Devious Donald

Pax on both houses: Donald Trump: Truth Doesn't Matter

Pax on both houses: Why The Media HAS To Lie About Trump

Pax on both houses: Aquinas, Trump, Truth... And "Alternative Truth"

Pax on both houses: Donald's Demonic Deviousness: How Trump ...

Then there's Alabama, Mississipi, Lousiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indiana and Kansas.
Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh.

"The Thinking Housewife" Publishes Bogus Solzhenitsyn Quote To Support Her Larger "Bogosity"

"Police-Free Society"
The Thinking Housewife

NPR: New Police Force From Scratch: N.J. Proves It's Advantageous To Radically Reform The Police

Dear Laura,

How often do you google quotations (or other information) to determine veracity. 

I know many people delight in circulating false information, excusing themselves for doing so with the disclaimer, "I didn't know it was untrue." 

Meanwhile, they achieve their devious goal of publishing false, inflammatory information because they want to take political, ideological 
- and even theological - advantage of the fact that it's impossible to "un-ring a bell" or "un-crack an egg."

Once the sludge is out there, they have achieved their true goal.

As soon as I read your purported Solzhenitsyn quote, I knew it was bogus.

It didn't ring true as something Solzhenitsyn would say.

And it didn't ring true for the way in which dissidents of Solzhenitsyn's generation would have spoken.

But, one cannot be sure until such matters are investigated.

It turns out that your bogus Solzhenitsyn quotation only appears on the internet 5 times, three times sourced to an adamant "Christian" Trump-cultist named Steve Cioccolanti, and is twice cited on a webpage called "Godlike Productions." (One of the latter two citations is titled "OH SHIT!" -- all caps.)


Knowing how much you value truth, I'm sure you'll remove the falsehood, or if you wish to leave the post so that your record remains intact, perhaps you'll understand the importance of posting a disclaimer beneath the meme.

You have cited Solzhenitsyn before but it seems you must not have read him. 

Here is a quote from Alexander's Wikiquote page: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn  
"It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes. It may even lie on the surface; but we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions — especially selfish ones."
  • "Peace and Violence" (1973)



PS Did you know General James Mattis is a never-married, practicing Catholic sometimes called "Warrior Monk?"

General James Mattis Describes Trump As A Near-Nazi Turncoat Enemy Of The American People


Do you plan to decry Trump in this election cycle? You know... like Jesus decried the pharisees.

I will assume -- as conservative theologians have always done -- that "silence is consent."

The Pharisees Are Always With Us: People Who Are Desperate To Convince Themselves  That God Is As Unforgiving As They Are | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

American Conservatives Are The Apotheosis Of Pharisaism. (Conservatives, Please Weigh In)

The Pharisee Party And The Devolution Of GOP Leaders Into Oligarchs Who Despise Democracy

The Pharisees Are Always With Us: A Field Guide

Thomas Merton: Our job is to love others – When did you last feel ...

Thomas Merton: "Our Job Is To Love Others Without Stopping To Inquire If They Are Worthy"


The Pharisees Are Always With Us: Here's What They "Look Like" Today

Jesus Rages Against The Hypocrisy Of Religious Leaders: "Woe To You Religious Leaders!"

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence

Pax on both houses: The Pharisees Are Always With Us. Here's What ...

PPS As you know, I will post anything you send me -- intact, complete and verbatim. If you wish to respond in kind, you might publish the following link to this email. A good lead would be the Merton meme. 

Thomas Merton: "Our Job Is To Love Others Without Stopping To Inquire If They Are Worthy"

Hmm... No traction again...

All you risk is teaching your audience something true.

Pax on both houses: Tom Weston S.J.: "You Can Safely Assume You've ...

5 Pro-Life Votes: The Supreme Court Can Overturn Roe Now


10 Weeks. Source: Flickr Creative Commons by suparna sinh https://www.flickr.com/photos/74896762@N00/

"How To Reduce Abortion" 
(What Delaware's Stunning Abortion Rate Reduction Reveals)

5 Pro Life Votes: The Supremes can Overturn Roe Now.

Alan: Like much material published on Patheos, this is a very interesting article.

Excerpt: "Pro life people have nearly destroyed our country by electing a long succession of incompetent right wingers whose campaigns were financed by a small group of fascist billionaires who wanted to use their money to buy our government and use it for their own ends. As soon as we got the five supposedly pro life justices on the Court and had — or should have had — the power to overturn Roe and end legal abortion, pro life politicians and commentators have taken their collective foot off the political gas... This isn’t about ending legal abortion and saving lives. It’s about organizing the churches into vote delivery machines and blackmailing religious people to vote for crooks, predators, and would-be dictators who are in the pay of the billionaire’s boys and girls club. It’s about forcing Christian people to back a fascist takeover of our government in the name of the unborn."

I want to talk for a moment about the fight for the right to life for the unborn child. 
We are awaiting a Supreme Court decision that will show us whether or not the five “pro life” justices on the Supreme Court will actually do the thing that pro life people put them on the Court to do. Will they overturn Roe? Or, will they issue a decision that keeps Roe — and the right-wing vote-getting system — in place?
Prognosticators on both sides of the abortion divide expect the Court to punt. The possible decisions that court watchers and political commentators are suggesting all involve a “narrowing” of Pennsylvania v Casey, not an overturn of Roe v Wade. 
Pro life commentators began talking about “gradual” decisions as soon as Kavanaugh was confirmed and we actually had — or were told we had — the “pro life” majority on the court that pro life people had been working for.
Pro life people have nearly destroyed our country by electing a long succession of incompetent right wingers whose campaigns were financed by a small group of fascist billionaires who wanted to use their money to buy our government and use it for their own ends. As soon as we got the five supposedly pro life justices on the Court and had — or should have had — the power to overturn Roe and end legal abortion, pro life politicians and commentators have taken their collective foot off the political gas. 
When they got the power to overturn Roe, they stopped talking about overturning and started talking about gradualism. Gradualism would push the abortion debate forward into an endless morass of politicking that could go on until the 22nd century. 
This isn’t about ending legal abortion and saving lives. It’s about organizing the churches into vote delivery machines and blackmailing religious people to vote for crooks, predators, and would-be dictators who are in the pay of the billionaire’s boys and girls club. It’s about forcing Christian people to back a fascist takeover of our government in the name of the unborn.  
It is no surprise to any thinking person that right wing politicos never wanted to overturn Roe. Roe is the mule they ride to election victory. Roe is the moral blackmail they use to break down Christian morality into crass political pragmatism and use it to empower their corrupt, Anti-Christ practices.  
Now that the right wing has succeeded beyond what they ever intended to do and actually gotten a Supreme Court that should overturn Roe, they are running backwards from actually delivering.  After all, if you take away Roe, there is no moral reason to ever vote for a Republican again. 
The Republicans have tried to obviate this fact by shoveling government money into the “ministries” of “their” churches. But that is not a moral reason to do anything. It is plain and obvious corruption on the part of the religious leaders of many, if not most, pro life denominations. 
The fact is, without abortion, the unvarnished ugliness of Republican positions on almost every issue has to stand or fall on its own. That is the reason that no one expects the Supreme Court to overturn Roe. 
They have the votes. Or they should have. But the prevailing wisdom is that the Court will do the bidding of the right wing, and keep Roe in place. I’ve read many analyses that state plainly that the Court is unlikely to overturn Roe “in an election year.”
The drumbeat inside the churches is to vote Republican this election because of our love for the unborn child, even though this Republican president is tearing our country apart and setting us up for a turn toward dictatorship. However, if the people saying this actually cared for the unborn child they would have been agitating for the past few months to overturn Roe. 
But they have been silent in this matter. In fact, they are the same folks who are putting out the garbage about a “gradual” overturn of Roe. 
It’s as simple as this. The Court can overturn Roe with the case that is in front of it right now. We could have an end to legal abortion in this country before the end of summer. We should have an end to legal abortion before the end of summer. 
Whether or not we will see an end to legal abortion by fall remains to be seen. But I am not going to continue to play the game of “one more justice.” Are we supposed to keep on blindly voting for destructive right wingers who are tearing our democracy down and endangering all our lives, even when we already have the majority on the Court we need? 
Are they telling us to do this until we have every single vote on the Court? Would that be enough to overturn Roe? Would it? Or, is the plan to just ride this mule until it falls over and then abandon the whole thing for a better mule? 
Maybe the plan is to use pro life people until they’re no more use, then drop the whole thing. Maybe, after all the blood and tears, we end up never overturning Roe. Is that the real plan, and we just don’t know it? 
I opposed the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. An attempted rapist should never have been confirmed. It would have been a simple matter to withdraw his nomination and nominate someone else. But the right wing went into an all-out, to-the-wall effort to get this man on the Court. They would not consider anyone else. I doubt if they did this because they love the unborn child. 
Kavanaugh evidently promised Senator Susan Collins that he would not vote to overturn Roe. Now we’re going to see if she got lied to, or we did.  
I do know that if the Senate had rejected him and pushed for another nominee, we could have gotten someone like Amy Cohen Barrett, who is unambiguously pro life. If that had happened, we would not be talking about “gradualism” and wondering what the Court is going to do. 
Pro life people have supported enough filthy rapists, sexual predators and misogynists to besmirch their movement and their own selves from now until the Second Coming. If this results in the overturn of Roe, they can say that it was a terrible price, but it did save lives. 
If, on the other hand, it results in a “narrowing” of Casey and the preservation of Roe just so that the political forces of the right can continue to rake in pro life votes, then they were gullible and their efforts were counterproductive and their moral sell-out was just that, a moral sell-out. A decision narrowing Casey that leaves Roe intact, which is what everyone seems to expect, will challenge the pro choice movement. It could push abortion availability into a state-by- state situation. But it will not end legal abortion, and it will not save lives. 
Four more years of extreme right wing rule under the aegis of Donald Trump could destroy our country. I believe that a lot of people will die if Trump has four more years in office. I mean a lot of people will die. 
I want to see Roe overturned. It could be — it should be — overturned by the end of summer. 
Will it? 

Where America Went Wrong... Complete With Admission Of Guilt

 If You're Wondering Where America Went Wrong,  Look No Further:; (Complete With Admission Of Guilt) | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

America's Largest Military Base, Fort Bragg, To Change Confederate Name


 Braxton Bragg Was A Confederate Traitor  Who Fought To Kill Indians  And Steal Land From Mexico | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

As Trump loses his generals, he clings to the legacy of Confederate failure

Washington (CNN)It's head-scratching, really, that the most prominent Army base in America is named for Braxton Bragg.
He was on the wrong side of history, as a Confederate general and a slave owner.
It's hard to find a redeeming account of Bragg. Historians repeatedly highlight just how poorly he got along with everyone -- except perhaps Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States. Davis seemed to have a soft spot for Bragg, but he was still relieved of his command.
    As it turns out, Bragg wasn't even that good at his job.
    The highlight of his military career was leading Confederate soldiers at the Battle of Chickamauga in Tennessee in 1863, perhaps the biggest and bloodiest win for the Confederacy on the western front of the Civil War -- but it was a Pyrrhic victory.
    Bragg failed to capitalize on the win and Union General Ulysses S. Grant ultimately overpowered his forces at the Battle of Chattanooga. That's when Davis sacked him.
    When Bragg later returned to the battlefield it was to lead a smaller contingent of forces in the loss of the last port of the Confederacy -- a significant data point on the graph of the South's defeat.
    "The irony of training at bases named for those who took up arms against the United States, and for the right to enslave others, is inescapable to anyone paying attention," retired four-star Army General David Petraeus wrote this week in The Atlantic.
    Petraeus commanded coalition troops in Iraq during the surge and in Afghanistan.
    Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina, is home to the elite 82nd Airborne -- the military unit that can be anywhere within 18 hours, parachuting in behind enemy lines if needed. It's also home to Army Special Forces and the training facility for Green Berets.
    One of the entrance signs to facillities in Fort Bragg  Fayettville, North Carolina.
    It's a pretty important place. But when military-connected people talk about Fort Bragg, they don't think too much about the man for whom it's named.
    This week, amid a sweeping national movement for racial equality, Marine leadership banned depictions of the Confederate flag from their installations. Not even on bumper stickers or coffee mugs. The Navy says it will follow suit.
    The possibility of changing Fort Bragg's name was also raised.
    An aide to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy revealed that his boss was open to a bipartisan discussion to rename the base and the nine other US military installations named for Confederate commanders.

    Trump blocks discussions on renaming "Fabled Military Installations"

    But on Wednesday, President Donald Trump quashed the idea, saying they are "part of a Great American Heritage, and a history of Winning, Victory and Freedom."
    "The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations... ...Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!!"
    In World War II, that military included approximately 1.25 million African American troops.
    And up to 500,000 Hispanic Americans, according to a House resolution honoring them.
    They were joined by 44,000 Native Americans, according to the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian.
    Many of those soldiers also left these bases.
    And the names of Confederate soldiers still haunt the soldiers of color who serve.
    "A part of this is the Confederacy and the fact that these individuals not only fought violently to overthrow the United States government, but quite frankly, fought in favor of continuing the institution of slavery, which has had a direct impact on the lives and minds of black Americans," said Bishop Garrison, a black West Point graduate who served two tours in Iraq and currently works as Human Rights First's chief ambassador to the national security community.
    "So it is almost like a microaggression," Garrison added. "It affects you in a certain way when you realize that you keep having to go to Fort Bragg."
    As current and former top brass distance themselves from or criticize Trump, he seems eager to shore up support among rank and file service members who are disproportionately from southern states.
    On Thursday, America's top general apologized for appearing in Trump's photo-op at a church near the White House last week, after the National Guard helped federal law enforcement forcibly remove peaceful protesters from outside the White House, using pepper balls and flash bangs.
    In an extraordinary moment, speaking to future military leaders graduating from the National Defense University, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called it a "mistake" and said his presence "created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics."
    Defense Secretary Mark Esper broke with Trump last week when he said he disagreed with invoking the Insurrection Act to bring active duty troops to control protests, a move for which the President mobilized troops. Ultimately Trump did not deploy them.
    Former Defense Secretary and four-star Marine General James Mattis slammed President Trump as "the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try."
    Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell told CNN's Jake Tapper that Trump has not been an effective president and that he lies "all the time."
    Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, another former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been more reticent than others to criticize the President but wrote that he was "sickened" by Trump's church photo op.
    Marine Corps General and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. Marine Corps Gen. John Allen. Air Force Gen. Richard Myers. Army Gen. and former Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey. Former Defense Secretary William Perry. The list is long.
    In the past, Trump has embraced "his generals" but right now there's no love lost.
    He's confronting a dangerously low approval rating and playing to his base.
    White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that even discussing the renaming of the installations was akin to desecrating the sacrifice of fallen soldiers.
    "To suggest these forts are somehow inherently racist and their names need to be changed is a complete disrespect to the men and women, who the last bit of American land they saw before they went overseas and lost their lives were these forts," she said.
    That prompted a sharp dismissal from a former Army captain turned author, Matt Gallagher, whose books include Kaboom: Embracing the Suck in a Savage Little War, a memoir of his time serving in the Army in Iraq.
    He tweeted in response:
      "If any of my fallen friend's last thoughts were of the f***king base they deployed from, I'll eat Kevlar."
      Please send story ideas and feedback to homefront@cnn.com

      Retired Four Star General David Petraeus Lambastes Confederate Names For U.S. Bases

      Lindsey Graham: "If We Nominate Trump, We Will Get Destroyed... And We Will Deserve It"

      The Easter Exsultet: Evil Celebrated As The Necessary Prelude To The Greatest Good


      The Exsultet: Easter Vigil Proclamation - YouTube

      In the Easter vigil mass, Catholics all over the world celebrate "The Exsultet" with boisterous clamor to makes sure -- in the most important celebration of the liturgical year -- that every Christian realizes that original sin was "A Happy Sin" -- a "felix culpa" -- for without that original sin we would have remained unconscious, and in our comfortable unconsciousness as intellectually, morally and emotionally inert as ruminant animals grazing in pasture.

      Idyllic in its own way but "eh..."

      Blessedly, great good can come from evil -- actually needs evil as its predicate -- a circumstance occupying the "tail" of the same coin whose "head" insures that "imposition of The Best" results in evil. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/04/merton-best-imposed-as-norm-becomes.html

      Consider the Easter Exsultet - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exsultet - traditionally sung by the vigil mass celebrant whose full-throated clamor competes with acolytes instructed to ring their bells as cacophonously as possible.

      In this remarkable prayer -- this sonic duel -- the following passage cuts to the quick of the human condition, and (for me) expresses the most satisfying of all theodicies: how evil -- even great evil -- can elicit good - even great good. The summum bonum

      "This is the night
      when Christ broke the prison-bars of death
      and rose victorious from the underworld.
      Our birth would have been no gain,
      had we not been redeemed.
      O wonder of your humble care for us!
      O love, O charity beyond all telling,
      to ransom a slave you gave away your Son!
      truly necessary sin of Adam,
      destroyed completely by the Death of Christ!
      happy fault
      that earned for us so great, so glorious a Redeemer!"

      Smarmy Christians will do their best to deny the existential relationship between good and evil but they can be no more successful in this than those who would deny that Judas' betrayal and Yeshua's subsequent slaughter were necessary to open The Conduit of Grace at the Sacred Heart of Christianity.


      Here is a beautifully sung version of the Easter Exsultet as translated in the new Missal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyEAsiDjFP4 

      Eichmann, Merton, Galbraith, G.K. Chesterton And The Current Generation Of Pharisees


      "Why Adolf Eichmann's Final Message Remains So Profoundly Unsettling," The Guardian

      Dear Maria and Danny,

      On a recent walk, I mentioned the systematic ways that we all participate in "structural evil" and how anyone who thinks s/he is among "the blameless" or "the unimpeachably innocent" has not examined the consumingly tentacular nature of systematic wrongdoing.


      The article below concerning Zoom's treachery in China is a case in point.

      Orthodox Christianity dealt with this knotty problem of ubiquitous wrong-doing through the doctrine of Original Sin, making clear that EVERYONE is born with an inevitable impulse to commit "sin"... whose original New Testamental reference is "hamartia," a Greek word to describe an archer "missing the mark." (Notably, "Original Sin" is actually celebrated in the Easter Exsultet, the most unusual prayer of the liturgical year. https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-easter-exsultet-evil-celebrated-as.html)

      It is, I think, easier to deal with our inevitable shortcomings by recognizing them for what they are, and then doing what we can to make progress without ever fixating on perfection.

      The bloody aftermath of the French Revolution, brought to fever pitch by Robespierre's Reign of Terror, resulted (as I see it) from the revolutionary belief that the overthrow of Evil Monarchy and co-related marginalization of the "damnable church" justified the (often bloody) conviction that "being a revolutionary" was an indubitable, unimpeachable good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reign_of_Terror

      Mommy and I will go to our graves in clear acknowledgement that the Sandinista government - which we supported and championed -betrayed its people in ways that were despicable, authoritarian and profoundly self-seeking. Daniel Ortega, our one-time hero, continues to do all these villainous things.

      Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (for whom I have high regard) identified an seldom acknowledged phenomenon (first set forth by the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus) which he called "enantiodromia" based on his observation that any behavior "pushed far enough" -- including, for example, revolutionary behavior -- results in a rather sudden transformation when any behavioral impulse taken too far morphs into its opposite.

      Oxford Reference:



      The principle attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus (?535–?475bc) according to which everything eventually changes into its opposite. In analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) described it as ‘the principle which governs all cycles of natural life, from the smallest to the greatest’ (Collected Works, 7, paragraph 112). [From Greek enantios opposite + dromos course + -ia indicating a condition or quality]
      One of my "Top 5" quotation-insights is from Trappist monk Thomas Merton:

      "The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice.  The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization.  We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal.  Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good.  The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”  
      "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton

      I believe Trump cultists are, at bottom, perfectionists who have been "blinded by the light."

      If you study the essential "ideals" of Trumpistas -- many of them ostentatiously-but-superficially "Christian" people -- you will see that these stunted human beings are essentially "too true to be good," a psycho-spiritual state largely attributable to their insistence on incandescent-but-non-contextualized principles that have resulted in personal behavior that embodies the polar opposites of what they formally profess. And so, freedom, liberty, truth, justice and personal responsibility transmute into a moral portrait as hideous as the one Dorian Gray kept in the attic. 

      A brilliant expression of this "unacknowledged shadow side" is voiced by Rebecca Hamilton, a staunch opponent of abortion: 

      5 Pro-Life Votes: The Supreme Court Can Overtuen Roe Now
      (This is a remarkable piece of writing!)


      And behind the Pharisaic sham...


      Enter the relentless search for ways to prove that "certain" people -- but certainly not people like me! -- are undeserving.

      Alan: Conservatives would LOVE to be loving, kind and generous... 
      if only these traits did not encourage n'er-do-wells and parasites to persist in irresponsibility and despicable refusal to take care of themselves.

      To close on The Cornerstone of Hopefulness, consider these other observations by Merton.

      "You are fed up with words and I don’t blame you. I am nauseated by them sometimes.  I am also, to tell the truth, nauseated by ideals and with causes.  This sounds like heresy, but I think you will understand what I mean.  It is so easy to get engrossed with ideas and slogans and myths that in the end one is left holding the bag, empty, with no trace of meaning left in it.  And then the temptation is to yell louder than ever in order to make meaning be there again by magic..."

      "Do not depend on the hope of results.  When you are doing the sort of work you have taken on, essentially an apostolic work, you may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect.  As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. And there too a great deal has to be gone through, as gradually you struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. The range tends to narrow down, but it gets much more real.  In the end, it is the reality of personal relationships that saves everything."  
      The great good news of The Apocalyse has begun to unfold.  

      Revelation is at hand. (The two Greek words that comprise "apocalypse" mean "lifting the veil.") 

      And as the veil lifts we realize (like the curtain being pulled back on The Wizard of Oz), that it has been the ruling class -- propagating and perpetuating full-spectrum trumpery -- that has held humankind in thrall.

      It is this same Ruling Class Trumpery that has always kept its knee on George Floyd's neck.  

      "The cry for peace will be a cry in the wilderness, so long as the spirit of nonviolence does not dominate millions of men and women.
      An armed conflict between nations horrifies us. But the economic war is no better than an armed conflict... An economic war is prolonged torture. And its ravages are no less terrible than those depicted in the literature on war properly so called. We think nothing of the other because we are used to its deadly effects. … The movement against war is sound. I pray for its success. But I cannot help the gnawing fear that the movement will fail if it does not touch the root of all evil — man's greed.
      "Non-Violence — The Greatest Force" in The World Tomorrow (5 October 1926)

      The greed of "The 1%" -- now revealed in the biblical abomination of Donald Trump -- has imposed a hugely disproportionate amount of unnecessary misery on the longsuffering people of our world.  

      "The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

      And although "perfection" is an illusion-to-be-shunned (at least in the light of its commonplace misunderstanding), human life can be markedly better than the cesspool in which we flounder.


      Daddy man

      PS Blessedly, Western Europe, Canada, New Zealand and Australia already demonstrate a categorically better way of life. But here in the "United" States, where we have built an American Dream of private opulence and public squalor, the veil is lifting. 

      American Conservatives Are The Apotheosis Of Pharisaism. (Conservatives, Please Weigh In)

      The Pharisee Party And The Devolution Of GOP Leaders Into Oligarchs Who Despise Democracy

      The Pharisees Are Always With Us: A Field Guide

      Zoom Acknowledges It Suspended Activists' Accounts At China's Request

      Teleconferencing company Zoom acknowledged it shut down the accounts of several activists and online commemorations of the Tiananmen Square massacre ...

      Zoom Promises To Do Better After Banning Tiananmen Square Protests—Then Builds Tech To Help China’s Censorship

      Zoom reinstates accounts of Tiananmen Square commemoration organizers, but is creating tech to ensure mainland Chinese users can be censored.

      Online Discussion Of Trump's Crimes Compared With Hillary And Barack's "Crimes"


      Pax on both houses: Good Recent Pax Posts

      "If Obama Had Perpetrated Just One Of Trump's Everyday Monstrosities..."

      "If Obama Had Perpetrated Just One Of Trump's Everyday Monstrosities..." |  If Obama Had Perpetrated Just One Of  Trump's Routine Monstrosities,   Every Conservative In America Would Be Apoplectic, Jugulars Throbbing Purple,  Screaming For Blood. In Perpetuity | image tagged in trump,obama,deplorable donald,despicable donald,honorable obama | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
      58 views  1 upvote  Made by AArchibald 7 days ago in politics
      4 ups, 11h
      Operation Fast and Furious, you dumbass shill. Obozo got away with a ton of shit.
      4 ups, 10h,
      2 replies
      made w/ Imgflip meme maker
      3 ups, 10h
      Waiting Skeleton Meme | WAITING FOR ALL THE CONSERVATIVES SCREAMING FOR BLOOD | image tagged in memes,waiting skeleton | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
      0 ups, <1h div="">1h>
      I don't know if you're serious... or parodying my point.

      Here's what most Americans understand as Obama's worst scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYaluOHcATU

      Solyndra? Are you serious?

      Black Panther Voter Intimidation?

      Boston Terrorist?


      Do you work for The Onion?
      2 ups, 9h
      Wow. The level of disconnect you display...it's shocking.

      How do you function in daily live, being so cognitively dissonant...?
      2 ups, 9h
      The whole f**king world is upside down. Madness reigns.
      2 ups, 9h,
      1 reply
      The Obama administration...with full knowledge by Obama himself...initiated a coup attempt against Donald Trump, before he even assumed office.

      Yes, that's correct: a previous president tried to topple his successor, for the first time in US history.
      0 ups, 5h,
      1 reply
      Nothing Burger | OBAMAGATE | image tagged in nothing burger | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
      A big nothing-burger
      0 ups, <1h div="">1h>
      Obamagate was the biggest nothing-burger in the history of humankind.

      Absolutely nothing there.

      Ever "Un-Potty-Trained-73-Year-Old" couldn't identify a single crime.

      Just more of his "everybody knows what I mean" drivel

      What you mean Trump is that you're a witless, lying a-hole in process of going down..

      And if there is something to Obamagate -- if Obamagate does refer to the worst crime ever -- Trump and Barr should be taken over the coals BY TRUMP SUPPORTERS THEMSELVES for not issuing indictments to bring the most evil politician in history to justice.

      "Business Insider," a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist mouthpiece, says: "Trump's 'Obamagate' conspiracy theory just got blown to pieces." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-obamagate-flynn-unmasking-conspiracy-got-blown-to-pieces-2020-5

      Oh, well...

      On to the next turd.

      Cue QAnon to serve up another dose of bullshit.

      Same goes for Hillary Clinton.

      If Hillary is guilty of one thousandth the crimes her critics allege, why no indictments?

      Why does the so-called Law and Order Party roll over and play dead?

      Let me buy free clues for the dimwits.

      Why to they roll over and play dead.

      It's because there is NO indictable, actionable evidence... as Trey Gowdy's years-long House investigation into Benghazi proved.

      Try as he may, Gowdy discovered nothing of legal consequence.


      Nothing to justify an even indictment... which is a pretty go***mn low bar.

      Benghazi was trumped up to inflame The Base which, in the absence of a single functioning synapse among them, merely reacts to the scent of red meat.

      But the profoundest proof is in another pudding.

      Why don't Trumpistas demand that Trump -- in collaboration with his lickspittle, brown-nosing AG -- issue indictments? (Again, an indictment is an INCREDIBLY low bar.)

      Furthermore, if Trump and Barr allow criminals of this MAGNITUDE to roam the streets -- without even putting up a legal fight -- are they not, by definition, friends of monstrous malfeasants and enemies of Justice?

      Are they not approving, indulging and encouraging the very worst criminality ever? (Trump said Obamagate was "the worst crime ever.")

      Just you watch.

      Not a single Trumpista will attempt to answer my "indictment" of Trump and Barr's exculpatory collusion with world-class felons Hillary and Barack.

      Not one.

      Trumpistas are too addled to even obey the Surgeon General's Warning: http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2016/10/warning-from-surgeon-general.html
      0 ups, <1h div="">1h>
      We'll see. The fact that you use the "OMG, I need to prove to the youngsters how hip and cool I am! I know! I'll say "nothing-burger!" That's what all the cool kids are saying right now, right...?"

      When grandmothers like Killary Clinton and Fauxcahontas use that phrase, you know it's thousands of miles from "cool."

      Pax on both houses

      "George Floyd," Friend Whitney MacDonald's Poem

      Protests flare over the death of George Floyd as fired officer is ...

      George Floyd

      George went quick
      Eight minutes 
      Four hundred and eighty seconds
      A time lapse
      In numbers I can count
      But how many seconds does it take
      To crush the dreams 
      To extinguish the spark 
      In the eye
      Of a young black child
      Who dreams
      Of being  
      A doctor
      A teacher
      A father
      A man
      How many seconds does it take 
      Before that mother
      Arms around her newborn son 
      Starts to worry 
      Starts to count the days 
      Until she gets that call
      Or sees that video
      That video that sped it up
      For all of us to see
      Life slowly crushed 
      A white man 
      On his neck
      Every day

      Whitney MacDonald

      "When Women Rule, We Seem Safer": Female Leadership And COVID Death Rates - N. Kristof

      President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan at a military base this spring amid the coronavirus pandemic.Ritchie B. Tongo/EPA, via Shutterstock

      "When Women Rule, We Seem Safer"

      Author Headshot
      Opinion Columnist
      I compiled coronavirus death rates for 21 reasonably matched countries around the world, 13 led by women and eight by men, and the difference was huge. On average, death rates from Covid-19 were more than five times as high in the nations led by male leaders.
      If the United States had the death rate found on average in female-led countries, we would have saved 102,000 lives of the 114,000 lost to the virus.
      That’s my column today, and I talked to experts to explore whether the statistical difference is real and, if so, what’s behind it. Lots of fascinating theories. Please do read!
      The Fine Print
      My column says that “virtually every country” with a death rate from the coronavirus of more than 150 per million inhabitants is male led. I had to include the “virtually” because of two exceptions.
      One is Switzerland, where the president of the Swiss Confederation is a woman, but she has much less influence on health policy than leaders in other countries. The other is San Marino, the microstate in Europe that has two leaders, one male and one female. But it is astonishing how “virtually” every country that has bungled Covid-19 is male-led — and disproportionally by bombastic, authoritarian men in the mold of Donald Trump or Boris Johnson or Jair Bolsonaro.

      The Dayton Murderer Is Proof We Need To Take Left-Wing Violence Seriously

       Left Wing Mass Murderer Connor Betts Suffered Auditory Hallucinations And Psychosis. In His Murderous Rampage, Betts Killed His Beloved Sister | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
      The Dayton Murderer Is Proof We Need To Take Left-Wing Violence Seriously

      This article, which alerts readers to the need to take left-wing violence seriously, also includes these passages:

      'Amidst the disturbing trend of political conflict in the United States escalating into violence, it has been a staple of conventional wisdom that the real danger comes almost entirely from the far right. Thus, after journalist Andy Ngo was beaten up by activists from the militant left-wing “Antifascist” movement at a protest in late June, commentators such as Vox’s Zack Beauchamp cautioned against attempts to portray Antifa’s record of violent behavior as even remotely comparable to that of far-right extremists. Beauchamp quoted an Anti-Defamation League primer on Antifa which said, “To date, there have not been any known Antifa-related murders.”

      But is that still true today? We don’t know if Connor Betts, the 24-year-old Ohio man who killed nine people (including his own sister) and wounded 27 more when he opened fire on a crowded street in Dayton on Sunday, had any involvement with Antifa...

      Betts’s Twitter trail makes it clear that he was a hardcore leftist who embraced some fairly extreme ideas—and, in some cases, advocated violence toward political enemies in Antifa-style language... In 2019—after Charlottesville, after the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh last fall, and now the El Paso massacre—one would have to be either deluded or dishonest to deny the danger of violent far-right extremism in America.

      One may quibble about the exact body count (for instance, the ADL’s tally of at least 50 murders by right-wing extremists in 2018 includes non-political killings motivated by family/personal conflicts, financial gain, or mental illness in which the perpetrator had some connection to far-right extremism).

      Now, With Hydroxychloroquine!

       Now, With Hydroxychloroquine! | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

      Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical, Dishonest And Stupid, You Will!"


      "The Divinity Of Donald Trump"
      The Daily Show
      "A Video Collage Of Trump's Arrogance: If You Are Even Vestigially Normal, You Will Sicken"

      "The Daily Show" Lets Trump Cultists Reveal Their Own Stupidity And Obsequious Boot-Licking

      "Jaw-Dropping Stupidity: 3 Short Videos That Will Change Your View Of American Politics Forever"

      "The Exquisite Stupidity Of Trump Supporters"
      "Trump's Bullshit"
      Christian Ministers Have A Moral Obligation To Call Bullshit On Trump Cultists Spreading Lies
      Bullshit And Bafflegab: How To Separate Truth From Conspiratorial Falsehood

      Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are Eager To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power


      "Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"


      Video Of Trump Mocking Murder Victim For Crying Out, "I Can't Breathe"

      Christianity: A Compendium Of "What Went Wrong" And Current Worship Of The Wrongness

      "There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"

      A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And Cruel

      Core Truths That Dependably Dismantle Attractive-But-Bogus Right-Wing "Arguments"

      Reprise: Iconic Conservative Pundit P.J. O'Rourke Explains Why He Voted For Hillary

      "I will vote for Hillary even though everything she stands for is wrong... because, unlike Trump, she is wrong within normal limits." P.J. O | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
      O'Rourke's epitomization goes directly to the heart of the matter.

      Where Does Trump's Heart Lie?

      PBS "Frontline" And Its 38 Season Streamable Catalog

      Did you miss this week's two-part... - Idaho Public Television ...

      Frontline's Newest Episode Debuts Tomorrow:

      "The Virus"
      What Went Wrong In The United States

      All Frontline Films
      In chronological order, starting now.

      PBS "Frontline" And Its 38 Season Episode Guide 

      Frontline: 52 Favorite Documentaries
      Streamable On YouTube
      (Including "Fire In Paradise," a brilliant documentary that explores the day when a northern California forest fire burned the city of Paradise to the ground)

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      For Good Old-Fashioned Reporting"

      Reality, Viewpoint, Disagreements, Deep Fake Videos And Internet Trolls

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