Channel: Pax on both houses
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Cartoon: Trump Meets Hannibal Lector

Great Tom Toles Cartoon On Trump's Meltdown

"He Is Now With The Angels": Speaker Nancy Pelosi In Tears Over Death Of Representative Elijah Cummings

Forget Trump’s “Meltdown”—Follow The Impeachment Inquiry Revelations

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Excerpt: Mulvaney went on to make the breathtaking argument that, in effect, the President is entitled to do all of the things that are alleged about Ukraine policy, including holding military assistance hostage in exchange for a foreign investigation into one of Trump’s favored conspiracy theories about the 2016 U.S. election. Instead of denying a quid pro quo, Mulvaney said, more or less, “So what? It happens all the time.” When an incredulous Jonathan Karl, the ABC News correspondent, followed up to ask if Mulvaney was acknowledging that the President had, in fact, been involved in a quid pro quo with Ukraine, the chief of staff responded, “I have news for everybody: get over it. Elections have consequences, and foreign policy is going to change from the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration.”

It was jaw-dropping, or it would have been if there hadn’t been so many other jaw-dropping events to process. After all, at the start of the briefing, Mulvaney had announced that Trump would hold next year’s Group of Seven summit meeting at his golf resort in Doral, Florida, a self-dealing conflict of interest so brazen it seemed impossible to believe that it was actually happening. This is the sort of thing that would get an official in any other Administration fired or arrested, or both.

No wonder the alarming significance of the testimony in the impeachment inquiry has been hard to focus on. The signal-to-noise ratio in our politics, already unbearable, has, in recent days, become deafening. Trump has always been a master of distraction, and one of his favorite tactics has been to embark on new controversies as a way of diverting from the old ones. On Wednesday, one thousand days into his Presidency, Trump had what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called a complete “meltdown” at a White House meeting with congressional leaders about the week’s other disaster, Trump’s decision to abandon U.S. Kurdish allies and pull out of Syria, enabling a Turkish invasion.

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"Cruelty Is The Point," An Update On Trump's Policies And His White Christian Base

Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie."

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Why Don't Christians Loathe This Guy Just For Trashing Every American Standard?

"The Impeachment Will Be Televised" (A Highly-Informative Article By NYT's David Leonhardt)

   Image result for the impeachment
How Impeachment Works

                            The Impeachment Will Be Televised
Author Headshot
Opinion Columnist
Earlier this week, my colleague Nicholas Kristof interviewed Representative Adam Schiff — the Democrat leading the impeachment inquiry — at a public event in New York. Toward the end, Nicholas asked about the inquiry’s apparent lack of transparency so far:
“This is something that you’ve been criticized for on the right. The Wall Street Journal had an editorial today complaining that the hearings are closed. Some Republicans have asked for full transcripts to be made available and have complained that things are being cherry-picked and leaked. And [an audience member] asks, ‘How can we win public opinion if the key testimony for impeachment are private?’”
I raised a version of the same question in my column this week, and so I was glad to hear Schiff’s answer to Nicholas — and, even more so, to see the public letter that Schiff has since released. In both, he explained why the initial stage of the investigation has taken place largely behind closed doors but also indicated that it will eventually include public hearings.
“We’re doing these initial hearings in closed session, and it makes a lot of sense to do that when you’re conducting an investigation because I’m sure the White House would like nothing more than to be able to get their stories straight by hearing what these witnesses have to say,” Schiff said. “And there are good and important investigative reasons not to let one witness know what another witness has said.”
In the letter that Schiff wrote to House colleagues on Wednesday, he explained that he would eventually release transcripts of the interviews now being done. He added a point that I think is even more important: “We also anticipate that at an appropriate point in the investigation, we will be taking witness testimony in public, so that the full Congress and the American people can hear their testimony firsthand.”
Impeachment is an inherently political process, one that public opinion will ultimately decide. Richard Nixon was forced to resign because opinion turned against him, and Bill Clinton kept his job because most voters thought he should.
Leaks of private interviews aren’t going to persuade more people that Trump is unfit for office. Nor are interview transcripts. If any significant number of his supporters — or even people without a strong opinion — are going to turn against him, it’s going to take high-profile public hearings where they can see and hear witnesses explain how he abused the power of the presidency.
Those hearings are evidently coming. The American people are going to hear a lot more about the quid pro quo.

Hillary Clinton Suggests Tulsi Gabbard Is A Manchurian Candidate Planted By The Russians

Manchurian Candidate? | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Hillary Clinton Suggests Tulsi Gabbard Is A Manchurian Candidate Planted By The Russians

Dear F and Jimbo,

I encourage you to read (or at least riffle through) the first 10 or 20 contributions to the following tweet "thread," not only to get an idea of Hillary's allegation (and Gabbard's defense) but also to glimpse the UTTER WEIRDNESS of so many decerebrate people (including the goddam ever-present trolls) who participate in these threads apparently because American culture has conditioned them to think that the mere fact of "expressing an opinion" trumps any need for research or learning. 


It's right out of The Tower Of Babel.


"Dead-End Conspiracism" And "The REAL Thing"... Hidden In Plain Sight



"The Only Person In The Military That Mr. Trump Doesn't Think Overrated Is Colonel Sanders"

"I Think The Only Person In The Military That Mr. Trump Doesn't Think Is Overrated Is Colonel Sanders."   Trump's Secretary of Defense, Gene | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

In Stern Rebuke To Trump, Gen. Mattis Sees "Storm Clouds Gathering" And America "Withering"

Thread On My Meme Creation Site Re: The Proposal That Trump Leads A Singularly Criminal Cult

"Trump Supporters Are Indistinguishable From Jim Jones Cultists | If Nancy Pelosi Had Demanded That The U.S. Military Pull Out Of Syria The Day Before Trump Actually Withdrew, EVERY Conservative In America | image tagged in trump supporters,trump cultists,jim jones,heavens gate,the moonies,cults | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3 ups, 13h,
1 reply
Sounds like you need a mirror to understand who has selective outrage on this one.
1 up, 3h
Trump is The Outrage.

"Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Will Vote For Hillary. Why?"

"P.J. O'Rourke On Trump, Trumpistas And The Futility Of Drug Tests: Test For Stupidity, Ignorance, Greed And The Love Of Power"
2 ups, 13h,
1 reply
Yeah he always said he wanted to maintain the wars and conflicts we are involved in didn't he.
1 up, 3h
Looks like General James "Mad Dog" Mattis needs a mirror too.

In Stern Rebuke To Trump, Gen. Mattis Sees "Storm Clouds Gathering" And America "Withering"

Three Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: Mattis, Borowitz, Pacino-Mueller

"Jim Mattis Describes Trump As A Dolt Who Does Not Read And Has No Interest In Learning"
1 up, 10h
Blue Kool-Aid | RED OR BLUE, DON'T DRINK THE COOL AID. | image tagged in blue kool-aid | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
0 ups, <1h div="">1h>
saw the very same fawning over Obama,and to a lesser extent bush and Clinton.

I find it interesting that this rise in cult of personality in regards to political figures coincides with the 24/7 news cycle.

it is almost as if the 24/7 news cycle was more interested in creating soap opera narratives to generate money,rather than actually disseminate the news of the day.
and instead engaged in the "message of the day" and created a conflict narrative more akin to WWF than critical examination of current events.

an ocean of beautiful people reading from a teleprompter,and the rise of a handsomely compensated pundit class to bring all the excited,and drama,and fabricated outrage to spoon feed to the ignorant masses.

because outrage media is big money.
0 ups, <1h div="">1h>
Your criticism of the 24/7 news cycle and corporate publishing's need "to sell papers" by emphasizing conflict is apt.

However, at a certain point -- and in modern times the "threshold" of a "certain point" is typically crossed in fascist regimes -- politics morphs from quantitative change into qualitative change.

What "went down" under Hitler and Mussolini is now going down under Trump. (I stress "under" for Malignant Messiah is a hobnailed boot, perping palpable evil by the day.)


"Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Will Vote For Hillary. Why?"

Trump's crimes against humanity are not trivial.

"Family Separation And The Deportation Of Parents Constitute Kidnapping And Human Trafficking"

"New England Journal Of Medicine Determines The Lethality Of Trump's Family Separation Policy"

My Own Contact With Family Separation, And The Young Girl Who Died
(The Story Of UNC-CH Public Health Professor John Hatch)

If you are not yet open to David Cay Johnston's message, I predict you will agree with him before the Trumpist calamity reaches its bitter end.

David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... We Have A Traitor In The White House"

WHO Hails "Triumph" As Merck's Ebola Vaccine Gets EU Green Light

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Ebola Vaccine Use Slowed In Congo By Distrust
Keep in mind that half of human beings, by definition, have double digit IQs.
Predictably, homo sapiens is easily stampeded by "feelings" and Reason has always been in short supply.
Reprise: "The Flabbergasting Stupidity Of Americans"
In 2014, when Americans first went whacko over ebola, 25% of the population was "very worried" that the disease would affect them or a family member directly, and 63% "worried that the U.S. will see a large number of Ebola cases in the next year." https://www.nbcnews.com/…/poll-45-worry-they-or-family-memb…
It is also noteworthy that the anti-vaxxers in endemic areas of Africa are just as whacked out as anti-vaxxers are in the United States.
Reprise: "The Flabbergasting Stupidity Of Americans"
"Jenny McCarthy: Poster Girl For Self-Terrorization"
To get another handle on how ill-informed Americans are, consider this:
"When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?"
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Merck’s Ebola vaccine protects against the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus - the one that most commonly causes outbreaks

Trump Administration Calls 130 Witnesses, Then Clears Hillary In Emails Case

If There Is So Much Damning Evidence Against Hillary, Trump And Barr Need Should Her. Three Years Of Refusal  To Get This Traitorous Felon O | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Alan Archibald

The Trump administration interviewed 130 witnesses in order to get dirt on Hillary.
No luck.
By their own admission, they didn't find any criminal activity.

Check out this parallel investigation by Trump factotum, Kris Kobach:
"Trump Surrogate Kris Kobach's Last Voter Fraud Case Crashes And Burns - Like All The Others"
“Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'”, reports the Guardian. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but I am…

Bill Maher Explores U.S. Domestic Divisions & Conservative Support For Russia Over Democracy

"The Rubicon was crossed when one party -- the Republican Party -- said, and you see the tee-shirts at Trump rallies: 'I'd rather be with th | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Bill Maher's Real Time Explores U.S. Domestic Divisions And Conservatives' Support For Russia Over Democracy
(At the 11:50 mark, Maher and Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice discuss how easily Americans can be persuaded to destroy themselves.)

Jimmy Kimmel Probes Trump's Corruption And Mulvaney's In-Your-Face Confession Of Guilt

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Jimmy Kimmel Probes Newly Revealed Depths Of Trump's Corruption And Mulvaney's In-Your-Face Confession Of Guilt

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Image result for mulvaney quid pro quid cartoon
"Political Correctness Is The Only Thing Standing Between Trump And Universal Application Of..."

Jimmy Kimmel Probes Trump's 13,000 (Plus) Documented Lies

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Donald Trump Has Lied 13,000 Times as President

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If Mueller Had Been Given Sodium Pentathol, Here's What He Would've Told Us

"The Hardest Truth: People Want To Be Lied To"


"Trumpistas Don't Just Lie. They Are Hostile To Truth"


Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie."


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"Trump's Bullshit"

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It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth. 
They Are Hostile To Truth.

Historical Perspective Rendered By Newly-Discovered Letter From Krushchev To JFK

Trump Won't Host The G7 At His Miami Resort After All

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David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"
Trump’s evil genius relies heavily on his shameless urge to float any GD “trial balloon” - regardless it’s monstrosity - just to see what he can get away with.

Then, being an essentially amoral sociopath, Malignant Messiah delights in the metastaic expansion of what has suddenly become politically “doable.”

Whatever "he can get away with” is deemed monumental success by His Satanic Majesty while, at bottom, it is an ever-compounding loss for The Common Good, The Social Contract and The General Welfare.

In Trump's mind, there is no aspiration for the summum bonum. 

No idealism whatsoever. 

100% transactional practicality. 

Screw a porn star. Pay her $130,000.00 so Melania doesn't find out.

Everything is geared to determine what he can personally (and politically) "get away with."
If he had his way, Mafia Don would "get away" with replacing democracy with his solipsistic brand of theo-fascist autocracy. 

Critics accused Trump of wanting to use the meeting to personally enrich himself.

Trump Always Dives For The Lowest Common Denominator.  And Then He Dives A Little Deeper To See If He Can Push "Standards" Even Farther Into | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Freshman Dem, Katie Porter - Who Studied Law Under Pocohantas - Makes Republicans Squirm

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Katie Porter is here to help clean up the crap.
This article is about a quiet freshman Democrat from California.
She is making Republicans squirm.
Not only does she know a LOT, she’s cogent, illuminating and in charge.

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California’s Katie Porter studied under Elizabeth Warren. Now she’s going viral by schooling Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Trevor Noah Interviews Susan Rice About Trump And Life in the Obama White House

General James "Mad Dog" Mattis Takes Trump To Task

"I think the only person in the military that Mr Trump doesn't think is overrated is Colonel Sanders."   General James "Mad Dog" Mattis | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis takes Trump to task.
"Jim Mattis Describes Trump As A Dolt Who Does Not Read And Has No Interest In Learning"
In Stern Rebuke To Trump, Gen. Mattis Sees "Storm Clouds Gathering" And America "Withering"
"Three Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: Mattis, Borowitz, Pacino-Mueller"

In Stern Rebuke To Trump, Gen. Mattis Sees "Storm Clouds Gathering" And America "Withering" https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/201...

  • .

Who Woulda Thunk It? Donald Dolt Speaks Esperanto

"Evangelicals See Trump Impeachment As An Attack On Their Values"

Bad Religion Is The Cornerstone Of What's Wrong With America | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Evangelicals See Trump Impeachment As An Attack On Their Values

"Evangelical Support Of Trump Will Be An Indictment Against Its Validity," Fr. Richard Rohr

Corrupted By Grifters And Charlatans, Evangelicalism Has Devolved Into A Hate Group

My Gripe With Christianity

"Are Highly Religous People Less Compassonate?"

Evangelicals' Satanic Surrender To Trump: Bend Over, Clasp Ankles, Apply K-Y

"Christian""Conservatives" Are Neither Christian Nor Conservative
Why "Christian""Conservatives" Are Losing Their Souls
"The Deepening Crisis In Evangelical Christianity"
Support For Trump Degrades Christian Witness 

Evangelicals' Lack Of Faith Is The Greatest Threat To The Church

Best Pax Posts About Trump's Cruelty, Mendacity And Seduction Of "Conservative""Christians"

When "Christian""Conservatives" Renounced Reason In Order To Believe Trump Would Be...

Great "Religious Right" Cartoon: "Satan Himself Comes Disguised As An Angel Of Light"

Absolutism As A Last Ditch Defense Against The Challenge (Threat?) Of Kindness

"Thoughts And Prayers"

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