Channel: Pax on both houses
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Trump Laughs When Audience Member Shouts Out "Shoot Migrants"

If The Mueller Report Is The Nothing Burger Trump Says, Then What's He Trying To Hide?

Persuasion? Yes. Biden? Maybe.

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Persuasion? Yes.

Biden? Maybe.

Op-Ed Columnist

Op-Ed Columnist

My colleague Jamelle Bouie made two arguments in a column about Joe Biden this week. This morning, I want to agree with one of the two and take issue with the other.
Jamelle’s central point was that Biden may not be as strong a general-election candidate as many Democrats seem to be assuming. The first reason is that Biden’s current popularity — especially among swing voters and among Democratic voters who don’t always turn out — may prove fleeting.
Jamelle wrote: “Biden, like [Hillary] Clinton, is extremely vulnerable to Trumpian forms of faux-populist attack. He is a 36-year veteran of Washington who backed the Iraq War, cultivated close ties with banks and credit card companies and played a leading role in shaping the punitive policies that helped produce mass incarceration. As he did with Clinton, Trump can slam him on these issues and sow division among Democratic voters.”
This seems exactly right, and somewhat overlooked. Presidential candidates with long histories in the spotlight haven’t fared very well in modern times. It’s not just Clinton. Think about John McCain, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bob Dole and Walter Mondale. Candidates who seem fresher have done better, like each of the last four presidents: Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Are they ‘gone’?
I’m less persuaded by the second case against Biden’s electability — namely, that no Democrat can win the white working-class voters, not even Biden. These voters, Jamelle wrote, may simply be “gone.” It is possible, he added, “that their shift away from the Democratic Party, which began long before 2016, is permanent.”
I’m skeptical that they’re “gone,” because Democrats have won a decent share of these voters in two of the last three national elections. Obama held his own with white voters who lack a college degree (at least outside of the Deep South), and congressional Democrats did so as well in the 2018 midterms. That’s a major reason that the party flipped House seats in Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Pennsylvania, upstate New York and elsewhere.
If 2018 had been a presidential election, Democrats would have swept the upper Midwest states that had carried Trump to victory in 2016 — Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan — as well as Pennsylvania.
Democrats aren’t going to win most working-class whites. But there is a big difference between losing them as badly as Hillary Clinton did and doing as well as Obama or many 2018 Democratic candidates.
As a longtime senator, Biden has weaknesses that Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg and others do not. In coming months, perhaps one of them will come to seem like a more electable candidate. But it would be a big mistake for Democrats to give up on persuasion and focus almost entirely on turnout in 2020.
Related: Jamelle Bouie is starting a newsletter, which will have more of his thought-provoking arguments.
And in today’s Times, Anita Hill has an Op-Ed about combating sexual violence and harassment — and about Biden’s missed opportunity to do so in 1991.
Elsewhere: In The Atlantic, Ron Brownstein connects a few recent polls to argue that many swing voters, both suburbanites and blue-collar whites, are skeptical of some recent Democratic proposals, like Medicare for All and free college.
“Though they’ve attracted little attention, recent public polls have sent clear warning signals that the ambitious agenda of the rejuvenated Democratic left could strain the coalition that carried the party to its sweeping gains in the 2018 election,” Brownstein writes.

A 2,624-Year-Old Bald Cypress Tree Has Just Been Found Growing In A NC Swamp

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St. Thomas Aquinas And The Keeping of Pets

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Breakthrough Discovery In Easily Recyclable Plastic From Lawrence Livermore Lab

Trump Says John Kerry Should Be Prosecuted Under The Logan Act

Are You And I The Two People Responsible For Keeping Trump In Power?

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Dear F,

Here is  the intro to New York Times' columnist Frank Bruni's most recent column.

Are we, as Bruni says, guilty of "giving Trump too much of what he thrives on? Attention."

Is it possible that you and I constitute the "two straws worth" of attention that insure His Deplorability never weakens to the point where he would collapse.

Sort of like the proverbial camel's back -- but "in reverse."

I'm not suggesting abstinence... but moderation.
Frank Bruni

Frank Bruni

Opinion Columnist
President Trump’s outrages, absurdities and indelicacies arrive with such frequency that they numbingly blur together, and to comment on each is to give him too much of what he thrives on — attention — and be debilitated by his dominance of your thoughts and passions.
That’s why many of you rightly cry foul about the media’s obsession with him, and it’s why I’m judicious, or try to be, about how much real estate he gets in my columns and in this newsletter.


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The Borowitz Report: "Betsy DeVos Suggests That Bribing Colleges Helps Students Learn Math"

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Betsy DeVos Suggests That Bribing Colleges Helps Students Learn Math

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Offering an upbeat assessment of the headline-grabbing college-admissions scandal, Betsy DeVos said on Thursday that bribing colleges gave students “a really neat opportunity” to learn math.

The Secretary of Education suggested that, rather than keeping children in the dark about the bribes that enable their college acceptances, “Parents should sit around the kitchen table with their kids and work on some fun math problems together.”

“Let’s say it’ll cost Amber seventy-five thousand dollars to get into Stanford, and it’ll cost her twin brother Dylan seventy-five thousand to get into Georgetown,” she said. “How much money total will their parents have to wire?”

“Or let’s say Jenna has a 470 verbal score, but she needs a 730 to get into Yale,” DeVos said. “How much will she have to pay to get her score changed?”

DeVos said that, as regrettable as the criminal charges against the parents in the bribery scandal were, the arrests themselves provided a teachable moment. “Lori Loughlin posted a million dollars in bail, and Felicity Huffman posted two hundred fifty thousand,” she said. “How much bail did Lori and Felicity post?”

"Only You Can Prevent Fake News"

Highly Potent Weed Has Swept The Market, Raising Concerns About Health Risks

"The Eyes Are Useless When The Mind Is Blind"

Trump's Whores And Hustlers: "We Are Known By The Company We Keep"

"Trump Arrests The Good Samaritan," New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof

Teresa L. Todd was detained by Border Patrol agents after stopping her car to help a group of migrants in Texas.
Teresa L. Todd was detained by Border Patrol agents after stopping her car to help a group of migrants in Texas. Jessica Lutz for The New York Times.
"Trump Arrests The Good Samaritan"
Nicholas Kristof, 
New York Times Columnist

Teresa Todd is just a good person. So when she was driving along a West Texas highway recently and saw a young man trying desperately to flag down her car, she didn’t drive on. “I’m a mom,” she told me, and he reminded her of her 15-year-old son. Teresa stopped and found three siblings from El Salvador, including a desperately ill 18-year-old woman whose life she helped save. And then a sheriff’s deputy and Border Patrol officer pulled up behind Teresa — and arrested her.
My column today tells the story of Teresa and how her compassion as a Good Samaritan got her arrested and detained in a holding cell; she is still facing possible federal charges. It’s part of a general crackdown on Americans who try to save the lives of migrants. I also mention a man in Arizona, Scott Warren, who goes on trial this month and faces up to 20 years in prison for trying to save migrants’ lives in the desert there.
“I’m simply a mom who saw a child in need and pulled over to try to help,” Teresa says. “The whole time I was by the side of the road, I was thinking: What country am I in? This is not the United States.”

Now here’s my column about how a mom in West Texas got arrested for helping save a life — and what that says about our country today. Read!

Alan: The conservative malice represented in the article above distills to the right-wing conviction that anyone on "the left side of the aisle" is a "baby killer."

This categorization of all liberals and progressives as "horned devils with pointed tails" provides American "conservatives" -- particularly "Christian""conservatives" -- with all the self-righteous justification needed to see themselves -- and only themselves -- as "Godly people"... whereas everyone is "God-damned."

Reprise: Catholic Nun Explains "Pro Life" In A Way That Will Surprise American Conservatives

American Conservatives And The Righteousness Of Cruelty

My Prime Political Directive Is To Keep Lunatics Out Of Office, Not To Advance Progressivism

Green Candidate Jill Stein Mr. Trump, In The Name Of Progressive Purity, It Is My Pleasure To Surrender All Three Branches Of Government To  | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Alan: For me, "the prime political directive" is to keep lunatics out of office. 

In light of this litmus, Hillary -- even with her baggage -- was sane while Trump is a sociopath afflicted with several subsidiary psychiatric diagnoses. 

Image result for "Pax on both houses" p.j. o'rourke

It is a great boon when politics contributes to "The Common Good,""The General Welfare" and the enhancement of a "Social Contract." 

But fundamentally, I see political goodness (particularly in the federal government) as unexpected "gravy" atop the "main dish" whose chief menu choices are "madness" or "sanity."

Like Other Red States AL Students Suffer Intense Bullying. Then They Grow Up To Bully Others.

Donald Trump Is A Dopamine Junkie

Dopamine For Dimwits | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Trump Tweets Compulsively Because He's Addicted To The "Euphoria" He Gets From Making People Mad

Trump claims he has never used alcohol or drugs and he abhors the thought. But his tweet behavior is obsessive, designed to inflame ill will | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

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"Trumpistas Don't Just Lie, They're Antagonistic To Truth"

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It's Not Just That Trump And His Lickspittles Lie: They Lie More Brazenly Than Satan Himself


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Scott Pruitt: How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies

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At his last campaign stop in 2016 election, Ted Nugent was Donald Trump's special guest.

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"My Gripe With Christianity"

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My Fascination With The Nearness Of The Moon

Jesus Saves: How It Works In "Jesus Land"

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