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Deep-Fake Videos, The 2020 Election, And A Literal Reading Of The First Commandment

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Alan: Good friend Frances (my traveling companion for over fifty years) has only one surviving sibling, her sister Mary, a dedicated Facebook user. 

To render the following account in meaningful context, I must point out that Frances and Mary both supported Hillary Clinton at the beginning of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Then a flabbergasting thing happened.

There came a day when Mary, evidently disturbed, contacted Frances to say she had just seen a video of Hillary berating a staff member in such an insulting, degrading way that she would never be able to vote for such a person.

My regular readers know that I am a "data hound," that I have the "nose" of adept researcher and am unusually skilled at finding online information.

However... I was unable to find anything bearing remote resemblance to the video Mary swears she saw. 

At intervals over the course of a year, I did my level best to find the video that "made Mary want to puke" and could find no trace of it, not a hint of the video that was directly responsible for Hillary losing Mary's vote.

These events -- Mary's testimony concerning the "abusive video" and her subsequent renunciation of Hillary -- took place long before I knew anything about "Deep Fake Videos." 

And although the rules of evidence prevent the conclusion that Putin-Russia were responsible for this deep fake dirty trick, we do know that 1.) Putin wanted Trump to win and 2.) Putin's hackers used Facebook extensively to sow dissention and doubt by saturating cyberspace with cleverly-produced falsehood and inflammatory manipulation of popular sentiment.

While I acknowledge that there is no actionable proof that Mary was bamboozled by Russian operatives, "all the pieces fit" - and they fit with a remarkable degree of particularity.  

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Alan: There is something new under the sun.

Photographic evidence can be assembled pixel by pixel.

And with enough computer memory and sufficient technical sophistication, it is possible to generate a completely persuasive, "foolproof" photograph (or video) of Ronald Reagan "rolling in the hay" with Mother Theresa.

Furthermore, because there is inherent "noise" in the routine compression of digital imagery, it is impossible, even for experts, to distinguish between genuine digital images and faked digital images, particularly faked video. 

In effect, the inherent "noise" hides all evidence that "fake videos" have been faked. 

The process of creating the "fake" pictographic evidence -- and ensuring that "viewers" are  completely "faked out" by the "fake" -- is illustrated in the instructional video embedded in the following webpage.

"Deep Fake" Videos Created By Artificial Intelligence Just Got Even More Terrifying

It is well known that people routinely "believe what they want to believe." 

Just reflect -- however briefly -- on the fact that one third of all Americans are as certain that Donald Trump is a Godsend (literally a Godsend) as another third is certain that Trump is this generation's P.T. Barnum, in cynical search of the sucker born every minute.

Notably, the very nature of digital photography and digital videography makes all photographic and videographic "evidence" of such uncertain origin that everyone can justifiably believe their expert-of-choice. 

From now on, any debate concerning the authenticity of photograhic and videographic evidence is literally "six of one, half dozen of another."

Forevermore, our determination of "what's true" will depend on the intellectually rigorous use of language, epistemologically sound research and textual documentation. 

Forevermore, our determination of "what's true" will NOT on pictographic images which can already be indetectably falsified. 

Now gnosh on this. 

The incremental improvement of "Deep Fake Video" techniques will only get "better" over time.

Geometrically better.

The Bible's Two Versions Of The Decalogue Are Different. The 1st Commandment Is All About The Confusion Of Crafted Images With Reality


"Idolatry: Why The First Commandment Forbids It"

Unlike photography and videography, face-to-face verbal-and-written determination of truth will never be perfect.

Ironically, in the future our "epistemological salvation" depends on such evident imperfection.

"The perfect is enemy of the good."

Fortunately, just as we can determine the "cloud" in which 98% of an atom's electrons orbit (with no way to determine the location of the other 2%), so too does the "cloud of truth" (like Yahweh's indeterminate shekhinah) lend itself to remarkably precise, albeit imperfect, definition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah

"Tracking Down Fake Videos"
With increasing frequency, photographs and videos are subject to total fabrication.
Furthermore, it's becoming ever harder to detect their falsification.
Indeed, it has become so much harder that even professional technicians will dispute the veracity/falsity of well crafted "images."

Here Come the Fake Videos, Too - The New York Times

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Lawmakers Want US Intelligence Assessment On Fake Videos
Voice Of America

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Here is what the bible has to say about deep fake video.

The Bible's Two Versions Of The Decalogue Are Different. 
In Both Versions, The 1st Commandment Is All About The Confusion Of Crafted Images With Reality

"Idolatry: Why The First Commandment Forbids It"

Are "Pro Lifers" The Deadliest "Baby Killers" Of All?


What If "Pro Lifers" Are The Deadliest "Baby Killers" Among Us?

American conservatives posit -- always and everywhere - that "pro-Choice Americans are baby killers."

Every Goddamn one of them.

No exceptions.

The morality is crystal clear: "The Saved" are destined for heaven and "The Baby Killers" are destined to spend eternity in "The Unquenchable Lake of Fire" where third degree bone-deep burns are perpetually "healed" just long enough so The Damned continually experience brand-new white hot roasting -- brought to them by The God of Love.

The Thinking Housewife: "We Can Be Pretty Sure That Many Good People Are Roasting In Hell"

What more could a "Christian" "conservative" want?

Indeed, is it even possible to hypothesize a more satisfying psycho-spiritual outcome than totally self-righteous moral indignation arising from Absolute Certainty that liberals and progressives are "Baby Killers?" 


Conservatives are invested -- by God Himself -- with incontrovertible proof that "Baby Killers" are damned to eternal torment... and pro-Lifers, by virtue of opposing "The Slaughter of Innocents," are "Saved!"

There is not even need for pro-Lifers to entertain any explanation that does not link Baby Killers -- inextricably -- to Satan himself. 

Baby killers! Baby killers! Baby killers!

With this prologue in place, I will state my conclusion and then "back-fill" my argument.

For years, I have wrestled with the issue of abortion.

But no matter how hard I try, the data obliges me to conclude that those societies with 1.) legal abortion, 2.) readily-available contraception, and 3.) "government-funded sex education in public schools" have lower abortion rates than countries without these features.

Although the data clearly indicates that abortion rates are at least somewhat lower in countries offering legal abortion, accessible contraception and government-funded sex education, an even more fundamental conclusion is that abortion rates in countries with -- and without -- these 3 features have "similar enough abortion rates" -- sometimes -- that reasonable people can, in good conscience, conclude that more fetal lives will be saved whichever view they adopt.

Perhaps the only incontrovertible "proof" in "all this" is that abortion has always taken place -- and will continue to take place -- even in those places (often at higher rates) in those countries where abortion is illegal.

Oddly, an unspoken pro-Life belief is that the proscription of abortion will diminish the number of abortions when, in fact, there is no decisive proof of this. 

Indeed, the evidence indicates that those societies that have made abortion illegal, have abortion rates that are - at least - slightly higher.


The stone memorial to The Ten Commandments on the grounds of Arkansas' capital building does nothing to influence the behavior of Arkansans.

There is also a revealing moral quandary arising from the following "thought experiment."

If an individual in a burning building only has opportunity to save one billion frozen embryos OR an armful of living infants, what should s/he do?

By my lights anyone this side of moral monstrosity will save the armful of kids, sacrificing -- without lament or remorse -- the billion frozen embryos. ("How Frequent Is Spontaneous Abortion?" https://www.aafp.org/afp/2005/1001/p1243.html)

This thought experiment intersects the nearly universal belief -- also held by conservatives -- that women who abort their children should NOT be punished.

In the conservative view, "a murder has been committed" but the murderer (or at least the indispensable accessory to murder) should NOT be punished.

Clearly, human beings consider fetal lives as categorically different from the lives of children who have already been born.

Otherwise, why would we call for the death penalty in one instance and NO punishment in the other? (At least not for the mother.)

There is no dispute that a fetus is a "human life." 

However, I invite you to consider the following photograph of a fertilized human zygote and ask yourself whether you would wager the eternal salvation of your children on the proposition that "the human life" embodied in a zygote is, in fact, a "human person."

A human zygote in the 8 cell stage.
Human zygote.
Human Person?
(Any room for democratic debate?)

Clearly some people will say that a zygote is a human person if only to avoid the worst of all possible fates - "Losing One's Religion" and consequent "Identity Loss." And so they "get off the hot seat" by declaring all manifestations of intrauterine life to be full-fledged human persons. 

I do not belief that the "human life" in a zygote is a human person. 

And traditional Christian moral theology has long held that there is a so-called moment of "quickening," prior to which a fetus is not a human person, and after which the fetus is a human person. 

In 1591 Pope Gregory concluded that "quickening" takes place at 166 days of pregnancy -- just over 16 weeks -- and only then does abortion become morally unacceptable. 

"Time For A Rational Debate On When Human Life Begins"

Of course some people who argue against ALL abortion also argue that Donald Trump is a normal person and a "good Christian," when simultaneously they cannot provide ANY answer to the following question:

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives


Blessedly, there is no need to be ABSOLUTELY certain that all "baby killers" are cold-blooded murderers.

It is enough to acknowledge that there is room for doubt among conscionable people.

Once we realize that good, moral people can "come down" on both sides of "the question," there is no longer temptation for people like me to self-righteously accuse Pro-Lifers as being more murderous than advocates of Choice.

Last but not least is the startling statistic that the U.S. abortion rate is now lower than it was immediately before Rowe v. Wade.

To be clear: With legal abortion in place, the abortion rate is lower than it was when there was no legal abortion.

NPR: U.S. Abortion Rate Falls Below Rate Prior To Rowe V. Wade, And Continues To Decline

Since it is also true that the abortion rate continues to fall, why is it desirable to discard a policies that -- beyond reasonable doubt -- made the happy circumstance of LOWER abortion rates possible?

I often suspect that those who strive to make abortion illegal are not doing it for the fetuses as much as they do it to enhance their self-righteous sense of being "Saved!"

Of course, I could be wrong.

But that's the point.

On an issue as ambiguous as abortion -- and with so many people harboring different premises -- any of us could be wrong.

But it is also true that on both sides of the issue (if not multiple sides of the issue) people whose positions are diametrically opposed can review the data and reach reasonable conclusions in favor of abortion... or against it.

But the fact that one's passionate belief reaches an equally passionate conclusion does not, ipso facto, make it so.

Abortion Rates Reach Historic Lows In Developed Countries (Where Abortion Is Legal)

The History Of Sex, Sin, Abortion And American Law. (An Eye-Poppingly Informative "1A" Show)

Catholic Nun, Sister Joan Chittester's Illuminating Distinction Between "Pro-Life" And "Pro-Birth"
Cardinal Basil Hume: "Universal Healthcare And Infrequent Abortion Are Obviously Linked"
Paradoxically, Where Abortion Is Outlawed, The Abortion Rate Tends To Be Higher
Pro-Life Advocates Cause Abortion To Rise While Pro-Choice Advocates Cause It To Plummet
Abortion, Donald Trump, Conservative Christians And Marley's Chains
Kansas Abortion Protections Are Now Stronger Than Ever, A Stunning Reversal For A State Known For Anti-Abortion Extremism

A final note:

In our democratic Republic, we are encouraged to support legislation consistent with our principles.

However, there is a growing (and mostly unacknowledged) theocratic movement in America and this movement feels indifferent -- if not hostile -- to the survival of democracy.

Clearly, we are also free to advocate for the replacement of democracy with theocracy.

Frank Zappa Profesied A Fascist Theocracy. Barry Goldwater Agrees

However, if such replacement is the ultimate intent of pro-lifers -- particularly pro-life Christians -- that intent should be stated openly to ensure that the bedrock importance of the larger political discussion does not get lost in the debate over abortion particulars.

Short Form:
How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Indulgent Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Long Form:
"Strict Father" And "Nurturant Parent": The Two World Views That Determine Our Political Values

Bad Religion Is The Cornerstone Of What's Wrong With America | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Make no mistake: Bad religion is as real as good religion.

Image result for "pax on both houses" devout christian blaise pascal

The Entire 18-Page Summary That Robert Mueller Wanted You To See But Barr Concealed

American Conspiracists Have New Company: Many In Congo Do Not Believe Ebola Virus Is Real

A Congolese health worker administers Ebola vaccine to a boy who had contact with an Ebola sufferer in the village of Mangina in North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, August 18, 2018. (REUTERS/Olivia Acland)
A Congolese health worker administers Ebola vaccine to a boy who had contact with an Ebola sufferer in the village of Mangina in North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, August 18, 2018. (REUTERS/Olivia Acland)

Many In Congo Do Not Believe Ebola Virus Is Real


Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy

My Friends' Devoted Conspiracism Is As Crazy As Trump's Birtherism. What To Do With Lunacy?

Harvey/Irma Hurricane Conspiracy Reveals The Idiocy Of Most Conspiracism

Ongoing Correspondence With A Conspiracist Friend Re: The "Staged" Slaughter At Sandy Hook

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

"Who Killed Sister Cathy?" Tom Nugent

How Rochester, New York Detective Fantigrossi "Leaned On Me" To Identify The Wrong Man

The Thinking Housewife's Conspiracism: Exploring The Falsehood

Discussion With 9/11 Truther Friend About Epistemology, Belief, Certainty And Purpose

The 9/11 Truth Movement: Where Does It Lead?

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose

"Crisis Acting": A Standard Conspiracist Hoax That Supposedly Reveals Hoaxes (Snopes)

The Daily Show Goes To Trump Rally To Hear Conspiracy Theories: They Are Not Disappointed

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

Trump Resurrects Clinton-Foster Murder Conspiracy

Trump Defender Speechless After CNN Analyst Reads Anti-Semitic Trump Quote Over Objections

Now, You Can Be Hateful And Feel Good About It | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Trump Defender Left Speechless After CNN Analyst Reads Anti-Semitic Trump Quote Over His Objections
Quote is at 7:33 mark.

Image result for "Pax on both houses," fake news

"Pittsburgh Rabbi Told Trump That Hate Speech Led To Synagogue Massacre"

Violent White Supremacy Is Nothing New, Especially In America

Time Magazine Cover Story About Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Fox News Reporter Questions Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Christian Faith

Ohio: The Latest State Where The Court Has Ruled The GOP Gerrymander Cheated

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Alan: It is not far from the mark to say that American conservatives have been lying so long they've unwittingly redefined falsehood as Truth.

The situation is complicated further by "The Dunning-Kruger Hypothesis" which posits that "stupid people don't know they're stupid."

Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect

New York Times Interviews David Dunning, Co-Author Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect  

McArthur Wheeler: Patron Saint Of American "Conservatism"

"There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: "It's a pound." Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating."    
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump

Ohio: The Latest State Where The Court Has Ruled The GOP Gerrymander Cheated  
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Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of Voter Fraud And Voter Suppression Posts

Mayor Pete Assault Accuser: This Was All a ‘Despicable’ Set-Up

Dirty Trickster Lee Atwater: The GOP SOB At The Heart Of Republican Barbarism (Hidden Mic)

The Daily Show Interviews Republican Official Who Spills Beans On Deliberate Voter Suppression 
Masquerading As Prevention Of Voter Fraud

Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff

"Dog Whistle Politics": Coded Language And The Rise Of Racially Scornful Political Rhetoric

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Couldn't Happen Here?
It Has Happened Here.

Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"

Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"

5 Year Old A.J. Freund Was Killed By His Parents As Punishment For A White Lie

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5 Year Old A.J. Freund Was Killed By His Parents As Punishment For A White Lie

Alan: The longer I live -- and I'm coming up on 72 -- the more I think that the "righteous" desire to punish underlies much (if not most) evil.

The Apostle John Says Love Banishes All Fear And The Presence Of Fear - Even The Most Minute Measure - Is A Sure Sign That People Who Profess To Be Christian "Don't Get It"


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A.J.'s Parents

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"Abortion Rates Drop Dramatically, But Only In Rich Countries" The Guardian

An Interesting Proposition: George W. Bush May Be The Only Person Who Can Topple Trump

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Dear President Bush,
History has not been generous to you. Your adventure in Iraq is the greatest overseas blunder of U.S. history. Your stewardship of the economy resulted in the greatest financial disaster since the 1930s.
Your deep historical deficit, in any circumstances other than what we face today, should relegate you to the lowest rung of U.S. presidents.
But, Mr. President, you can rewrite your legacy. You, Mr. President, you, George W. Bush, can save the United States of America.

The Crisis Before Us

Our government is embroiled today in as serious of a constitutional crisis as it has ever seen. No, it’s not the Civil War. It’s not the 1952 steel strike. It’s not federal troops escorting black children to school. It’s not Watergate.
You, Mr. President, are the only person in the country with the moral authority and the political influence to stop Trump’s dismantling of our republic.
But just as each of those moments in history pivoted around disputes over the fundamental structure of our government and its powers, so too, now, are we participating in a great moment when our basic belief in the primacy of the law and our allegiance to the separation of power between Congress and the Presidency are being tested.
Never has this been so clear as on Wednesday, May 1. The attorney general, the nation’s top law enforcement officer, argued in the Senate Judiciary Committee like a hired-gun defense attorney representing a Mafia boss. It was a performance historians will heap scorn upon for a century. James Comey’s remarkable essay in Thursday’s New York Times says it all: William Barr has sold his soul, piece by tiny, shriveled, unredeemable piece.
Unlike your grandfather, your father, you and the rest of the Bush family, Barr has shamed himself, his children and his children’s children. He has betrayed his oath and the Constitution.  As a devout Catholic, he will have to answer to his Lord for betraying his country, a sin that puts him in the Ninth Circle of Dante’s Hell.
I’m sure he’ll take comfort in that there will plenty of modern-day Republicans there with him.
That he, and they, have so deeply wounded our republic is inarguable. Senate and House Republicans have enabled and abetted a man who believes he can govern the country by monarchial fiat, as Trump has long run his family’s now four-generation criminal enterprise. He embraces bigotry. He incites violence. He ignores Congress. He insults the courts. He flouts every check and every balance imposed on his office. That is the constitutional crisis of our time.

Trump Must Go

Mr. President, you know Trump must go. He must be impeached. He must be tried and convicted in the Senate and removed from the White House. He and his family and his entire crime syndicate must be hauled before the courts, indicted, tried, convicted and imprisoned. He and his family must be broken. Made destitute. Reduced to begging on the streets. Anything less, and they will use their remaining millions of dollars to march across the country, rousing Trump’s minions and imploring them to finish off our government and Constitution. Donald Trump is the enemy of the people.
Today, you, Mr. President, are the only person in the country with the moral authority and the political influence to stop Trump’s dismantling of our republic. Other Republican leaders won’t do it. They demonstrated over the first two years of the Trump era that they have no honor, no integrity and no fealty to our way of government. And no Democrat can pierce the miasma of right-wing propaganda to muster the moral outrage of Republican voters and Trump’s MAGAloids. They will dismiss any calls for Trump’s removal made by Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, any Democrat now on the national stage.
Ronald Reagan himself could rise from the grave like Marley’s ghost to warn of the coming catastrophe, and it would not move Trump’s base supporters.
Which is why you, George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States, are the last man at the Alamo of the American republic.
You would be a 21st Century Cincinnatus, who served, retired and then served again when the Roman republic needed him. You still stand tall in Republican, conservative and evangelical circles, Mr. President. Your voice denouncing Trump and calling for his removal from office could not be ignored. And you can provide political cover for Republican senators and representatives who privately agree but have not been able to speak out or stand up to Trump’s bullying.
Yes, former presidents are not supposed to criticize their successors. But Trump has so trashed the Presidency that you have to step up and speak, Mr. President. The future demands it.
Before any formal impeachment action, Speaker Pelosi could invite you to address a joint session of Congress, giving a “State of the Republic” speech outlining Trump’s unfitness for the office and calling upon Congress to put the nation first and to do its duty to remove Trump from the Presidency.

Republican Principles

The evening would not look like a coup, but a united, institutional re-statement of America’s republican principles.
In attendance: All members of the House and Senate, the Supreme Court, the three other living former presidents, all 50 governors, distinguished former congressional, executive and judicial branch officials (especially retired Republicans such as former cabinet members James Baker and George Shultz and former Senate leaders like Bill Frist, and Trent Lott) and representatives of democratic governments around the world.
Pointedly, however, the guest list should exclude Trump—along with the Vice President and current cabinet members who have already abdicated their responsibilities under the 25th Amendment.
To be sure, there is no love lost between Trump and your family. Some Trump supporters will argue you are just settling scores. Maybe Rush Limbaugh will get bent out of shape, though it’s hard to imagine how since he and other right-wing commentators are as fond of you as they are of Trump.
But you, Mr. President,  a genuine Christian, have the religious authority to call out Trump’s immorality and to check the cynical support he receives from fake religious leaders like Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell Jr. You are loved by blue-collar Republicans. You can appeal to the marginalized Republicans who have never felt comfortable with Trump. The left will embrace you as a hero.
Today, Mr. President, you are destined to languish in the depths of history, a minor president who squandered his moment.
But rise to the now, Mr. President. Take on this challenge. Today, take this instant, this moment in history, and you can redeem your and your family’s legacies.
Lead the march to stop this tyrant, Mr. President, and history will forever know you as the Savior of the Republic.

Furious Bill Maher Panel Blasts Trump For Not Mentioning Election Meddling In Call WIth Putin

Snopes: Is Trump Right? Do Mothers Meet With Doctors To Decide To "Execute" Their Babies?

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Snopes: Is Trump Right? Do Mothers Meet With Doctors To Decide To Execute Their Babies?
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It's Not Just That Trump And His Lickspittles Lie: They Lie More Brazenly Than Satan Himself


Image result for "pax on both houses" trump shit storm

Are "Pro-Lifers" The Deadliest "Baby Killers" Of All?

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"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives


St. Paul The Apostle Comments On Trump's Greed

Trump Spent The Morning Endorsing Far-Right Fringe -- Including Alex Jones -- On Twitter

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Trump Spent The Morning Endorsing Far-Right Fringe Propaganda On Twitter

Note: Companies like Facebook, Google, the New York Times and Fox News have no legal (or constitutional) obligation to publish anything other than what they want to publish.

The issue has nothing to do with Free Speech.

Nada. Niente. Nihil. Zilch.

Only "The Dunning-Kruger Crowd" will slurp Trump's bilge.

Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effect

New York Times Interviews David Dunning, Co-Author Of The Dunning-Kruger Effect 

McArthur Wheeler: Patron Saint Of American "Conservatism"

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Alex Jones Is Donald Trump's "Go-To" Conspiracy Theorist

Alan:Alex Jones says that Sandy Hook was staged by Homeland Security (using "crisis actors") to turn popular opinion against The Second Amendment.

Do yourself a favor. Google "Alex Jones, child sex slave colony on Mars."

Trump is every bit as wacky, devious and dishonest as Alex Jones -- and immeasurably more.  

"How Trump Became Conspiracy Theorist-In-Chief"

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Alex Jones

Trump Praises Alex Jones'"Amazing Reputation": "I Will Not Let You Down"

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Nutritional Supplement Huckster, Alex Jones, Loses His War On Truth

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Ex-Wife Of Infowars Host Alex Jones Says He's "Worse In Real Life"


Image result for pax on both houses, what fake news really looks like
What Non-Fake News Looks Like

"We Don't Want Fake News. Bad Thing. Very Bad Thing For Our Country." July 5, 2017, Speech Excerpt From  "The Epicenter Of Fake News" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Trump Spreads Fake News While Criticizing Fake News

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Fred Owens' Facebook Page, "Fake News" And The Credibility Of The Mainstream Press


Image result for pax on both houses, trump conspiracist


Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy

My Friends' Devoted Conspiracism Is As Crazy As Trump's Birtherism. What To Do With Lunacy?

Harvey/Irma Hurricane Conspiracy Reveals The Idiocy Of Most Conspiracism

Ongoing Correspondence With A Conspiracist Friend Re: The "Staged" Slaughter At Sandy Hook

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

"Who Killed Sister Cathy?" Tom Nugent

How Rochester, New York Detective Fantigrossi "Leaned On Me" To Identify The Wrong Man

The Thinking Housewife's Conspiracism: Exploring The Falsehood

Discussion With 9/11 Truther Friend About Epistemology, Belief, Certainty And Purpose

The 9/11 Truth Movement: Where Does It Lead?

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

Conspiracy Thinking, The Death Of Shared Identity And The Collapse Of Common Purpose

"Crisis Acting": A Standard Conspiracist Hoax That Supposedly Reveals Hoaxes (Snopes)

The Daily Show Goes To Trump Rally To Hear Conspiracy Theories: They Are Not Disappointed

"More On The Newtown Massacre": Professor David Ray Griffin And The Swamp Of Conspiracism

Trump Resurrects Clinton-Foster Murder Conspiracy

Image result for pax on both houses, trump conspiracist

Tryanny's Best Kept Secret: It's ALL About Epistemology

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If You Don't "See" This Trump Rant As Crazy, You're Crazy Too. Delusional. Whacked Out.


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It's Not Just That Trump And His Lickspittles Lie: They Lie More Brazenly Than Satan Himself


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Reprise: "Must-See" Video Mash-Up Of Trump's Racism

"Want To Lower The Abortion Rate? Support Pro-Choice Policies." The Guardian

Joe Biden's Pitch Perfect Epitomization Of Trump

My Facebook Correspondent Needs To Jump To Conclusions About Everything And Everyone

Image result for "pax on both houses" the buck stops anywhere but here
Karen K: You need to take time to watch what Dinesh D'Souza has put together for us after his thorough investigation into the criminal behavior of the "Democrats" throughout modern history. Not only did they hide under the white hoods of the KKK they ran in the south but they were also the big union bosses up north running the mafia. Why do you think JFK was killed? are you really so blinded by the lies of the left you believe it was just a single lone shooter there in Texas (oh of course, a Russian agent no less) and all their lies should just be ignored? Well... you may be surprised to know there were a few "good men" who loved JFK for real and put into motion a plan way back then to bring down the real criminals .. we can only hope and pray it all comes to light SOON so this madness can be stopped in our own country .. you really believe we should adapt the ways of Cuban and Venezuelan dictators to destroy our own country from within? People who were promised they'd all be "equal" in the end? right.. they're all equally POOR while only a handful of the pigs in the parlor rule over the rest of the poor people who didn't escape the plantation.
 Where do you get all this "Do you really believe?" stuff. 

I believe Maduro is nearly as much of an a-hole as Trump is. 

As for the Cuban economic model, "central-control-and-command government" has never been "my" management method of choice.

It also seems to me that your version of Christianity is compelled to see itself as beleaguered and oppressed - perhaps to keep yourself energized and/or committed? There is no motivator as strong as a real (or perceived) enemy. Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney once said: "Madam, there are two things you need in politics. You need friends. But mostly you need an enemy." (I'm quoting from memory and may be slightly off.) 

As for "who do I think killed Kennedy..." I think the relevant lyric in "Sympathy for The Devil" is probably as good an answer as we'll find. I also think that it is impossible to keep a secret between more than 2 people, and then only when one of them is dead. If there were a massive conspiracy and cover-up someone would have spilled the beans. It takes a "true beiever" to believe otherwise.

Furthermore, there is only so much time and energy in an individual's life and so we have to pick our battles carefully. (This is perhaps as good a time as any to thank you for serving as my intellectual hone in pondering "all" the multiple facets of falsehood and error that I see responsible for "The Undoing of America.")

Personally, Kennedy's assasination is of far less interest to me than fleshing out our understanding of why Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq (a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11), a foolhardy invasion that destabilized the entire Middle East -- and, by extension, the rest of the world.

I would start my investigation with Donald Trump's own critique of The Iraq War. (BTW... Were you in favor of that invasion? I don't know a "Christian""conservative" who wasn't. When Uncle Sam beats the war drum, Trumpistas -- almost all of them white, conservative and "Christian" -- are indistinguishable from Pavlov's dogs.)

"Donald Trump Speaks God's Truth About The Iraq War"

"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq

Properly understood, The Iraq War was an ego-driven exercise in state-sponsored terrorism.

Responsibility for Iraq's ongoing tribulation derives directly from Bush-Cheney's Whimsy War.

Had this Whimsy War not taken place, a powerful (many would say, an "irrefutable") argument could be made that The Middle East would not have collapsed in chaos and that ISIS would not have been born.

500,000 to 1,100,000 Iraqis have already perished in Bush-Cheney's War of Choice, and millions more have suffered permanent physical and psychological damage. (Although I loathe the loss of any innocent life, I do not place as high a proportionate value on the hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of Christians outrageously slaughtered since the millennium began as I do on the million Iraqi dead as a result of Uncle Sam's stupid, unnecessary and counter-productive belligerence.(Again, I'm curious... Did you approve Bush-Cheney's invasion?)

If I had been among those damaged by the Iraq War or its sequelae, I can easily imagine myself a hateful, sworn enemy of the United States.

If tables were turned and Iraq had occupied the United States with similar devastion, American patriots would rise up against Iraq with retributive hatred that would make ISIS look like Mother Theresa's convent.

Hans Blix' Fruitless Search For WMD And Bush/Cheney's Rush To War In Iraq

Cheney's Lucid 1994 Rationale For NOT Invading Iraq. Conservatives "Must" See This

"The Fall Of Iraq. Jawdropping Video Footage Of Cheney, Albright, Gen Clarke & Others"

Image result for "pax on both houses" the buck stops anywhere but here

Photographic Evidence: Trump Caught In His "Biggest" Lie

Trump Says Dubyah Should Be Impeached For Iraq War. Is W Responsible For A Million Dead?

Image result for "pax on both houses" trump clown
I will venture that some of my Trumpista readers will be outraged.
The Clown can dish it out.
But neither he nor his devotees can take it.

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Biden Gives Trump A Nickname: "Clown" https://www.politico.com/story/2019/05/04/joe-biden-trump-clown-2020-1301641

  • Scott Toor Just getting tired of your contest jibberish. Your obbest with trump and you think everything you say is gospel. My mother taught me " never arque with a fool,other people might not know the difference".
  • Karen Kolbinsky Are you kidding? you have that right here in America to make fun of our elected president, Al'an. In other countries you'd go to jail or be put to death but that's what sets us uniquely apart from dictatorships like the ones millions of "immigrants' See More
First, I'm supplying a link to shed light on your statement that "in other countries you'd go to jail or be put to death (for political dissent) but that's what sets us uniquely apart from dictatorships"
"Nine Notorious Dictators, Nine Shout-Outs From Donald Trump"
What stunted, crippling, narrow-minded news sources hold you so captive that you don't even know what's going on in the world?
How can you not know that Trump is a big fan of dictators, and - more generally speaking - autocratic government?
Trump is NOT an advocate of American democracy as we've traditionally known it.
At heart, "The Deplorable One" is an autocrat with a soft spot for dicators all over the world.
True to form, "Deranged Donald" is also a bitter critic of Canada which he calls a "national security threat."
Canada? A national security threat?!?
Notably, Trump never has a harsh word for Putin, Duterte, the Saudi Crown Prince and the rest of The Dictatorial Swamp.
Trump reserves virtually all his political vitriol for America's traditional allies, while calling NFL protestors "sons of bitches."
At the same time he identifies "good people" on both sides of the Charlottesville carnage, where a peaceful protestor was killed in a political climate inflamed by slogan-shouting anti-Semites. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/nazis-racism-charlottesville/536928/
Trump is also a bitter critic of the European Union which anyone with a single functioning synapse knows is home to the largest number of stable democracies in the world.
Why do you conveniently overlook the entire European Union in your headlong rush to make favorable comparison between the "uniquely set apart" United States and death-dealing dictatorships like the Phillipines where Trump's murderous pal Duterte kills citizens at will.
Then there's this: "The death penalty has been completely abolished in all European countries except for Belarus and Russia, the latter of which has a moratorium and has not conducted an execution since 1999."
Of course, it is routine for "Christian""conservatives" to applaud the death-penalty so this killing of American citizens by the American government will warm the hearts of "Christian""cruelists."
American Conservatives And The Righteousness Of Cruelty
"The Cruelty Is the Point": Trump And Many Of His Followers Delight In The Suffering Of Their Enemies
"Cruelty Is The Point": The Scam That Keeps Giving To The Rich - And Thieving From The Poor
Then there's this: "The death penalty has been completely abolished in all European countries except for Belarus and Russia, the latter of which has a moratorium and has not conducted an execution since 1999."
Of course, it is commonplace among "Christian""conservatives" to applaud the death-penalty so this will warm the hearts of "Christian""cruelists."
It is a fact - plain as potatoes - that the United States puts its own citizens to death. How can you argue otherwise and make that argument in order to praise the United States as an "exceptionally" humane, blessed place?!?
When it comes to killing our own citizens we don't even rise to the standard of thug-dictator-kleptocrat Vladimir Putin.

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