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There’s a Bigger Prize Than Impeachment - The Destruction Of The "Republican" Party

Image result for impeaching trump
There’s a Bigger Prize Than Impeachment
Keeping Trump in office will destroy the Republican Party.

By Joe Lockhart
Mr. Lockhart served as White House press secretary from 1998 to 2000.

In the fall of 1998, Erskine Bowles, the White House chief of staff, traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with the speaker of the House. Mr. Bowles enjoyed a better relationship with Speaker Newt Gingrich than anyone in the Clinton White House, partly based on a shared Southern 
heritage and commitment to fiscal conservatism. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Bowles put a very direct question to Mr. Gingrich: Why were the Republicans intent on impeaching Bill Clinton? The speaker replied, “Because we can.”

I had a front-row seat and a small speaking role in the political drama that followed. Now, as the country is gripped by another impeachment debate, many are comparing the two scandals and handicapping what the Democrats might do.

Just as Speaker Gingrich did in 1998, Speaker Nancy Pelosi could direct the impeachment of President Trump because she can. Unlike in 1998, she stands on firmer ground: The Clinton case involved an egregious personal mistake and purported steps to cover it up; the Trump case involves an 
effort to thwart an investigation into a foreign attack on our 
democratic system.

Inevitably the news media and the political chattering class, of which I count myself as a card-carrying member, have focused on the party politics of impeachment. With the benefit of hindsight, impeaching President Clinton was a disaster for the Republicans. Mr. Clinton’s job approval was at a record 73 percent the month he was impeached, 
Democrats defied the odds and picked up seats in the midterm elections 
and Mr. Gingrich returned to the private sector.

Impeaching Bill Clinton was wholly a political decision; the substance mattered little in 1998. Two decades later, Democrats face almost the exact opposite dynamics.

For Democrats, leaving Donald Trump in office is not only good politics — it is the best chance for fundamental realignment of American politics in more than a generation. Mr. Trump is three years into destroying what we know as the Republican Party. Another two years just might finish it 
off. Trumpism has become Republicanism, and that spells electoral doom for the party.

Mr. Trump has abandoned most of the core principles that have defined Republicans for the past century. Free trade abandoned for protectionism. Challenging our adversaries and promoting democracy replaced by coddling Russia and cozying up to dictators near and far. Fiscal conservatism replaced by reckless spending and exploding deficits.

What’s left of the party is a rigid adherence to tax cuts, a social agenda that repels most younger Americans and rampant xenophobia and race-based politics that regularly interfere with the basic functioning of the federal government.

Republicans today are the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson — a coalition that, in the face of every demographic trend in America, will mean the long-term realignment of the federal government behind the Democrats.

We’re not quite there yet — but keeping President Trump in office is the best way to cement Trumpism’s hold on the Republican Party.

Republicans themselves know it, and that simple fact is a huge problem for them: By and large they don’t like him, and they know he’s a long-term problem for the party — but in the short term they know they can’t get re-elected without his voters. For Democrats, it’s the dream scenario — as long as he completes his term.

President Trump should be impeached because he is unfit for the presidency. He represents a clear and present danger to our national security. We didn’t need Robert Mueller’s report for that. But if Newt Gingrich taught us anything, impeaching the president is likely to be bad politics.

Nothing will unite an increasingly fraying Republican Party more than trying to remove the president anywhere but at the ballot box. Democrats risk the kind of overreach that doomed the Republicans 20 years ago. And in any case Democrats are not likely to succeed in getting votes in the Senate to convict the president. And in politics, a loss is a loss — 
there are no moral victories.

I fully understand the historical imperative of holding the president accountable for his behavior. I also share the sentiment of so many Americans who want to punish him for what he’s done to the country. But I believe there is something bigger at stake.

Allowing Mr. Trump to lead the Republican Party, filled with sycophants and weak-willed leaders, into the next election is the greater prize. Democrats have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to realign American politics along progressive lines, very much like Ronald Reagan did for 
Republicans in the 1980s.

Trumpism equals Republicanism as long as Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket. And a real shift to progressivism in America will be delivered by a devastating rebuke of the president and his party, a rebuke that will return control of the Senate and state houses across the nation. Politics is always a gamble — and this is the best bet we’ve had in a long time.

Trump's Two "Camps": Let Those With Eyes To See, See

Image result for cartoon "enemies of the people" " I take them at their word" nick anderson
Trump also calls NFL players "sons of bitches" 
but never - ever - has a bad word to say about Vladimir Putin.

"Now Playing At The Supreme Court: How To Preserve White Power In Four Easy Steps"

Ex-GOP Lawmaker Stunned By Trump Blowing Off Threat Of Russian Hacking: "Simply Incomprehensible!"

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman: "If You're Not Terrified, You're Not Paying Attention"

A Closer Look At The Detrimental Effect Of Trump's Tariffs (Which He's Preparing To Rescind)

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-- The Trump tariffs are best viewed as the equivalent of tax hikes on American consumers, who suffer when higher costs are passed along to them. An approaching election therefore creates stronger political incentives to roll them back.
The tariffs that Trump imposed last year on foreign washing machines, for example, have cost U.S. consumers $815,000 for every job created, according to a new study by economists at the University of Chicago and the Federal Reserve. There was the expected rise in retail prices from foreign manufacturers such as Samsung and LG. “Then domestic manufacturers followed suit, simply because they could,” Chris Ingraham explains. “All told, the research shows, U.S. consumers are spending an additional $1.5 billion a year on washers and dryers as a result of the tariffs. That’s an extra $86 for each washing machine and $92 for each dryer. And less than 10 percent of that goes to the U.S. treasury — about $82.2 million.”

Image result for trump tariffs "so easy to win"
-- Polling underscores the political imperative for Trump to look like he’s making headway on winding down the trade wars, which he once declared would be “easy” to win. Last summer, the Chicago Council found that 82 percent of Americans believe international trade is good for the U.S. economy and that 63 percent thought that NAFTA is good for the U.S. economy. Last spring, Pew Research Center found that 56 percent of Americans think free trade agreements between the U.S. and other countries have generally been a good thing.

"Trump Is An Idiot's Idea Of A Genius"

Trump's Unflagging Support For Saudi Arabia And The Murderous Saud Family

A float depicts President Trump as an angel behind Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with a bloody chain saw prior to the traditional carnival parade in Düsseldorf, Germany, last month. (Martin Meissner/AP)
A float depicts President Trump as an angel behind Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with a bloody chain saw prior to the traditional carnival parade in Düsseldorf, Germany, last month. (Martin Meissner/AP)

Saudi Arabia's Support For Wahhabi Radicalism Is The Taproot Of Islamic Terrorism

"House Of Bush, House Of Saud," Craig Unger

Oct 18, 2018 - Jamal Khashoggi: What the Arab world needs most is free expression ... Saudi Arabia's information war to bury news of Jamal Khashoggi.
Oct 19, 2018 - On October 3rd, the day after Jamal Khashoggi disappeared, the Washington Post received a final column left behind with his assistant when ...
Nov 30, 2018 - The White House Coverup Of The Saudi Coverup Of The Jamal Khashoggi Murder. A Deal You Can't Refuse 30 Pieces Of Silver To Support ...

Nov 3, 2018 - The president is doing very little to get to the bottom of what happened to Jamal Khashoggi. Read more ». Image result for pax on both houses, ...
Yemen is the Saudi royal family's "private little war" and it is as morally depraved as Saudi Arabia's killing and dismembering of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/…/saudi-arabians-suppor…

About this website
President Trump issued the second veto of his presidency Tuesday, blocking a congressional effort to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, which has killed thousands of civilians and sparked the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. The War Powers Resolution was passed by the House earlier...

Most Recent Installment Of My Ongoing Discussion Of Trump/Trumpistas With Friend ZZ

Image result for pax on both houses trump

Alan: You will find the prelude to this most recent installment of my discussion of "Trump and Trumpistas" with friend ZZ at https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/04/my-facebook-discussion-with-friend-zz.html

ZZ: So your response is, basically, "Ad hominem personal attacks work, and the ends justify the means."

Alan: Yes, I am arguing that "ad hominem" attacks work. 

I am also spotlighting the truth that "ad hominem" attacks are not necessarily "bad" but can work toward honorable and beneficial ends.

I am not currently arguing that "the end justifies the means" although I am open to that discussion. 

Once an individual moves beyond the indisputable fact that "ad hominem attack" is a "logical fallacy" and then acknowledges that "ad hominem attacks" can ALSO be appropriate tools for drawing attention to the personal shortcomings of public figures, then ad hominem attacks become acceptable -- even necessary -- criticisms of essentially destructive people like Trump, Bannon and Stephen Miller - The Unholy Trinity

In fact, given the large percentage of citizens who do not read thoughtful, methodical, well-reasoned writing, "ad hominem" critique can be the best -- and sometimes the only -- way of "getting through."

Ponder that. 

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Donald Trump, Wikiquote

It's Not Just That Trump And His Lickspittles Lie: They Lie More Brazenly Than Satan Himself


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Steve Bannon
Image result for "pax on both houses" stephen miller
Stephen Miller

In any discussion of "ad hominem" argument, the distinction between "logical fallacy" and (the possibility of) "accurate personal evaluation" is crucial. 

It is a fact, for example, that Hitler was a mofo

It is not necessary to read William Shirer's "The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich" to reach this conclusion. But it is useful -- even crucial -- that people who won't read Shirer's book come in contact with ad hominem arguments that clarify his abomination. 

Of course you can't get through to everybody:

Image result for hitler memes

It is a fact -- plain as potatoes -- that Trump and the lion's share of followers -- millions of whom applaud the above meme -- call to mind Hitler's brown shirts during the run-up to Kristallnacht. 

"Pittsburgh Rabbi Told Trump That Hate Speech Led To Synagogue Massacre"

(Although I may be over-dosing you with factual, well-documented argument, please riffle through this post.)

Must-See Video Mash-Up Of Trump's Violent Racism

I have studied "the biographical facts" of these dangerous, destructive, ill-informed, ideological suckholes and I declare with complete confidence that "the good Germans" are usually uncaring (and often cruel) people. 

These psycho-spiritually deformed devotees swarm around Trump like flies around shit and they are willing accomplices who parasitize the life-blood of Civilization while claiming to restore the all-white Neverland myth of "a home on the range where the deer and the antelope play and the skies are not cloudy all day." 

The Golden Age that never was - and never will be.

George McGovern Comments On America's Ideological Divide
("Liberalism: A Defense Of The Future Against The Past" is an unusually insightful essay.)

My conscience will not let me stand idle, and so I call these people on the carpet for their stuporous, ignore-ant support of non-representative authoritarian governance, neo-fascist erosion of The Rule Of Law, widespread racism, a hard-on for white supremacy, the persistent quest to replace Democracy with Theocracy,  and -- in the case of "family separation" -- child abuse, kidnapping and a kind of "human trafficking" that has placed hundreds (if not thousands) of these children into "homes" that cannot be located because nobody knows Where The Fuck they are. 

Please note that I have changed my previous adjectival reference from "stupid" to "stuporous." 

You are right. 

Often, Trumpistas are not stupid.

But they were stuporous when they first "signed off" on Trump and they are ongoingly stuporous if they have not yet withdrawn their support. 

The word "ignore-ant" however is precisely the word to describe Trumpistas. 

To argue otherwise is to duplicate Chamberlain's accommodation of the growing fascist threat.

To remain in Trump's camp, it is necessary to immerse oneself -- with willful imperviousness -- in a state of stupefaction and ignore-ance. 

"The Cruelty Is the Point": Trump And Many Of His Followers Delight In The Suffering Of Their Enemies

The Atlantic Magazine

I could go on. 

And I would bet dollars-to-donuts that you could go on too...  

ZZ: I accept that in some cases the ends DO justify the means. But I am not convinced that an ever-deepening spiral of tribal hate will get us where I want to be as a human and an American. Also, one must define what one means when one says something is "successful." Winning a an election is one metric, the country being less divided and more able to have constructive public discourse is another.

If Trump and his followers had actually read any of my intellectually rigorous criticisms of "The Despicable One" and his -- how shall we call it? -- "Republican Party," there would be, at least in theory, some chance of constructive public discourse. 

But they do not read "anything" unless it is supersaturated with "confirmation bias." 

For God's sake, Trump doesn't even read his National Security briefings!?!

Breaking With Tradition, Trump Skips President's Written Intelligence Briefings

Image result for pax on both houses, trump national security threat

My considered view of the gusher of de novo falsehood spouting from "the right side of the aisle" is that "Trumpistas" (there is no better word...) want to be lied to. 

Have you read Karen Kolbinsky's comments?

It's Not Just That Trump And His Lickspittles Lie: They Lie More Brazenly Than Satan Himself


ZZ: I agree that some % of Trump's 2016 win can be attributed to his successful use of these tactics--he beat down his primary opponents with stuff like this, and has been relentless in such attacks against anyone he dislikes or by whom he feels threatened. Will he, in the end, be successful (from his or his supporters' point of view)? I'm not sure. His damage to our judicial system is going to be long-lasting at the very least, but politically and personally his "success" remains to be seen.

Alan: "Success..." 

I have a well-honed sense of ironic distance, paradox and unintended consequences. 

Furthermore, my shitometer is as good as anyone's. 

But whether or not we use the word "success," Trump, Bannon and lesser liars like Kellyanne and The Huckster have, in less than two years, made astonishing "progress" (aka "regress") reducing a more-or-less tolerable polity to shambles - shambles from which it will be difficult to recover even if the Dems win next year. 

And if Dems don't win when the election rolls around in 19 months, expect the beginning of the end. 

There will be a Kristallnacht. (History will not repeat itself, but it will "rhyme.")

That said, I am not a hidebound ideologue. 

In September of last year I expressed the following view that another 4 years of Trump might be a good thing. 

Alan: What does an empire-in-decline look like? 



So cowardly that citizens kill their fellows "on suspicion" and pass laws to legalize "stand your ground" murder? 

Are empires-in-decline driven by fear rather than aspiration? 

Are empires-in-decline so hostile to political compromise that The Body Politic agrees on nothing? 

Do empires-in-decline exhibit collapsed Social Contracts? 

Do they dismiss The General Welfare on behalf of plutocrats and kakistocrats? 

Is individualism lauded at the expense of communitarianism? 

Does paranoid self-protectiveness prevail? 


Battened hatches? 

Circled wagons? 

Guns everywhere... (and geometrically more on the way).

The Silver Lining:

In the long run, the collapse of empire may not be a bad thing.

Former empires are often quite livable places. 

Italy. Spain. Holland. Portugal. Germany. England. Greece.

Plus there's this fringe benefit: collapse of The American Empire would put an end to the bloodiest of them all. 

"You Have NO Choice," A New Frame For George Carlin's Classic Shtick "The American Dream"

(Don't miss "We Like War")

ZZ: As to my two friends who voted for Trump, you dismiss them with opinions stated as facts, claiming "it is objectively 'stupid and ignorant' to 'hate taxes.'" Calling something "objective" does not make it so.

Alan: Given that "taxes are the price we pay for civilization,""hating taxes" is objectively stuporous and ignore-ant. And not only does "tax hatred" result in monstrosities like The Tea Party, it is also true that every human being whose ignore-ance causes her to hate the a priori need for taxes -- is objectively wrong-minded (if, of course, we postulate the desirability of Civilization)

ZZ: I agree that taxes, rule of law, and the imperfection of those things are some of the prices we pay for the civilization we have. Having one false or wrong-headed belief does not make someone stupid (or ignorant). For example, I can claim with surety that the Judeo-Christian God is objectively false, yet many indisputable geniuses believe in it with all their heart.

And you're right: I will not extend an invitation to friends to come "discuss" something with someone whose opinion is unchangeable and who thinks insulting them is a fine way to have a discussion.

I am not insulting them. 

I am describing them. 

Furthermore, if your friends entered this discussion, I believe they would learn something important - unless they are even more ignore-ant than I suppose. 

Hopefully I would learn something too. 

However, keeping them at bay suggests you are fearful they will not make a "good showing." 

After all, you know that you are very smart, so why not "make their case for them?" 

What better way to "win at any cost?" - even at the cost of keeping "the principals" out of their own argument... 


Sounds a bit like Trump's handlers not letting him testify before Mueller.

You "should" at least invite your friends into this discussion and let them choose if they will or won't engage. 

If they are as smart as you say --- and not just "accidental" supporters of a neo-fascist, white supremacist movement fully capable of "taking the country down" by re-igniting the Civil War (which never really ended) --- let's hear their arguments. 

And if they are as smart as you say -- and they do not persist in their ignore-ance by ignoring "current events," have they recanted their stuporous "single issue" commitment to the putrescent moral monster in the White House?

The claim that you will expose them to gratuitous "insult" is, in my view, another glimpse of your surprising preciousness.

In any event, I am very interested to know if they still support Trump and beseech you to send me the answer.

Also, I'm glad to see you use an ad hominem attack by alleging I'm "someone whose opinion is unchangeable."

The downside of this particular ad hominem attack is its falsehood. 

I am not unchangeable as you say and, indeed, have already changed one of the two most important words in my rhetoric, replacing my inaccurate reference "stupid" with the word "stuporous."

I will also mention the likelihood that I am significantly more latitudinarian and accommodating than you think.

Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Debate

ZZ: My Godwin's law reference was more tongue-in-cheek than serious; I do agree that you can compare Trump to lots of historical figures, Hitler included. I personally try to avoid doing so because I don't find it productive, but fair enough.

ZZ: I do not think it would be wise to make Spanish an official language because the US doesn't have an official language, and I like it that way.

I agree with you. It is better not to have an official language. 

Even so, my rhetorical flourish was illuminating - as is the following similarly-themed post. 

"Alright, I Was Wrong... Mexico Will Pay For The Wall"

ZZ: I'm being "precious" not about the specific neologism, but about the idea that the way to make the US a better place is to insult people with whom we disagree.

To call my view of Trump and Trumpism an "insult" to Trumpistas -- and to suggest that I admit to a "disagreement" while retracting my moral judgment concerning the essential madness of Trump supporters -- is like the precious disingenuousness of Fox News claiming to be "fair and balanced" by devising televised "debates" that put climate scientists on the same panel with members of The Flat Earth Society.

"The Guardian: John Oliver's Viral Video Is The Best Climate Debate You'll Ever See"

"The barbarians are inside the gates" Zach.

And you remain strangely reluctant to sound the alarm.

Shades of Chamberlain's accommodation?

ZZ: I'm spending a lot of time discussing this with you because I think it's important. I'm pretty sure I would agree with 95% of your political opinions, and so this is to some degree a case of the left eating its own. But I refuse to succumb to the right-wing idea that winning is everything, that unity is to be had at all costs because winning is everything, or that anything like cruelty should have a comfortable place in my personal repertoire.

Winning is not everything. 

I voted against Jimmy Carter's re-election and 3 of my 4 favorite presidents are Republicans. 

Furthermore, my Dad was a dyed-in-the-wool "Roosevelt Democrat" who pounded the pavement for Democratic candidates into his '80s. 

Nevertheless, he voted for card-carrying socialist Norman Thomas in 1948. 

And he voted for Eisenhower -- both times -- because he thought Adlai Stevenson would not be an ineffective executive. (Oddly, my sister and I have long thought Adlai was the Democratic politician most like my Dad.)

ZZ: I am familiar with the Borowitz Report. I love political humor, and I think that the best partisan political humor is funny to both sides, or at least acknowledges that both sides are fundamentally human.

Please send me a few URLs  that connect to funny right-wing humor. (P.J. O'Rourke is a red herring.)

Again, I am very eager to be directed to genuinely funny right-wing comedians. 

However, my working hypothesis is that the concept of a "funny right-winger" is as close as I'll get to a good laugh.

Concerning "fundamental humanity..."

It is a fact that -- for many human beings -- being stuporous and/or being ignore-ant IS fundamentally human. 

Make no mistake.

Hitler was fundamentally human. 

Goering was fundamentally human. 

Goebbels was fundamentally human. 

Mengele was (perhaps) fundamentally human. 

Himmler was fundamentally human. 

Eichmann was fundmentally human. (Read Thomas Merton's view of 'the other Adolf': "Eichmann, Sanity And Normality." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/07/thomas-merton-adolf-eichmann-sanity-and.html)

ZZ: To me, taking the gloves off does not automatically include punching below the belt, nor does it include punching someone's kids. Dirty pool is dirty pool, and once I feel the urge to start sacrificing my principles to win, I really need to think hard about what that means.

Setting aside my memes (which I consider this era's "political cartoons"), please probe my online essays: http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/ 

And while you're poking around, please identify at least a few titles (with links) where, on balance, I play dirty pool, punch below the belt and sacrifice principles to win.

Best Trump Memes From Pax On Both Houses

Referring to Trump's Base as "Trumpista" is not an insult, much less the kind of dirty pool dehumanization you allege. 

It seems to me that a lion's share of Trumpistas do their best to dehumanize others by first dehumanizing themselves. 

Trumpistas have stunted themselves with self-imposed small-mindedness and ferocious determination to replace any kind of well-considered epistemology with whole-cloth lies -- then they lie to cover up their lies (in infinite regress) -- and end their "feast" with a "chaser" of fake news and alternative facts.  

Yet you are hot under the collar because I call these people "Trumpistas?"

If they are "conservative," what are they "conserving?"

And if they're "Republican," what -- prithee -- do they have in common with The Party of Lincoln?

They are, in fact, Trumpistas - most of them lickspittle devotees of a personality cult. 

Again, have you read Karen Kolbinsky's comments?

In the Old Testament, one of Yahweh's first enjoinders is to "name the animals."

If we do not give Trumpistas their "true name" -- or at least a name that is not another lie like "conservative" or "Republican" -- we have no place to "make a stand," particularly at this critical moment in history when a properly taxonomized stand needs to be taken.

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"Julian Castro, The Democrat Presidential Candidate Eager To Challenge Trump On Immigration"


The Borowitz Report: "Trump Sends National Guard To His Accountant's Office"


Christian Conservative Friend KK And The Devastating Epistemological Crisis Of America

In a 2018 interview, Trump said: “When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote... they go around in circles. Sometimes they | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"Trump Surrogate Kris Kobach's Last Voter Fraud Case Crashes And Burns - Like All The Others"
America's core crisis is epistemological.

There is no longer a concensus concerning the hallmarks of trustworthy information and trustworthy information-gathering.

Admittedly nothing is perfect.

But when American "conservatives" lambaste "scientific findings" just because it suits their ideological presumption, we have fallen through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole.

There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: "It's a pound." Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating. Denis de Rougemont

It seems to me you have forgotten that you are cheating, and so every bit of information you hold sacred subjects you to The Great Bamboozlehttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2018/12/carl-sagan-on-mystery-why-common-sense.html

My head, my heart and my soul all tell me that Yeshua would not be happy with this disregard for Scientific Method and the torrential cascade of intellectual sloppiness that comes in tow. 

An anecdote... 

I am not an Episcopalian but I sometimes wear a teeshirt which advertises "The 10 Reasons Why I Am An Episcopalian." Reason #4 is: "I don't have to check my brain at the door."

Yes, I know. 

You can comfort yourself with Paul's condemnation of "the wisdom of this world." 

According to the received wisdom of "The Other World" you and your fellows are The Chosen Ones and ONLY the True Believers in your mutual admiration society are in possession of real Wisdom and Truth. 

Everyone else is up to NO GOOD -- pitiable thralls of Satan destined for the "Unquenchable Lake Of Fire."

Pope Francis: "The Temptation Of Making Idols Of Certain Abstract Truths"

Pope Francis: The Horror Of Religious Fundamentalism And What's Wrong With Religion

Consider Karen how you sing the praises of The Electoral College but will be unmoved by Trump's categorization of The Electoral College as "a sham, a travesty and a disgusting injustice"which has "made a laughingstock of our nation.""We are not a democracy... The world is laughing at us."

5 Years Ago Trump Said The Electoral College Was "A Sham, A Travesty, A Disgusting Injustive"

Conservative Christians are accustomed to "taking things on faith" and so many Trumpistas are content to pluck whatever "Donald quotation" they need to support their "passionate advocacy of the moment." And at the very moment they pluck whatever random rambling they need straight out of Trump's ass, they blithely disregard the rest - pay not a whit of attention to the rest of his sludge even if 90% of it contradicts the quotation of which they're so fond.

I have no doubt you will find a way to disregard every scathing comment Trump has made about The Electoral College - even though there is no evidence he has changed his mind on the topic.

And even if has changed his mind, who knows when he will change it again?

Trump is fully aware that he simply has to say "everything" enabling his followers to find whatever sound bite they need. And they will seize on that needed sound bite with such ferocity that they disregard the rest - and disregard it so totally that they have no clue they're chucking it down The Memory Hole.

The upshot?

It is exceptionally dishonest to have no criteria for truth except "any damn datum" that confirms one's passionate heat-of-the-moment.

Somehow, this persistent epistemological deviousness simultaneously tranforms every Trumpista's fondest thought into Absolute Truth -- without any need for research or validation.

Image result for "pax on both houses" opinion word of god

Homosexuality, Christianity And "The Sin Of Sodom"

Sodom and Gomorrah from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel, 1493. Lot's wife, already transformed into a salt pillar, is in the center.

Alan Archibald
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Occupy Democrats

Kudos to Pres. Carter for speaking the Gospel of TRUTH!
April 15 at 6:50 PM
Follow Occupy Democrats for more!

  • KK: Jesus had a lot to say about sexual immorality of any kind to whoever was listening. He didn't need to point out Sodom and Gamorrah other than to remind us all through His teaching it would be what the world looks like when He returns and that such a See More

  • KK: You might want to check out what the Lord Himself is speaking to the Church of Thyatira compared to what He was saying to Philadelphia and Smyrna. Of course there are 4 other churches who receive a rebuke there but to Thyatira He clearly says "I gave her space to repent but she did not" and is talking about that "Jezebel" who teachers His servants to commit fornication.. Take time to read that story again in the Old Testament.. about Jezebel who exalted her false god baal, stoned any prophet who dared oppose her, led all the dumbest of the sheep to follow in her steps until finally one day the prophet Elijah returned to prove to them all who GOD really IS .. not just a wannabe god like baal or whoever wanted to give him power over the Almighty Himself. Whatever alias he chooses in any age? He's the same old same old liar he's been from the day he deceived the first woman who believed him over the Creator Himself.
  • Alan Archibald Life - even in the bible - is more complicated than "conservative" Christians would like to believe, or perhaps I should say "need" to believe. 

    Their determination to "keep it simple" -- ascending every soapbox to proclaim "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." -- is a postur
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    Two Prostitutes Were Direct Ancestors Of Jesus: Tamar And Rahab, The Harlot Of Jericho
    Two Prostitutes Were Direct Ancestors Of Jesus: Tamar And Rahab, The…
    Two Prostitutes Were Direct Ancestors Of Jesus: Tamar And Rahab, The Harlot Of Jericho
  • KK: it's true two prostitutes were ancestors.. actually not sure of any but one .. Rahab the harlot.. she ended up marrying the father of Boaz if I remember right.. you can be sure she'd have totally repented from her own wrong, sinful life style just like Mary Magdalene had. The Lord comes down hard on those who persisted in going in every wrong way after the ways of the "gentile nations" around them. Constantly the true prophets were calling the people to repentance and warning them of the kind of discipline they were about to receive for rejecting that call to turn back to the right way. The only time we hear about homosexual behavior in the Old Testament it has to do with warnings about how God dealt with the cities of Sodom and Gamorrah. Jesus taught that in the last days the world would be come so evil, so wicked that men would call evil good and good evil. The judgment will be the same on the world in the end of time as it had been on Sodom and Gamorran and as it had been on the people in the Days of Noah when men's thoughts had become continuously wicked to the extent that God said He was sorry he had ever created man. the only time the apostles talk about sexual immorality in the New Testament is to say it's forbidden and never to be named once as becoming saints who are followers of Jesus. The people were warned to not take lightly the commandments and that if we are loving God for real we won't. We are called to live our lives like Jesus lived His. Paul clearly calls out whoever exchanges the natural "use" of our bodies for what he identified as being totally unacceptable behavior for those who were sharing communion within the fellowship of the churches in Rome and throughout the "pagan" and "heathen" countries where it had been practiced .. this wasn't to say that those who had been living that lifestyle couldn't be forgiven, cleansed and fully restored as so many have throughout the ages. in Israel homosexuality was a foreign concept. it wasn't practiced by anyone at all openly which is why Jesus didn't talk about it.. Jesus so raised the standard for sexual purity and faithfulness to one spouse so high that he told me that if they lusted after women it would be better to pluck out their eye and that to lust after another man's wife was the same as if he were already to have committed the act of adultery.. his call was for us to be morally clean and holy not to indulge in sinful behavior like the "gentiles" had considered normal. It's only the Lord Himself who can make us clean. That's His promise and why it is He chose the cross as the means of redemption for all who really see and understand that cost and come to know and love Him so we won't turn back to wrong and evil ways.
    • Alan Archibald Here is Ezekiel's explanation of Sodom's sin.

      Why is it that conservative Christians always drone on about carnal sins while blowing off spiritual sins that are so much more central to humankind's plight?

      I mean they just "blow them off."

      Pretend they're not even there.

      On the other hand, conservative Christians NEVER pretend carnal sin isn't there.

      Carnal sin is their daily bread.

      It's what they feed on.

      But carnal second is secondary. (We don't even think about gluttony or Trump's greed which St. Paul calls "the root of ALL evil."

      Chesterton observed that "Religion is putting first things first."

      Well how about it?

      How about reversing the two visions of "Sodom's sin" so that the carnal/homosexual vision becomes as completely ignored as you (and most conservative Christians) have ignored Ezekiel's vision?

      How about spending the rest of your life focusing Sodom's sin as Ezekiel "saw it" while blowing off your obsession with carnality and homosexuality as represented in Genesis?

      Until now, it appears you've had no trouble ignoring Ezekiel's vision.
      "The Sin Of Sodom" According To Ezekiel
      "The Sin Of Sodom" According To Ezekiel
      "The Sin Of Sodom" According To Ezekiel

""The Same People Who Think Obama Is A Muslim Think Trump Is A Christian": A Closer Look

  • KK: Actually Obama is a Muslim but not practicing much of what the prophet teaches. As far as Trump being a Christian that's what he professes to be his faith openly and honestly what he believes though he's a very "new" believer and I am sure has lots to learn .. it sure seems like he's learning about all the part of suffering constant accusations from people who claim they're Christians who slander him non stop.. from what I've heard to slander is equal to murder. Let God be his judge and realize it's with the measure you use to judge him your own judgment will be decided one day. You may want to back off and consider what it is the Lord asks of all of us .. to examine our own hearts and make sure we are found worthy and living lives that are acceptable .. Jesus said we're to be holy as He and our Father in Heaven are "holy" That might be a good word study for anyone who doesn't know what that word means.
  • KK: It is amazing to me though that people who believe it's perfectly ok to break God's commandments concerning adultery and fornication and sexually immoral behavior without any fear whatsoever of judgment are first to demand nobody dare judge them or in any way talk about their behavior being sinful.. the same people hate TRUMP and slander him constantly accusing him of being less moral than they are.. it's kind of comical but at the same time truly tragic.

Biden Announces Candidacy; Shakes Up Race With Strong Lead Over Trump

Image result for "pax on both houses" biden harris in 2020

There is, of course, an ocean of water yet to go under the bridge.

Even so, Biden's poll numbers are good news. (He could have lost to Trump in the polling...)

Just now it occurs to me that a ticket lead by Biden is likely to bring Obama on board as a "full-time" campaigner. 

Notably, people like Obama. (People like Joe too.) 

Although Obama's presence in the race might energize Trump's diehard Base, other Trump supporters could warm to Obama's participation in the campaign in ways "likely" to strip His Deplorability of 5-10% of those folks who -- for example -- voted for Mafia Don to "shake things up." 

And if Kamala Harris is Joe's vice-presidential pick, Obama's advocacy reaches critical mass.

Check this out:
A study by the Democracy Fund Voter Study Group found that 9.2% of Obama voters voted for Trump in 2016. According to the American National Election Study, 13% of Trump voters had voted for Obama in 2012.

Alan: Immediately below is the article referenced in this email's subject line. 
The subsequent links are my blog posts about Joe.
Joe Biden shakes up presidential race with strong lead over Trump and two endorsements

What Donald Trump Actually Did In 2016 According To The Mueller Report And Where The Special Counsel Found No Evidence Of Trump Involvement

"Unlawful & Condemnable": Fox Legal Analyst Says Trump's Obstruction Case Is Overwhelming

La Guelaguetza, Oaxaca, Mexico

"QAnon" As Promoted By A Christian Conspiracist Friend... And My Reply

Image result for q conspiracy
It is woefully insufficient - indeed it is intellectually reprehensible - to devise conspiracy theories whose design obliges people to believe the conspiracy theory.

And if people refuse to “sign off” on the theory (which, notably, is still called a theory) they are represented as fools, wandering the desert, perversely refusing to accept their initiation as one of the cognoscenti.

Predictably, the supposed "perversion" of these “lost souls” only deepens the conviction among cognoscenti that they - and they alone - have been entrusted with The Truth.

The appetite for gullibility is insatiable.
you know there are some of us who just aren't stupid enough to buy whatever LIE the "LEFT" have to assure us is the whole truth and nothing but? Some of us really are smart enough to think it all through and decide for ourselves after thoroughly investigating before we judge a matter .. like Einstein said we must if we want to actually KNOW what's TRUE.. GOOD RIGHT according to who? which standard being used to JUDGE? just wondering is all.. who am I supposed to believe? False witnesses? or real evidence? just wondering.. I am equally part of the same JURY you are, Alan. My voice is equal to yours. Not because of race or religion or gender. TRUTH matters. Without TRUTH there can't be JUSTICE? You are about to lynch a man who's already been proven innocent ? because you already concluded he was guilty even before he'd been tried and found otherwise? then you will accuse who? this is amazing. just beyond my ability to comprehend how people who can promote the slaughtering of the most innocent among us believe themselves morally superior to any of us.. I think the word "insanity" is the only one I can come up with to explain how this could be.. "not knowing the difference between RIGHT from WRONG" .. maybe at least a few can be found innocent based on this one argument if nothing else works for them. I choose to hold onto what I know is good, right and true that has been passed down through the ages to me by people I know have loved us enough to shed their own blood, sweat and tears to not only give us birth but to SAVE US.. that's my own judgment. I will never change my mind.

Remastered version of original Q - The Plan To Save The World. Also on Bitchute:…

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