Channel: Pax on both houses
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The Difference Between "Diversity" And "Inclusion"

Dog Owners Are Much Happier Than Cat Owners, Survey Finds

A History Of Trump's Incitation Of Violence

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Reprise: "Must-See" Video Mashup Of Trump's Racism
Nov 5, 2018 - https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2018/11/pittsburgh-rabbi-told-trump-that- ... Trump Isn't Inciting Violence By Mistake, But On Purpose.
Jan 24, 2018 - Don Lemon Says Trump Incites Violence; Asks The Despicable One "What Grade Are You In?" Image result for pax on both houses enemies.
Jul 1, 2018 - Snopes: "Did Donald Trump Incite Violence At His Rallies?" Image result for pax on both houses, trump beat the crap. Snopes: "Did Donald ...
Jun 29, 2017 - Two Lawsuits Accuse The President Of Inciting Violence - And A Third May Be On ... Pax on both houses: Donald Trump: Truth Doesn't Matter.
Oct 30, 2018 - https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/back-trump-comments-perceived-encouraging-violence/story?id=48415766 ...

Women: In The Dark Again...

Image result for trump adhd

Foul Audio Tape: Trump Encourages His Fellows To Just "Grab Them By The Pussy"
Trump's First Wife Ivana, Talks About His "Raping" Her

Audio Tape: Trump Brags About Trying To "Fuck" A "Married Woman"

Audio Tape: Trump Says On Hot Mic: "When You're A Star... You Can Do Anything" To Women

PBS: Melania Trump Worked In U.S. Without Visa; Took Jobs Away From Native Born Americans And Immigrants Who Got In Line  

If Trump Wins And Your Kids Google "First Lady," Here's What They'll Get
This Is America's "Christian" Candidate. Take A Good Look. Call The Kids!

The A.D.H.D. Presidency Of Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump Suffers From A.D.H.D. Reflexive Not Reflective | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Does Donald Trump Have A.D.H.D.?
Kevin Drum
Mother Jones

Does Trump Have A.D.H.D.?
My Professional Opinion

Clinical Psychologist | Founder Sachs Center

Does Donald Trump Have A.D.H.D.?

Hyperactive-In-Chief: This Is The Presidency On A.D.H.D.

Donald Trump's A.D.H.D. Pours Cold Water On The Goldwater Rule

A.D.H.D. In Adults: The Full Scoop
An Excellent Compendium For Understanding The Breadth And Depth Of A.D.H.D. In Adults

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"Adults With ADHD Have Many Comorbidities,"Journal Of The New England Journal Of Medicine

The A.D.H.D. Presidency

What To Do When Your Child Is A Bully
A.D.H.D. sufferers are four (4) times more likely to bully - and many times more likely to have multiple psychological issues - Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Depression among them.

A Presidency On Drugs:
The Trump Administration Makes The News Cycle Feel Like A Bad Dose Of Amphetamines
The Nation

Could Donald Trump Have A.D.H.D.?

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A.D.H.D. In Adults: The Full Scoop
An Excellent Compendium For Understanding The Breadth And Depth Of A.D.H.D. In Adults

Ky Ryssdal's "Marketplace" Panel Proclaims Trump Knows Nothing About The Fed And Most Other Economic Matters

Trump Doesn't Underestand How The Fed Works. He Doesn't Understand What The Fed Does. He Doesn't Understand Monetary Policy. He Doesn't Unde | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Ky Ryssdal's "Marketplace" Panel Proclaims Trump Knows Nothing About The Fed And Most Other Economic Matters
At the very top of the following "Marketplace" webpage, drag your cursor to the 3:44 mark and be flabbergasted (as I was) at how little Trump knows about macro-level economics.
(Lifelong friend "Hip" has known Trump's dentist of 40 years and "the good doctor" says: "Trump doesn't know anything. And, he doesn't want to know anything.")

NBA Refereeing Has Only Gotten Better But Generalized Distrust Of Authority Thinks Otherwise


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Alan: If we cannot play "by the rules" -- even when mistakes are made -- there can be no game.

Sure, we should acknowledge that "it's a game" and that we have agreed to "play by rules" (including the rules, written and unwritten, whereby we can change the rules.)

At issue is the conflict between the centrality of "Rugged Individualism" and the centrality of "The Common Good" and "The General Welfare." 

Which is primary? 


Or, "we?"

When "we" do not agree upon rules, the descent into chaos looks a lot like the current "fraying of America."

Like breaking windows in an abandoned building, the fissive energy of violence and destruction is "an easy high."

But the greatest power -- and the most integral integrity -- reside in the energy released by fusion.

Ironically, "conservative""Christianity's" purported commitment to "religious authority" (which routinely means "my personal view of authority is God's own view") is the cutting edge of chaos.

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Hoop Reams


Michael Lewis
This American Life
Writer Michael Lewis takes us inside the world of NBA refereeing. He explains how protests about unfair calls have increased in recent years. However, at the same time, hard evidence suggests referees have only gotten better and better at making good calls. Lewis says this is actually indicative of a larger trend in America — people distrusting authorities, judges and referees of all kinds. This story is a version of the first episode of his new podcast Against the Rules. (32 minutes)

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Interviews Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: AOC And The Green New Deal

Discussion On My Facebook Page Concerning Media Treatment Of Donald Trump

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JM: You might not like our president Alan but he will go down as the president who woke up The world to our corrupt liberal media. It is my opinion that you will see the largest landslide victories in the last 100 years as a result of what they have done. I voted for Obama and after what the liberal media has done to the president of our United States there is no wonder why the Democratic Party is falling apart. I'm ashamed of it!

Alan Archibald Thanks for your commentary Jim.

Like my father before me, I am not a perfectionist and have long thought America's fundamental political aspiration should be to keep manifest lunatics out of office.

Then, when something good actually happens, just think of it as "gravy."

Without broaching discussion of Trump's mental health... please name the conservative newspapers, magazines and media outlets that you think do as good a job as the Washington Post, The New York Times, the McClatchey newspapers, The Atlantic, Harpers, Utne Reader, Salon, Slate and NPR (despite their acknowledged imperfections)?

Although "The National Review" -- a revered beacon of conservative thought founded by William Buckley in 1956 -- is once again drifting toward Trump... just two years ago NR had the good sense to offer this critique of "The Man Who Lies More Easily Than He Metabolizes": “(Trump is) a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot in behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as The Donald himself.”

Furthermore, conservative luminaries Bill Kristol, George F. Will, David Frum and P.J. O'Rourke all react to Trump as if he were force-fed ipecac.

As for Faux News, Chris Wallace and Shep Smith have already turned on The Solipsist while elsewhere I see little but foxy evasion, deliberately-misleading apologetics, deviously-crafted deception and straightforward lies, a toxic brew that makes Megyn Kelly's criticism of Fox seem mild: http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../megyn-kelly-says...

Notably, we witness none of these vicious "in-house" attacks on "the left side of the aisle," whereas -- until now -- it has been conservatives who have not broken ranks.

I think Obama got very little criticism from his liberal fellows because there was very little to criticize - and a lot to admire. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../historians-and...

But returning to my core question...

Where, Jim, do you turn for "truth in reporting?"

And how much of Trump's own commentary do you take to be true? http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trump-lies-lies...

Megyn Kelly Says Working For Fox News Is "Like Working In North Korea"
Megyn Kelly Says Working For Fox News Is "Like Working In North…
Megyn Kelly Says Working For Fox News Is "Like Working In North Korea"

Of Mice And Men: The 'Doomsday Vault' Seed Storage Imperiled By Melting Permafrost

What Could Possibly Make Trump's Chief Of Staff Say Such A Thing?!?

Mick Mulvaney, the White House's acting chief of staff, said voters had already decided during the 2016 election that they didn’t care about the issue.
By Colby Itkowitz · Read more

Image result for nixon "I'm not a crook"
Alan: Nixon was the first president to release his tax returns, stating soon thereafter: "People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook... Well, I am not a crook.""

Context:"The custom of releasing tax returns began with Richard Nixon, Thorndike said. In 1973, while under audit and amid a controversy over his personal taxes, Nixon released returns dating back to when he took office in 1969. The scandal led to one of Nixon's most famous quotes. "People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook," Nixon told reporters in November 1973. "Well, I am not a crook."" 

Surge In Risky Loans To Corporations Sparks Fears Of Another Financial Crisis

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Surge in risky loans to corporations sparks fears of another financial crisis
Actions by federal regulators and Republicans in Congress over the past two years have paved the way for banks to issue more than $1 trillion in such loans.
By Damian Paletta · Read more

May 23, 2012 - The essence of lasting reform is to designate a specific “size threshold” beyond which “too big to fail” companies are automatically broken up.
Jan 19, 2014 - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/09/teddy-roosevelt-malefactors-of-great.html. Why Are Americans So Poorly Paid. This One Chart ...

Web results

Jun 18, 2014 - "Too Big To Fail" Banks To Obey Painfully Beneficial Regulation Re Capital Thresholdds. "Wells Fargo, State Street and JPMorgan Chase & Co ...
May 1, 2017 - Image result for pax on both houses, to big to fail ... -president-donald-trump-is-dealing-with-too-big-to-fail-banks?google_editors_picks=true.
Nov 6, 2014 - Pax on both houses: The Decline Of Too Big To Fail Banks ... paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-decline-of-too-big-to-fail-banks.h... Oct 3 ...
Jan 21, 2012 - The kind of legislation I support would insure that any corporation exceeding "too big to fail” limits be immediately sub-divided as AT&T was ...
May 23, 2012 - How Too Big To Fail Banks Were Born. Time to reverse the process. Here's how... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AT%26T_divestiture. Posted by ...

Mueller's Report: The Thlot Plickens

Conspiracist (And Nutritional Supplement Salesman) Alex Jones Gets Laughed Out Of Restaurant

Image result for "pax on both houses" alex jones
Conspiracist (And Nutritional Supplement Salesman) Alex Jones Gets Laughed Out Of Restaurant

Aug 1, 2018 - Ex-Wife Of Infowars Host Alex Jones Says He's "Worse In Real Life" ... Image result for pax on both houses asimov opinion truth ...

Aug 8, 2018 - Image result for pax on both housesalex jones ... https://www.insideedition.com/ex-wife-infowars-host-alex-jones-says-hes-worse-real-life- ...

Web results

Jun 30, 2017 - Alex Jones Is Running Trump's Go-To Conspiracy Theorist http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/06/alex-jones-is-donald-trumps-go-to.
Aug 8, 2018 - Nutritional Supplement Huckster Alex Jones Loses His War On Truth. Image result for pax on both housesalex jones. Alex Jones Wikiquote
Aug 3, 2018 - Image result for pax on both housesalex jones. The Lasting Trauma Of Alex Jones' Lies. The systems that have for so long helped to enforce ...
Aug 14, 2018 - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2018/08/frog-hospitals-fred-owens-prompts-my.html. Image result for infowars "Pax on both houses"
Jul 24, 2018 - Trump Favorite Alex Jones Would "Shoot" Robert Mueller For Being "Pedophile""SOS""Monster". Alex Jones Threatens To Shoot Robert ...
Aug 8, 2018 - Image result for "pax on both houses", alex jones. Alex Jones' Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents' Home Addresses Public. “They're ...
May 23, 2018 - I Sooooo Hope Sandy Hook Victims' Parents Can Bankrupt Alex Jones And Put Him In Prison. Image result for alex jones "pax on both houses"
Nov 19, 2016 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/how-alex-jones-conspiracy-theorist-extraordinaire-got-donald-trumps-ear/2016/11/17/583dc190 ...
Jul 5, 2018 - Image result for "pax on both housesalex jones. Alex Jones In Pandering Attempt To Restore His Luster Makes A Total Jerk Of Himself.
Nov 19, 2016 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/how-alex-jones-conspiracy-theorist-extraordinaire-got-donald-trumps-ear/2016/11/17/583dc190 ...
Aug 8, 2018 - Image result for "pax on both houses", alex jones. Alex Jones' Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents' Home Addresses Public. “They're ...
Apr 15, 2018 - Alex Jones: "Trump Is Crapping On Us All... Fuck Him!" (Plus The Rest Of His Meltdown). Related image. InfowarsAlex Jones Cries On Air ...
Aug 15, 2017 - Trump's Favorite Conspiracy Theorist, Alex Jones, Says Charlottsville KKK "Just Jewish Actors". Image result for pax on both housesalex jones.
Aug 8, 2018 - Trump Praises Alex Jones'"Amazing Reputation": "I Will Not Let You Down". "Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down," Trump told.
Pax on both houses: Trump's Favorite Conspiracy Theorist, Alex Jones ... Related image. Posted by Alan Archibald at 11:29 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to ...
Sep 6, 2017 - Image result for pax on both houses alex jones is nuts. There's ... 5 Insane Theories From Alex Jones, Trump's Favorite Conspiracism.
Sep 21, 2017 - But Alex Jones is a divider-conqueror who deliberately perps epistemological crimes because his own mind has been divided and conquered.
Aug 9, 2018 - Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy
Apr 19, 2018 - https://www.snopes.com/news/2018/04/17/sandy-hook-parents-sue-conspiracy-troll-alex-jones/. Image result for pax on both houses alex jones.
Sep 11, 2017 - Pax on both housesAlex Jones Obliges NASA To Deny It's Running ... Pax on both houses: Megyn Kelly Presses Alex Jones on Conspiracy .
Jun 15, 2017 - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2015/11/donald-trump-paranoid-style-in-american.html. Alex Jones Wikipedia
Aug 8, 2018 - Is It 'Censorship' for Platforms to Delete InfoWars Content? Not According to InfoWars. "Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down," ...
May 24, 2018 - Alan: What I despise most about "the conspiracist mindset" is how it always nourishes the political fortunes of neo-fascists like Alex Jones and ...
Sep 8, 2017 - Image result for pax on both housesalex jones. Trump's Favorite Conspiracy Theorist, Alex Jones, Says Charlottesville KKK "Just Jewish ...
Is Alex Jones Stephen Colbert's New Bill O'Reilly? The Late Show host debuted a new alter ego Monday night, one far more right wing than his Colbert Report ...
Donald Trump Calls Alex Jones "Amazing" Uses Jones As An Actual News Source | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Donald Trump Calls Alex Jones "Amazing" - Uses Him As An Actual News Source
"What Non-Fake News Looks Like" | What Non-Fake News Looks Like | image tagged in dimwits,addlepates,dunning-kruger effect,half of all human beings have a double digit iq,aggressive ignorance as a way of conser | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

"How To Self-Publish Your Novel?"

"What Is Trump So Afraid People Will See In His Tax Returns?" David Leonhardt, New York Times

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What Is Trump So Afraid People Will See In His Tax Returns?
David Leonhardt
New York Times
Op-Ed Columnist

Op-Ed Columnist

House Democrats may not be able to force President Trump to release his tax returns. But the Democrats can keep reminding Americans that Trump really does not want the public to know what’s in those returns.
As you probably know by now, all other recent presidents (and presidential nominees) voluntarily released their tax information. Trump has not. Now House Democrats are trying to get access to that information and potentially release portions of it to the public.
Last week, Richard Neal, Democrat of Massachussets and chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, demanded to see six years of Trump’s tax returns, citing a 1924 provision in the tax code that gives Congress the power to obtain any citizen’s returns. Neal has given the Internal Revenue Service until Wednesday to hand over the returns to Congress.
Trump has repeatedly said that he would be happy to release his returns publicly, but that’s clearly been a lie. One of his excuses has been the false claim that he can’t release them because he is being audited by the I.R.S. And over the weekend, his administration stopped pretending Trump was telling the truth. Democrats will “never” see them, said Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, on Fox News yesterday. “Nor should they.” Trump’s lawyers have said they will fight the request.
Why is Trump so afraid of letting people see his tax returns?
The most innocent possibility is that he isn’t nearly as wealthy as he has long boasted, and he’s embarrassed by the truth. A less innocent possibility is that he has financial ties that could create political problems for him if those ties became public — for example, ties to Russia or other countries to which his foreign policy has been suspiciously friendly.
The release of the returns would let “Americans decide whether the president is making decisions that benefit his businesses at the expense of American taxpayers,” Aaron Scherb of Common Cause, the government watchdog group, has written in USA Today. “If Trump has significant debt to banks and/or individuals in certain countries, some of which might be adversaries of the United States, we must know because his foreign policy decisions might be compromised.”
Seeing the president’s tax returns isn’t a matter of prurient gossip or mere partisan politics. It’s a matter of national interest. So long as Trump is fighting the release, Democrats should keep talking about it.
For more …
“I don’t see how the pres­ident can mount any cred­i­ble de­fense on this,” Steve Rosen­thal, a senior­ fel­low at the Tax Pol­icy Cen­ter, told The Wall Street Journal, referring to Neal’s request. “I sure don’t see any le­git­i­mate grounds for the pres­i­dent to refuse, es­pe­cially a re­quest that’s been so care­fully con­structed on over­sight re­spon­si­bil­ity.”
Bloomberg’s Tim O’Brien — one of the few journalists who’s seen some of Trump’s tax returns, after Trump sued O’Brien over a book years ago — argues that Neal’s request doesn’t go far enough. “Some of the transactions that may interest investigators the most took place around 15 years ago, when Trump, suddenly flush with cash, went on a shopping spree,” O’Brien writes. “It is still curious to me how Trump, who always used to finance his transactions with debt, raised the funds to do all that in the mid-2000s and pay cash.”
Separately, legislators in New York State are trying to obtain Trump’s state tax returns which “likely contain much of the same financial information as a federal return,” Jesse McKinley of The Times writes.
In a February Quinnipiac University poll, 67 percent of American voters said Trump should publicly release his tax returns (versus 24 percent who said he shouldn’t).

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E.J. Dionne On Why Joe Biden Should Run For President

Image result for pax on both houses, biden harris
Run, Joe, run
The Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne has a pithy description of why Joe Biden should run for president. “He represents important components of the coalition that will have to come together to defeat the president,” Dionne writes. “He could help Democrats solve a strategic dilemma: how to be tough as nails on Trump while still promising the more harmonious political future that middle-of-the-road voters long for. And if he fails, the ultimate nominee will be far better off for having faced down Biden and not be haunted by the ghost of a candidacy that never was.”

Fascinating Analysis Of Pete Buttigieg's Tit-For-Tat Ability To Defeat Trump

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Buttigieg To Pence: If You Have A Problem With Who I Am, Your Quarrel Is With My Creator
USA Today

Fascinating analysis...

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Mark Rein-Hagen
The main reason I thought Trump was going to win in 2016 was that he was not only the opposite of the calm and reasoned President Obama but was the perfect foil to Hillary and the entire political correct left-wing establishment. The right wing wanted a fight, they wanted to thumb their noses at modern "woke" culture, and they got exactly the anti-paladin champion they wanted.
It was all pretty simple to figure out. Trump was fresh to politics, Clinton had been around forever, and was as establishment and insider as you can be. It was the kind of contrast that political managers dream of and now in this election it is something Trump's people are desperate to find once again:
A Foil For the Fiend.
So, leaving aside policy and position papers aside, let us ask, who would be the best Democratic candidate to run against Trump? Who is best positioned to give him no opening and to reveal his own weaknesses?
The answer, shockingly, seems to me to be a certain Mayor from Indiana with a Marxist father, Peter Buttigieg. And I am not the only one who believes it, clearly, this sort of thinking is behind his "caught on fire" candidacy.
Just imagining him in a debate with Trump is mind-bending, there is nothing for the Donald to hold onto, yet Peter could easily land jab after jag, and by his very calmness reveal lying Trump for who he is. The dynamic is completely unpredictable unlike with Warren or Beto, who would be ridiculed to death.
Let's look at the contrasts:
• Trump would be the oldest president in history, at 74, and is clearly showing signs of mental degradation (he not only is orange but pronounces "origins" as orange)but Buttigieg would be the youngest ever at 39.
• Trump is a fake lying billionaire narcissist from New York, but Buttigieg is a morally conservative midwestern pragmatist, a beloved local politician.
• Trump is a proud unapologetic serial sexually harasser, coward and draft dodger, Buttigieg is happily married and a veteran who took leave of absence as Mayor to serve in Afghanistan with distinction.
• Trump wants to destroy all government and the safety net, Buttigieg wants to protect and rebuild it.
In short, Mayor Peter is everything that Trump is not, and exposes the Donald for everything even his supporters are tired of.
Peter will also certainly win the new swing states, the midwest. And win those states we MUST, if we give Trump the chance by choosing the wrong candidate, he will be victorious in the electoral college once again by getting the resultant support of the working class. The owners of the country are counting on him winning, and are prepared to spend whatever it takes to prevent themselves from being taxed and regulated like the rest of us. 75% of Wall Street assume Trump will win, it's arrogant dangerous to bet against people who bet on the future for a living.
The other candidates are not looking so great right now:
—Beto is not a good bet I think, as much as I personally like him and his hacker past, he comes across as a bit too raw and idiosyncratic yet also too "cool" and America already had a cool President recently (Obama of course) and we are very much in the mood for something new. America always wants a correction from the past in its new President and thus is looking for something very different from BOTH Obama and Trump.
—Warren was my original AOC, from way back, and I will always revere her work at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and as a Senator protecting consumers and democracy itself. However, she doesn't really seem to have the political skills to stand up to Trump, much less cut him open. He has already made mincemeat of her several times, and she seems entirely unable to score against him. This is a HUGE deal.
—Biden is done. Nuff said. This hit job on him won't be the last time we see someone taken out by a dark-politics sniper this primary.
—Klobuchar is a non-entity so far, and doesn't seem to have any real message.
—Cory Booker not only didn't come out as expected but got himself a beard. I understand fully his own community is not ready for any of their leaders to come out (MLK and Rustin understood that well, which is why Bayard is still not a household name), but if he can't be honest in this way we can't trust him as Prez.
—Kamala Harris has a strong "law-and-order" political history and that makes her entirely unacceptable to the left. We are finally in the mood of letting people out of jail so anyone who was such an integral part of our apartheid-like mass-incarceration drive won't get far.
—Gillibrand knifed Franken, so she is anathema to many donors and operators, including me.
—Tulsi Gabbard is just strange, and having the apparent backing of Russia and certain organizations on the right is beyond weird.
—Castro is so far left on immigration that he would be cut apart in the general. Leftists in Europe have only been able to win recently by finding ways to run on slowing down and even "cracking down" on immigration. We absolutely can't win on a platform of opening the doors. As I have long argued, we can win by saying we will stop illegal immigration at its source, by doing a mini-Marshal Plan for Central American.
—Bernie is a tough one, the left loves him so much, yet, while Mayor Pete's dad was a Marxist... Bernie HIMSELF was a Marxist (and still might be, he doesn't deny it) and this will make him a huge and easy punching bag in the general, and he is notoriously brittle in handling criticism. Buttigieg has the perfect answer to any such accusations, "I loved my father and agree with him on many things, but I am a proud capitalist who worked for McKinsey & Company." If Bernie can deal forthrightly with this issue and keep the socialism/nationalism thing under control, he has the populist chops and working-class appeal to do well in the general... yet still, he is an old white man from NY who already ran for President, just like Trump. So not a breath of fresh air.
The thing is all these candidates represent the cultural war we are already completely trapped in, but Buttigieg alone could cut through many of our patterns of polarization. He is a long way from being "sanctimoniously woke" but has enough social justice achievements to make his part of the club. He is left-liberal but has carved out a moderate place in the field that is in danger of careening out of control towards Swedish style socialism which has done little to tamp down fears of radical policies like the nationalization of business.
He is calm, open, intellectual but he is certainly no Obama. Which is a good thing, as I said above. America doesn't want wild charisma right now. He represents what many of us fought for and rarely believed could happen: proud to be gay but not defined by it, happily married, a veteran, wickedly smart, and integrated into traditional American values and society. His candidacy is as historic as Obama’s, and his presidency would be as well. For the world as well as the country.
One can imagine it would be much, much harder for countries like Brunei or in the part of the world I live in to brutalize and torture members of the LGBTQ community. Our community will certainly be behind Buttiegieg, once everyone realizes how MUCH this will change things in the world as LITTLE as they might change things back home (we've already come so far). For me this is a very big deal, being openly LGBT is incredibly dangerous outside the west... we need to be focusing more on this not our own rights.
That so many see Mayor Pete as a credible and impressive candidate is a reminder that in America, many of us can still unite around a human and humble consensus around common decency. Midwestern values we used to call it. Trump destroyed our affection and faith in one another in a shit-fountain of populist hate. Buttigieg might be just the person to rescue us from the cesspool into which we have fallen.

Warren Wows NV With Talk On Race, Prison, Weed: "We Have Criminalized Too Much Behavior"

George Conway Slams Donald Trump: "We Have No Competent, Functioning President"

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