This is a game called Discouraging Words. We see a list of Discouraging words that begin with D followed by a list of Encouraging words that begin with G.
So far the D list is longer and the pessimists are winning. Please submit your contributions in the comment boxes
Death, disease, destruction, depression, disaster, despair, disappointment, desolate and deserted, distress, damaged and derelict..... Also dummy, dodo, dimwit, doofus and dork.... Dark, denial, decadent, downcast, distended, disinclined, disinherited, dubious, dysphoria, dismissal...... Dictator, dumbass, deplorable, dengue, drudgery
Good, gardens and grandchildren, gratitude and grace, gift, generosity, geniality, glad, gumption,green, glory, grow, gay, gravy
....Gracious, grits (for the gravy), gentle, genuine, gallant, glamorous, genius, genuine....... Guacamole, giraffe, grapes, grass.