Channel: Pax on both houses
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The Thinking Housewife, University of California's New Logo, and Same-Sex Marriage



Dear Fred,

I don't like the new UC logo.

Nor do I like Laura's decontextualized focus.

The key paragraph referenced in INEZ' original post (below) is this: "UC system spokeswoman Dianne Klein said that critics wrongly assume that UC is eliminating the traditional symbol. In fact, that will remain on all diplomas and official correspondence such as presidential letters, among other uses. But she said the old logo does not reproduce well in small size on Internet pages and that UC wanted something more visually contemporary and versatile, especially for online efforts to seek donations and recruit applicants."

The new logo is not eliminating the traditional symbol. 

For practical reasons, they want something simple that copies well, especially in small sizes.

I see no problem Houston.


A word about Laura's conservative assumption that academics are "opposed to higher standards."

My daughter, Maria - a sophomore at UNC-Asheville - writes better at age 19 than I did in my 30's - maybe even my 40s. 

I venture that Maria (and her closest fellows) are substantially more accomplished scholars than we (and our fellows) at the University of Toronto. 

These "kids" just know lots of stuff.

Furthermore, they seem very capable of contextualization and interdisciplinary fertilization (part of the reason why the GOP is going the way of the Whigs). 

Here is an example of Maria's scholarship (with my own intralinear comments): http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/11/saint-augustine-of-hippo-and-saint.html  

My barely-15-year-old, Danny, just gave a "tour" of World War I that enabled me to understand that stupid conflict much better than I ever had. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-trivial-causes-of-world-war-i-andby.html

Apocalypto "cheerleaders" seem to have vested interest in "a falling sky."

Not only does Chicken Little confirm their mistaken (indeed, impossible) sense of biblical "literalism," it also enables them to adhere to Impossibly Pure Principles which, if their "competition" is as debased as they aver, confirms their unquestionable superiority to "satanic liberals" whose Demon-in-Chief, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is "anti-Christian." 

Conveniently, Laura hints at the elimination of the last three letters so that Kenyan-born Muslim, Barry Soetero, becomes the "anti-Christ."


Since "same-sex" marriage is "in the news," I will conclude with this brief salvo.

By my lights, it is likely Yeshua made no reference to same-sex union because he was smart enough to realize that Love is primary and that, one day, it might be possible to sacramentalize same-sex love rather than treat it furtively as was the wont of the illiterate, brutal and brutalizing Ancient World.

But the deepest reason for conservative Christian  opposition to same-sex marriage is this: As soon as same-sex marriage is normalized, the last remnant of Medieval Theological Monolithicism collapses, and with it, biblical literalism.

More importantly, Love becomes the real measure of men and women and immediately we stop playing doctrinal/dogmatic purity games to focus, first and foremost, whether "the proof is in the pudding." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/12/more-americans-support-marriage-equality.html

For those of us who openly acknowledge the manifest goodness of homosexuals and lesbians in our own families and social circles, it is clear -- self-evidently so -- that these human beings should have the ability to sacramentalize their unions.

Yeshua was silent on the subject because his fellow Jews - far fonder of "stoning" than contemporary jihadists - would have killed him with neither ceremony nor trial. 

I see no better explanation for Yeshua's silence than the deadly dynamics of ancient Jewish culture.

Yeshua's silence is all the more notable in light of contemporary Christianity's white hot interest in same sex union. 

Surely, without good reason to remain silent, Yeshua would have addressed same-sex union had the matter seemed significant enough to mention. 

I will also point out that according to jurisprudential tradition, silence implies consent.

I do not expect to convince denizens of the "orthosphere" - certainly not Laura Wood.

However, the theological change that is even now normalizing same-sex marriage is taking place as surely as an analogous change in moral theology that occurred centuries ago when Capitalism triumphed and Christianity was left no choice but to scotomize "the sin of usury."

600 years ago, every nun and every priest would have railed against usury employing the same passion that conservative Christians now reserve for same-sex marriage. 

Nowadays, every nun and every priest carries multiple credit cards bearing usurious rates of interest.

Just as we look back on the monstrosity of pulpit-preached slavery, so too will we look back on the monstrosity of loving people obliged to keep their love in a closet.

That light -- formerly kept under a bushel -- will now sit on top of the bushel to help light the world. 

Pax on both houses


On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Fred Owens <froghospital911@gmail.com> wrote:

The Meaningless University

INEZ writes:
I thought you and your readers might find this news from my alma mater both interesting and disturbing:
The University of California is changing its seal from its traditional one (bearing the motto, “Let There Be Light”) to a modern monstrosity that looks like a toddler’s drawing on the old Window’s program Paint.

— Comments —
Kevin M. writes:
The proposed logo for the University of California is ridiculous. Yes, it does resemble a child’s attempt at artwork done on a computer, but what is more striking is its pathetic and transparent attempt to avoid offending anybody (save those of us with any sense of taste). The march of PC pabulum continues apace with such nonsense. The most offensive thing I find about contemporary social trends is the pervasive insistence to avoid giving offense. We are being hypersensitized as a result. Just as the tree sheltered from the wind has the weakest branches, our ability to deal with other people is being neutered by such tripe.
And we all know the impetus for a change of logo: “Let there be light” set off a bomb somewhere, and now a tradition over 100 years old has to be changed to prevent further damage.
The devolution into Idiocracy will not be resisted.
Laura writes:
It looks like a transit authority logo, the sort of symbol that identifies a bus stop or subway station. Note the statement by the university spokeswoman in reaction to complaints about the logo: “Like anything with design and change, people have opinions.” She is the human equivalent of this logo: bland, uninspired and opposed to higher standards.

Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

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