Fox News commenting on Paul Ryan's vice-presidential acceptance speech.
“Mediocre philosophy sells: It makes the half-literate… feel smart."
Alan: American conservatives have a soft spot for self-deception as evidenced by the bogus quotation below. Even so, liberals are not exempt. Self-deception adheres to the human condition. What separates the two sides of the aisle is that American conservatives celebrate falsehood, revere falsehood -- actually delight in whole-cloth lies. Whenever mendacity favors right-wing ideology, it is assumed that ideologues should lie, that they have a moral obligation to lie. The preservation of ideological purity is so fundamental to the "conservative" world view that the displacement of truth by falsehood is deemed trivial - vanishingly unimportant. If as Jesus claims, "the way, the truth and the life" are central to the Christian mission, what will likely result from a way of life that deliberately substitutes falsehood for truth, then vaunts its delusional device?