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Sarah Palin Defends Duck Dynasty Star Suspended For Anti-Gay Remarks


Phil Robertson puts homosexuals in the same category with "terrorists,""prostitutes" and "drunks."
(What's that Robertson's sucking on?)

Alan: Mr. Robertson is welcome to say what he wants. No one is telling him: "You can't say this." But "saying what you want" does have marketplace consequences. If markets -- and marketeers -- don't to associate with hate speech, you will lose your capitalist forum. Go ahead Sarah! Try it out! Categorize a law-abiding group of Americans as "terrorists,""prostitutes" and "drunks." It would be the end of your television career. But you can still meet with hate groups and speak to your heart's malcontent.
"Free speech is an endangered species"

A&E suspended Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson Wednesday for his recent anti-gay comments — he put homosexuals in the same category as “terrorists,” “prostitutes,” and “drunks,” — but the bearded star has one strong supporter: Sarah Palin.
Upon hearing about the backlash against Robertson, the former GOP vice presidential candidate wrote on Twitter, “Free speech is endangered species; those “intolerants” hatin’ & taking on Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing personal opinion take on us all.”
She also posted an (anorexic?) photo with herself and the cast in solidarity:
The gay rights group GLAAD, on the other hand, wholeheartedly agreed with A&E’s decision to suspend Robertson from the show indefinitely.
“What’s clear is that such hateful anti-gay comments are unacceptable to fans, viewers, and networks alike,” GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz said Wednesday. “By taking quick action and removing Robertson from future filming, A&E has sent a strong message that discrimination is neither a Christian nor an American value.”

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