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American Views Of Economic Inequality: Pew Poll Findings


"99 Must Reads On Income Inequality"


"More than half (61%) of Americans said the U.S. economic system favors the wealthy, while just 35% said it's fair to most people...More than half (55%) of Republicans said the economic system is fair to most people, but majorities of Democrats (75%) and independents (63%) said it favors the wealthy. And 61% of Democrats and 50% of independents said the gap was a very big problem, versus only 28% of Republicans." Drew DeSilver for the Pew Research Center

KRUGMAN: Obama gets real on inequality. "What struck me about this speech, however, was what he had to say about the sources of rising inequality. Much of our political and pundit class remains devoted to the notion that rising inequality, to the extent that it's an issue at all, is all about workers lacking the right skills and education. But the president now seems to accept progressive arguments that education is at best one of a number of concerns, that America's growing class inequality largely reflects political choices, like the failure to raise the minimum wage along with inflation and productivity." Paul Krugman in The New York Times

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