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Blue State Secession And Subsequent Global Boycotting Of The Rogue Red State Left Behind

Pax on both houses: "The United States Of Education And Compassion ...
Dear Byron,

Thanks for your email and thanks for running the experiment of trying to post a link of mine from your machine.

At my end, I can post external links, but not my own.

This prohibition is a significant nuisance, but I take a measure of cold comfort in some people's observation that it may be a badge of "honor."

As I look out on th"the issues" I want to advocate, the following blog post (still undergoing revision) probes one of them.

If you have any thoughts, I'd be happy to hear what they are.

A Liberal Billionaire Or A Consortium Of Rock And Roll Stars Should Create A New, Progressive "Facebook"

The other issue where I want to raise consciousness is the matter of "Blue State secession."

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Blue State Secession

On my list of "things to write" is an amplification of the growing perception that the rapidly-fraying "United" States could end up on the wrong side of a global boycott, as happened with South Africa. 

I am satisfied that Trumplandia (aka Jesusland) meets the definition of a Rogue State.

Were blue states to break away -- preferably entering into federation with Canada (and perhaps Mexico) -- I can see the European Union (and the new breakaway state) boycotting that portion of the United States which remains after secession.

Except for industrial strength banking services which can be performed anywhere (as we currently see in the relocation of post-Brexit banking services from London to Paris) "Jesusland" doesn't produce much that can't be easily gotton elsewhere. 

Even I was surprised to see that oil is far from an "exclusive" Jesusland commodity with California, Colorado and New Mexico  figuring in the Top 7 oil-producing states. https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/oil-production-by-state/ And, of course, Canada could provide additional petroleum. (Plus, being rid of Texas, Louisiana and the "stacked" states from Oklahoma to North Dakota would provide additional impulse to develop sustainable energy.)

Although "the yankee in me" partially prompts the following observation, I think what mostly fuels the south is grievance. 

And if red states are forced to live under the kind of meanspirited regime they propose as a "shining Christian city upon a hill," I think it won't be long before all that hatefulness and spite (in the absence of whipping "boys" like Hillary, Obama, "the abortion issue" and libtards) cause them to cannibalize their own.

To a significant extent, bible bangers are agree, vengeful, militant people always on the lookout for people "who need killing" as southerners like to say.

So, if you combine self-cannibalization with the outbound flight of intellectual elites and the real hardship caused by global boycott and good ol boy ineptitude, the geo-political result would be even more chaotic than what they've already perped through Trump Cult. 

I can see Jesusland -- its tail between its legs -- begging for "re-entry" to "The United States," but by then the "Good Christians" would have to swallow even more of their bizarrely inflated pride, agreeing to terms set down by The United States of Compassion And Education, chief of which would be kindness, charitableness and strict adherence to the findings of Science. 

After ten to twenty years of global boycott, the Neo-Confederacy would be frantic for readmittance to The Union.

Who knows? By then, they might find themselves obliged to rejoin the United States of Compassion, Education and Socialist Europe --- with an American hemisphere federation "just around the corner."

To Compete With China, The United States Should Promote A "Hemispheric Federation"

Paz contigo,


On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 1:11 PM Byron C. Howes wrote:


Try simply reposting The Borowitz Report without linking to your own
blog.  I'm wondering if your "lady friend" has reported anything in
paxonbothhouses as what's abusive -- whether it's the URL rather than
the content.


On 6/10/2020 11:50, Alan Archibald wrote:
>       *Facebook Notification: "Your message couldn't be sent because it
>       includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as
>       abusive*."
> It is now standard operating procedure for Facebook to block every link
> to my own writing.
> One friend's response to Facebook's message was to wonder if Putin's
> hackers have reported me as abusive in order to eliminate an insightful,
> persistent critic of "Un-Potty-Trained-73-Year-Old."
> However that may be, I realize Facebook is (at least) legally entitled
> to impose whatever editorial standards it wants.
> But even so, the apparent ease with which "anybody" can silence a critic
> on Facebook is cautionary.
>       Borowitz: Putin Rejects Trump’s Request for Ten Thousand Russian
>       Troops to Guard White House
> https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/06/borowtiz-putin-rejects-trumps-request.html
>       The Urge To "Shut Down Social Media" To Protect Electoral
>       Integrity & Plato's 5 Kyklos Regimes
> https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-urge-to-shut-down-social-media-to.html
> Here is how Facebook's "Warning" appears on my computer screen when I
> try to post a link to my own writing.
> //    Error
> _*Warning*_/_
> _/
> *Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other
> people on Facebook have reported as abusive*.

Byron C. Howes
1505 Jon Hus Court
Burlington, NC 27215


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