By Eric W. Dolan
Friday, November 29, 2013
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not here to beat up on the pope,” he said in a video recently uploaded to YouTube. “That’s not my job. But I can read. I can read this document. I can see what he is saying, and I can tell you right now that this is a very, very disappointing document, and it makes me wonder about the future of the Roman Catholic Church in this world and what they’re heading towards.”Pope Francis’ recent publication highlights the “troubling” influence of Marxism within the Catholic Church, according to Accuracy in Media director Cliff Kincaid.
The pontiff released his Evangelii Gadium, or Joy of the Gospel, on Tuesday. The documentattacked trickle-down economics as a “naive” theory that has “never been confirmed by the facts” and warned that unfettered capitalism “tends to devour everything which stands in the way of increased profits.”
Kincaid said that his website,, had reported on Marxism inside the Catholic Church.
“There is a Marxism problem here, and we’ve got lengthy reports and documents that go into that… I’ve got videos up on that website… demonstrating where the Roman Catholic Church is headed.”
He warned that the Catholic Church supported one world government and said Pope Francis used “camouflaged and flowery language.” Kincaid claimed the Evangelii Gadium was consistent with other Catholic documents that endorsed “what we might euphemistically call a new world order, a new world economic order.”
Watch video, uploaded to YouTube, below: