Channel: Pax on both houses
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Another Reason For Blue State Secession: Getting A Supreme Court Worthy Of The Name

Pax on both houses: Canada Succeeded On COVID-19 Where America ...

Alan: If the sleazy bottom-feeders in the Republican Party try to fill any possible opening on the Supreme Court (after depriving Obama of his rightful appointment), I strongly encourage serious consideration of Blue State Secession.
"American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup"https://www.amazon.com/American-Secession-Looming-National-Breakup/dp/1641770805
"The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country . . . Now"https://www.amazon.com/Secessionist-States-America-Blueprint-Traditional/dp/1629146765

In effect, the Red States have already seceded -- de facto -- from The United States so that Blue State secession would merely constitute de jure recognition of what "Jesusland" began with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party - and is now finishing with the launch of Trumplandia dictatorship.
Furthermore, rank-and-file Democrats -- along with Democratic leadership -- should make clear to Jesusland that secession -- and immediate formation of a federation with Canada -- would be accompanied by an invitation that the whole civilized world begin a boycott of Jesusland, a place that provides neither products nor natural materials which civilized nations cannot easily secure elsewhere. (N.B. Three of the seven states that produce the most American oil are blue states. https://www.statista.com/statistics/714376/crude-oil-production-by-us-state/)
Make clear to the rogue state we leave behind -- the same nation that initiated destruction of the United States -- that the pain caused by permanent boycott will be both exquisite and ongoing... until "Jesusland" agrees to implement political, social, environmental and legal changes which will comprise another source of exquisite pain.
What I envision for Trumplandia is a situation of such economic hardship that within 5 to 10 years the rogue state (which we might call "The United States of Barbaria") would beg for admission to "The United States Of Education And Science" on whatever terms The Blues specify as non-negotiable. (Although I have inestimable regard for Lincoln, I must say that I never understood his passion for preserving the Union. Why not let the confederates go? I very much doubt the Confederacy, based on slave-powered agriculture would have "made it" on its own and -- with the inevitable disappearance of slavery already on the horizon -- The South would have sought re-entry to The United States of its own free accord with no need for the devastation, bitterness and horrifying repercussions we still see in Trump's diabolical normalization of White Nationalism and White Supremacy.)
Or, if the neo-confederates wish to remain as perverse as they've always been, Jesusland can continue on its less-than-merry way, sinking ever deeper into a socio-political hell-hole of the very sort they've already begun to create.
Even if your political disposition is conservative, ask yourself this question.
Would you REALLY want to live in the repressive theocratic state that is already "in the making?"
"The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country . . . Now"https://www.amazon.com/Secessionist-States-America-Blueprint-Traditional/dp/1629146765
"American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup"https://www.amazon.com/American-Secession-Looming-National-Breakup/dp/1641770805

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