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My Response To A Baptist Minister Friend's Facebook Post Commenting On Jogger's Killing

Alan: Thank you Randy for stating your position so clearly and honestly.

I do not expect you to approve what I am about to say but in the confines of my own conscience I am now convinced that Trump Cult will do ANYTHING necessary to win The Oval Office in November.

Trump and his cultists are not friends of democracy.

With astonishingly regularity, they tell (or repeat) brazen lies, and when not lying they cultivate ignorance or invite misinformation, simultaneously sealing themselves in "Confirmation Bias Bubbles."

"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"  

From now on, when I find myself in head-to-head conversation with someone who is defending Trump (or Trumpism) I will answer the first question they ask (or respond to the first stupid, ignorant or benighted statement they make) by replying, “Why are 93% of American hate groups politically conservative organizations?"

"Who Gets The Political Support Of 892 Certifiable U.S. Hate Groups?"

"And why do we know as soon as an unarmed black person is murdered in cold blood (like jogger Ahmaud Arbery shot dead in Georgia this week) that the killer (or killers) are ALWAYS politically conservative?" (Infrequently, rogue black cops will kill unarmed black men,)

"And why is it that whenever we see a Nazi or confederate flag, the person brandishing it is ALWAYS politically conservative?"

After this prelude I will answer the cultist’s specific question.

In brief, let it be known that contemporary American "conservatism" is fundamentally cruel - and worse.

"My Own Contact With Family Separation, And The Young Girl Who Died (The Story Of UNC-CH Public Health Professor John Hatch)"

A Critical Mass Of American "Conservatives" Are Stupid, Ignorant, Hateful And/Or Cruel

Here is Randy's original post:

The idea that the confrontation with Ahmaud Arbery was a citizen's arrest is the perverse attempt to cover the evil with some legal jargon that makes the ones who killed seem like they were acting justly. If any notion of self-defense appears, it will be a similarly perverse attempt to cover the evil with jargon that makes the ones who killed seem like they were being threatened. When a man is seen jogging down the road and the decision is made to grab weapons, get into the vehicle and chase down the man, confront the man because maybe he looks like someone you think committed a crime at some point, yell at the man to stop because you think you are somebody who should be able to yell at someone to stop and they should just stop, exit the vehicle with weapons in hand, at the ready...there is NOTHING that links any of this to citizen's arrest or to self-defense. NOTHING.

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