In two months, we’ve already lost more Americans to the coronavirus than died in the Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and this is just the beginning. Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, told me that we’re in the second inning, and we could have a second wave in the fall that swamps anything so far. Osterholm, by the way, heard the other day that the White House was “ramping up” the Covid-19 task force, and he was elated. Finally, we were going to tackle the issue more seriously. Then he realized that he had misheard, and the task force was “wrapping up,” not “ramping up.” “I was shocked,” he told me. President Trump today said that he wasn’t closing down the task force after all, but the episode underscored the disarray of America’s coronavirus response. I’m afraid that for now the virus is winning.
Here’s my column.