Channel: Pax on both houses
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Trump Cultists Line Up Behind Mengele's Lead


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Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."

Dear F,

Thanks for your email and the update on American conservatives' increasingly willingness (if not eagerness) to "kill off" the unfit.

Lest we forget...

By age, seniors were the demographic that voted most heavily for Trump.


This "survival of the fittest" strategy which "All-American Thug/Brownshirts" are now promoting -- and its consequence of killing off debilitated seniors -- is enough to turn the tide, not only against Trump, but against the GOP's Senate majority as well. 

Think Florida...

The blindness of these "Mengele conservatives" is bewildering.






I assume Christie spoke of "the boys going off to war" without mentioning that they will bring the virus home to their aging parents and grandparents. 

Is this assumption correct?

Dad would often refer to "The Big Lie."


The Real Meaning Of MAGA

Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are Eager To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power

Kimmel Illustrates All 3 Years of President Trump’s 16,241 Lies: "More Lies Than Visible Stars"


"There Is Neither Nobility, Nor Kindness Nor Uplift In Trump's America"


Video: "If You Don't Think Trump And Trumpistas Are Hypocritical And Dishonest, You Will Now!"

Video: "Heroes Of The Pandumbic" (Watch This To The Very End!)

"The Divinity Of Donald Trump"
The Daily Show
"A Video Collage Of Trump's Arrogance: If You Are Even Vestigially Normal, You Will Sicken"

Why Doesn't This Trump Quote Reveal His Satanic Mendacity To Anyone With A Single Synapse?

"A Warning From The Surgeon General"


On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 10:16 AM FV wrote:

Interesting t.v. morning .

Christie says opening America is no different than drafting young men to fight in WW11 . We knew that many will die and not come home but we did it anyway.

I guess that means this is a draft of the weakest (wonder if he realizes his obesity puts him in the draft line) and accept the volunteering of the first responders because we want to stay rich, eat at restaurants , go to the beach , go to sporting events and concerts without those pesky masks and distancing.

He believes America should accept these deaths so we can go back to life as we knew it just with fewer but stronger people. 
And I thought he was pro life.

Besides, there is no way to know if we will ever get a cure or an effective vaccine or if hurd immunity will work. WE DON'T KNOW.

Then Cuomo had another great update. He went after the blue state bail out rhetoric . Went after the sick, partisan mindset that can rear it's ugly even in this deadly moment. If not now, when?

Put up the top 5 Givers and amount they over donate every year 
against the top 5 Takers and the amount they take every year. Florida #5

He said just give us back what you took from us. 

Put up a great visual

 (I'm sure to counteract the FOX interview with ykw at the Lincoln Memorial . There because he likens himself to Lincoln although he says hes treated worse than Lincoln by the press)

 of the Lincoln Memorial with Abe's quote "a house devided against itself cannot stand". 

Jimbo, I know you think it's hopeless and you don't care what Andrew says but his short daily  updates are a must see. I find them reassuring just to for a brief time to know that good leadership is out there  fighting and maybe can spread and take over . It may be an uphill battle but so were anti Vietnam protests that worked in the end.


On Tue, May 5, 2020, 11:04 AM Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

The coronavirus is invading the battleground states

New demographic data illustrates the brutal challenge Trump faces.
By Greg Sargent   Read more »

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