$ 0 0 Umair Haque: "Lessons From American Collapse" (Remember How Fast The Soviet Union Fell?)https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/10/hey-wealthy-readers-step-right-up.html "Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?"Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/…/major-general-smedley…http://musicfog.com James McMurtry performs a song that my be even more relevant now than when he wrote it years ago. Filmed at Threadgill's WHQ in Austin, T...YOUTUBE.COMJames McMurtry "We Can't Make It Here"http://musicfog.com James McMurtry performs a song that my be even more relevant now than when he wrote it years ago. Filmed at Threadgill's WHQ in Austin, T...http://musicfog.com James McMurtry performs a song that my be even more relevant now than when he wrote it years ago. Filmed at Threadgill's WHQ in Austin, T...