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Follow-Up On Pence's "Maskless" Visit To Mayo Clinic Yesterday

Pence comes under fire for going maskless at Mayo Clinic

(Preface: I encourage you to spend some time with the first of the professional wrestling links below.)

Dear B,

Thanks for the "inside story."

Frances reports scuttlebutt that Pence is not wearing a mask because he wants to look "manly," thus forfending his replacement by Nikki Haley.

Quien sabe?

Apparently, Pence is being tested daily for coronavirus.

How much faith do you have in currently-available tests?

Did you see that Oxford has developed a vaccine that protects monkeys from COVID infection?

I like your summary of The Trump Administration!

How about a bumper sticker that reads: "Everything he touches turns to shit. Now... who might that be?" 

It's a little long, but could be a twin sticker - one sentence on each side of the licence plate.


Trump's psychology is complicated - with any number of competing diagnoses: 

There is "all-purpose sociopathy": https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/sociopathy

There's A.D.D.

The A.D.H.D. Presidency Of Donald J. Trump: A Single Explanation For His Multifaceted Lunacy

And Mayo Clinic's own tabulation of Personality Disorders is revealing -- with Narcissistic Personality Disorder a leading candidate for Malignant Messiah's core pathology. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/personality-disorders/symptoms-causes/syc-20354463

However, since I see Trump as a symptom rather than the disease, what interests me most is the psychology of his cult worshipers - overwhelmingly white, "conservative""Christians." 

Although Conservative Christianity's predisposition to "magical thinking,""wishful thinking," literal interpretation of "the miraculous," and "absolutist authoritarianism" are issues that beg interdisciplinary study of the last 2000 years (if not 4000 years... going back to Moses), I would tease out the relatively little-known pathology of "Oppositional-Defiant Disorder," usually considered a childhood-and-adolescence disorder.

In the main, Trump supporters impress me as underachieving middle schoolers whose sound-byte opinions were engraved during early adolescent formation. 


Even more "granularly," Trump supporters reveal their essential love for "oppositional defiance." 

And since Trump is prepared to defy all authority (but his own... which is Total-and-Totalitarian), his "Base""see in him" the realization of their  central desire to give the finger to any manifestation of established political authority, coupling their oppositional defiance with a paradoxical passion for authoritarianism. (Foundational to my hypothesis is the postulate that failed middle schoolers' "Annointed Authoritarian" be a projection of their own authoritarian selves - NOT any established authority.")


Absent a "real life" replete with real accomplishment, it is easier for Trump's benighted Base to "fill the void" of vapidity/fatuousness with the theatricality of middle school "drama queens" and "playground bullies."

Speaking of empty lives "filled" with bogus theatricality...


Deceased French Philosopher Explains Trump's Political Success:
The Role Of Wrestling
A Reflection On Roland Barthes 1956 "Professional Wrestling Paradigm"

Pax et amore


PS If you do not know Berkeley professor George Lakoff's "predictive political" work concerning "Strict Father" and "Nurturant Parent," I believe it provides extraordinary macro-level enlightenment.

Short Form:
How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

Long Form:
"Strict Father" And "Nurturant Parent": The Two World Views That Determine Our Political Values

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 6:56 AM B wrote:

Absolutely ridiculous. Puts our administration in the worst spot.

Refuse him entry without a mask - Trump administration withholds federal aid that is critical to Mayo surviving this shock. They've withheld aid for less slights.

Allow him to go in without a mask - administration looks spineless for not upholding their policies.

I understand the decision the higher ups made to let him in. I'm sure they hate the position they were put in.

Everything the Trump administration touches turns to shit.

From: Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 5:49 PM
To: Undisclosed
Subject: Pence goes maskless at Mayo Clinic even though he'd been told to wear one


Dear B,

Since you work at the Mayo Clinic, I'm sure you already know of Pence's perversity and reckless endangerment. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/28/coronavirus-mike-pence-tours-mayo-clinic-without-mask.html   

Still, it's important for me to share it with you. I find things become more real - more meaningful - when they're consciously held between people - not just assumed.

Did Pence grace you with his oleaginous presence?
George Will Describes Mike Pence As "Oleaginous"

American Conservatism: A Case Study In Folie à Plusieurs

(I'm quite pleased with my hypothesis. It explains Trump cult better than any of the alternative - at least by my own lights.)

It Is Ever Harder To Contemplate Trump And His Cultists Without The Word "Evil" Coming to Mind

Trump Teaches Americans That Complete Irresponsibility Is The New Normal

"Trump Is A Traitor By Virtue Of Normalizing Falsehood And Teaching Americans To Do The Same"

Pax et amore


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