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Chat Room Exchange With "Fat Elvis" Concerning "The Electoral College" And "The Popular Vote"


0 ups, 8h, 
1 reply
So now YOU are the one who determines whether or not an entire nation should be ashamed?

Pretty full of yourself, aren't you Arch?

btw, Arch, the United States decided as a nation, that we care more about what he would do for the country, rather than unproven accusations.

Besides, when it came to character, the country clearly made the right choice in picking Trump over Hillary.
0 ups, 4h, 
1 reply
The nation did not decide, unless you mistakenly conflate "the nation" with The Electoral College.

Hillary got 4.56% more popular votes than pussy grabber. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/01/trump-hillary-popular-vote-and.html

As for character, show me a link that proves Hillary's legal guilt for anything.

The closest she came was "risky but not malicious" behavior.


But don't take my word for it.

Show me.

On the other hand...

A Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Trump's Rampant, Life-Long Criminality

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Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons

Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University

Trump Ordered By Judge To Pay $2 Million To Eight Charities For Illegal Use Of Foundation

Illegal Immigrants Commit Crime At A Considerably Lower Rate Than Trump's Inner Sanctum

The Trumps Are A Tran-Generational Crime Family

Lest We Forget: The Federal Court In NY's Southern District Has Already Found Trump Guilty

A Heated Discussion Provoked By The Proposition That Trump's "Best People" Are More Likely To Be Felons Than Illegal Immigrants

David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"

"Our President Is Essentially A Mob Boss": Former FBI Counterintel Chief Frank Figliuzzi
0 ups, 3h
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
The nation decides, the electoral college votes. I'll grant you a win in the semantic nit picking category on that one.

But stop whining about the EC! We're going to keep it, as we should.That's how the founders set it up, and that's what's worked very well for over two centuries. Regardless of whether you're on board with that or not, you should be agreeable to the fact that the nation did not want an extremely flawed candidate, HRC to be our president.

Besides, Trump clearly knew how the system worked, and HRC didn't. Why would the nation want someone that ignorant of how our country works, to be in charge of our country?

The founders came up with the EC, because even in those times, small states had legitimate concerns about domination by large states. They had to come up with some way to prevent that if they had any hope of getting them to join in the UNITED States.

Clearly, rights, either those of the smaller states or the individual, being protected against larger states or the federal govt, was of considerable importance to the founders. I'm speculating here, but I'm sure they were well aware that based on population, you could have a state like NY, (then) or Taxifornia (now), dominate smaller states through sheer numbers when it comes to federal offices like the presidency. Why would a small state want to join a union in which their concerns could be ignored?

Your percentage of votes doesn't matter to me. Total numbers do. If Taxifornia's votes, not all its votes, but just the difference between what Trump received and what HRC received, were removed from the national total, so that HRC still won the state, but by just one vote, then Trump would have had more votes overall. It's a classic example of the importance of the EC. I can only imagine that back in my home state, which is a relatively small state that Trump carried easily, the voters are dayum well glad for the electoral college.

Snowflakes should be too, because common sense dictates that at some point in the future your candidate will win the EC but lose the popular vote. If we were to get rid of the EC before that hypothetical election, imagine the whining and crying from the snowflakes about how we should have never done away with the EC! It would be epic!

Sure, we could both play around with the numbers to support whatever our candidate of choice from the last election. I used these to support the importance of the EC. Nice meme, too, hey?
0 ups, <1h div="">
(I am replying to your text with interlinear comments. I wish this "chat room" could be "color-coded.")

The nation decides, the electoral college votes. I'll grant you a win in the semantic nit picking category on that one.

But stop whining about the EC! We're going to keep it, as we should.That's how the founders set it up, and that's what's worked very well for over two centuries. Regardless of whether you're on board with that or not, you should be agreeable to the fact that the nation did not want an extremely flawed candidate, HRC to be our president.

Nobody's trying to take Trump -- the most extremely flawed candidate in the 2016 election-- away from you... at least not in an illegitimate way.

Notably, you just make an out-of-the-blue allegation that Hillary was extremely flawed without responding to the fundamental request I made in my previous post: i.e., "As for character, show me a link that proves Hillary's legal guilt for anything."

The fact is that Hillary -- by the "rules of evidence" set forth by the American system of jurisprudence has not been found guilty of anything.

I know this because I've done the research. Not even Trey Gowdy's two-year-long House investigation into Hillary's alleged wrongdoing in Benghazi could come up with enough evidence to censure her, much less get her convicted of a crime.

You have either not done your research into Hillary's alleged criminality of you're deliberately concealing the truth: i.e., there is NO actionable evidence against Hillary.

If there were ANY real evidence, I would INSIST -- just as you SHOULD insist -- that Trump and Barr indict her. After all the idiotic chanting to "Lock Her Up," it is a gross miscarriage of justice -- indeed an impeachable miscarriage of justice -- NOT to bring charges against a criminal as foul as Hillary supposedly is.

To let such a vile criminal walk free is utterly despicable.

Besides, Trump clearly knew how the system worked, and HRC didn't. Why would the nation want someone that ignorant of how our country works, to be in charge of our country?

Tell me.

What did Hillary not know about "how the system worked?"

The founders came up with the EC, because even in those times, small states had legitimate concerns about domination by large states. They had to come up with some way to prevent that if they had any hope of getting them to join in the UNITED States.

Circumstances change and the law needs to change with them.
0 ups, <1h div="">
By way of precedent for change, we have incorporated 27 such major changes already - the Amendments to the Constitution. With the evolving issue of "prohibition," we even changed the constitution twice - on the same issue!

In terms of representative government, what is fair about the five least populous states having 9 times the legislative clout as the average American state when it comes to senate representation in the national government?

The 5 Smallest States by Population
Wyoming—585,501 people. Ranks as the ninth largest in land area - 97,093 square miles (251,470 square kilometers) ...
Vermont—624,594. ...
North Dakota—755,393. ...
Alaska—741,894. ...
South Dakota—865,454.

If we total the population of the four blood-red states in this cluster of five "least populous states," we find that their cumulative population of 2,948,242 is a minuscule 0.89% of the nation's entire population.

Yet this statistically negligible number of blood-red conservative states controls 8 senate seats or 9% of the senate.

Each resident of these four blood-red states has 8 times as much senatorial clout as the residents of the other 46 states.


Clearly, rights, either those of the smaller states or the individual, being protected against larger states or the federal govt, was of considerable importance to the founders. I'm speculating here, but I'm sure they were well aware that based on population, you could have a state like NY, (then) or Taxifornia (now), dominate smaller states through sheer numbers when it comes to federal offices like the presidency. Why would a small state want to join a union in which their concerns could be ignored?

Historically, your argument is correct.

But it is also true that over time -- and increasingly -- the tiny red states have come to exert tyranny of the minority which is objectively worse than tyranny by the majority, at least if one believes in the fundamental drift of democracy rather than the decerebrate plutocratic decision to declare corporations people.

Jesus effin Christ! Dimwitted on the face of it!

It is also true that, over time, democracy has come to be interpreted by most people as "one person one vote," and that one vote should certainly carry equal weight in the only national election we have which is for The Presidency of The United States.

Yes, history is on your side.

But other than that you in the company of anti-democratic opportunists.
0 ups, <1h div="">
It is no secret that the United States is already in a constitutional crisis with Toxic Narcissist Megalomaniac making weekly noises about having "ALL THE POWER."

If you believed in Democracy, Malignant Messiah's stem-to-stern autocratic impulses would scare the sh*t out of you.

But because you are of Republican inclination, you core credo is the pragmatic dimension of partisan power.

Here's how Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan put it:

Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"

Like your philosophical counterparts, you are so easily intoxicated by power that you will surrender democracy itself to get it.

I'm not kidding. You are the reincarnation of Esau selling your birthright for a mess of pottage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mess_of_pottage

You -- and all your "spiritual" kin who suck up to Mafia Don -- are in great peril. Moral and political.

Trump doesn't give a flying flip about democracy.

An autocrat to the core -- and someone who neither readd nor takes counsel with knowledgeable people, Agent Orange doesn't even know what democracy is.

Trump's idea of democracy is that every four years "we the people" elect a "king," and if the king does his job well he gets elected king for another four years.

And THEN if he does a fabulous job, he becomes "king for life."

And if the hand of God is upon him -- as SURELY as it is Jim Bakker, Franklin Graham and Paula White -- Trump will be known as "Donald the First," head of a (crime) family dynasty that structurally indistinguishable from a mafia.

Of course, you won't believe me.

But you can actually take a test to prove that I am right.

You are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that Hillary is guilty as sin -and on multiple "counts."

And because you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, you live in a "Confirmation Bias Bubble" and see no need to question your certitude.

"Confirmation Bias And The Power Of Disconfirming Evidence"

"How Truth Is Determined In Rural America"
An Epistemology That Insures Wrongness And
Confirmation Bias Is Everything

But just for sake of the experiment, try to find proof in a court of law that Hillary has been convicted of any criminal activity.
0 ups, <1h div="">
When you do not find any such proof, you will resort to some dismissive supposition like "deep state cover up."

But it doesn't end there.

Trump owns Bill Barr at the DOJ, AND he owns the Supreme Court.

But neither Trump, nor Barr, nor the Supremes themselves will even try to indict Hillary for the simple reason that they KNOW she's not provably guilty of any felonious crime whereas she is of FAR MORE value to power-hungry conservatives as a whipping girl to lather the rank and file, who -- like Trump and in keeping with The Southern Strategy's appeal to dumbf*ck racists don't read,

As I see it, now that you know this Matrix-of-Truth you will -- like any good American -- you will "presume Hillary's innocence until proven guilty."

Except that you won't.

And you won't because you have no real integrity which would oblige you to align your political views with Truth and with the burden of proof based on "actionable evidence."

As Trump Moves Decidedly Closer To A Coup, It's Time For Blue States To Plan Secession

Your percentage of votes doesn't matter to me. Total numbers do. If Taxifornia's votes, not all its votes, but just the difference between what Trump received and what HRC received, were removed from the national total, so that HRC still won the state, but by just one vote, then Trump would have had more votes overall. It's a classic example of the importance of the EC. I can only imagine that back in my home state, which is a relatively small state that Trump carried easily, the voters are dayum well glad for the electoral college.

If California were its own nation state it would have the fifth largest economy in the world, hardly an entity deserving your dismissiveness -- at least if fairness were an issue...

Snowflakes should be too, because common sense dictates that at some point in the future your candidate will win the EC but lose the popular vote. If we were to get rid of the EC before that hypothetical election, imagine the whining and crying from the snowflakes about how we should have never done away with the EC! It would be epic!

You are wrong about snowflakes' reaction. Once we sign off on presidential election by popular vote, we would gleefully subscribe to that principle in perpetuity precisely because it corresponds to the principle of "one person, one vote," and in no way depends on a Wyomingite's vote being worth 9 Californian votes.
0 ups, <1h div="">
I'm afraid you're hoist on your own petard, and because you're so "at home" with a radically skewed system (just as your political kin are at home with GROTESQUE gerrymandering) you project your own conniving pragmatism onto everyone else.

But "the cloth you cut" doesn't fit us, even though it fits you perfectly.

Here, check out this photograph and marvel at my ability to locate your photograph. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2019/04/american-conservatives-are-apotheosis.html

Ultimately, we are caught on the horns of a "values" dilemma.

At some point in the future, when you've turned on Trump and revile him as the assh*le he is, you may want to read at least the following "short form."

Short Form:
How The Values Of "Strict Father" -- Or "Nurturant Parent" -- Control Our Political Views

"Fear And Anxiety Drive Conservatives Political Attitudes"

Long Form:
"Strict Father" And "Nurturant Parent": The Two World Views That Determine Our Political Values

But what you will REALLY want to read is how the whole American conservative project can be beaten by a simple expedient which is gaining momentum on my side of the aisle.

As Trump Moves Decidedly Closer To A Coup, It's Time For Blue States To Plan Secession

The intrinsic power of the red states is NOTHING in comparison with power of blue states.

So whatever you do, don't connive and dirty trick your way into making it look like Trump wins in November.

Because once the Blue States secede, y'all are in a Marianna Trench full of shit.

Reprise: Red State Moocher Links: Time For "The Confederates" To Look In The Mirror

F*ck the South!

"Bank On It: The South Is Always Wrong"

"The Reign of Morons Is Here," Charles P. Pierce, The Atlantic
0 ups, <1h div="">
"A Southerner Explains Tea Party Radicalism: The Civil War Is Not Over"

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Explains The Depressing Truth About Life And Death In Red States

Sure, we could both play around with the numbers to support whatever our candidate of choice from the last election. I used these to support the importance of the EC. Nice meme, too, hey?
0 ups, 6h
The one on the left looks like she just got a big surprise...
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