Immediately, these "Holy Innocents" see themselves as "the smiting hand of God" sent on a divinely-ordained mission to do anything their pristine conscience dictates - like elect Donald Trump.
Despite mounds of evidence to the contrary, "The Holy Innocents" never consider -- not for a moment -- that 1.) abortion will always take place no matter what the law says, and 2.) those societies which outlaw abortion are often societies in which abortion occurs at a higher rate than it occurs in societies where abortion is legal.
In fact, the abortion rate in the United States - right now... this very moment - is lower than it was before Rowe v. Wade.
Across the spectrum of human affairs, "paradoxical effects" are commonplace.
In any event, however the data sorts "in the eyes of God," there are - to say the least - documentable arguments that "the proscription of abortion" results in higher abortion rates.