It Is Time To Make Contingency Plans For Blue States' Secession
https://paxonbothhouses. time-to-make-contingency- plans.html
Why The European Union Is More Stable Than USA (And Is It Time For Blue States To Secede?)
Trump Will Go Full-Throttle Fascist Following The First Major Terror Attack.
![Pax on both houses: Fran Lebowitz On Trump: His Stupidity And His ...]()
The Daily Show Interviews Republican Official Who Spills Beans On Deliberate Voter Suppression
![Image result for pax on both houses, buchanan]()
Alan: Republican presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan, the living American who has served longest as a White House senior staff adviser, observed: “The Republican philosophy might be summarized thus: To hell with principle; what matters is power, and that we have it, and that they do not.” “Where the Right Went Wrong"
![Thomas Merton: Our job is to love others – When did you last feel ...]()
"It Makes Sense That Trump Is Planning A Coup, But Would First Cancel November Elections"
I Used To Assume That The GOP's Assault On Democracy Would Fail. I No Longer Do.
Paul Krugman: "American Democracy May Be Dying," Authoritarian Rule Just Around The Corner?
Trump Will Go Full-Throttle Fascist Following The First Major Terror Attack.
Putin Knows This. (He Also Knows How To Hack The United States.)
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo ll-throttle-fascist.html
Alan: In the last week alone, with the dismissal of Inspector General Fine, and now the proposed invocation of shuttering Congress, I have completely crossed the Rubicon in my conceptual relationship with Trump and his fascist cult and believe it's time to start planning for the secession of the Blue States, perhaps forming an EU-like federation with Canada, although this federation component is not necessary.
There is just too much fecal slurry "under the bridge" and there is no reasonable way back to sanity with the possible exception of this November's election which Trump will skew -- if not rig -- with the no-holds-barred fury of a trapped animal.
Let "Jesusland" (or the "Neo-Confederacy" if you prefer) stew in its own juice until those profoundly twisted people begin to cannibalize one another with the same cruelty and hatred that these White Supremacists (or, "White Nationalists" if you prefer the euphemism) have so far reserved for people of color.

Trump's Base of Christian conservative cultists knows that America's changing demographics are arrayed 180 degrees against them and that - without a coup (of some sort) - they will never again win the presidency.
And in the absence of dirty tricks like the prolongation of grotesque gerrymandering, the day will soon come when they will never again with the House or the Senate.
Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of Voter Fraud And Voter Suppression Posts
The Daily Show Interviews Republican Official Who Spills Beans On Deliberate Voter Suppression
Masquerading As Prevention Of Voter Fraud
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo -mandvi-investigates.html
Republican Party Is "Full Of Racists," Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo -is-full-of-racists.html
"Dog Whistle Politics": Coded Language And The Rise Of Racially Scornful Political Rhetoric
Dirty Trickster Lee Atwater: The GOP SOB At The Heart Of Republican Barbarism (Hidden Mic)
A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Racism, White Supremacy And Voter Suppression
This is American conservatives' last gasp - the last time they will "semi-honestly" hold power.
And as Pat Buchanan points out below, they will use this opportunity for one last power grab, appealing to fascism to make it permanent.

Alan: Republican presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan, the living American who has served longest as a White House senior staff adviser, observed: “The Republican philosophy might be summarized thus: To hell with principle; what matters is power, and that we have it, and that they do not.” “Where the Right Went Wrong"
"Where love rules, there is no will to power,
and where power predominates, love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
and where power predominates, love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
Carl Jung

"Christian""conservatives" (and other Trump cultists) need an enemy to hate more than they need their supposed Lord and Savior, or their own well-being for that matter.