I am delighted to hear that Biden is already vetting cabinet choices and may announce choices no later than the beginning of his official presidential campaign after the Democratic National Convention in August.
Devising my own list of cabinet appointees (below) was great fun!
The mere fact of considering capable people rather than deconstructionist riff-raff, invertebrates and self-aggrandizing profiteers was REALLY refreshing.
Secretary of Labor: Bernie
Secretary of Education: Pete Buttigieg
Secretary of Commerce: Andrew Yang
Secretary of the Treasury: Bill Gates
Attorney General: Stacey Abrams
Secretary of State: Amy Klobuchar (or Kamala Harris if Kamala is not chosen as Biden's veep)
Secretary of the Interior: Beto O'Rourke
Secretary of Defense: Mitt Romney (This is a very "strategic" choice, containing a large dose of "give the devil his due." That said, Mitt is as close as Republicans come to a profile in courage.)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Cory Booker
Secretary of Transportation: John Kasich (Kasich has remained completely sane throughout the lunacy of boot-licking Trump Cultism. Still, he's a bit of a wild card -- and a ferocious hawk -- so having him in a bipartisan cabinet is desirable... but it's also advisable that his cabinet post be somewhat marginal.)
Secretary of Energy Steyer or Inslee
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: John Stewart
Secretary of Homeland Security: Bruce Springsteen
Secretary of Agriculture: Wendell Berry ( a working farmer, a very early and perspicacious environmentalist, and the closest appoximation we Americans have of a living prophet).
A new, shared cabinet post, "The Secretariat of First Nation People": Faith Spotted Eagle, Marshall Masayesva, Princess Daazhraii Johnson, Frank Ettawageshik, Madonna Thunder Hawk, Oren Lyons, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
A new (and temporary) cabinet post to be headed by Elizabeth Warren: Secretary Of UNIVERSAL Healthcare.
A new, shared cabinet post, Secretary of Culture: Paul Simon and Billy Collins (who are close friends and do a splendid "road show" on "creativity" together).
Ambassador to the United Nations: Julian Castro
The following comments were my contribution to a Facebook dialogue with friend Jim Jackson concerning an article titled
Joe Biden will have a very hard time winning over the Berniesphere
Jim believes that Joe could "gain their support (i.e., the support of the Berniesphere) if he incorporated some of Bernie's ideas into his platform."
My reply:
At the moment -- and for the foreseeable future, Joe Biden has been eclipsed by a five-year pattern of Trump taking control of every news cycle by being the nation's "Misinformation Pimp," tantalizing the mainstream press with prurient bullshit, and sensationalism while that same mainstream press provides him TOTAL coverage and a free 24/7 propaganda squawkbox all of which shifts "the needle of normalcy" in the direction of clinical Lunacy so that the ultimate beneficiary is none other than Malignant Messiah, the only human who could "put on a clinic" for Satan.
As things stand, Joe's access to media coverage -- and, much more importantly, access tp media coverage that is attractive enough to draw viewers -- is functionally non-existent. Sure, Biden has a small measure of obligatory token coverage. But, to be frank, nobody except members of Joe's "choir" gives a shit.
I think Joe would benefit yugely from a weekly dialogue with Bernie, the ostensible purpose of such a broadcast being discussion -- but NOT fractious debate -- about the best candidates for Biden's cabinet.
Simultaneously, this discussion would evoke a significant measure of frank exchange over ideas, but with unspoken/unannounced ground rules that contentiousness is NOT the order of the day.
For example, a frank discussion about how to mitigate global warming and contain Coronavirus -- particularly in the event of its return -- would be policy areas in which scientific hypotheses could be discussed rather than divisively argued.
This proposed weekly program might even be called "We Still Believe in Facts" or "Facts Versus Malarkey" or consider the old Dragnet line: "Just The Facts, Ma'am" with a different clip of Jack Webb uttering that iconic line at the beginning of every "Biden-Bernie Sit-Down."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytp58JuiwGA
Consider... There is a wealth of talent in the Democratic Party, including Bernie himself.
The party is also home to Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, Bill Gates, Stacey Abrams, Andrew Cuomo, Beto O'Rourke, Steve Inslee, John Hickenlooper et al.
In addition to discussing the roles these luminaries might play in Joe's administration, sit-down conversations with Biden and Bernie could also probe the possibility of a bi-partisan cabinet, perhaps incorporating Mitt Romney and John Kasich, while shedding light on other Republicans with whom Joe and Bernie have successfully worked over the years - perhaps members of the sidelined Old Guard.
Discussing the cabinet would also enable discussion of those bootlicking brown noses currently in Malignant Messiah's cabinet spotlighting the torrent of scandals that have sent many of Trump's "best people" to The Big House.
At the moment -- and for the foreseeable future, Joe Biden has been eclipsed by a five-year pattern of Trump taking control of every news cycle by being the nation's "Misinformation Pimp," tantalizing the mainstream press with prurient bullshit, and sensationalism while that same mainstream press provides him TOTAL coverage and a free 24/7 propaganda squawkbox all of which shifts "the needle of normalcy" in the direction of clinical Lunacy so that the ultimate beneficiary is none other than Malignant Messiah, the only human who could "put on a clinic" for Satan.
As things stand, Joe's access to media coverage -- and, much more importantly, access tp media coverage that is attractive enough to draw viewers -- is functionally non-existent. Sure, Biden has a small measure of obligatory token coverage. But, to be frank, nobody except members of Joe's "choir" gives a shit.
I think Joe would benefit yugely from a weekly dialogue with Bernie, the ostensible purpose of such a broadcast being discussion -- but NOT fractious debate -- about the best candidates for Biden's cabinet.
Simultaneously, this discussion would evoke a significant measure of frank exchange over ideas, but with unspoken/unannounced ground rules that contentiousness is NOT the order of the day.
For example, a frank discussion about how to mitigate global warming and contain Coronavirus -- particularly in the event of its return -- would be policy areas in which scientific hypotheses could be discussed rather than divisively argued.
This proposed weekly program might even be called "We Still Believe in Facts" or "Facts Versus Malarkey" or consider the old Dragnet line: "Just The Facts, Ma'am" with a different clip of Jack Webb uttering that iconic line at the beginning of every "Biden-Bernie Sit-Down."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytp58JuiwGA
Consider... There is a wealth of talent in the Democratic Party, including Bernie himself.
The party is also home to Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, Bill Gates, Stacey Abrams, Andrew Cuomo, Beto O'Rourke, Steve Inslee, John Hickenlooper et al.
In addition to discussing the roles these luminaries might play in Joe's administration, sit-down conversations with Biden and Bernie could also probe the possibility of a bi-partisan cabinet, perhaps incorporating Mitt Romney and John Kasich, while shedding light on other Republicans with whom Joe and Bernie have successfully worked over the years - perhaps members of the sidelined Old Guard.
Discussing the cabinet would also enable discussion of those bootlicking brown noses currently in Malignant Messiah's cabinet spotlighting the torrent of scandals that have sent many of Trump's "best people" to The Big House.

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Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons
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A Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Trump's Rampant, Life-Long Criminality
Lest We Forget: The Federal Court In NY's Southern District Has Already Found Trump Guilty
A Heated Discussion Provoked By The Proposition That Trump's "Best People" Are More Likely To Be Felons Than Illegal Immigrants
David Cay Johnston: "Trump Is Not A Loyal American... There Is A Traitor In The White House"
"Our President Is Essentially A Mob Boss": Former FBI Counterintel Chief Frank Figliuzzi
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Investigative Journalist David Cay Johnston Calls Trump "One Of The Most Successful Criminals In America"And "The Greatest Con Artist In The History Of The World"
Trump's Alleged Mob Ties

My God, This Is Brilliant! "Trump Arrest Video"