More Americans Have Died From Gun Violence Since 1968 Than The Total Number Of Americans Who Have Died In All American Wars.
(Yes, This Fact Checks)
(Yes, This Fact Checks)
"The Key Question"
If ever more guns make America safer,why are we not already the safest country in the the world?Instead, we are the most dangerous "developed" nation on earth.
Please email your answer to:If you do not have an answer, ask yourself, "Why not?"
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What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition
"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"
Cartoon: "The United States Of Barbaria" And "The Civilized World"
"A Little Gun History" Analyzed By Snopes
Murderous Gun Violence In The United States Of Barbaria (Compared With Other Countries)
What NRA President Karl Frederick Thought Of Gun Ownership In 1934
Reprise: "So Banning Guns Won't Prevent Gun Violence But Banning Abortion Prevents Abortion"
"The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John Pavlovitz
Speaking of misplaced worship..."Conservative""Christians" Refuse To Distinguish Between Punishment And Compassion Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian""Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
Jimmy Carter On The Separation Of Church And State And The Danger Of Religious Superiority
Facebook Dialogue With Christian Fundamentalist Friend Who Asks: "How Does Morality Work?"
"The Divinity Of Donald Trump"
The Daily Show