Alan: I doubt if one in a million "true believers" can let himself ponder the possibility that faith, when pushed to an extreme, becomes a diabolical tool for psycho-spiritual enlavement.
Give me a better hypothesis for what has happened to "Christian""conservatives" and their abject prostration before Donald Trump who, in their minds, can do NO wrong.
"Power Tends To Corrupt": Acton, Mussolini, Berlusconi, Trump And "La Ley De Herodes"
The Relationship Between Power And Corruption. Acton, Caro, Brin And Steinbeck
"The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John Pavlovitz
"Conservative""Christians" Refuse To Distinguish Between Punishment And Compassion
https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/04/conservative-christians-dont-understand.htmlFr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian""Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
Jimmy Carter On The Separation Of Church And State And The Danger Of Religious Superiority
Facebook Dialogue With Christian Fundamentalist Friend Who Asks: "How Does Morality Work?"
"The Kind Of Christian I Refuse To Be," John Pavlovitz
Aquinas Discovers That "Divine Truth" Cannot Contradict Nature And "The Natural Light"
Hannah Arendt: The Horror Of Normality
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo t.com/2012/12/hannah-arendt-ho rror-of-normality.html
"Thomas Merton: Adolf Eichmann, Sanity and Normality"