Trump Fires Inspector General Glenn Fine For Doing His Job: Wants Someone Who Will Lick...
Archibald Cox And The Saturday Night Massacre
Alan: The night Nixon fired Archibald Cox, I remember Dad's reaction. He and I were talking in the Glenmont kitchen. I had never seen Dad so evidently worried. In fact, it may have been the first time I ever saw him worried. He clearly thought that not only "the impossible" --- but "the inconceivable" --- had happened. Without needing to ask, I understood that Dad was suddenly - and unexpectedly - worried that the United States would not survive its newly-charted downhill trajectory.
"Trump Is A National Security Threat: What Should We Do About It?"
https://paxonbothhouses. national-security-threat-what. html
"The FBI Can't Neutralize A Security Threat If The President Is The Threat," Washington Post
http://paxonbothhouses. cant-neutralize-security- threat.html
"The FBI Can't Neutralize A Security Threat If The President Is The Threat," Washington Post
"It Makes Sense That Trump Is Planning A Coup, But He Would First Try To Cancel November Elections"
Alan: An expanded version of this email is online at https://paxonbothhouses. fires-inspector-general-glenn. html
Full Text Of Secretary Of The Navy Richard Spencer's Final Scathing Letter To Trump
Cartoon: Follow-Up To Jim Mattis' Reference To Trump As An Ignorant Dolt Who Doesn't Read
Mattis Describes Trump As A Dolt Who Does Not Read And Has No Interest In Learning
https://paxonbothhouses. mattis-describes-trump-as- dolt-who.html
Alan: I have an informant inside the White House. This fellow, who has served the Trump family for over 30 years, says - and I quote - "Trump doesn't know anything. And he doesn't want to know anything." And so it came to pass that Malignant Messiah's yahoo cultists finally found a presidential candidate in whom they were reflected perfectly.
Alan: I have an informant inside the White House. This fellow, who has served the Trump family for over 30 years, says - and I quote - "Trump doesn't know anything. And he doesn't want to know anything." And so it came to pass that Malignant Messiah's yahoo cultists finally found a presidential candidate in whom they were reflected perfectly.
In Stern Rebuke To Trump, Gen. Mattis Sees "Storm Clouds Gathering" And America "Withering"
Trump Will Go Full-Throttle Fascist Following The First Major Terror Attack.
Putin Knows This. (He Also Knows How To Hack The United States.)
http://paxonbothhouses. will-go-full-throttle-fascist. html
Trump's Shit Storm is so relentless that, over time, it has been largely normalized,
and those who have always known what an evil man "His Toxicity" is, are getting tired.