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Jimmy Carter On The Separation Of Church And State And The Danger Of Religious Superiority

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '"I've always been fully committed to separation of church and state. I didn't permit worship services in the White House as had been done earlier. I was careful not ever to promote my own Christianity as superior in America to other religions, because I feel all religious believers should be treated carefully." Former President Jimmy Carter'

Alan: Even if there is "one, true church," when we teach such superiority in words rather than let believers' actions speak for themselves, our proselytizing tends toward calamity.

Trump cultists are people who not only believe that Jesus is a divinely-ordained manifestation of the one, true God, but that infidels must be subdued even if it requires their destruction.

Note well.

If terrestrial Armageddon takes place, it will not be because it was a "necessary part of God's plan."

Rather, Armageddon will be a self-fulfilling prophecy concocted by addlepated people who insist that God commands them to be his avengers.


When I posted this "essay" on Facebook, I introduced it with this preface:

"There is something profoundly wrong with the Abrahamic religions' frequently rabid insistence that THEIR God is the "one, true and only God."

Over the course of my 73 years as a Christian and as a student of comparative religions I have become convinced that this non-negotiable insistence is an open invitation to arrogance, hubris and violence - and that eventually it paves the way to conflagrational Armageddon...

... but not because conflagrational Armageddon is "divinely-ordained," but because people predictably maddened by their "religion" prefer the destruction of everything to the admission that they were wrong about anything."

Absolutism is a curse. 

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Pax on both houses

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