$ 0 0 Alan ArchibaldYesterday at 3:06 PM · Hey, Karen!Your turn already.Immigrant field workers have been told to keep working despite stay-at-home directives, and given letters attesting to their “critical” role in feeding the country.NYTIMES.COMFarmworkers, Mostly Undocumented, Become ‘Essential’ During PandemicImmigrant field workers have been told to keep working despite stay-at-home directives, and given letters attesting to their “critical” role in feeding the country.Immigrant field workers have been told to keep working despite stay-at-home directives, and given letters attesting to their “critical” role in feeding the country.CommentsKaren Kolbinsky yes.. so true. Like carpenters and other construction workers. My husband found out years ago a college education even from :Duke couldn't compare to being a builder.. our millionaire builder friends are still gainfully employed as are any who are working for them.. To us life has never been about storiing up treasure for ourselves in this world. We spent our life laboring to build orphanages and work alongside of the poorest of people in this world in Haiti and other developing nations. While you may have contributed to the likes of the Clinton Foundation and all those "Democrats" who've fooled masses of people who actually believe they care one bit about the poor anywhere? Have you even so much as considered that the woman who could have been president had stolen everything that had been entrusted to their phoney "charity" while selling mineral rights in Haiti to their friends and family? or do you just refuse to listen to or care for the poorest of people among us who are crying out for real JUSTICE? While the Clintons were partying with Jeffrey Epstein and rescuing pedophiles who've bought and sold orphans for the filthiest of humans ever to have occupied this planet in the name of "civilized humans"Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 8hAlan Archibald Yes, I have considered that Hillary Clinton may be guilty of the egregious crimes you allege.But, if Hillary's crimes were as egregious as you claim, why haven't Trump and Barr indicted her?Apparently, there is no actionable evidence against her.Either that or Trump and Barr are malfeasantly remiss in their duty to bring Hillary to justice.To leave such a bad actor free to walk the street is itself criminal. Dare I say... grounds for impeachment.My tentative conclusion is that Hillary is mostly valuable to you -- and Trump and Barr -- as a "whipping girl".If an indictment were issued, I am confident that the legal case would crash and burn and y'all would lose a dependable - albeitit bogus - grievance that you have used to trump up malice and spite which are political tools of inestimable value.Note how Trump appointee's mission to prove criminality crashed and burned."Trump Surrogate Kris Kobach's Last Voter Fraud Case Crashes And Burns - Like All The Others"http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-last-of-kris...Even so, if there is actionable evidence, I not only support Hillary's indictment, I DEMAND it.And you should too! And not just by droning on about it, but by starting a movement among Trump supporters who are rightly fed up with Malignant Messiah and lickspittle Barr's reprehensible inaction.In advance I thank you for your much-needed activism.Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COMTrump Surrogate Kris Kobach's Last Voter Fraud Case Crashes And…Trump Surrogate Kris Kobach's Last Voter Fraud Case Crashes And Burns - Like All The OthersLike · Reply · Remove Preview · 40mKaren Kolbinsky so what is YOUR hope or solution? A communist country that will make whoever fled to ours hoping to find enough to even fill their stomachs by working as slaves on plantations and vineyards out in California? Owned by richest members of congress who were willing to take whatever bribe they were offered to sell out our own country? Sleep well, Alan. It's your children and grandchildren who will inherit the kind of poverty so many who tried hard to escape it fled believing here they may find HOPE for their own. I know believe me the kind of injustice that went on back before the civil war when my grandfather's grandfather was killed in a mine at the age of 50. He had come here from Ireland believing it would be a better life for his own children. My mother's mother's family fled persecution from the Catholic Church that threatened to kill anyone who was Protestant. There is no new thing under the sun. Just get your facts straight before you try to convince me of anything you believe I don't already know from personal experience up close when it comes to losing a child in this world at the hands of evil, lawless and selfish men.Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 7hAlan Archibald Here is my hope.The United States Should Promote A "Hemispheric Federation"http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../to-compete-with...You seem to be afraid of a great many things Karen.Whenever you dislike something, you immediately demonize it, insisting that the world will literally "go to hell" unless your one-and-only True Way is enacted.Do you ever contemplate the essential New Testamental message of John?"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."1 John 4:18I speculate that the lockstep relationship that John spotlights between the twin desires of wanting punishment to befall others, coupled with one's own desire to escape punishment, may be the reason why you are so fearful.I know you're not afraid of death so there's no need to repeat that rap.But you are afraid of innumerable terrifying eventualities: for example, that the Democratic Socialism covering Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand is the certain precursor of an American government that would imitate Venezuela's Maduro.That kind of thinking is not only based on lies and mendacious assumptions, it's also deranged.Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COMTo Compete With China, The United States Should Promote A…To Compete With China, The United States Should Promote A "Hemispheric Federation"Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 22mKaren Kolbinsky My precious child was killed by a lawless man who considered our country as nothing but a means of "getting rich" .. he left behind his own wife and child in El Salvador while he spent his time here consuming anything he made on himself. It wasn't about his wife or his child it was all about him.. which is what any woman who chooses to kill her own child to promote herself in this world for any reason is about. Any of us who have a functioning brain capable of thinking for ourselves without ending up like the animals in a barnyard compared to pigs in a parlor get it.Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 7hAlan Archibald Would you like to know who it's really "all about?"It's "all about" Trump, a toxic narcissist who, while spitefully withholding requested medical supplies from the deadly epicenter of the pandemic, takes time to brag about his popularity on Facebook, simultaneously preening himself - like a cock-of-the-walk - for having better ratings than "The Bachelor."The fatuousness of this vapid, vindictive, demeaning racist misogynist is embarrassing to those of us who don't lick his boots.Mark my words, Karen.You will live to admit Trump's diabolism, and you will be appalled by it.Little by little, you will come to realize that John Pavlovitch's summation is spot-on accurate."The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John Pavlovitzhttps://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-moral...Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COM"The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John Pavlovitz"The Moral Confusion Of Trump Christians," John PavlovitzLike · Reply · Remove Preview · 1mWrite a comment...