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The GOP: "It Was All A Lie" And Now I Want Nothing More Than To See It Burned To The Ground

It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump ...
From Amazon's webpage:

"It Was All a Lie" is not just an indictment of the Republican Party, but a candid and often lacerating mea culpa. Stevens is not asking for pity or forgiveness; he is simply telling us what he has seen firsthand. He helped to create the modern party that kneels before a morally bankrupt con manand now he wants nothing more than to see what it has become burned to the ground.


I don't know if you ever listen to Christiane Amanpour's programs but she had a very interesting interview between Michel Martin and Stuart Stevens this week, perhaps on Tuesday night, the 31st.

He is an important Republican who now sees the errors of his blind support for where they are today.  

He even likens them to followers of Jim Jones and we know what happened to his fellow followers who drank the kool-aid!  

He implied that the Republicans are smart enough to know that scientific facts are not to be ignored and that they support all this craziness because they are afraid that they are soon to lose power forever when demographics are examined.  

I am almost finished with a book by Glantz called "Home Wreckers" which I highly recommend. Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross are absolute thieves who have stolen billions from the taxpayers while they profit off the average struggling American.  

The mess we are going to face is bound to be worse than 2008 and its aftermath.  

They have learned nothing and care for no one but themselves.  

Hope all is well with you and your family.  




Republican Strategist Author of "It Was All A Lie: How The Republican Party Became Donald Trump," denounces GOP's Response to COVID-19 Republican strategist Stuart Stevens has advised key GOP campaigns like Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential bid. Now he has written a mea culpa for the Washington Post, laying the blame for what he calls President Trump’s failed response to today’s pandemic at the feet of all Republicans. He addresses this and discusses his new book.

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