$ 0 0 Kimmel Illustrates All 3 Years of President Trump’s 16,241 Lies: "More Lies Than Visible Stars"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/01/jimmy-kimmel-illustrates-three-years-of.htmlAlan Archibald6 hrs · Shared via AddThis · Trump's own appointees are now forthright in considering his views absurd.Public health experts have criticized the idea of instituting statewide quarantines in “hot spots” like New York.POLITICO.COMMnuchin: Virus task force unanimously shunned Trump's quarantine ideaPublic health experts have criticized the idea of instituting statewide quarantines in “hot spots” like New York.CommentsKaren Kolbinsky Really? you want to make the economy matter more than LIFE itself? women have a right to kill their own children? in the name of a human RIGHT? Please give me a break.Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hKaren Kolbinsky Talk about HYPOCRICY? you support the right of a woman to kill her own children? but would take away a right for any man to defend his own?Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hAlan Archibald Here Karen, learn something."How To Reduce Abortion" (What Delaware's Stunning Abortion Rate Reduction Reveals)https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../how-to-reduce...It is at least possible, and I think it is probable, that those who succeed in outlawing abortion are responsible for increasing its frequency.But like Trump and other cultists you never read enough to challenge your thinking.Because if you read across a wide range of sources ...... where would you be?... without Jesus to whisper in your ear that you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.Are you aware of "paradoxical effects?"https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/.../acprof...It is a paradoxical effect that legalization of abortion often diminishes the frequency of abortion, and that proscription of abortion often causes the practice to become more frequent.Right now, the U.S. abortion rate is lower than it was BEFORE Roe v. Wade, and the the abortion rate continues to decline.At the following link, study the pink-and-blue chart titled, "Number Of Abortions Per 1000 Women Aged 15 - 44."https://en.wikipedia.org/.../Abortion_in_the_United...Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COM"How To Reduce Abortion" (What Delaware's Stunning Abortion Rate…"How To Reduce Abortion" (What Delaware's Stunning Abortion Rate Reduction Reveals)Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 10m Karen Kolbinsky TRUTH matters. There is NO way JFK or JFK Jr. or RFK or MLK would ever have supported an agenda that promoted the "rights" of women to kill their own children in exchange for what? a career opportunity? things of the world that you enjoy? When did you sell everything you own to convince anyone at all you believe for a minute what you preach?Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hKaren Kolbinsky You support the slaughtering of the most innocent humans on earth. Unborn babies in their mother's wombs or ? believe it or not? even those babies after having survived a mother's womb ? just put to death without even so much as a single person to stand up in his or her defense?Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hKaren Kolbinsky You post a picture of a teenager who supposedly was denied health insurance to save his or her life? Really? NO PROOF at all but we should just believe you? Why should the life of anyone matter compared to another? Who gets to say? Just wondering. Does LIFE matter at all?Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hAlan Archibald Whenever you confront an inconvenient truth, you (and your fellow cultists) say "there is no proof."But it is a provable fact that falsehood abounds on the right side of the aisle spearheaded by Malignant Messiah, a thoroughly deplorable man who lies more easily than he metabolizes...... and y'all suck his sludge."A Confession: I'm Starting To Write Off Stupid People As Incorrigible"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../a-confession-im..."The Demonstrable Stupidity Of Trump-Cultists"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-demonstrable..."Jaw-Dropping Stupidity: 3 Short Videos That Will Change Your View Of American Politics Forever"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../the-jaw-dropping..."Trump Is An Idiot's Idea Of A Genius": Find Out Whyhttps://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trump-is-idiots..."The Daily Show" Lets Trump Cultists Reveal Their Own Stupidity And Obsequious Boot-Lickinghttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trevor-noahs..."A Video Collage Of Trump's Arrogance: If You Are Even Vestigially Normal, You Will Sicken"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../according-to..."When The Electorate Is This Stupid, Is Any Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?"http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../when-electorate..."Thinking Is A Learned Skill. Most Trumpistas Don't Understand This. In Fact, They Can't."https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../thinking-is...Mark Twain, Adolf Hitler And The Dunning-Kruger Effecthttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../mark-twain-and...Barack Obama: "It’s Like These Guys Take Pride In Being Ignorant."http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../barack-obama-its...Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../best-trump-memes...Trump Mendacity Memeshttp://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.../trump-mendacity...Edit or delete thisPAXONBOTHHOUSES.BLOGSPOT.COMA Confession: I'm Starting To "Write Off" Stupid People As IncorrigibleA Confession: I'm Starting To "Write Off" Stupid People As IncorrigibleLike · Reply · Remove Preview · 1m Karen Kolbinsky Without LIFE? what matters anyway for anyone?Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hKaren Kolbinsky or have you even taken time to think about it.Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4hKaren Kolbinsky Just please don't imagine as I see what you post I will ever sit down and shut up from here. Any true Christian alive in this world will rise up to stop EVIL..Delete or hide thisLike · Reply · 4h