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A Friend Of A Friend Lives Has Survived Coronavirus Infection: Here Is Her Day-By-Day Journal

Pence rolls out plan for coronavirus - The Boston Globe

Dear F,
I believe this first-hand, day-by-day account of Coronavirus infection will interest you. 
However, if you think you'll get hypochondriacal "around" this chronological description of symptom onset-and-course, it's probably best to read it after the disease has run its course --- at least for this year.

The "afflicted author" is a theater person, the best friend of Tig's best friend's in-laws.

(I cannot account for her certainty concerning "temporary immunity" and have provided elucidating links.)

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: NH
Date: Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 6:31 PM
Subject: Description of Covid-19 timeline
To: Alan

This is from a friend of D’s in NYC who has the virus. I thought the detailed timeline of symptoms might be of interest to you, as it was to me:

"Here is a timeline of my symptoms in case it will be helpful to anyone who is feeling poorly or who is wondering about levels of severity of Covid19:

Monday, March 9th - slight headache in a band across my forehead, fatigue, and a tiny bit of nausea.  I attributed this to allergies. For people in the Bay Area, it felt a lot like that band of pressure across the head and the sense of slight illness that we all felt during the fires.

This went in and out for about 6 days.

Saturday, March 14th - nothing but massive fatigue for 2 days

Monday, March 16th -  massive fatigue, chills, fever, body aches, and skull crushing headache in a band across my forehead which no amount of Tylenol or rubbing with my fingertips would relieve. I had no cough and no respiratory distress.

Wednesday, March 18th - tested for flu (negative), strep (negative) and Coronavirus - results due in 4-7 days.

Monday through Thursday, my fever went from 99.3 up to 102, and then back down to 99.8. The headache continued, but by Wednesday eve started to ease up.

Friday, March 20th - fever gone completely.  A dry cough started, with a tickling in my upper chest and a mild sore throat. No respiratory distress, however, and I was breathing easily and deeply. Unbelievably tired - sleeping 12 hours at night and having to spend most of the day lying down.

Saturday, March 21st - worse cough, still mild sore throat, body aches (not from fever but from lying around being sick). Sleeping 11 hours at night, unable to sit up for any length of time.

Sunday, March 22nd - deep cough that sometimes hurts, throat is better.  A little less exhausted, but still have to lie down after any physical activity (ie - have to lie down for 15 minutes after shower just to rest). Got positive results for Coronavirus.

That is it so far.  To the people who asked me to put this up - I hope you find it useful.

Helpful tip:  when you drink lots and lots of water, make sure you also drink coconut water or Gatorade for electrolytes.  I didn't do this and when I went to get tested, my eyesight was blurry and I couldn't keep my head up because my blood pressure had dropped to 83/51. Remember: Electrolytes are your friends!

Also, I suddenly have silver hairs hither and thither. Thanks, CoronaV.

I am in isolation until next Wednesday, which is a week after I was tested, unless I get a fever again or my cough gets much worse.

So I am hanging in there!!!! The amount of support I have gotten from everyone in the theatre community and outside of it is so overwhelming.  I have cried more than a few times, I have been so moved by the love sent me.
And I want to pay it back or forward or backward or sideways!

Now that I know I have the virus, when I get better, I can head out and work in a food bank or volunteer to help in whatever way I can, since I will have immunity for 4-6 months. And I can donate blood, which is desperately needed.

I am a very, very lucky person.

Flooding the world with love and light,



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