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"How Obamacare Violates The Conservative Cleanliness Fetish," Jonathan Chait

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"How Obamacare Violates The Conservative Cleanliness Fetish" 
Jonathan Chait

Excerpt:"Where does this political obsession with hygiene come from? Actually, one of the sturdiest findings of political psychology holds that conservatives have stronger feelings of disgust than do liberals. As John Hibbing points out, “Conservatives are more likely to have a physiological response and to devote more attention to disgusting things (which can carry pathogens) and to threatening things.” People more sensitive to disgust are more likely to have right-wing views, and triggering reactions of disgust makes people more right wing. The bedrooms of conservative college students are more likely to contain cleaning supplies.

"The Holocaust Was Legal. Slavery Was Legal. Segregation Was Legal. Genocidal Theft Of US..."


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