Thank you Alan, I'll be sure to watch it.
I watch the PBS News Hour almost every day. PBS and NPR (which I have on all day, while at home), are definitely the best source of News, Political Commentary and, also, cover the Arts, books, movies etc, which I appreciate. They had the Directors of WHO, INH, CDC, Harvard virologists on for interviews before the other channels, interviewing Dr. Tony Fauci etc, who was first on the AIDS crisis years ago.
I look forward to watching this, as like most folks I get 3 PBS channels free, and this will be on our local PBS channel, KQED.
Trump keeps saying how quickly his administration reacted and bragging when, in fact, one of his first actions after being inaugurated was to disban the Global Pandemic task force and make cut backs to our CDC. When a reporter from PBS questioned him about getting rid of the team to eliminate crises like this, global pandemics, he replied, " That is a nasty question, I don't know anything about it " Well he should and, of course, the very beginning of stripping down the CDC started w/ Reagan. I was in grad school at UCSF then and the professors in the med and nursing schools were having a fit ! UCSF was considered the third best medical school in the US then and the graduate nursing school the best in the country then when I was a student there.
The physician director of Harvard Med School, when interviewed on PBS News Hour the other day said how we bungled it, by not starting preparation when we first heard of it in China, we lost precious time.
Trump was not interested until it affected the Stock Market, and all he cares about is how it reflects on "his economy" money and it's just all about him.
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