What was the Dow Jones Industrial Average on the day President Trump took office compared to what it is today?
On January 20, 2017 the Dow average was 19,827.25
Yesterday the average was 24,289.95.
Obama took office with the Dow 7,949.09He left office with the Dow at 19,732.
To equal Obama’s performance Trump will need close to a Dow of 50,000.
Data provided by retired U.S. Department of Labor official, Lewis Ramseyat https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-Dow-Jones-Industrial-Average-on-the-day-President-Trump-took-office-compared-to-what-it-is-today
Yesterday the average was 24,289.95.
Obama took office with the Dow 7,949.09He left office with the Dow at 19,732.
To equal Obama’s performance Trump will need close to a Dow of 50,000.
Data provided by retired U.S. Department of Labor official, Lewis Ramseyat https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-Dow-Jones-Industrial-Average-on-the-day-President-Trump-took-office-compared-to-what-it-is-today
Alan: Currently (March 12, 2020), the Dow is at 21,440, giving Trump a cumulative gain of 0.8% for the entirety of his presidential administration.
Obama's cumulative gain for the entirety of his 8 year administration was 148%, 185 times the gain registered by Donald J. Trump as of this morning.