FM: It's hilarious that anyone thinks Biden is a big threat, considering his repeated near-senile comments, the astounding corruption regarding Ukraine and his whole family's corruption in so many other ways. There is no way Biden actually wants the nomination, otherwise he wouldn't be telling people over and over at events to vote for someone else. I think he's pretending to be losing it (saying his son was AG? Saying he was running for Senate? Both of these this week?) but meanwhile he answers questions 100% crystal clear when being asked about Ukraine issues? If the DNC could have propped him up from the start, Trump would absolutely welcome such an easy target.
Alan: Most people love Joe - gaffes and all.
And increasingly, people understand that Joe has been a lifelong stutterer and consequently they cut him slack for his occasional stammering --- none of which was in evidence during the run-up to South Carolina - https://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2020/02/joe-bidens-remarkable-responses-in.html
Biden is the Democratic candidate Trump is most eager to snuff.
And Bernie is the candidate Trump (and Putin) are most eager to confront.
"Trump-Putin In 2020"
I refer you to Bernie's recent CNN interview in which he casually mentions a Medicare-for-All price-tag of $60 trillion. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/14/politics/bernie-sanders-proposals-cost/index.html
"A trillion here, a trillion there. Pretty soon it adds up to real money."
To mention a number in the tens of trillions is deranged - especially when Bernie could have said: "Look, all other 31 developed nations have afforded high-quality UNIVERSAL healthcare for the last 50 years and, by learning from those models of success, the United States will be able to afford universal healthcare as well. In fact, Universal healthcare will become an indispensable component in growing America's prosperity."
The fact that Bernie chose to volunteer a price tag of $60 trillion dollars is "beyond senile."
I mean WTF!?!?!
Joe mistakenly referred to his son as "AG" and to his candidacy for "The Senate."
By way of contrast, Trump has uttered nothing but "padded cell word salad" since Inauguration Day.
So, while Trump can debate Bernie with a American flag pin on one lapel and another that simply says "$60 Trillion Dollars," it is correspondingly true that every time Trump mentions "The Ukraine," Joe can bring up yet another example of Trump's demonstrable - and interminable - malfeasance.
What you interpret as Biden's liability is, in fact, an extraordinary opportunity to dwell on Trump's provable criminality - and at Trump's invitation!
"A Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Trump's Rampant, Life-Long Criminality"
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Investigative Journalist David Cay Johnston Calls Trump "One Of The Most Successful Criminals In America"And "The Greatest Con Artist In The History Of The World"
Except for conspiracists, allegations of Biden's "Ukraine corruption" have NO traction. (... except with Trump cultists and a significant number of Bernie supporters.)
Allegations of Biden's "Ukraine corruption" revolve around a non-issue.
In fact, Joe's alleged "Ukraine corruption" is an asset for Biden, and a liability for Trump.
However, since you believe otherwise, please post a few "Biden-damning links" that meet the established criteria of "The Rules Of Evidence."
You have dodged requests for documentation in the past.
But "The Rules of Evidence" are foundational to establishing corroborable guilt for anyone who has the good sense to "presume innocence until proven guilty."
Any other approach is another eddy in The Swamp which Trump (and his conspiracist kin) have expanded to the gogoolplex power.
I think Hunter Biden's Burisma recompense was outrageous.
But I also acknowledge that it was perfectly legal.
"Hunter Biden's Perfectly Legal, Socially Acceptable Corruption," The Atlantic
However, the emoluments and nepotism that Trump and his Banana Republic family exhibit every goddamn day are not only illegal but "mafioso illegal" -- complete with the GOP's omerta' code of silence that not only refuses to find grievous fault with SOBMF but actually enforces Orange Toddler's illegality every Goddamn day.
I never hear you so much as mumble a word of contempt for Malignant Messiah (and his demonic minions even though they deconstruct EVERY "institutional good" that has been built up in the United States since 1789.
To be clear, I have supported Bernie by putting my money where my mouth is: I have never donated as much money as I did to Bernie's 2016 campaign to any other political candidate - ever.
And if Bernie becomes the Democratic Party's candidate (even though he is not a member of the Democratic Party?!?) I will support him in every conceivable way, including "pounding the pavement" and "knocking on doors."
Any Bernie supporter who will not make this same commitment to "pound pavement and knock on doors" -- in passionate support of any Democratic candidate other than Bernie -- is, in my carefully considered view, a Trump ally.
However, the emoluments and nepotism that Trump and his Banana Republic family exhibit every goddamn day are not only illegal but "mafioso illegal" -- complete with the GOP's omerta' code of silence that not only refuses to find grievous fault with SOBMF but actually enforces Orange Toddler's illegality every Goddamn day.
I never hear you so much as mumble a word of contempt for Malignant Messiah (and his demonic minions even though they deconstruct EVERY "institutional good" that has been built up in the United States since 1789.
To be clear, I have supported Bernie by putting my money where my mouth is: I have never donated as much money as I did to Bernie's 2016 campaign to any other political candidate - ever.
And if Bernie becomes the Democratic Party's candidate (even though he is not a member of the Democratic Party?!?) I will support him in every conceivable way, including "pounding the pavement" and "knocking on doors."
Any Bernie supporter who will not make this same commitment to "pound pavement and knock on doors" -- in passionate support of any Democratic candidate other than Bernie -- is, in my carefully considered view, a Trump ally.