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Online Discussion About Ron Blagojevich Pardon And Imminent Proof Of Obama's Crimes

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Ron Blagojevich

Jeffrey Ryan:

In order to divert attention from Obama’s criminal dealings with Rezko and Auchi, FBI Director Mueller opened an investigation into Rezko’s dealings with Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich and simultaneously swept Obama’s crimes under the rug. The five year “investigation” of Blago came to an abrupt end when the Justice Department leaked information to the Chicago Tribune in order to avoid having to arrest Obama’s presidential election campaign co-chairman, Jesse Jackson Jr., for trying to buy Obama’s senate seat.

Blago was arrested, Jackson was not. Blago faced criminal prosecution while Obama moved on to become President. Which brings us to Trump’s commutation of Blago’s sentence, and why this is so important.

Now that Blago is out of prison, he is free to talk about the crimes Obama committed in Illinois, how Muller covered them up, and how it all relates to Comey’s
seditious acts that followed.

So when you hear Blago say, “The same characters that did it to me are involved in doing it to Trump,” what he is really saying is the people who interfered in the 2016 election are the same people who interfered in the 2008 election. And they’re not Russian!

No wonder the DC swamp and their media are freaking out over Blago’s release from prison.

Alan Archibald:

As soon as Trump-cultists started to defend "any damn thing" -- like QAnonsense and Trump's verbatim statement that "the concept of global warming was invented by and for the Chinese in order to make American manufacturing non-competitive" -- they obliged themselves to tell lies forevermore because.

Otherwise they would realize that they -- like Malignant Messiah himself -- are spewing mendacious nonsense since falsehood is all they've got left. 

Your argument that convicted felon Rezko "proved" Obama had criminal dealings with Rezko recalls "the inconvenient truth" that many felons who used to be in Trump's inner circle are now in the slammer. 

The following 3 links do not rely on "guilt by association" or innuendo. Rather, they are proven facts.

"Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons"

"Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University"

"Trump Ordered By Judge To Pay $2 Million To Eight Charities For Illegal Use Of Foundation"

Similarly, Trump and Barr don't bring indictment against Hillary even though GOP orthodoxy insists Hillary should be locked up.

Why is it that Hillary is "guilty as sin" but Trump won't indict her? (For that matter why don't Trump and Barr indict Obama for his "criminal dealings with Rezko and Auchi?")

If Hillary is as malfeasant as Trump and his cult-worshipers say, they have a constitutional obligation to bring indictment against her. 

But they don't. 

And they never will. 

Innuendo and "guilt by association" have no legal standing as soon as the "rules of evidence" are applied. 

To get a good glimpse of who you are -- and what Trump worship is -- check out these two "Daily Show" videos.

"The Daily Show" Asks Trump Supporters: Who Won the Impeachment Fight?

"The Daily Show" Fingers the Pulse of Trump Supporters on Impeachment

Trump followers are lost in the weeds. 

And The Swamp has only gotten bigger since Trump promised to drain it.

Kimmel Illustrates All 3 Years of President Trump’s 16,241 Lies: "More Lies Than Visible Stars"

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