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A Friend Argues That Mexican President AMLO's Press Is Too Good To Be True... And My Reply

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy The Rich Plunder The Poor,  Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Dear Ron,

Thanks for your email.

Ironically, I wrote about this very AMLO article just last week.

(My Spanish is quite straightforward so you shouldn't have difficulty "getting the gist" if you use a free online translator.)

Here is "the necessary background" to what I've written.

For more than three decades I have been beyond flabbergasted by the malfeasance of Mexican politicians - including those who become the nation's presidents.

It's not just that they are completely shameless thieves.

Rather, they are part of a tradition which seems to posit that it is their moral obligation to sack the treasury. (This is not a figure of speech. This is not hyperbole. These "descarado" motherfuckers are thieves on a scale that would make Trump and Putin blush.)

A bit of hindsight...

I am waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond expecting "perfection" in politics.

As you probably know, my Prime Political Directive is to prevent certifiable lunatics from occupying positions of political power. (The flip side of this "Prime Directive" is that I have no firm expectation that anything good will come from politics, and when it does, I think of it as unexpected gravy.)

We are apes, Ron.

Couple our simian nature with Acton's Dictum and I don't know how I myself would hold up to the seductive blandishments of power.

That said, I have followed AMLO for nearly 20 years and, although (like all of us) he is far from perfect, I believe Lopez Obrador has a conscience and could not live with himself if he behaved like any of the other marauders and saqueadores who have occupied "Los Pinos" (i.e., "White House"). 

As for rank-and-file Mexicans...

In any society, half the people have double digit IQ.

Couple humans' innate stupidity with the kind of political conditioning that has made EVERY Mexican a beneficiary of the "gifts" that his or her party bestows on any local community that voted the municipal government into office -- whether those communities are PANista or PRIista -- and I find that a very high percentage of the rank-and-file are both extraordinarily jaded by normalized corruption and, by extension, are reflexively grateful for the way their chosen party of grifters has benefited their local communities -- and themselves personally.

You probably know the following meme. It is ubiquitously true.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 11:54 AM RF wrote:

Here is an article by Ellen Brown on Mexico’s new President that is just too good to be true.
None of my Mexican acquaintances who, of course, serve me my morning espresso think much of it either.
But you know they are (justifiably) jaded as hell.
I‘d love to know what you think.

BTW: Can you let me know what you think of the YouTube I sent you from The Duran,
one way to understanding the truth of the war on Syria? This one:
And while we’re at it, what you make of dis (all de rage)?

Leaving for Olympia in a few weeks.
When are you back in the US?

On Feb 8, 2020, at 12:31 PM, Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:

2020 Oscar Nominees And Their Relationship To Yesterday's Ramble On The Streets Of Oaxaca


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